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Morning Communions vital forces from trees and

To commune with the Earthly 4
Mother, on Saturday morning, The words of the Tuesday
he says, morning Communion with the
Angel of joy are:
"The Earthly Mother and I are "Angel of joy, descend upon
one. She gives the food of earth and give beauty to all
Life to my whole body." beings."

When he finishes these words He then feels himself

he contemplates edible fruits, absorbing vibrations of joy
grains or plants and feels the from the beauties of nature as
currents of the Earthly Mother he contemplates the colors of
flowing in him and sunrise, of sunset, the song
intensifying and directing the of a bird or the aroma of a
metabolism of his body. flower.

2 5
On Sunday morning he communes The Wednesday morning
with the Angel of Earth, Communion to the Angel of the
saying: Sun uses these words:

"Angel of Earth, enter my "Angel of Sun, enter my Solar

generative organs and Center and give the fire of
regenerate my whole body." life to my whole body."

As he says this he As these words are spoken he

contemplates the life- contemplates the rising sun
generating soil and the and feels and directs the
growing grass, feeling the accumulated solar forces
currents of the Angel of Earth radiating through his solar
transforming his sexual energy center, located at the solar
into regenerative forces. plexus, sending them to all
parts of his body.
On Monday morning he communes 6
with the Angel of Life in the The Thursday morning Communion
following words: with the Angel of Water is
made by saying:
"Angel of Life, enter my limbs
and give strength to my whole "Angel of Water, enter my
body." blood and give the water of
Life to my whole body."
He now contemplates trees as
he feels himself absorbing

As he says this he knew that each individual must

contemplates the waters of the control and utilize these
earth, in rain, river, lake, powers for himself through his
sea or anywhere, and the own conscious efforts, and
currents of the Angel of Water that no one could do it for
are felt intensifying and him.
directing the circulation of The Communions were practiced
the blood. each morning and evening, a
7 different earthly force being
At the Communion on Friday meditated upon each morning
morning with the Angel of Air, upon arising, and a different
the Essene says: heavenly force each evening
"Angel of Air, enter my lungs before retiring, each day of
and give the air of Life to my the week. This made a total of
whole body." fourteen communions during
each seven day period.
The one communing contemplates At each of the Communions the
the atmosphere as he says this designated force was
and breathes rhythmically. concentrated upon,
contemplated and meditated
The Communions have three upon so that its power could
immediate objectives. be absorbed and consciously
utilized in whatever intensity
The first is to make man was required.
conscious of the activities of An explanation of the purpose
the different forces and forms of each Communion follows:
of energy which surround him
and perpetually flow toward THE MORNING COMMUNIONS
him from nature and the
cosmos. The Earthly Mother- Saturday
The second is to make him Morning
aware of the organs and
centers within his being which The purpose of this Communion
can receive these currents of was to establish unity between
energy. man's physical organism and
The third is to establish a the nutritive forces of the
connection between the organs earth.
and centers and their This was accomplished by
corresponding forces so as to contemplating the different
absorb, control and utilize food substances and realizing
each current. that the body is formed of the
elements of the earth, and is
The Essenes knew that man has nourished with those elements
different bodily systems to through plant life. This
absorb the different energies teaches the meaning and
from food, air, water, solar importance of the natural
radiations and so on; and they foods of the earth supplied by

the Earthly Mother in harmony earth where things germinate,

with the laws governing and to the power of fertility
terrestrial life. Through this and the glands and organs of
man learns of the paramount generation. It taught the
role of natural foods in his importance of the life-
health and vitality and he generating powers of the soil
becomes conscious of the and of the regenerative force
processes of metabolism within of sexual energy in the
him. He learns, furthermore, glandular system. It made man
how to receive and absorb the conscious of the life
powerful energies derived from generating forces in and
foods and how to conserve around him, enabling him to be
those energies in his body. He more receptive in absorbing
thus gradually develops the this great power, and
ability to assimilate mastering, directing and
perfectly and utilize all the utilizing it.
nutritive substances he eats The Essenes' extraordinary
and the energies in them; thus faculty of self-regeneration
he is able to derive more was primarily due to their
sustenance from a given amount transforming sexual energy
of food. through the practice of this
This Communion was one of the Communion.
principal instruments by which
the Essenes maintained such The Angel of Life- Monday
remarkable physical health. Morning

