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A review of potable water accessibility and sustainability issues in developing

countries - Case study of Uganda

Article · June 2014

DOI: 10.1515/reveh-2013-0019 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Shedrack R. Nayebare Lloyd R Wilson

Wadsworth Center, NYS Department of Health New York State Department of Health


David Orlo Carpenter

University at Albany, The State University of New York


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Rev Environ Health 2014; aop

Shedrack R. Nayebare*, Lloyd R. Wilson, David O. Carpenter, David M. Dziewulski and

Kurunthachalam Kannan

A review of potable water accessibility and

sustainability issues in developing countries –
case study of Uganda
Abstract: Providing sources of sustainable and quality 2500 mm. Groundwater and rainwater quality is mainly
potable water in Uganda is a significant public health affected by poor sanitation and unhygienic practices.
issue. This project aimed at identifying and prioritizing There are significant regional variations in the accessi-
possible actions on how sustainable high quality potable bility of potable water, with the Northeastern region hav-
water in Uganda’s water supply systems could be achieved. ing the least amount of potable water from all sources.
In that respect, a review of both the current water supply Uganda still lags behind in potable water resource devel-
systems and government programs on drinking water in opment. Priorities should be placed mainly on measures
Uganda was completed. Aspects of quantity, quality, treat- available for improvement of groundwater and rainwater
ment methods, infrastructure, storage and distribution resource utilization, protection of watersheds, health edu-
of water for different water systems were evaluated and cation, improved water treatment methods and distribu-
compared with the existing water supply systems in the tion in rural areas, and pollution control and monitoring.
U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean, for purposes of Implementing these changes can promote potable water
generating feasible recommendations and opportunities accessibility especially to the poor populations living in
for improvement. Uganda utilizes surface water, ground- rural and urban slum areas because they comprise the
water, and rainwater sources for consumption. Surface majority (80%) of Uganda’s population.
water covers 15.4% of the land area and serves both urban
and rural populations. Lake Victoria contributes about Keywords: government legislations; potable water; water
85% of the total fresh surface water. Potable water qual- disinfection; water distribution; water pollution; water
ity is negatively affected by the following factors: disposal systems (surface water, groundwater and rainwater).
of sewage and industrial effluents, agricultural pesticides
and fertilizers, and surface run-offs during heavy rains. DOI 10.1515/reveh-2013-0019
The total renewable groundwater resources in Uganda Received December 3, 2013; accepted April 23, 2014
are estimated to be 29 million m3/year with about 20,000
boreholes, 3000 shallow-wells and 200,000 springs, serv-
ing more than 80% of the rural and slum communities.
Mean annual rainfall in Uganda ranges from 500  mm to
Background and Introduction
*Corresponding author: Shedrack R. Nayebare, Department of Despite numerous surface and groundwater sources in the
Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University country, Uganda’s population still faces intermittent short-
at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12201, USA, ages in potable water supply, and most of those that have
E-mail:; a continuous supply are served water originating from
Lloyd R. Wilson and David M. Dziewulski: Department of
eutrophic surface water sources. To date, the goals related
Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University
at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, USA; and Bureau of Water Supply and to water supply have been to improve the accessibility and
Protection, New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), Albany, continuity of the supply and to deal with the acute health
NY, USA concerns pertaining to water quality issues (i.e., micro-
David O. Carpenter: Institute for the Health and the Environment, bial contamination, color, turbidity, and chemical con-
University at Albany, Rensselaer, NY, USA
taminants). As the water supply develops and improves
Kurunthachalam Kannan: Department of Environmental Health
Sciences, School of Public Health, University at Albany, SUNY,
to mitigate acute issues like biological contamination,
Albany, NY, USA; and Wadsworth Center, New York State Department more emphasis may be placed on the chronic health con-
of Health, Albany, NY, USA cerns associated with contaminants like the disinfection
2      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

by-products (DBPs). In this review, we aimed at identify-

ing the gaps in Uganda’s water supplies and suggest some
feasible recommendations for improvement.
We evaluated different water supply systems (i.e.,
surface water, groundwater, and rainwater) as well as
the drinking water legislation, so as to clearly define the
current state of Uganda’s water supply. Our review covers
the aspects of quantity, quality, treatment methods, infra-
structure, storage, and distribution of water for the differ-
ent water systems in Uganda. This review also attempts
to compare these with water supply systems and regula-
tions in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean coun-
tries. Details of our reviews on water supply systems and
legislation for the U.S., Latin America and the Caribbean
countries can be found online at http://gradworks.umi.
On the one hand, the U.S. was considered for compar-
ison due to the extensive current research in water devel-
opment conducted in the country and the efficient water
supply programs and laws/legislation that could be used
to suggest improvements in Uganda. On the other hand,
Latin American and Caribbean countries have relatively
similar settings as Uganda in terms of potable water acces-
sibility, as defined by several criteria like water resource
distribution, water pollution issues, and public awareness Figure 1 Map of Uganda Showing Major Lakes, Rivers and Regions
challenges related to sanitation and hygiene (1). Thus, it of the Country (2).
would be suitable to recommend practices appropriate
for Uganda, which have been effectively implemented in
these countries. Furthermore, in an effort to devise more Corporation (NWSC) (5), which essentially obtains its raw
feasible recommendations on future water development water from lakes. Urban supply of domestic water is deliv-
plans that are applicable to Uganda and other develop- ered through piped household water connections and
ing countries, an analysis of the cost-benefit and obsta- communal tap-stands using an approved fee schedule of
cles present to implementation of the activities aimed at the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE).
improving water supplies in Uganda was completed. Those living in rural and suburban communities com-
prise about 80% of Uganda’s population. The NWSC does
not extend to these communities, so the surface water is
Surface water mainly obtained from rivers, streams, swamps, seepages,
ponds, and sometimes floods during rainy seasons. Some
Accessibility issues of the surface water in rural areas comes from unprotected
springs that form stagnant ponds. With the exception of
Despite the existence of a vast number of lakes (about 27 in communities living on lake shores, many surface water
total), rivers and streams (Figure 1), Uganda continues to sources in rural areas are seasonal, and thus, are mostly
face the issue of limited accessibility to potable water, par- available and utilized during the rainy seasons.
ticularly in rural and poor urban communities. Uganda’s
surface water sources cover 15.4% of the total land area
(236,040 km2) and these provide domestic water supply to Quality issues
both urban and rural populations (3). The current popula-
tion of Uganda stands at 34.76 million people, of which Water pollution ensuing mostly from anthropogenic activi-
about 20% reside in urban areas (4). It is estimated that ties (e.g., agriculture, industrialization, and sewage dis-
about 71% of the urban population have access to potable charge) remains a significant impediment to potable water
water distributed by the National Water and Sewerage supply in Uganda. In fact, most fresh surface water sources
Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries      3

