Riverscape: Willamette

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Willamette RIVERKEEPER ®

Riverscape Fall/Winter 2018

Ten Years Of Trash

Our Annual Great Willamette Cleanup event turned TEN
this year! Over the past decade, this event has brought
nearly 17,000 hours of community “housekeeping” service
to the river. That is the result of thousands of people coming
together to spend their morning, as we like to say, “getting
dirty for good!” This special blend of trash pick up combined
with river recreation inspires teamwork, new friendships
and lasting stewardship. Participant Gareth Thomas said,
“[This was] my first time volunteering. I will be back! The
coordination and teamwork is amazing. Is it odd to find a
giant mess you get to dispose of and get excited about it?” No
Gareth, it’s not odd, that’s just the magic of community clean
ups—somehow they are much more enjoyable than tackling
trash on ones own.

With the exception of the discovery and removal of a pink

metal bathtub from a North Portland beach, this year’s
collection was rather typical: cigarette butts, Styrofoam, and
plastic bottles interspersed with wayward shopping carts,
Continued on Page 2...

Pictured clockwise from the top are our heroic GWC volunteers from
Salem, Milwaukie, Corvallis, Scappoose, Eugene, and Portland.

From The Riverkeeper

We use a combination of issues. We also put muscle into getting people on the water,
approaches to address and expanding the availability of publicly accessible lands
a range of challenges along the Willamette. This is “our” combined river, owned
affecting water quality and by the public, and available to the public. Too often this
habitat in the Willamette fact is dismissed by decision makers from the local to the
basin. We can’t do it all, but federal level.
we do a heck of a lot.
We are there for you and the river’s long-term health. Those
Our advocacy and policy work on the Superfund cleanup of you who support us financially or as volunteers truly enable
process continues, as does the restoration of floodplain lands, our staff to fight the good fight for the Willamette’s present
figuring out the future of Ross Island, and evaluating potential and future. 
Clean Water Act violations at local facilities. 
Thank you!
We even put some muscle into mussels! In reality, we put our
For the River,
collective muscle where we can on a range of river health
Travis Williams, Riverkeeper & Executive Director

Ten Years Of Trash, Cont.

bicycles, tires, needles and abandoned transient camp debris. partners. This converging of the community is a key part to
In Oakridge volunteers hauled off a soggy couch. In Newberg, this events overall good vibes and continuing success.
volunteers removed 22 used bottles of motor oil from one
The value of our clean ups recreational component is not to be
area alone. It may seem like a simple act, yet when you
overlooked either. Moving methodically and with purpose, all
consider that some plastic bottles can take up to 450 years to
of our sites involve paddling on the river or walking alongside
break down, we feel it’s quite heroic.
its banks. While canvassing the environment for trash, we
“Mircotrash,” which is most often in some form of plastic, hear reports of volunteers huddling up to try and identify
is becoming more of a point of focus at our clean up sites freshwater mussels or aquatic plants. They encounter great
in recent years. While the satisfaction of removing a heavy blue herons, eagles, osprey, and in some cases, sea lions
bag of trash from the river is hard to beat, in some ways basking on docks. They find river otter tracks along the waters
microtrash is even more problematic since it is what wildlife edge, beaver chews floating downstream, and they may even
tends to mistake for food. According to “EcoWatch,” 60 – 90 score a carnelian agate from a gravel bar. This is how we
percent of marine litter is plastic based, and today there foster connection.
are more microplastics in the ocean than there are stars in
Special thanks to our Confluence level sponsors Oregon State
the Milky Way. This affects us! The journal of Environmental
Parks, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Toyota Logisitics
Science and Technology recently published a study that
Services, and Portland Brewing Company. Thanks also to
reveals that 90% of table salt used in homes around the world
our Tributary level sponsors Emberex, Mountain Rose Herbs,
is contaminated with microplastics. Gross!
Eugene Water & Electric Board, and Cafeto Coffee.
Every plastic container, or maddening Styrofoam morsel,
Moving forward, there is no doubt that trash will continue to
that we permanently remove from the river is an act worthy
impact our river’s wildlife and habitat, which is why we will
of celebration! Which is just what we do: volunteers enjoyed
continue to coordinate this annual event, as well as our River
post-cleanup parties in Eugene, Corvallis, and Portland,
Guardian program, and we’ll keep welcoming you to join us.
which included beverages and food from some of our terrific
Let’s get dirty for good together!