The Angel of Earth- Sunday This Communion was dedicated

Morning to the life, health and
vitality of the human organism
The Earthly Mother's Angel of and that of the whole planet
Earth was the power of and brought about a dynamic
generation and regeneration. A unity between them.
central idea of the Essenes, It taught man the role of
similar to that of Zoroaster, vitality in his well-being and
was to create more and more made him conscious of all the
abundant life. The purpose of innumerable activities of the
the Communion was to transform life force in and around him,
the generative powers in life enabling him to direct it to
into the regeneration of the any part of his body in the
human body. They conceived intensity required.
this power in man to be the It gave the Essenes their
same natural force as the astonishing ability to absorb
generative powers of nature in life force especially from
the top soil, which creates trees and forests.
the vegetation of the earth.
This Communion therefore The Angel of Joy- Tuesday
relates to the surface of the Morning

cured in a way that seemed

All forms of beauty were miraculous to the early
joyously contemplated in this historians.
Communion in order to make man
conscious of the beauties of The Angel of Water- Thursday
nature and the joy within Morning
himself in every part of his
being. The Essenes considered the
This faculty of absorbing joy circulation of water in nature
from the beauties of nature, to correspond to the
sunrises, sunsets, mountains, circulation of the blood in
flowers, colors, aromas and so the body. They knew all
on was one of the means by organisms as well as their
which the Essenes attained the foods consist largely of
inner harmony and serenity water, which is also essential
which so impressed their to life on earth. The
contemporaries. perfection of the organism
depends upon the quality of
The Angel of the Sun- the blood, and in like manner
Wednesday morning the perfection of the physical
environment depends upon the
The Essenes meditated on the quality of the water
Sun as a great living force in available.
terrestrial nature, an ever- In this Communion all forms of
present source of energy water were contemplated,
without which there would be rivers, creeks, rain, the sap
no life on earth, in the ocean in trees and plants and so on,
or in the atmosphere. They establishing as a living
meditated on the effect of reality the unity between the
solar rays which do not stop waters of the body and the
at the surface of the body but waters of the planet, thereby
penetrate the organism at the making it possible to direct
point where the solar plexus the blood stream to any part
is located, bathing the body of the body or withdraw it at
and the nervous system in the will.
radiation of the Sun. This This power enabled the Essenes
point is the oldest unity in to cure many conditions
the human organism. otherwise remedied only by
The purpose of this Communion long and arduous treatment. It
was to become receptive to the was one of the reasons the
solar energies and establish a Essenes had such complete self
perfect unity between the self -mastery and an almost
and the sun and distribute its unbelievable resistance to
power throughout the body. pain.
By the Essenes' use of this
method certain abnormal Angel of the Air- Friday
conditions were frequently Morning

And the branches of the tree

The purpose of this Communion Raise their arms to heaven,
was to make man conscious of So is man like the trunk of
the dynamic unity between air the tree,
and life and that respiration With his roots deep
is the link between the In the breast of his Earthly
organism and the cosmos, that Mother,
where there is life there is And his soul ascending
breath, the cessation of one To the bright stars of his
meaning the cessation of the Heavenly Father.
other. Thus the atmosphere in And the roots of the tree
surrounding nature and the air Are the Angels of the Earthly
within the body have a Mother,
stupendous role in health and And the branches of the tree
vitality. Are the Angels of the Heavenly
This Communion was accompanied Father.
by a certain deep rhythmic And this is the sacred Tree of
breathing enabling the Essenes Life
to absorb specific energies Which stands in the Sea of
from the atmosphere and Eternity.
establish a correlation of the
self and the universe.
These Communions with the The first Communion is with
Earthly Mother and her Angels the Angel of Sun
were the source from which the The Angel of Sun,
Essenes derived their She who cometh each morning
particular way of living, As a bride from her chamber,
their eating, cold water To shed her golden light on
ablutions, sun bathing, the world.
breathing and so on, described O thou immortal, shining,
by their contemporaries, swift-steeded
josephus, Philo and Pliny, Angel of the Sun!
with such astonishment. There is no warmth without
No fire without thee,
Communions No life without thee.
As green leaves of the trees
As the Angels of the Heavenly Do worship thee,
Father And through thee is the tiny
Number seven, wheat kernel
And the Angels of the Earthly Become a river of golden
Mother grass,
Number seven. Moving with the wind.
And just as the roots of the Through thee is opened the
tree flower
Sink into the earth and are In the center of my body.

Tnerefore will I never hide

myself The third Communion is with
From thee. the Angel of Air
Angel of Sun, The Angel of Air,
Holy messenger of the Earthly Who spreads the perfume
Mother, Of sweet-smelling fields,
Enter the holy temple within of spring grass after rain,
me of the opening buds of the
And give me the Fire of Life! Rose of Sharon.
We worship the Holy Breath
Which is placed higher
The second Communion is with T'han all the other things
the Angel of Water created.
The Angel of Water, For, lo, the eternal and
She who makes the rain sovereign Luminous space,
To fall on the and plain, Where rule the unnumbered
Who fills the dry well to stars,
overflowing. Is the air we breathe in
Yea, we do worship thee, And the air we breathe out.
Water of Life- And in the moment betwixt the
From the heavenly sea breathing in
The waters run and flow And the breathing out
forward Is hidden all the mysteries of
From the never-failing the Infinite Garden.
springs. Angel of Air,
In my blood flow Holy messenger of the Earthly
A thousand pure springs, Mother,
And vapors, and clouds, Enter deep within me,
And all the waters As the swallow plummets from
T'hat spread over all the the sky,
seven Kingdoms. That I may know the secrets of
All the waters the wind
The Creator hath made Are And the music of the stars.
The voice of the Lord
Is upon the waters: The fourth Communion is with
The God of Glory thundereth; the Angel of Earth
The Lord is upon many waters. The Angel of Earth,
Angel of Water, She who brings forth corn and
Holy messenger of the Earthly grapes
Mother, From the fulness of the earth,
Enter the blood that flows She who brings children
through me, From the loins of husband and
Wash my body in the rain wife.
That falls from heaven, He who would till the earth,
And give me the Water of Life. With the left arm and the

