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Frankfurt on E

Observation time 0650

Expect radar vectors for Instrument approach rwys in use 25R and
Runway 18 is available
Attention TAU VOR TAU is unserviceable
Deprarture aircraft expect radar vectors upon t/o
Transition level 70
R/W condition report R/W 25R:
R/W covered with frozen ruts and ridges, first part 2mm, 2nd part
3mm, 3rd part not measured
Braking action 65, 2nd part 75, 3rd part 81
Contamination 10%

Runway 25L: covered with frozen ruts and ridges, first part 2mm, 2nd
part 3mm, 3rd part not measured
Braking action 1st part 78, 2nd part 75, 3rd part 72
Contamination 10%

Runway 18 covered with 5mm dry snow, ice and compacted or rolled
Braking action 1st part 34, second part 36, 3rd part 30
Contamination 100%
Taxiways and apron very slippery, covered with compacted or rolled
snow, frozen ruts and ridges and ice

Met report 050° 3 knots vis 4000 m in snow. Cloud 6 okt/ 1500 ft, 8
okt/ 10000 ft Temp -8, DP -10 QNH 1010 HP or 29.83 inches
Trend visibility temporary 3000m
Frankfurt sigmet number 1 valid until 0730 located severe icing
observerd and forecasted over Southern Frankfurt between FL 100 and
FL 170 moving East; Advice for general aviation: FIR area Frankfurt
valid until 0800 moderate icing observed and forecast over W and
Southern part FIR Frankfurt between ground and FL100, moving
slowly NE. Info E out.

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