Growing Up At The Cleanup

It would be hard to believe that we
already have ten years of clean ups “in
the bag,” were it not for Paige Lewis, who
began volunteering at this event with her
Dad, Bobby Lewis, and dog, Zoey, back
when it fell on her 6th birthday. Over
the years Paige has recruited friends to
join her for what has become a birthday
celebration ritual. This year Paige turned
13 while rounding up discarded golf balls
from Goat Island. Paige, we are honored!
When asked, she said “I do it because
it’s fun and I might happen to be helping
too.” Indeed, you are! She went on to say
“it’s interesting to find the strange things
that people throw away. When we first
Paige Lewis on her 6th and 13th birthdays, while participating at the Great Willamette Clean
started we found a lot of trash, and this
Up. In honor of her service, WR staff Kate Kuthe (also pictured) gifted Paige with our original
year, I’m glad to see there isn’t as much
“187 Miles of Wonder” art print (available for sale on our website).
trash as in previous years.”

Welcome Jessie
Welcome Jessie Rohrig, who joined expanse of the trees and the night sky summer. The rest of the year Jessie is a
our board this past October! Jessie has to recharge and refocus. She is a pod middle school science teacher.
been playing in the rivers and forests leader for Paddle Oregon, and supports
As a teacher she hopes to cultivate
of Oregon her whole life, and uses the other WR adventures, especially in
a sense of wonder and awe in her
students, the future generation of
citizens and voters. She encourages
young learners to follow the evidence
and check that any scientific claim they
encounter is backed with ample data and
sound reasoning. Participating in the
WR mussel research fosters stories to
tell her students. She believes that no
person can complain about the state
of things unless they are taking action
in some small part, which for her is
teaching and advocating for clean water
and wild places.

Jessie in her element, on the Willamette with an Oregon Floater mussel.


Diving Into Mussel Research

Over the past few months WR has
partnered with a number of groups
to help spread the word about
the Willamette’s mussels, and to
gain additional data on populations in
the Willamette River system. 

We worked with the Calapooia

Watershed Council to survey stretches
of the Calapooia River and Brush
Creek. In each case we found some
mussels, but none too many - which
led to an increased desire to look at the
many miles of river as of yet unsurveyed.
WR also worked with the Middle Fork
Watershed Council to survey stretches This crew has serious “mussel!” From left to right is Angela Stevens,
of that river below Dexter Dam, along Celeste Searles Mazacanno, and WR staff Heather King, on assignment
with the Oregon Department of Fish and at our Eugene field study.
Wildlife, the US Army Corps of Engineers
and the Xerces Society. We found many, impact on mussel populations. This has We have plans for additional work in
many mussels in a variety of sizes, resulted in many more eyes on the 2019, and may even conduct additional
which is an encouraging sign. We also river bottom! formal assessments of mussel
found a mass of mussel shells that assemblages next year. In particular, we
Finally, WR conducted a large
related to harvesting by people, and this plan to devote additional survey time for
assessment of mussel beds on the
is very problematic.  Western Ridged Mussels which are the
mainstem river in Eugene. Over two
most threatened species throughout the
days, with a host of volunteers, we
US West.
counted and excavated mussels on
the river bottom. The work was tough,
but yielded results that indicate this
assemblage of mostly Western Pearlshell
mussels is likely reproducing and
sustaining itself. Though we found no
juveniles by the technical definition of
Volunteers Andrew Collins-Anderson and 3cm or less, we found several in the
Patty Morrison with Riverkeeper, Travis mid 3cm and low 4cm range, which is
Western Ridged Mussel
Williams. encouraging. We also found the first
In addition, WR and Xerces partnered documented, live Western Ridged Mussel Special thanks to Celeste Searles
on two workshops in the Willamette in the mainstem Willamette River! Mazacanno for working to design
Basin to help educate natural resource our study and to help implement it in
WR was also happy to identify a few
professionals about the Western Eugene, and to our wonderful volunteer
more mussel beds on the mainstem
Pearlshell Mussel, and the Oregon Patty Morrision, who hails from WV,
Willamette, and in the lower 70 miles
Floater. We discussed the potential and did a lot of work on mussels there
of the river. Thanks to Eric Madsen
impact of a variety of riverside and river before her recent retirement and move
for his curiosity about one side channel
restoration projects that could have an to SW Washington.
in particular. 