rate poorly in terms of bacteriological and chemical quality. lake (10, 11) and as a result, the water appears green with
In rural and slum communities, the major issues with high levels of total organic carbon (TOC) and poor micro-
potable water are mostly related to poor bacteriological bial quality (12). Water pollution on the lake is essentially
quality. Such poor quality is due to unhygienic practices due to the discharge of raw and partially treated sewage
characterized by widespread use of poorly constructed and and dumping of domestic and industrial chemicals as well
sited pit latrines/toilets and dilapidated sewage systems, as organic waste and fertilizers from several agricultural
as well as the complete lack of sanitary facilities where farms in the lake basin. There are several medium-to-large
open defecation in the fields is practiced in Uganda (6) scale industries and numerous small-scale enterprises
and other neighboring countries (7). The majority of the located on the L. Victoria catchment area; these discharge
people in these communities are living under the poverty high organic, nutrient-rich effluents loaded with metals
line (earning just about 1US$ per day), which significantly and organic pollutants into the lake (13) without any prior
impedes the execution of activities aimed at improving onsite pre-treatment.
potable water supplies due to sustainability issues. In addition, the Lake contains inhabited islands (3000
Ssese Islands), and native fishing populations dump their
excreta directly into the water. Kampala City, the capital
Case study on Lake Victoria of Uganda, is located within the catchment area of L.
Victoria. Most of the wetlands around the lake have been
With a surface area of 68,800 km2 (mean and maximum cleared for farming and human settlement, while the
depths of 40 m and 79 m, respectively) and a total catch- industrial discharges and storm water containing urban
ment area of 195,000 km2 (8), Lake Victoria (L. Victoria) run-off from this city flows untreated into the Nakivubo
is the second largest freshwater lake in the world and channel, which drains directly into L. Victoria’s Inner
contributes about 85% of the total fresh surface water in Murchison Bay (14). At the Nakivubo channel discharge
Uganda. The lake is a shared resource among the coun- point into the lake, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
tries of Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya in proportions of is > 3.5 milligrams per liter (mg L–1), which indicates sig-
45%, 49% and 6% of the surface area, respectively (3, 8). nificant organic loading. Meanwhile, phosphorus levels
It is a vital source of water supply for both domestic and range from 1.0 to 4.0 mg L–1 (15), representing values that
industrial purposes in the East African region and sup- are significantly greater than the World Health Organiza-
ports the livelihood of millions of people (8). The NWSC tion (WHO) recommended maximum tolerance level of
draws its raw water from this lake and uses it to serve more 0.1 mg L–1 for surface water. This has been closely linked
than 10 million people living in over 25 districts within the to the occurrence of widespread and severe algal blooms
lake basin area (4). This lake is eutrophic due to excessive within the bay (15), intensive color, turbidity levels of up
inflows of nutrients (mainly phosphorous and nitrogen), to 84.0 nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs), and patho-
which has promoted the growth of the common water hya- genic microorganisms occurring in the Lake (16). General
cinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and algae (9). Since the 1960s, water quality parameters in Lake Victoria are summarized
there has been a five-fold increase in algal growth on the in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary of some of the water quality parameters in L. Victoria.

Parameter   Recorded levels  References

Turbidity   Up to 84.0 NTU  Balirwa et al. (16)

Biological oxygen demand (BOD5)  61–475 mg L–1  Oguttu et al. (17)
Chemical oxygen demand (COD)   506–3877 mg L–1  Oguttu et al. (17)
Phosphorous (P)   2.4 mg L–1  Awange and Obiero (18)
  5.0 mg L–1  Oguttu et al. (17)
  4.0 mg L–1  Oyoo (15)
  0.94–7.0 mg L–1  Madadi et al. (19)
pH   7.0–9.9  Oguttu et al. (17)
Nitrogen (N)   4.8–10.8 mg L–1 as NO3–  Oguttu et al. (17)
2.6–10.8 mg L–1 as NH4+
Lead (Pb)   0.02–0.05 mg L–1  Oguttu et al. (17)
Manganese (Mn)   0.02–0.91 mg L–1  Oguttu et al. (17)
4      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

