Solution of Mechanism

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1.) The elements of a power hacksaw
2 1 Ground or Frame
2 Crank
 O
3 Connecting Rod
A 4 1
4 Piston
The Kinematic diagram

2.) a.) Between 1 -2 Pin Joint 1 Full Joint

Between 2 -3 Pin Joint 1 Full Joint
Between 3 -4 Pin Joint 1 Full Joint
Between 1 -4 Slider Joint 1 Full Joint
Between 3 -5 Pin Joint 1 Full Joint
Between 5 -6 Slider Joint 1 Full Joint
Between 1 -6 Slider Joint 1 Full Joint
Total 7 Full Joints, J1=7, No half joint, , J2=0

The number of element, L=6

DOF  3( L  1)  2 J1  J 2  3(6  1)  2 x7  0  1

Vector Loop
1=00 +
R4 R3
4=900 3=300
Or 4=900
R2 3=300
2=0 0 R2
2=00 1=00 R1

Write the vector Loop equation taking the CW as positive

       
R 2  R 3  R 1 R 4  0  R 1 R 2  R 3  R 4  0

Write it in polar form ae i1  be i 2  ce i 3  de i 4  0

a(Cos1  iSin 1)  b(Cos 2  iSin  2 )  c(Cos3  iSin 3 )  d (Cos 4  iSin  4 )  0

Separate it into x and y components
x components
aCos1  bCos 2  cCos 3  dCos 4  0.............(1)

y components
aSin1  bSin 2  cSin3  dSin 4  0................(2)
   
R 1  a ; R 2  b  0,3m; R 3  c  0,5m; R 4  d

Constants: a,b,c,1,4 Variables: d,2,3

The values are at the given instant of the mechanism

a=0,73m; b=0,3m;c=0,5m;1=00; 4=900 [a=0,3+0,5xCos(300)=0,73m]

Substitute 1=00; 2=00 into Eqs (1) and (2)

aCos (00 )  bCos (00 )  cCos  3  dCos ( 4 )  0  a  b  cCos  3  dCos 4  0.............(3)

aSin(00 )  bSin(00 )  cSin3  dSin 4  0  cSin3  dSin 4  0................(4)

Substitutimg the values into eq.(4)

0,5Sin(30 0 )  dSin(90 0 )  0  d  0,25m

Take the first derivative of eq.(1) and (2) with respect to time in order to get velocity
equations by noticing constant terms
aCos1  bCos 2  cCos 3  dCos 4  0.............(1)

  
b  2 Sin 2  c 3 Sin3  d Cos 4  0.............(5)

aSin1  bSin 2  cSin3  dSin 4  0................(2)

  
 b  2 Cos 2  c 3 Cos3  d Sin 4  0.............(6)

  
Where  2  2 ; 3  3 ; d  vC
By rearranging of eq.(5) and (6) they becomes as

b2 Sin 2  c3Sin 3  vC Cos  4  0.............(7)

 b2 Cos 2  c3Cos3  vC Sin 4  0.............(8)

vC=-1,2 m/s (it is negative because it is opposite to the positive direction)
Substitute the values into eq.(7) and (8)

0,32 Sin(00 )  0,53Sin(30 0 )  (1,2)Cos (90 0 )  0

0,53Sin(30 0 )  0  0,253  0  3  0

Substitute 3=0 into eq.(8)

 0,32 Cos (00 )  0,5 x0 xCos (30 0 )  (1,2) Sin (90 0 )  0

 0,32  1,2  0  2  4rad / s
Where the negative sign defines that the angular velocity of member 2 in CW
direction. Recall please CCW direction is positive.

2   AB  4 rad/s (in CW) ; 3   BC  0


  
vB  vC  vB / C ...........(9) (it is not known, yet).
vB / C
60 0


v B direction
Fi (it is not known, yet).
Starting point
int v B  ?


vB / C
vB  ?

Finish point =?
According to eq.(9) vB is the resultant vector which have to lie from the starting
point to the finish point. There are two possibilities for finish point
corresponding to two vB possibilities. It is exactly known that the direction of vB
is vertical. If the polygon is closed like dashed lines as shown from the polygon,
then the direction of vB will be not vertical whereas its real direction is
vertical.Since both dashed lines will not satisfy real direction of vB , vB/C have to
be zero.

    
vB  vC  vB / C ...........(9)  vB  vC ...........(10)

Starting point v B  vC  1.2 m/s

vB / C  0
vC v B
vB / C   BC BC
Finish point 0   BC .0,5   BC  0 rad / s

vB / C   BC BC
0   BC .0,5   BC  0 rad / s

 AB •

Recall that the direction of the tangential velocities must be accordance
with the direction of the angular velocities.

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