Nicol Sanctuary
It was a busy summer at the Nicol Sanctuary, a relatively new
WR Greenway property located downstream of Wheatland,
between river miles 63-65. Surrounded by private land, this
site may only be accessed from the river. We spent time
removing invasive weeds on portions of the property, as well
as developing a simple trail network. Our summer intern, Zane
Leonard, worked to keep tabs on the occasional visitor, and our
river cameras caught lots of great images of deer and coyote.

The congregation of birds on the property has been

awesome to document. This past spring saw Townshend’s
Warblers zipping through the floodplain forest. Red
Breasted Sapsuckers were regulars throughout the summer, A picture of serenity at the Nicol Sanctuary.
along with Acorn Woodpeckers and the vibrant Pileated
Woodpecker. Osprey and a group of bald eagles were also We have developed a trail plan for next year, and are in the
frequent visitors. In the evening hours the owls begin to process of obtaining a permit for more robust restoration
call, with Great Horned owls on the property calling to work. With so many on-going projects, we recently
others upstream and down. We also heard Western Screech established a small staff and volunteer campsite. Stay
Owls, Ravens, White Crowned Sparrows, Kingfishers, Cedar tuned for future opportunities to tour and enhance this
Waxwings, Kinglets and more.  area next spring!

Superfund Update
Recently, the EPA provided a revised
risk assessment for one family of contaminants known
as carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or cPAHs,
which occur naturally in coal, crude oil, and gasoline. They are
also present in products made from fossil fuels, such as coal-
tar pitch, creosote, and asphalt, and can be released into the
air during the burning of fossil fuels, garbage, or other organic

Of these cPAHs, benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) was found to be “less

toxic,” according to the EPA, than previously thought. This past
These concrete blocks near Willamette Cove in Portland Harbor are
October, the EPA opened up a 30-day public comment period
an example of a clean, albeit uninviting, cap that keeps contaminated regarding this change that will help them evaluate whether to
sediment in place. accept the changes to the standard for this carcinogenic
compound. Willamette Riverkeeper asked for an additional 30
The process for getting to the point of real action towards days, which moved the deadline for comments to Dec 21.
removing contaminated sediments from the Portland Harbor
It seems clear that if EPA approves this change, it could reduce
Superfund Site is moving along. Baseline sampling of river
the cleanup area by 17 acres of contaminated sediment, which
sediments is nearly complete, and some Responsible Parties
could be problematic. We are fully evaluating this issue, and
have signed agreements with the EPA to begin planning
will publish our comments to our website in early December!
specific actions at their sites. These include removing
Your comments can be sent to HarborComments@epa.gov.
contaminated sediments and capping contaminated areas,
which could start in 2019.


Ross Island’s Toxic Topic

Over the past 20 years WR and its
partners have discussed options for
the longterm management of the Ross
Island complex, which includes the Island
and lagoon, as well as Toe Island, East
Island and the Oaks Bottom Refuge. In
2007 WR and Partners Audubon, UGI,
Greenworks and architects Melissa
Toxic blue green algae bloom in Ross Island Lagoon Medieiros and Christina Frank, developed
a Vision Plan for Ross Island www.
WR is engaged with the Urban can also make people sick.” While this
landlinedesign.com/new-gallery-2/ that
Greenspaces Institute, the Audubon bacteria is not new, conditions for its
is still very relevant today. We feel that
Society of Portland, the Oregon Lakes proliferation, such as high temperatures,
an overall management plan makes
Association, the City of Portland and more sunlight and low snowpack, are
sense, and that addressing blue green
others to determine the best way to increasing.
algae is a part of this larger effort. 
address toxic blue/green algae on the
One site of interest is the Ross Island
Lower Willamette River. Back in 2001 WR, and Portland Audubon
Lagoon that was artificially created
proposed breaching part of the southern
Toxic blue green algae, as the Oregon back in 1926 when the US Army Corps
berm connecting the two islands to
Health Authority explains, is “not algae at connected the upstream ends of two
create more moving water. Now, with
all but a primitive photosynthetic single islands. On hot days, the lack of water
the City of Portland and others, we
celled bacteria found naturally in fresh movement, abundance of nutrients, and
are having additional conversations
and salt water.” This “cyanobacteria” heat enable blue green algae to quickly
about this and other approaches, as
can multiply into a bloom that produces erupt. Blooms can eventually move
well as developing a larger plan for the
toxins that “cause serious illness or downstream, and prompt a recreational
complex. We will keep you posted as the
death in pets, livestock and wildlife and health advisory for the river.
conversation develops.