Surface water treatment (20). The water flows into a flocculation chamber where
it is retained for 10–30 min to allow complete agglomera-
As outlined below, modern surface water treatment tion into larger particles that can easily settle out of the
methods are employed by the NWSC in the treatment of water (20, 24). Several factors determine the efficiency of
water distributed in urban areas. The NWSC has three coagulation and flocculation processes, including type
water treatment plants (Gaba I, II, and III) supplying and dosage of coagulant, pH, flocculator retention time,
treated water to Kampala City and the surrounding areas. water flow, intensity, and duration of mixing.
In addition, the NWSC operates at least one water treat-
ment plant for every major town across the country, from
which the residents are supplied treated water. In rural Sedimentation
areas and slum communities, water treatment, if any, is Efficient flocculation leads to sedimentation where sus-
mainly done by boiling at household level, and to a small pended particles settle out of the water and come to rest at
extent, by performing household-based water filtration the bottom. The NWSC uses gravitational settling during
with the use of chlorine tablets and solar disinfection water treatment. Here, the water passes through a clari-
(SODIS), as discussed in the groundwater section. fier with little disturbance, where the macro-flocs settle to
multiple parallel plates (lamellar settler) or to the bottom
of a vessel and clear water flows out over an effluent
baffle into the rapid-gravity sand filtration bed. The solids
collected at the bottom are then removed by a mechani-
The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)
cal “sludge collection” device and pumped into sludge
usually performs water filtration in three stages – the first
drying beds. Clarifiers are usually shallow at the inlets but
two stages screen using trash racks and inlet screens, and
become deeper towards the outlets so as to ensure quies-
the third stage is rapid gravity filtration using fine sand. The
cent conditions that promote settling.
complete filtration process involves screening, coagulation,
flocculation, sedimentation, and rapid gravity filtration.

Rapid gravity filtration

Screening The water exiting the clarifier is allowed to trickle through
A set of mechanical screens (trash racks, 3 inches wide) a fine sand filter bed. This helps to further strain out
and a second set with smaller openings are installed at the any suspended particles and some microorganisms that
inlet point into the drinking water treatment plant. This would have survived the initial processes before the water
is meant to screen out large organic and un-decomposed is chlorinated. The filter bed is cleaned/ maintained by
materials like wood, plastic, and dead fish. This reduces backwashing and periodic scrapping off of the clogged
water turbidity and ultimately prevents coarse materials upper layer of sand and replacing it with clean sand. The
from entering the remainder of the treatment process. frequency of cleaning depends mainly on the frequency of
use, but is usually done every 72 h of constant operation.

This step involves the destabilization of suspended parti- Disinfection
cles by surface charge neutralization to promote agglom-
eration into larger particles for easy removal (20, 21). Public water supplies primarily use chlorination. The
Water is dosed with alum [Al2(SO4)3] at a relatively low disinfection methods applied for surface water in rural
concentration of ∼5 mg per liter (mg L–1) (22, 23) to facili- Uganda differ from those used in urban areas. The urban
tate agglomeration (24), while constantly monitoring pH populations mainly utilize water supplied by the NWSC,
for efficient solubilization of aluminum species. Optimum which is chlorinated prior to distribution. Water is treated
sweep coagulation occurs when negatively-charged forms so that a free chlorine residual of 0.5 mg L–1 is maintained
of alum predominate, which occurs at pH 6–8 (20, 21). throughout the distribution. However, for the most part
this is never attained in practice. Treated water is moni-
tored for: pH 6.7–7.2; true-color less than ( < ) 15 Platinum-
Flocculation Cobalt Color (Pt-Co) units; turbidity < 5 NTU; NH4+ < 1.5 mg
The agglomeration of small suspended particles into larger L–1; NO3– < 50 mg L–1; SO42– < 250 mg L–1; and total coliforms
particles for easy removal follows the coagulation step –0 counts/100 mL (25).
Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries      5

Storage and springs are the most important potable water sources
for the people in rural communities, especially in Eastern
There are no organized water storage facilities for most and Northern regions where they provide over 80% of
households in rural and slum communities. Water is domestic water supply (31). Slight improvements in urban
drawn from the source in relatively small containers of groundwater accessibility have been realized since the
about 5–20 liters (L) and is stored and used therein. A few early 1990s (32).
households will occasionally have water storage tanks
with a capacity of more than 100 L. In order to keep these
filled, school-aged children spend much of their time Quality issues
fetching water and missing school. The distances walked
to the water sources can often be up to several kilometers Bacterial contamination from poor sanitation facilities is
(km) (26). Urban households with a connection to piped- the foremost issue facing groundwater quality in Uganda
water by the NWSC usually have water storage tanks (33, 34). Fecal coliforms and high nitrate (NO3–) concen-
installed, but the capacity of these tanks varies depend- trations have been detected in water from most springs in
ing on the affordability. The capacity usually ranges from slum areas (35). Coliform counts in water from shallow-
a few hundred liters to thousands of liters. The water treat- wells are much higher (36) due to localized pollution (30)
ment plants also have water storage tanks corresponding from numerous poorly sited pit latrines, poor drainage,
to the daily output of the treatment plant and these help to and waste management systems as evidenced in most
ensure a steady supply of water just in case of an interrup- slums in East Africa (37–39) and indeed other develop-
tion in water production. For instance, the NWSC Gaba III ing countries. In Kampala City, only 55% of the popula-
water treatment plant produces about 85,000 m3 of treated tion has access to piped water, out of which only 9% is
water daily, and there are water storage tanks which can connected to the sewage system, implying that the rest
store in excess of this amount of water in five different use pit latrines that pollute groundwater in such areas. A
locations in Kampala City (27). pilot study on quality of water from protected springs in
Kampala indicated that 90% of the springs had total coli-
form counts that did not meet the World Health Organiza-
Distribution tion (WHO) drinking water guideline of 0 counts/100 mL
(25, 35). Nitrate (NO3–) concentrations in Uganda’s ground-
There are significant regional disparities in distribution water vary from one place to another, but can be chal-
of surface water sources in Uganda. Most of the lakes lenging in some areas where high NO3– concentrations of
and rivers are located in the Central, Southern, Eastern, up to 26 mg L–1 as nitrogen have been detected since the
and Western regions of the country. In the Northern and early 1990s (40) and most of this contamination is mainly
Northeastern regions, the available rivers are mainly sea- linked to poor sanitation practices. Agricultural applica-
sonal and will flow only during heavy rains. Utilization of tion of NO3– is not widespread in Uganda.
surface water in these regions is not widespread as it is not In communities where deep-wells (at least 30  m
available for most part of the year. Thus, people mainly deep) are used, microbial and nitrate contamination
depend on groundwater from deep wells (at least 30  m of water sources is usually limited (30), and if properly
deep). Water accessibility in these regions, especially the maintained, the quality of groundwater from deep-wells
Northeastern, is a huge issue compared with any other is good enough even without any disinfection. Chemi-
part of the country. cal contamination of groundwater in rural Uganda is
low. Fluoride from volcanic soils and rocks seems to be
the most serious inorganic contaminant in groundwater.
Groundwater The crater lakes of Western Uganda and the neighboring
groundwater sources have often been found to have fluo-
Accessibility issues ride concentrations exceeding 4.5 mg L–1 (31, 41). Fluoride
concentrations exceeding the WHO guideline of 1.5 mg L–1
The total renewable groundwater resources in Uganda have been measured in groundwater from Rift Valley and
is estimated at 7.661 billion gallons/year (or 29.0 million Rwenzori mountains of Western Uganda, the volcanic
m3/year) (28) with an estimated 20,000 deep-wells, 3000 areas of the Eastern Uganda (Sukulu Hills and Elgon areas
shallow-wells, 12,000 protected springs (29) and over in Mbale), and the Northeast (Moroto areas) where the
200,000 springs (30) in rural communities. Deep-wells incidence of fluorosis is usually high (42). Despite several
6      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

