Recreating The Coat of Arms 20-2 PDF

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Recreating the Coat of Arms

The Canadian Coat of Arms is outdated. It is now your task to

create your own Canadian Crest based on the national identities
that you learned about in class.

Update the Crest to demonstrate what you believe should be

more prominently represented on the Coat of Arms.

This can be a mix of nationalistic and non-nationalistic loyalties.

Use what you have learned in class to justify why each element
of your symbol is on your Coat of Arms, in a formal writing style.
Use specific evidence to help make your Coat of Arms
meaningful and relevant to present day Canada.

You are required to provide:

1.) A New Coat of Arms for Canada
2.) A Written Component that Justifies all
Our Current Coat of Arms:
symbols used and answers the following
A Mari Usque Ad Mare: From Sea to
Sea question:

Symbols of the Four Founding Nations: How does the official Coat of Arms embody
1.) The Three Royal Lions of England Canadian National Identity?
2.) The Royal Lion of Scotland
3.) The Royal Fleur-de-lis of France
4.) Irish Harp of Tara

The lion of England, holding the Royal

Union Flag. The Unicorn of Scotland
carrying the flag of Royal France.
The floral emblems of the four founding
1.) The English Rose ABILITY *
2.) The Scottish Thistle
3.) French Fleur-de-lis
4.) The Irish Shamrock

The Royal Crown at the top, indicates

that these are the Arms of Her Majesty
the Queen in Right of Canada.
Student Name ________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________

Task: Canadian Coat of Arms

Justification (10) Communication (5)
Evidence is specific and accurate to justify the symbols in the coat of arms. Errors, if present, do The writing is fluent and purposefully organized. Effective
E not detract from the response. The students demonstrates a thorough and perceptive stylistic choices may contribute to the creation of an
Excellent understanding of applicable social studies knowledge, the assigned task and key question. engaging voice. Vocabulary is precise. The writing
demonstrates confident control of sentence construction,
grammar, and mechanics. Errors, if present, are
Evidence is appropriate in justifying the symbols in the coat of arms but may contain some The writing is logical and clearly organized. Appropriate
Pf factual errors. The student demonstrates a clear understanding of applicable social studies stylistic choices may contribute to the creation of a distinct
Proficient knowledge, the assigned task and key question. voice. Vocabulary is specific. The writing frequently
demonstrates effective control of sentence construction,
grammar, and mechanics. Errors do not detract from
Evidence is relevant for justification of symbols but is general and/or incompletely developed. The writing is generally clear and functionally organized.
S The evidence may contain errors. The student demonstrates an acceptable understanding of Basic stylistic choices may contribute to the creation of a
Satisfactory applicable social studies knowledge, the assigned task and key question. voice that is adequate. Vocabulary is adequate. The writing
demonstrates a basic control of sentence construction,
grammar, and mechanics. Errors do not seriously interfere
with communication.
Evidence is superficial for justification of symbols and may not always be relevant. The evidence The writing is uneven and incomplete but is discernibly
L may contain significant errors. The student demonstrates a confused, yet discernable, organized. Awkward stylistic choices may contribute to the
Limited understanding of applicable social studies knowledge, the assigned task and key question. creation of an unconvincing and/or inappropriate voice.
Vocabulary is imprecise and/or inappropriate. The writing
demonstrates a faltering control of sentence construction,
grammar, and mechanics. Errors hinder communication.

Evidence, if present, is incomplete and/or marginally relevant in justifying the symbols in the The writing is unclear and disorganized. Ineffective and/or
P coat of arms. Significant errors in content are quite frequent. The student demonstrates a minimal inappropriate stylistic choices may contribute to the creation
Poor understanding of applicable social studies knowledge, the assigned task, and the key question. of an ineffective and/or unsuitable voice. Vocabulary is
ineffective and frequently incorrect. A lack of control of
sentence construction grammar and mechanics is
demonstrated. Errors impede communication
Zero is assigned to a response that fails to meet the minimum requirements of poor. A zero
Z may be assigned to one or more categories
 When work is judged to be poor or zero, the teacher makes decisions about appropriate intervention to help the student improve.

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