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Unit 1 Bands and fans 8
Unit 2 Relative values 16
Unit 3 Things that matter 24
Unit 4 Battling nature 32
Unit 5 Eat your heart out! 40
Unit 6 On camera 48
Unit 7 A home from home 56
Unit 8 Moving on 64
Unit 9 Lucky break? 72
Unit 10 Virtual friends 80
Unit 11 Living on the edge 88
Unit 12 Crime scene 96
Unit 13 Who are you again? 104
Unit 14 Say what you mean 112

Audio scripts 120

Teaching notes for photocopiable activities 135
Photocopiable activities 158

Welcome to Gold First New Edition, an innovative and engaging course for
students preparing to sit Cambridge English: First or working at B2 on the
common European framework. Gold First follows the same identity and
approach as FCE Gold Plus, but has been comprehensively updated to reflect
the 2015 Cambridge English: First exam specifications. Rich authentic texts,
carefully chosen to appeal to adults and older teenagers, provide the basis for
lessons that will captivate the interest of both students and teachers alike.
A well-prepared student will enter the exam confident both of their English
level and the best strategies to approach each task. Students will finish the
Gold First New Edition course confident of what to expect in the exam from the
detailed Exam Focus section and tips for every practice task. In addition, there
is an extensive writing reference section with sample graded answers and
comments, and useful language for each genre.
The Gold First New Edition package combines a suite of printed and digital
components that can be used individually or in a multitude of combinations
to suit the learner’s needs and the technology available. The table on page
5 gives an overview of how the components available with Gold First New
Edition fit together. The teaching notes include many ideas for how and when
to integrate the different components to provide a seamlessly integrated and
easy-to-use course package that both tech-savvy teachers and those using an
interactive whiteboard for the first time will find invaluable.

Main features of the course






Dynamic learning Comprehensive exam practice

Using Gold First New Edition makes it easy to teach and support
light, fun classes with stimulating, discussion-rich
lessons together with lots of personalisation. There is Gold First New Edition ensures that both teachers and students
a strong emphasis on communicative practice and know what to expect in the 2015 exam and how to deal with
the development of natural speaking skills to develop each part effectively, thanks to the carefully staged exam tasks
student confidence. and comprehensive Exam Focus section detailing strategies for
every part of the exam, as well as extra tips with every exam task.
Support levels are graduated through the book to help prepare
Better class flow students for tackling the tasks independently in the exam. The
Exam Maximiser also provides plenty of revision, practice and
Material in Gold First New Edition is divided into extension, as well as a complete Practice Test, additional Use of
lessons on spreads or pages so that there is a natural English sections and advice on how to avoid making common
progression through a variety of activities including exam errors. MyEnglishLab: Cambridge First provides further online
individual, pair- and classwork. Each unit contains practice of the skills students will need to excel in their exam as
practice for all papers of the Cambridge English: First well as two full tests.
exam and every lesson includes an integrated range
of skills with plenty of discussion.
Extensive digital package
Vocabulary presented in The Gold First New Edition digital components provide an easy-
to-use solution for teachers and schools who wish to incorporate
chunks technology to a greater extent in their classes to provide a more
engaging student experience. Components include eText for
In Gold First New Edition, phrasal verbs, collocations, students, eText IWB software for teachers, Online Testmaster and
idioms and other vocabulary are presented and MyEnglishLab: Cambridge First. You will find many ideas of how and
practised in context to help students understand and when to use these included in the Teacher’s Book along with other
remember them better. suggestions for incorporating technology, such as useful websites.