water-quality issues, groundwater remains a vital and placed in small UV-transparent polyethylene terephtha-
feasible potable water source in rural Uganda because it late (PET) or glass bottles of volumes ranging from 0.3 to 2
requires less treatment. The operational costs of ground- L that are then filled to three-quarters (¾) of their capacity
water systems are significantly less than those of surface and vigorously shaken to increase the dissolved oxygen.
water systems and thus are more likely to be sustainable The bottles are then exposed to sunlight for a period of
in rural and slum communities. about 6 h (43, 44).
With the exception of the highly thermo-tolerant and
UV resistant protozoan cysts like Cryptosporidium or Acan-
thamoeba, most pathogens of fecal origin are thought to be
Groundwater treatment processes killed if exposed to the heat and UV radiation in sunlight
for a significant period of time (45, 46). However, there are
and storage many efficiency concerns with this technique as several
studies have shown conflicting results. In a study by Mäu-
Filtration sezahl et al. (47), SODIS did not reduce childhood diarrhea
in rural Bolivia, and in another study by Preez et al. (48) in
Filtration of groundwater is not a widespread practice in Kenya, the children consuming exclusively SODIS-treated
Uganda. Water from deep-wells is usually clear with no drinking water were found to be less affected by diarrhea
color and turbidity. Thus, it is a common practice to use and physically more developed than the control group.
this water without any prior filtration or other treatment. This method would probably be more applicable, espe-
cially in Uganda due to a favorable tropical climate with
abundant sunlight. However, more community education
Disinfection on the application of the method as well as research on the
efficiency of the method is needed. Differences in the out-
Groundwater use has not yet been applied on a commer- comes of studies on the application of SODIS for control
cial scale and thus, unlike surface water, the disinfection of waterborne diarrheal diseases are thought to originate
processes are mainly home-based, with a few exceptions from improper application of the method.
where water disinfection is done at the water source
mainly during epidemic outbreaks of waterborne diseases
like cholera and hepatitis E. Water treatment methods cur- Storage of groundwater
rently used at household level are discussed below.
The most common method of water disinfection used Groundwater is mainly utilized in rural and slum com-
at household level is boiling. Water is boiled at 100°C munities where there is no infrastructure or systems for
(212°F) for at least 1 min and allowed to cool under hygienic organized water storage facilities. Water is stored in con-
conditions. This can kill most of the pathogens in water. tainers (approximate capacity of 5–20 L) that are used for
However, the water can readily get re-contaminated if not collection from the source. Inadequate water storage facil-
handled properly because boiling does not provide any ities, coupled with distant (as far as 4 km from residences)
long-term protection (e.g., chlorine residual). Chlorination and poor/low yield water sources in most rural communi-
is also applied in home-based water disinfection in the ties, are major causes of long queues at the water points
form of calcium hypochlorite tablets or sodium hypochlo- and the consequential loss of valuable time for the school
rite solutions–under the trade name “Water Guard” (1–2 going children, since they are the ones who fetch water for
tablets are added per liter of water and allowed to react for their families (26).
about 30 min before use). This method of water disinfec-
tion has been frequently used during outbreaks of several
waterborne disease epidemics (e.g., cholera, hepatitis E, Distribution of groundwater in Uganda
etc.) in several parts of Uganda especially in the Eastern
and Northern regions, as well as among the poor urban Utilization of groundwater for public water supplies is not
residents living in slums. well developed in urban Uganda. Only a small portion of
SODIS is another method used for water disinfec- urban dwellers, especially those in slum areas, who cannot
tion though it is not as popular as the other methods. The afford piped water from the NWSC distribution system,
method combines the use of ultraviolet (UV) light and heat utilize groundwater from springs and shallow wells. The
from the natural sunlight to disinfect the water. Water is projected Uganda’s groundwater resource utilization for
Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries      7

2030 Groundwater sustainable resource utilization Sustainable available groundwater

for domestic water supply

Use (%)
20–25 37.5–50

Figure 2 Regional distribution of groundwater & its domestic utilization in Uganda (34).