Enhancing Habitat: Gail Achterman

We are pleased with progress made
this year to comprehensively restore
floodplain forest habitat at Gail Achterman
Wildlife Area in partnership with Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife. This 295
acre conservation property is located on
the mainstem Willamette River just outside
of Salem on a meander bend upstream
from Minto Brown Island Park. We are
working with contractors to treat weeds
in both aquatic habitat and riparian forest.
We will continue to control invasive plants
again in 2019 and plan for native planting in
the winter of 2020. Come visit this site with
us on a field walk next spring!


River Guardian Gains

Our River Guardians (RG) program has doubled the amount a chance to participate in a hands-on effort that made a real
of volunteer service hours contributed to its citizen-led river difference,” said Jeremy Card, Associate Service Planner, and
monitoring and clean up efforts over last year! With over 214 co-chair of the LTD Sustainability Committee. 
volunteers, we have removed more than 30 yards of trash,
River Guardians efforts are currently funded through Union
including 426 needles, from the urban riverbank between
Pacific Rail Road, City of Eugene, Eugene Water & Electric
Eugene and Springfield. Additionally, several volunteers
Board and EarthShare donations. Moving forward, WR and
participated in American Canoe Association water safety
the City of Corvallis Parks & Recreation will be launching a RG
education, as well as Trauma Informed Communications
Program expansion in park areas adjacent to the Willamette
training with Whitebird Medical Clinic and CAHOOTS. These
and Marys River Confluence.
opportunities are helping to create a safe and informed base
of RG volunteer leaders, and advocates for preventative To find out how to get involved, please visit our website or
strategies supporting community wide clean river strategies. contact michelle@willametteriverkeeper.org.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life, and often have
connections with organizations and businesses that have
supported our cleanup efforts. For instance, the “Clean Water
for Great Brews” Spring Cleanup happened in coordination
with 12 local breweries and coffee roasters, many of whom
encouraged their staff to participate. This year, that event
attracted 92 volunteers!

Other “trashy” partnerships fostered through our RG program

include the River Road Community Organization, City of
Eugene Parks & Open Spaces, Eugene Mission, Northwest
Canoe Tours, River House Outdoor Center, University of
Oregon Outdoor Program, NCCC Americorps, Willamette
Kayak & Canoe Club and Lane Transit District (LTD). “As part
our sustainability program, we wanted to give our employees Raft, Drift boat, SUP—a River Guardian posse going with the flow.

Enhancing Habitat: Willamette Slough

After several years of planning we are excited to share
that WR will be moving forward with a new restoration
project at Minto Brown Island Park in Salem in 2019. We
will be partnering with the City of Salem, Salem Audubon
Society, and others to enhance aquatic and riparian shoreline
habitat in Willamette Slough. The project is being funded
by Bonneville Power Administration and Meyer Memorial
Trust, as part of the Willamette Mainstem Anchor Habitat
Investment Program. 

Our Willamette Slough project area is highlighted in yellow.


The Mission Continues

Willamette Riverkeeper continues to
work hard to enhance and restore native
habitat at Willamette Mission State
Park near Salem. Our project spans
more than 600 acres, which makes it the
largest restoration effort in any Oregon
State Park.

This summer we began to address the

aquatic habitat by beginning treatments
of Ludwigia in Mission Lake. In July and
again in August, contractors focused on
removing the aquatic invasive “water
Can you spot our contractor walking on dense mats of Ludwigia,
primrose” or Ludwigia hexapetala from applying the first of this year’s two treatments?
Mission Lake and the adjacent high
water channel. Originally from South
America, Ludwigia is an emergent plant
that forms dense mats of foliage that
take over entire waterways, keep the
sunlight from reaching aquatic native
plants, while also causing significant
oxygen depletion during annual
decomposition. The plant roots in the
substrate and can easily grow up to five
feet below the surface of the water and Ludwigia
three feet above, doubling in biomass
herbicide, and hand pulling with the Restoration Manager, Marci Krass, and Ash
every 20 days. Creek Forest Management’s Simon Apostol,
hope that in a few years we can regain
celebrating the phenomenal growth of
We are working with Oregon State Parks access to recreation, improve water
willows planted a two years ago in February
and Integrated Resource Management quality, and restore natural ecosystem of 2017. These are some of the hundreds of
to control this species through careful balance in the lake. thousands of native shrubs and trees planted
spraying with an aquatic-approved at Willamette Mission State Park during the
last few years.

