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Media Release

Date: 29/01/2016

Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland requests Malaysia for

mutual assistance

As part of the criminal proceedings opened on 14 August 2015 against two former officials
of the Malaysian state-owned fund 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) and persons
unknown on suspicion of bribery of foreign public officials (Art. 322septies Swiss Criminal
Code (SCC)), misconduct in public office (Art. 314 SCC), money laundering (Art. 305bis
SCC) and criminal mismanagement (Art. 158 SCC), the Office of the Attorney General of
Switzerland (OAG) has requested the Malaysian authorities for mutual assistance. Cooper-
ation between the two countries was already discussed at a meeting in Zurich on 15 Sep-
tember 2015 between the Swiss Attorney General and his Malaysian counterpart. This re-
quest for mutual assistance now puts the agreement in principle that was reached into
concrete terms.

The criminal investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG)
has revealed serious indications that funds have been misappropriated from Malaysian state
companies. The monies believed to have been misappropriated would have been earmarked for
investment in economic and social development projects in Malaysia. So far four cases involving
allegations of criminal conduct and covering the period from 2009 to 2013 have come to light in
this connection (relating to Petrosaudi, SRC, Genting/ Tanjong and ADMIC), each involving a
systematic course of action carried out by means of complex financial structures.

The sum suspected to have been misappropriated amounts to around USD 4 billion; its intended
purpose is the subject of further investigations. So far it has been ascertained that a small portion
of the money was transferred to accounts held in Switzerland by various former Malaysian public
officials and both former and current public officials from the United Arabic Emirates. To date,
however, the Malaysian companies concerned have made no comment on the losses they are
believed to have incurred. The object of the request for mutual assistance is therefore to advise
the companies and the Malaysian government of the results of the Swiss criminal proceedings,
with the aim of finding out whether losses on this scale have been sustained.

The mutual assistance request will be transferred to the respective Malaysian authorities within
the coming days.

For further information contact:

André Marty, Head of Communications;
Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland requests Malaysia for mutual assistance

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