domestic water supply by year 2030 is shown in Figure 2. annual rainfall ranging from 500 mm in the Northeastern
For some areas/regions of the country, it is projected that region to 2500  mm in Southwestern regions and areas
only 5% of the total groundwater resource will be utilized within the L. Victoria basin. Though rainwater harvesting
by 2030. There are more than 200,000 springs in Uganda projects have been implemented in Southwestern Uganda,
and these serve as important water resources especially in mainly in the Kigezi region (52), the Central region of the
the mountainous areas, and in the Central, Western, and country and in a few Districts in Eastern Uganda, utiliza-
Southwestern regions of the country (30) serving the rural tion is still minimal, and is mainly done by institutions
and slum communities. In other areas like Northern and like rural primary schools and churches. Effective technol-
Eastern regions, deep-wells are the most common water ogies to harvest and store rainwater along with incentives
sources. There are significant regional variations in the to administer such technologies are needed.
availability of groundwater, with some regions having very
little water throughout the year. In such areas (e.g., North-
eastern and some Eastern parts of the country), ground- Quality issues
water aquifers (wells) are low yielding with a limited areal
extent and poor recharge rates (49), resulting in major Rainwater quality tends to deteriorate during collection,
water shortages for majority of the year. storage, and use. Several case-control studies have linked
Only about 15% of the Uganda’s groundwater gastroenteritis and consumption of untreated rainwater (51).
resources are utilized currently, and there is still enough The most commonly used collection surfaces are building
groundwater in most parts of the country to meet future roofs made of corrugated iron sheets. The rainwater storage
water demands (34). However, with the current popula- tanks are normally made of plastic or cement and sand rein-
tion growth rate of 3.5% in Uganda (50), which is accom- forced with iron mesh. The collection surfaces and storage
panied by increased encroachment on water catchment tanks are usually the potential sources of contamination
areas mainly for settlement and agriculture, there is likely since environmental contaminants can adsorb to those sur-
to be significant shortages in groundwater resources if faces. Household hygiene and sanitation can be another
proactive planning is not initiated soon. source of contamination during storage and use. Thus,
having properly designed and clean collection systems,
proper water treatment, and good household hygiene prac-
Rainwater tices can help to preserve rainwater quality (25).
Generally rainwater has less microbial contamination
Accessibility issues than surface water. However, within the first 5–10 min of a
rainfall, collected water usually will have higher contamina-
Rain is a valuable source of potable water in countries that tion with Escherichia coli and thermo-tolerant coliforms due
receive adequate amounts of rainfall (51). Uganda receives to unhygienic collection surfaces. Microbial contamination
8      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

levels decrease significantly as the rain continues due to the receiving as low as 500 mm of rainfall annually and other
dilution effect and the collection surfaces being frequently areas (Central region and L. Victoria basin) receiving as
rinsed with fresh rainwater. Under normal environmental high as 2500 mm annually. Rainwater systems have only
conditions, rainwater is slightly acidic and has a low con- been used in regions receiving a fair amount of rainfall
centration of dissolved minerals. Therefore, it can dissolve throughout the year (e.g., Central, Western, Southwest-
metals and other impurities from collection surfaces and ern, and Eastern regions). The rainy seasons are normally
storage tanks. This can greatly affect the chemical quality March to May and October to November, but these periods
of rainwater, especially where the collection surfaces and have been changing over the past years presumably due to
water storage tanks are not made of the right materials. global climatic change.

Treatment of rainwater
Government regulations on water supply in
Filtration Uganda

The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) regulates

The storage tanks are usually fitted with a plastic and some-
and coordinates the water sector, and is the lead agency
times steel-coated filter mesh (53), which screens out most
that formulates national water and sanitation policy.
organic debris that are accumulated on the collection sur-
The Directorate of Water Development (DWD) under
faces and gets carried along with rainwater. Some collection
the MWE acts as the executive arm; provides support to
systems are designed so that the first 5–10 min flash of rain-
local governments and other service providers (54), and
water is not collected; this method of rinsing to waste tremen-
is also expected to monitor the quality of drinking water
dously reduces the amount of debris reaching the filter. This
provided by the NWSC. However, in practice, the NWSC
filtration method does not remove finer suspended particles
monitors its drinking water quality internally without any
that come from dust accumulated on the collection surfaces.
complementary external monitoring (55). The NWSC’s
internal Quality Control Department examines whether
Disinfection the supplied water complies with the national standards
for drinking water, which in turn, follow the WHO drink-
The methods of rainwater disinfection practiced in Uganda ing water guidelines (27). Figure 3 shows a summary of the
are similar to those reported for groundwater. interactions between the different key players in Uganda’s
water supply.
Most of the activities in Uganda’s water sector are said
Rainwater storage to be in line with the WHO guidelines but in practice, only
a few water quality parameters are monitored as shown in
Storage tanks mostly made of plastic material (PVC), cor-
Table 2, due to limitations in infrastructure and resources
rugated iron, and sometimes brick masonry tanks with
(like laboratory space and equipment). The operations of
a capacity ranging from 15 to 100 m3 are currently being
the NWSC are regulated through a performance contract
used in schools, church buildings and communal rain-
with the national government. The MWE’s Performance
water collection establishments to serve these particular
Review Committee (PRC) reviews the performance of the
institutions and the neighboring communities (52).
NWSC according to this contract. However, the PRC is
Household rainwater harvesting facilities with a jar
partly financed by the NWSC, which hinders its full inde-
or ferro-cement tanks are used for some communities.
pendence (56).
The jar is a low cost tank with a capacity of 420 L, which
There are laws, regulations, and policies relevant to
typically serves a household of about six people on a daily
the management and utilization of water resources in
basis. The ferro-cement tank has a capacity of 4000 L and
Uganda. These laws govern the use of lake resources and
a higher initial cost, but provides a better solution for rain-
other water catchment areas. They define the rights and
water storage than the jar.
duties of all stakeholders involved in the management of
water resources, as well as outline the fundamental prin-
Distribution of rainwater in Uganda ciples of action to be followed in developing the rules of
practice in the water sector. The subsections below sum-
There are significant regional and seasonal variations in marize the legal, policy, and institutional frameworks for
rainfall with some areas like the Northeastern regions Uganda’s water and sanitation sector.
Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries      9

National Government
Directorate of Water
Ministry of Water &
Development (DWD)
Environment (MWE)
Water tariffs

National Water and Sewerage

Corporation (NWSC)

Institutional Framework
Legal Context Policy Context Sector-Wide Approach to Planning, 2002
Constitution of the Republic of Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) a. WRM sub-sector
Uganda, 1995 The National Water Policy, 1999 b. RWSS sub-sector
Water Statute, 1995 The National Health Policy, 1999 c. UWSS sub-sector
Local Governments Act, 1997 The Environmental Health Policy, 2005 d. WFP sub-sector.
Institutional Roles and Duties
National Environment Statute, 1995 The National Gender Policy, 1999
a. District Roles and Duties; DWO,
Public Health Act, 1964
Land Act, 1998 District Planner

Figure 3 Summary of the interactions between the Legal, Policy and Institutional frameworks and the different key Stakeholders in
Uganda’s water Sector.