Paddle Oregon 2019

Save The Date
August 12th - 16th 2019, registration opens in February
The premier experience on the Willamette River Water
Trail, Paddle Oregon just keeps getting sweeter. Sign up
for five memory making days of music, educational talks,
and quintessential “OH—regon” moments than are fit to be
contained in one river adventure.
Right: Head flamingo and 18 time Paddle Oregon participant, Dennis
Johnson, tends to his flock on Paddle Oregon 2018.


In The Weeds

Yellow Floating Heart

WR staff, working together with Oregon State Parks, City Above Right: We pack aquatic invasives into bags labeled “noxious
of Eugene Parks & Open Spaces, Benton Soil & Water weeds” so that they do not end up in a compost pile where they
might have an opportunity to proliferate.
Conservation District and volunteers wrapped up another
year of aquatic invasive weed survey efforts. These weeds
Our surveys help in early detection, immediate treatment
are problematic as they reduce water quality and habitat
response, and continuous monitoring, giving us hope that
by lowering oxygen levels in the river and out competing
there will be less of a chance of downstream spread. We
native plants.
also hosted several community Paddle & Pull events, where
We are helping to track the efficacy of treatments in the upper participants got to see these problem weed area up close, and
Willamette region where removal efforts continue to focus to understand how they can help serve as weed watchdogs.
on Ludwigia and Yellow Floating Heart. This year’s survey
As Yellow Floating Heart is relatively new to the Willamette
efforts spanned 70 river miles and were fruitful in identifying
Basin, we will continue to monitor treatment areas and
new patches of Yellow Floating Heart in back channels at Sam
backchannels into 2019, including more opportunities for you
Daws Landing and Snagboat Bend (in the vicinity of Peoria).
to get involved.

Farewell Friend
This past year we lost our dear friend and long time volunteer,
Carl Poston. An outspoken environmental advocate and avid
whitewater paddler, Carl loved sharing his passion for nature
and river exploration with others. As a former social worker
and educator, he was our go-to co-leader for numerous trips
to Ross Island with at-risk youth, helping make these trips safe
and successful particularly when two of our staff members
had back-to-back maternity leaves. He was also a favorite
“nature pod” leader on Paddle Oregon. We will remember him
for his generous spirit and the exceptionally kind and gentle
way he had of guiding people to make their own discoveries
in nature. We highlighted his service some years ago, and in
his own words he said “what makes river trips special for me
are the people that I travel with, and Willamette Riverkeeper
attracts people who are curious and interested in observing
nature, and [being] present while outdoors.” He felt that
this helped him to see things he might otherwise miss and
enhanced the overall experience for him. Paddle on, friend! Carl talking with a student on Ross Island.


