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Visual Arts Step-by-Step Lesson Elements

(Modified from the SOE Lesson Plan Template)

Directions for Lesson Plan Template:
Complete the attached form with the information requested including all elements in a typewritten document. Listed below are details for
each element.

Student Name: Camille Means

Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject Area: Visual Arts

1. Standards: (InTASC Standard #4) List all relevant standards for this lesson.
● Core Art Standard:
○ ART.VA.II.K.3: Participate in discussions of the aspects of environment, family, and home in the creation of art.
ART.VA.I.K.3: Explore the elements of art through playful sensory experiences.
○ ART.VA.V.K.4: Explore connections between the visual arts and other curriculum.
○ ART.VA.I.K.2: Work with materials and tools safely with environmental awareness.
○ ART.VA.I.K.4: Prepare, complete, and sign finished artwork.

● Common Core Standards:

○ K - G5 .0 .1 Describe ways in which the environment provides for basic human needs and wants .

○ K-ESS3-1 Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the
places they live.

○ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.3 Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not

● Grade Level Expectation: Applies, analyzes, and creates the element color when producing a work of art. (GLE: 1.1.6 )
2. (InTASC Standards #1, #3 & #4) (What is the learning target, specific performance task, the success indicators)

● Big Idea: (Why is this so important to learn?)

○ The students will make a collage of animals working together in a community using primary colors. They will better understand
the use of collage and texture, and most importantly the basis of color theory, that they will build on in later grades. This lesson is
important at the kindergarten level because it begins their understanding of color theory and how working together is important in
all communities.

● Lesson Objective(s) & Targeted Outcome(s): The Learner Will (TLW)...

○ correctly choose the primary colors among other choices
○ use texture successfully in artwork to enhance art and create a focal point
○ Apply collaging techniques correctly

3. Materials & Resources: (List everything you will need to teach your art lesson.)

Materials Art Resources

● Paper ● Scissors
● Watercolor paint ● Paint brushes
● Glue ● Google slides presentation
● Collaging paper ● Pencil
● Textures ● Mounting tabs

4. Knowing the Students: (What preliminary skills / knowledge do students already have? What do they already know about topic? What
“baseline” or pre-test data do you have?)
● Students are working on using scissors correctly
● Students know what it looks like to work together
● They understand community
● They have been introduced to texture
● They know how to glue

5. Art & Literacy Connection:(In what ways are literacy skills and strategies being incorporated into this lesson?
● Art Connection: understand the primary colors and apply them to project
● understand how to collage and apply it to the background
● create animals working together in a community
● apply texture to project
● remember and practice using scissors

● Literacy Connection: Students use linguistic skills to communicate thoughts and ideas with their peers.

6. Technology Integration: (Describe how you and students will use technology)
● Youtube :
● youtube :
● Google SLides

Estimated 7. Instructional Procedures 9. UDL, Differentiation, and Accommodations

● As students enter the room I will have the trailer to The Bee
6 min Movie playing. This will get students thinking of a bee hive ● Abstract Sequential: Lesson allows for this mind
and how it works together. style to have alone work time, and can reference my example on the front table when needed.
o Already have materials on desks. (2 papers for
each student, textures to choose from, paper ● Concrete Sequential: Lesson allows this mind style
scraps to rip and collage, and red, blue, yellow to see three digital presentations, (2 videos, and
google slides) and sees a finished product.

● Abstract Random: Lesson allows for this mind style

ART INTEGRATION to communicate ideas with peers, and teacher before
● understand the primary colors and apply them to project they get started.
● understand how to collage and apply it to the background
● create animals working together in a community ● Concrete Random: Lesson allows these students to
● apply texture to project explore with different materials; paper, texture, colors.
● remember and practice using scissors Also gets choice in choosing what animals work

● Create: producing original work

● Evaluate: justify how animals work together in a


● Analyze: draw connections on animal communities,

and human communities. How are they alike/different?

● Apply: Implement other prior knowledge from social

studies/ science about animal communities

● Understand: Explain Primary colors, how they create

all other colors

● Remember: Name primary colors

Step-By-Step Procedures (including formative assessment and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES:
● Visual/Spatial: videos, images, and actual example of
1. After The Bee Movie trailer is finished I will start my google
slides presentation. the project
2. Begin by introducing the idea of animals working together in
● Musical/Rhythmic: Video with song of primary colors
a community.
a. “I observe that bees work together in a hive to ● Intrapersonal: individually explore with textures,
produce honey. Talk to your table about other
paint, and paper
animals that work together in a community.”
b. Then show slide of images of bees, ants, birds ● Interpersonal: I will do “In progress reflections” with
3. Then introduce primary colors
these students
a. Show video ● Natural: Thinking, and creating a project on
4. Explain project, have students gather around my front
environment, and the animals in that environment
a. “We are going to collage how an animal works ● Kinesthetic: This project is hands on for these
together in a community.”
i. Collage beehive background
ii. With separate sheet of paper paint bees
iii. Cut out bees
35 min iv. Using mounting tabs, add bees to
v. Glue community on paper and write how
they are working together.
vi. “When you get to this section come see
Miss. Means and I will write what you tell
me your community is doing, and then you
will sign your name”
5. Release students to begin brainstorming which animals
they are going to paint with primary colors
a. Then they can start painting
6. Students will then start collaging
a. At this time I will walk around and help, and
formally assess student work.
7. As students begin to use the mounting tabs I will show
example, and help kids who need it.
8. I will be at front of the room, ready to write about the
different communities as students finish
9. GO over cleaning duties with students before everyone
starts finishing
Clean up:
● Paint brushes need to be set in center tray
● Water needs to be dumped out and containers put on
center tray
● All scrap paper needs to be throw away, unless bigger
than your head
● Scissors need to be left in center tray
● Once all that is cleared put two new papers in your spot
for the next class.

8. Closure:
● I will allow time for students to tell the people they are
working with about their work. How their animals are
working together.

● Then I will discuss how humans work together in a

6 min
o “Can we support ways in which humans work
together in a community?”

● Then we will finish by reviewing primary colors.

o “What are the primary colors?, is orange a primary


9. Assessment & Evaluation:

● I will assess that students grasped the idea of collaging.
● I will assess their use of scissors
● I will assess completion

10. Reflection (after teaching lesson):

Please include image of project example.

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