Table 2 Comparison of the WHO, U.S. EPA, and Uganda’s National Standards/Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.

Parameters   WHO 1998 Guidelines of   National Drinking Water   Uganda, 1994 National
Drinking Water Quality Regulations in USA (U.S. EPA) Drinking Water Standards

Color   15 Pt-Co units   15 Pt-Co units   15 Pt-Co units

Turbidity     ≤  5 NTU     ≤  5 NTU     ≤  5 NTU
Chlorine   –   4 mg L–1 as Cl2   0.5 mg L–1
PH   –   6.5–8.5   6.5–8.5
Fluoride   1.5 mg L–1   4.0 mg L–1   1.0–1.5 mg L–1
Nitrate   50 mg L–1 as NO3–   10 as N2 / 44.44 as NO3–   50 mg L as NO3–
Sulfate   250 mg L–1   250 mg L–1   250 mg L–1
Iron   0.3 mg L–1   0.3 mg L–1   0.3 mg L–1
Ammonia   1.5 mg L–1   –   1.5 mg L–1
Total coliforms   0 counts/100 mL   0 counts/100 mL   0 counts/100 mL

Legal context Sewerage Regulations, 1999) list a number of activities

that must be implemented so as to protect, develop and
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995: sustain water sources, as guided by the objectives in the
This provides for the protection and preservation of 1995 Constitution of Uganda. This also includes the leg-
water sources and the environment. It also allows for the islative context for the protection of water sources as well
measures to promote good water management to prevent as water quality testing and monitoring, which in turn, is
damage to air, land, and water resources resulting from guided by the National Water policy (NWP), 1999. At the
pollution and any other causes. The standards and poli- implementation level, all the activities that are known to
cies for management of water quality include the follow- significantly affect water quality are controlled through a
ing: National Standards for Drinking Water, 1994; WHO range of endorsements that are either managed directly by
Guidelines, 1998; National Effluent Standards; and Pro- the Directorate of Water Development (DWD) or in partner-
visional Water Quality Guidelines, 1996 for rural water ship with National Environmental Management Authority
supplies. (NEMA). The National Environmental Act, 2000 (chapter
The Water Act, 2000 and the accompanying regula- 150) and the NWP, 1999 provide the recommendations for
tions (Water Resources Regulations, 1998; Waste Discharge approval of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)
Regulations, 1998; Water Supply Regulations, 1999; and related to the quality of drinking water.
10      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

The Water Statute, 1995: This is the principal law a. to ensure full participation of all stakeholders in an
for the water sector that incorporates water resources integrated as well as sustainable management and
management and water and sanitation legislation. The development of Uganda’s water resources, in order
statute provides the agenda for the use, protection, and to secure and provide water of adequate quantity
management of water resources as well as the constitu- and quality for all socio and economic needs of the
tion of water and sewage facilities so as to facilitate the current and future generations–the National Water
delegated responsibilities for water and sewerage activi- Policy, 1999; and
ties. This statute sets out four main objectives: (1) to b. to provide sustainable provision of safe water within
promote a balanced management and use of water, (2) to easy reach and hygienic sanitation facilities based on
promote the supply of sufficient potable water to all citi- management obligation and ownership by the users
zens, (3) to regulate pollution of water sources, and (4) to 77% and 100% of the rural and urban populations,
to allow for organized advancement and usage of water respectively, by the year 2015 with an 80%–90% rate
resources. of effective use and functionality of facilities.
The Local Governments Act, 1997: This Act defines
the roles of different levels of government in the provision The National Water Policy, 1999: This elaborates on
and management of water and sanitation-related activi- the Water Statute of 1995 and provides the overall policy
ties. This is done in conformity with the Constitution and context for the water sector. It promotes an integrated
builds on the Decentralization Act of 1995. approach for the management of water resources in the
The National Environment Statute, 1995: Empow- most sustainable and beneficial ways. It accentuates a
ers NEMA, which has a collective duty with DWD to ensure continuous acknowledgment of water as a common social
water quality standards, standards for discharge of all and economic good, whose allocation for domestic use
effluents into water, limits on the uses of water bodies, should be given first priority.
management of riverbanks and lake shores, and restric- The National Health Policy, 1999: This restates that
tions on the use and management of wetlands. sanitation is a mandate of the Ministry of Health (MoH).
The Public Health Act, 1964: This sets out the frame- The Government places greater emphasis on improving
work for regulating the pollution of the environment (air, sanitation and hygiene, especially in the rural and urban
water, etc.) to acceptable levels so as to preserve human slum areas where access to safe water and sanitation cov-
health. erage is low.
Water Resources Regulations & Wastewater Dis- The Environmental Health Policy, 2005: This estab-
charge Regulation, 1998: This prescribes the threshold lishes the environmental health priorities (clean/safe
and procedure for applications to construct any works, drinking water, housing, clean air, etc.) of the government
use water, or discharge waste under the Water Statute and provides a framework for the development of services
1995. The Water Statute, 1995 provides for the establish- and programs at the national and local levels. The goal of
ment of regulations for controlling water abstraction and the Policy is the attainment of a clean and healthy living
wastewater discharge through the use of permits. environment for all citizens in both rural and urban areas.
Land Act, 1998: This describes the various land The National Gender Policy, 1999: This recognizes
tenure systems in Uganda like the customary, mailo, women and children as the major carriers and users of
freehold, and leasehold systems. Land tenure issues are water as well as encourages women to play a major role in
critical to the development of water infrastructure. Any decision making concerning water and sanitation activi-
location of a water supply project must respect the propri- ties. It establishes the importance of gender responsive-
etary rights of the landowner or occupier. ness in terms of planning, application, and management
of water and sanitation initiatives. Based on this policy,
the involvement of women in decision-making has been
Policy nationally established and is valued at all levels.