Thanks To You
In this season for giving thanks, all of us at Willamette “It’s easy to take for granted that
Riverkeeper want you to know that everything you do for and living in the Willamette Valley
with us throughout the year does not go unnoticed nor is it almost guarantees access to nature
unappreciated. Thank you for all you do, from participating in right out our back door. I live in one
events, to volunteering to pick up trash, to paddling with us the most beautiful places on earth
on a sunny (or not so sunny) reach of the river, each and every because, well, the river runs right
one of you helps us to fulfill our mission. Here are just a few of through it—and our community
the reasons we are thankful... loves its river… which leads me
to another point of gratitude – including all the wonderful
“Over the past 18 years I’ve
partnerships and volunteers that have given back to our river.
had the privilege to work as
I am most thankful for these contributions as part of WR’s
the Riverkeeper along this
River Guardians Program, which is not only healing the river,
wonderful river. I’m thankful for
but people, as well.”
the opportunity to make gains
–Michelle Emmons, South Valley Advocate
for the Willamette River’s water
quality and habitat and also for “I am thankful for the kinship that
all of the great people I’ve met, I share with 70% of my fellow
worked with, and gotten to know over the years in this work. Oregonians as a resident of the
That sentiment especially applies to all of the wonderful Willamette River Watershed.  The
people who support our work—year in and year out.” river connects us to one another,
–Travis Williams, Executive Director and Riverkeeper and its health is inextricably linked
to the health and well being of our
“I am very thankful for the
Valley community. I feel so very
opportunity to work as the
fortunate that my work with Willamette Riverkeeper allows
restoration program manager
me to engage with my watershed neighbors, and to foster
for Willamette Riverkeeper for
stewardship by helping them make meaningful connections to
many reasons. I love spending
their home river.” 
work days outside in nature.
–Kate Kuthe, Outreach & Education Manager
I’m thankful for your support so
we can continue to protect and “When I started working for
restore critical habitat on the Willamette for diverse species Willamette Riverkeeper earlier this
of fish and wildlife.” year, I knew about the mission and
–Marci Krass, Restoration Program Manager some of the work being done, but
I realize now I had no idea about
“In this season of giving thanks
the amount of work this small but
I’d like to express my gratitude
mighty team accomplishes. I am
for the Willamette River and for
thankful to each of my co-workers
those of you I’ve come to know
for the love and care they put into this amazing river and I
while advocating for its survival.
am thankful to each of YOU for the support you give to our
As someone new to Riverkeeper,
organization. George and I are truly blessed to be a part of
I’m appreciative of the way that
this group of amazing people!”
you have helped me feel like I
–Heather King, Development Director
belong.  Thank you for the energy and effort you have given
over the years!”
–Richard Dickinson, Restoration Associate


Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Join us as we host the 2018 Wild & Scenic Film Festival! Enjoy When: Thursday, November 29th
12 outstanding environmental and adventure films that will Doors open @6pm, films @7pm
leave you feeling inspired and motivated to make a difference Where: Hollywood Theater in Portland
in your community and the world. We’ll also feature 4
Cost: Tickets available at REI Portland for $12, or
exclusive premiers highlighting Pacific NW themes.
$15 at the door* 
*Your ticket includes one raffle entry, including a chance to
WIN amazing REI Co-op gear and…. a CANOE!  

Board of Directors
James Tiefenthaler, President
Giving Tuesday Bart Rierson, Treasurer
Belinda Covarrubias
Do you have Facebook and appreciate clean water and healthy habitat? If so, you can Scott Youngblood
help us make an impact on #GivingTuesday this November 27th! This global day of Jessie Rohrig
giving, fueled by the power of social media and collaboration, is intended to kick off
the charitable season. Create a Facebook post letting your friends know why you are Staff
Travis Williams,
thankful for the work of Willamette Riverkeeper and add a donate button. Step-by-
Riverkeeper & Executive Director
step directions can be found on our website. Be part of the movement!
Marci Krass,
Restoration Manager

Give!Guide Kate Ross Kuthe

Outreach & Education Manager
We are excited to be featured in the 2018 Willamette Week Michelle Emmons,
Give!Guide, running now through 12/31! Thanks to REI, Alder Eugene/Springfield Community Advocate
Creek Kayak & Canoe, Red Duck Sauces and Paddle Heather King,
People, we’re offering outstanding incentives to help us reach our Development Director
goal of $25,000 in G!G donations.
Richard Dickinson,
• Donate $25 and you will receive a Red Duck Taco Sauce Restoration Associate

• Donate $35 or more and be entered to win 1 of 2 raffle prizes from Paddle People Advisory Board
- An Alps Mountaineering Glamping Cocktail Set Celeste Searles-Mazzacano
- A Current Designs Kayak Paddle Torey Wakeland
Mike Houck
• Donate $100 or more and receive a free basic skills class for two from Alder Creek
Barbara May
• Donate $150 or more and receive a Willamette Riverkeeper 3 pack of Red Duck
Sauces … hand picked by your favorite non-profit team in a heated tasting event at
the Red Duck office!

G!G Happy Hour: Join us on December 10th when REI will host a G!G Happy Hour for
us at Lucky Labrador Beer Hall in NW Portland. Enjoy a virtual tour of the Willamette
River and make a G!G donation to us to be entered to win a package of REI Co-op
gear that includes a 2-person tent, day-pack and metal water bottle!

Donate now at www.giveguide.org/#willametteriverkeeper

Printed on 100% recycled paper

1515 SE Water Ave, #102 PAID
Portland, OR 97214 PORTLAND, OREGON
Permit No. 599

Thank you River Givers!

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