Gold First New Edition Package Components
Component Technology Required Description
Coursebook •  fourteen engaging units with authentic texts
•  exam-style practice and exam tips with every exam task
•  extensive reference section including Grammar Reference, Exam
Focus and Writing Reference
Exam Maximiser Internet connection for audio •  additional practice of exam tasks and language points
•  activities follow on from but are not dependent on the Coursebook
Download the Maximiser audio at www.
•  plenty of extra listening practice, with audio available online
•  seven additional Use of English spreads and a complete Practice Test.
•  cross-references to Exam Maximiser tasks at the end of each lesson in
the Teacher’s Book
MyEnglishLab: Computers with internet connection •  designed to be used alongside the Gold First course
Cambridge First •  comprehensive training in the subskills and areas of language that
Students’ unique access codes are on the
underpin the exam
inside front cover of their Coursebook with
•  video presentations of each part of the exam
•  two full practice tests
Arrange your teacher’s access code •  automatic grading for most activities, giving students instant rich
through your local Pearson office: http:// feedback and saving you time in the classroom •  gradebook allows you to track students’ progress as a group or
•  gradebook and Common Error Report help in identifying individuals
or general areas for additional attention.
eText for Student netbooks/computers •  digital version of the coursebook
students •  for use at home or on netbooks or computers in the classroom
Students’ unique access codes are printed
•  includes interactive activities
on their eText Access Card.
•  students can listen as many times as they need to, and read along
with the audio script.
Teacher’s Book Photocopier for photocopiables •  your complete guide to using all of the Gold First New Edition
components in a blended classroom
•  lesson plans with answers, audio scripts and sample writing task
•  cross-references to all of the Gold components
•  supplementary ideas for warmers and extension activities
•  advice on using the digital components, and other ideas for a
blended classroom, including useful websites
•  two photocopiable activities per unit
eText IWB Interactive Whiteboard/Projector •  can be used during class to display the course pages, play audio and
software for do exercises
teachers •  answers for all activities
•  video of a mock speaking test
•  essential IWB tools and ability to add notes, links and documents
•  games practising key grammar points or vocabulary from the unit.
Online Computer with internet connection •  customisable tests in Word format
Testmaster •  includes placement tests, a unit test for each unit, five progress tests
Access the Testmaster through your local
and an exit test.
Pearson office: http://www.pearsonelt.
Class Audio Internet connection or CD player •  available online for teachers who choose not to use the IWB
Access the online audio through your local
•  audio CDs are also available in some markets.
Pearson office: http://www.pearsonelt.
To place an order or for more information, go to

Recommended with Teaching strategies
Gold First The Gold First New Edition Online Testmaster includes an
entry test which may be used as an aid to establish whether
Longman Exams Dictionary a student is at an appropriate level for the Gold First New
Edition course. Even if two students were to attain an
With expert guidance on vocabulary building
identical numerical score, no two learners are exactly the
and writing skills, plus hours of interactive exam
same and consequently it is natural that every teacher
practice on the CD-ROM, the Longman Exams
has to manage a degree of diversity in their class due
Dictionary is a must-have for students preparing
to variation in prior knowledge, learning pace and style
for examinations.
and motivation.
•   Covers key academic study areas
•   10,000 synonyms, antonyms and word families A key aspect to successfully teaching a multi-level class is
•   Over 1,000 Study Notes on vocabulary, grammar and  to know your learners.
common errors
•  Academic Word List highlighted Ideas to help you know
•   Topic Activator section focuses on vocabulary for 
common exam topics your learners:
•   Essay Activator section focuses on key vocabulary for 
Student reflection
writing tasks
Ask students to reflect on and describe their own goals,
The Longman Exams Coach CD-ROM includes hours of
strengths and weaknesses in their personal English-
interactive practice, with feedback including strategies to
learning journey. This works well as an initial writing
improve academic essay writing and listening practice.
assignment for the first day’s homework on the course.
Practice Tests Plus First 2 New Edition Test to help you teach
The Practice Tests Plus First 2 New Edition offers The Gold First New Edition Online Testmaster includes a
comprehensive practice for each exam paper range of assessment resources including entry and exit
and includes: tests, fourteen unit tests and five progress tests. Using
•   eight complete practice tests, two with exam  these tests can help you focus your classes more precisely
guidance and question-specific tips to your students’ needs.
•   audio and visual materials for students to practise for the 
speaking and listening papers at home Make time to listen
•   a guide to the Cambridge English: First 2015 exam During group discussions and pairwork, take the
•   answer key and audio script to support teachers doing  opportunity to circulate and listen. Make notes on what you
exam practice in class. hear, especially any areas that require targeted development
to deal with later in the lesson or at a future point.
Practice Tests Plus First 2 New Edition includes online materials
include: Read student writing regularly
•  fi lmed examples of the speaking exam Each Gold First New Edition unit includes a writing
•  writing samples assignment. By giving individualised feedback, you
•  teaching tips and activity ideas. will learn a lot about each student as a writer. Make
sure you keep in mind what you notice to include in
Grammar and Vocabulary for future teaching.
Cambridge First
Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First
second edition offers integrated grammar and Some teachers find meeting with students individually in a
vocabulary practice for students preparing for the tutorial beneficial for monitoring and discussing progress.
Cambridge First exam. You could allow 15 minutes once a month for this.
•   Thorough review of key grammar points with thousands  Record-keeping
of corpus-based example sentences showing natural Records could be as simple as a page for each student in
English in authentic contexts the class register binder, or could be kept electronically in
•   Word Store focusing on topics and lexical areas that are a document or spreadsheet. Having a place to keep notes
important for the exam on each student including goals, test scores and writing
•   Entry Tests to lead students to practice of specifi c  feedback makes it easier to remember the details of
language points individuals as well as to write reports.
•   Exam Practice every two units