The policy trend for water quality management is steered

towards the protection of public health, improved human Institutional framework
resources, ecosystem integrity, and social-economic
development. The overall government policy objectives Sector-wide approach to planning (SWAP), 2002: The
for water resources management and utilization related to water and sanitation officials use the SWAP to support
drinking water supply are as follows: its policy and expenditure programs. The rural water and
Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries      11

sanitation sub-sector is the most advanced in terms of its of Community Based Services (DDCBS) works with the DWO
application of SWAP, and is divided into four sub-sectors on matters related to community sensitization and mobi-
that perform different activities within the sector accord- lization before and after construction of water and sanita-
ing to the Decentralization Act, 1995 as follows: tion facilities. The District Education Officer liaises with
a. the Water Resources Management (WRM) sub-sector, the DDHS and the DWO in planning and implementation
which is concerned with the sustainable management of sanitation and hygiene education in schools. The Chief
of water resources so as to deliver adequate and potable Administrative Officer (CAO) serves as the accounting officer
water for the current and prospective generations; and is in charge of the general management and approval
b. the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) sub- of the district water and sanitation activities. Overall, the
sector, which encompasses the provision and upkeep administrative aspect of water sector is complex, and
of adequate supply of potable water for people living involves several stakeholders and ministries, which some-
in rural areas. The sanitation aspect deals with times delays the implementation of development programs.
hygiene and sanitation education plus campaigns in
rural communities and schools;
c. the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (UWSS)
sub-sector, which includes services for human
Recommendations on some potential
consumption, industrial use and other uses in urban opportunities for improving
areas (centers with population > 5000 people); and
d. the Water for Production (WFP) sub-sector, which
drinking water supplies in Uganda
addresses the issue of water for agricultural production
(irrigation, livestock, fish farming, etc.). The Ministry Surface water
of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries
(MAAIF); and the DWD/MWE are responsible for WFP The poor quality of surface water in Uganda directly affects
the quality of potable water available in the public water
systems. The drinking water treatment methods used
Institutional Roles and Duties in rural areas are mostly rudimentary, making it almost
impossible for the final treated water to meet the stand-
There are several institutions/stakeholders involved in the ard requirements for potable water. Regulations, policies,
water sector. The MWE and DWD are responsible for com- and laws on the protection of water resources do exist
munications among stakeholders. The NWSC provides but their implementation/or enforcement is inadequate.
water and sewage services in major urban centers, while Thus, there is a need to strengthen the entire regulatory
the MoH is responsible for formulation and implementa- process to protect the quality of potable water. Following
tion of policy to promote sanitation and hygiene. Finally, are some of the recommended measures that could help
the Ministry of Education and Sports provides sanitation improve the quality of potable water if prioritized.
and hygiene promotion in primary schools and works to a. Strengthening the protection of watershed areas –
ensure that all the essential sanitation and hygiene facili- This can be done through the strict enforcement of
ties required are available for the pupils. Local governments the government legislations, policies, and laws on
are responsible for the provision of rural water services and preservation and protection of natural water resources
management activities with help from the DWD. and wetlands.
b. Extensive health education of the local populations
related to proper sanitation and hygiene practices.
District Roles and Duties c. Use of slow sand filters or modified slow sand filters
(with a layer of activated carbon)-These might be
The District Water Office (DWO) leads the implementa- useful in suburban or more rural areas if; (a) the
tion of water and sanitation activities at the district level, water can be transmitted to those areas, and (b) the
and is responsible for initiation and follow-up of capacity materials and skills are available. This would help with
building. It is also responsible for ensuring operation and the removal of microorganism and organic materials,
maintenance of water and sanitation facilities. The District and has the advantage of an active biological layer.
Directorate of Health Services (DDHS) ensures coordina- However, microbial disinfection/inactivation would
tion with the DWO in the implementation and promotion of still be required to ensure completely safe potable
sanitation and hygiene education. The District Directorate water. Rapid gravity filtration remains appropriate
12      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

for urban areas serving larger populations with the still lags behind in groundwater resource utilization. To
resources and infrastructure to maintain the process. realize more benefits from groundwater in Uganda, we
d. Although not discussed in this review, it should be recommend several measures as listed below.
noted that using Cl2 exclusively to disinfect the water a. The groundwater resource utilization must be
potentially poses problems related to formation extended for both rural and urban areas. Considering
of carcinogenic DBPs because surface water has the current quality of surface water, utilizing
high total organic carbon (TOC) levels. Aside from groundwater would not only supplement the surface
the fact that TOC influences the effectiveness of Cl2 waters but would also be financially beneficial to the
disinfection, the attachment of bacteria to surfaces government because groundwater is usually cleaner
provides the greatest increase in disinfection than surface water and will cost less money to treat.
resistance (57), thereby increasing Cl2 demand. The b. In rural communities with no access to piped
use of chlorine dioxide [ClO2] in combination with water, more boreholes must be drilled to increase
chlorine gas for disinfection would help enhance accessibility to potable water. In some regions (e.g.,
bacteriological quality of water and also prevent the Eastern and Northern), groundwater is almost the
formation of DBPs in the final treated water. only source of water for most parts of the year, and
e. Use of infiltration galleries near the lakes – This allows water accessibility is still limited due to inadequate
the heavily polluted lake waters to undergo natural number of water points.
soil filtration before it is pumped into the water c. There is a need for extensive health education
treatment plant for additional treatment. This can of the local populations on proper hygienic and
help reduce the burden on water treatment plants and sanitary handling and maintenance of water sources.
thus improve both the bacteriological and chemical People need the sensitization on how to keep their
quality of final treated potable water produced. groundwater sources safe. They must also learn
f. Water source protection especially in rural areas – how to maintain hygienic and sanitary conditions at
This can be done through the excavation of surface home. Additionally, there is a need for strengthening
diversion channels to divert runoffs, fencing to restrict the government laws on community sanitation and
unauthorized access for those using water ponds, and hygiene practices.
where possible, further development of groundwater.
Open wells should be protected from anthropogenic
influences. Rainwater
g. Home-based (residential) filtration – This should also
be considered for the rural and slum communities that Rainwater provides a relatively good source of potable
use highly contaminated surface water from ponds, water supply to communities in rural areas, but its use
rivers, and other available sources. Residential filters in Uganda is still limited. In Latin American and the Car-
may be commercially available, but the locally made ibbean countries, rainwater has been used successfully
units are cheaper and more affordable for residents in for domestic potable water supply and agricultural pro-
rural and slum communities and thus are sustainable. duction (58). In Brazil and Argentina, rainwater is used
The use of residential/or point-of-use filters has been extensively in semi-arid regions due to limited surface
successfully applied in rural areas for most developing water and groundwater resources; in Honduras, Costa
countries in Latin America with limited or no access Rica, Guatemala and El Salvador, rainwater harvest-
to piped municipal water supplies. ing using rooftop catchments has been used extensively
h. Continuous and systematic monitoring of water in rural areas for potable water supply (59, 60), where
quality parameters (both source water and treated there are no public water supply systems. Thus we rec-
water) and assurances to meet the national water ommend that importance be placed on several activities
quality standards. listed below, which aim to effectively utilize rainwater
resources in Uganda:
a. The authorities must undertake extensive countrywide
Groundwater campaign for rainwater harvesting, especially in rural
Unlike in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean where b. The Government must strengthen its initiatives
groundwater is utilized extensively in both rural and regarding the construction of communal rainwater
metropolitan areas for a range of applications, Uganda collection systems with adequate storage tanks to
Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries      13

supply households with limited access to potable implies that about 17% of the boreholes drilled in a year
water. dry up after a few months of operation. Considering the
c. Rainwater collection systems must be incorporated in cost of a single borehole (15.0 million Ugandan Shillings
the state building rules for all the new buildings. This was (Shs.); 1.0 US$ = 2490 Shs.), much money has been lost in
successfully implemented in Barbados, Turks & Caicos the process. In order to attain an efficient, cost-effective
Islands, Venezuela and Honduras, and demonstrated and sustainable development of the groundwater sector,
tremendous success in enhancing water accessibility. more qualified professionals are needed to carry out pilot
Consideration should be given to discharging the first surveys to determine groundwater availability before any
part of a rainfall to waste (or buckets for irrigation) in drilling is done.
order to improve the quality of the water collected. There is no fixed cost for drilling a borehole. Thus,
d. Surface runoff must be collected and stored in low land estimates based on the most current market rates are
areas. This can later be used for other applications typically used during budgeting. This estimation con-
other than potable water supply. This is currently siders both the direct costs (borehole components, staff
practiced in Paraguay, where low topography areas payments, fuel, etc.) and indirect costs (depreciation
(tajamares) are utilized for storage of rainwater and and overheads). The direct costs are easy to estimate
later used for agriculture. and usually range from Shs. 5.6 to 8.1 million; however,
e. The authorities must conduct sanitation and hygiene indirect costs are dependent on many factors like equip-
promotion on maintenance of storage tanks as well as ment price and staff salaries. The total cost of drilling a
hygienic handling of water at home. In addition, the new borehole usually ranges from Shs. 7.5 to 15.2 million
interior of water storage tanks should be accessible depending on the contractor. Table 3 shows a summary of
and easy to clean to prevent contamination. the estimated cost of drilling borehole as adopted from a
f. All households should be encouraged to have some report on assessment of groundwater investigations and
water storage facilities installed so as to supplement borehole drilling capacity in Uganda by Ron Sloots (61)
the communal rainwater systems. funded by the MWE and the UNICEF.
Considering the annual expenditure budget of about
Shs. 23.1 billion (62) for the NWSC to supply treated
An analysis of cost-benefit pertaining water to the urban areas in Uganda, and comparing that
groundwater resource development to the cost of drilling boreholes to abstract groundwa-
ter, it would be much less expensive to supply water to
Every year about 1000–1500 boreholes are drilled in the population if more attention is given to groundwater
Uganda with a success rate approximated at 83% (61). This resource development and utilization. The annual budget

Table 3 Estimating the cost of drilling a borehole in Uganda.

Item   Minimum  Maximum

Direct costs    
 Casing/borehole components, staff payments, fuel, etc.  3,750,000  4,250,000
 Borehole location   300,000  800,000
 Fuel for cars   500,000  1,500,000
 Commissions   1,000,000  1,500,000
  Subtotal   5,550,000  8,050,000
Indirect costs    
 Profit, depreciation, commission, and % for otherwise     600,000
drilling successful boreholes (amount depends on %
success rate expected)
 Depreciation     2,000,000
 Overhead   1,000,000  2,000,000
  Subtotal   1,000,000  4,600,000
  Total   6,550,000  12,650,000
  Profit (min = 10%, max = 20%)   655,000  2,530,000
  Total selling rate   7,205,000  15,180,000

Note: The price quotations are stated in Ugandan Shillings.

14      Nayebare et al.: Potable water issues in developing countries

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