Manage multi-level classes Teaching with MyEnglishLab
Plenty of pairwork MyEnglishLab: Cambridge First complements Gold First and
Working in pairs and small groups gives students the allows you to provide students with a blended learning
opportunity to learn reciprocally. Discussing reasons for experience. Focusing on the subskills that underpin the
their answers in an activity can be particularly useful by Cambridge English: First exam, MyEnglishLab: Cambridge
providing both the challenge of articulating a reason First includes interactive practice activities, video
effectively and the support of having someone else’s introductions to each part of the exam, and two full practice
thought process explained. The lesson plans in the Gold First tests. You and your students can access these materials
Teacher’s Book include pairwork in every lesson. wherever there is an internet connection.
Mix them up Using MyEnglishLab: Cambridge First allows you to spend
The more diverse your class, the more important it is to less time marking exercises in class, which frees up
change partners regularly to ensure students get a range classroom time for more communicative activities, project
of practice with people with different strengths. This is work, and so on, and students receive instant detailed
particularly important for preparation for the speaking feedback which is relevant to the answer they gave.
paper of Cambridge First, where students will be paired with Introduce MyEnglishLab to your students
someone who may have a different level than themselves.
After you have registered and created your course, students
Repeating an exercise with a new partner is a strategy that
can register using the unique access code from their
is often used in the Gold First Teacher’s Book, which gives
Coursebook and your Teacher’s course code. Students will
students of all abilities the opportunity to improve their
feel more confident about accessing their online course
first performance.
activities if you demonstrate how in class.
Offer choices
Many students respond well to choices that help them Introducing the purpose of MyEnglishLab to your class
make a decision about their own learning. For example: is essential. You can discuss how you intend to use it
‘Okay, I’m going to offer you a choice here. For those who and why it is beneficial: students can work in a digital
would like to look at the third conditional in more detail, I’m format – perhaps they’ll like this for variety and a sense
going to work through the Grammar Reference now. If you of independence, or perhaps they are preparing for the
feel you are already familiar with the third conditional, you computer-based test; they’ll have access to additional
can start the third conditional activity on p.X.’ practice of the key skills they’ll need to excel in the exam;
they can get instant feedback on their answers; they can
Have a plan for fast finishers track their progress very easily with the onscreen indicators.
If your class is particularly diverse, there may be a significant
variation in the time it takes for students to complete an Assign work regularly
exercise, especially during timed tests or writing activities. One You can make all of the material available for students to
option is to write the day’s homework on the board before work through in their own time, or assign specific activities
class, and let students know that if they finish class exercises as you go through your course. Suggestions for activities to
early they can begin working on their homework. Another assign with Gold First are made in the Additional Practice
option for fast finishers is for them to design a few extra sections of these teacher’s notes. You can assign tasks to the
questions/exercises on the lesson topic. You could also have a whole class, to groups of students with different needs, or
basket of English newspapers/magazines/readers available. to individual students.
Provide extra support Make the most of the gradebook
Some additional suggestions for students who are finding Check the gradebook regularly to see how your students
the course very challenging include: are doing. If students are not completing activities, you can
•  giving students the opportunity to rehearse before email them to find out why. You can export the gradebook
discussion activities, e.g. ‘You’re going to speak with your as an Excel file to make life easy when you need to write
partner about the photos on p.X. Take a minute now to student reports.
look at them and think about what you’re going to say. I’ll The Common Error report shows the frequency and types
let you know when to begin.’ of errors students have made on an exercise. This makes it
•  for writing activities, eliciting starters on the board which easy for you to identify areas for further remedial teaching.
students may choose to use
•  encouraging students to listen to the audio again after Messages
class on ActiveBook. MyEnglishLab: Cambridge First enables you to send and keep
track of messages to your students outside class. You can
See page 6 for some recommended additional resources.
remind students about their homework, offer guidance, and
have one-to-one exchanges with individual students. There
is also a folder where you can upload documents for the
class such as reading material, sample answers or notices.

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