Unto him will she bring forth She who gives strength and
An abundance of fruit and vigor to man.
grain, For, lo, if the wax is not
Golden-hued plants pure,
Growing up from the earth How then can the candle give a
During the spring, steady flame?
As far as the earth extends, Go, then, toward the high-
As far as the rivers stretch, growing trees,
As far as the sun rises, And before one of them which
To impart their gifts of food is beautiful,
unto men. High-growing and mighty,
This wide earth do I praise, Say these words:
Expanded far with paths, 'Hail be unto thee! O good,
The productive, the full- living tree,
bearing, Made by the Creator!'
Thy Mother, holy plant! Then shall the River of Life
Yea, I praise the lands Flow between you and your
Where thou dost grow Brother,
Sweet-scented swiftly The Tree,
spreading, And health of the body,
The good growth of the Lord. Swiftness of foot,
He who sows corn, grass and Quick hearing of the ears,
fruit, Strength of the arms
Soweth the Law. And eyesight of the eagle be
And his harvest shall be yours.
bountiful, Such is the Communion
And his crop shall be ripe With the Angel of Life,
upon the hills Holy messenger of the Earthly
As a reward for the followers Mother.
of the Law,
The Lord sent the Angel of
Earth, The sixth Communion is with
Holy messenger of the Earthly the Angel of Joy
Mother The Angel of Joy,
To make the plants to grow, She who descends upon earth
And to make fertile the womb To give beauty to all men.
of woman, For the Lord is not worshipped
That the earth may never be with sadness,
without Nor with cries of despair.
The laughter of children. Leave off your moans and
Let us worship the Lord in lamentations,
her! And sing unto the Lord a new
Sing unto the Lord, all the
The fifth Communion is with earth.
the Angel of Life Let the heavens rejoice
The Angel of Life, And let the earth be glad.

Let the field be joyful, By the never-failing springs.

Let the floods clap their Through her brightness and
hands; glory
Let the hills be joyful Do the winds blow,
together Before the Lord. Driving down the clouds
For you shall go out with joy Towards the never-failing
And be led forth with peace: springs.
The mountains and the hills The Earthly Mother and I are
Shall break forth before you One.
into singing. I have my roots in her,
Angel of Joy, And she takes her delight in
Holy messenger of the Earthly me
Mother, According to the Holy Law. "
I will sing unto the Lord
As long as I live:
I will sing praise to my God Worship
While I have my being.
Up! Rise up and roll along!
The seventh Communion is with Thou immortal, shining,
Our Earthly Mother Swift-steeded Angel of Sun!
Our Earthly Mother, Above the Mountains!
She who sends forth her Angels Produce Light for the World!
To guide the roots of man Angel of Sun, thou art the
And send them deep into the Fountain of Light:
blessed soil. Thou dost Pierce the darkness.
We invoke the Earthly Mother! Open thou the gate of the
The Holy Preserver! horizon!
The Maintainer! The Angel of Sun doth dwell
It is She who will restore the far above the earth,
world! Yet do her rays fill our days
The earth is hers, with life and warmth.
And the fulness thereof the The chariot of the morning
world, doth bring the light
And they that dwell therein. Of the rising sun
We worship the good, the And maketh glad the hearts Of
strong, men.
The beneficent Earthly Mother The Angel of Sun doth illumine
And all her Angels, our path
Bounteous, valiant, With rays of splendor.
And full of strength; Angel of Sun!
Welfare-bestowing, kind, Dart forth thy rays upon me!
And health-giving. Let them touch me; let them
Through her brightness and penetrate me!
glory I give myself to thee and thy
Do the plants grow up from the embrace,
earth, Blessed with the fire of life!

A molten flood of holy joy The waters of the sea become

Flows toward me from thee! pure,
Onward to thee, Angel of Sun! The standing waters become
As no man can look upon the pure,
sun with naked eyes, All the Holy Creatures become
So no man can see God face to pure.
face, It is through brightness and
Lest he be consumed by the glory
flames That man is born who listens
Which guard the Tree of Life. well
Study, then, the Holy Law: To the Holy Words of the Law,
For the face of the Sun and Whom Wisdom holds dear.Through
the face of God their brightness and gloryDoth
Can be seen only by the one the Sun go his way,Through
who hath within him their brightness and gloryDoth
The Revelation of the Law. the Moon go her way,Through
Thinkest thou that death is an their brightness and glory
end? Do the Stars go their way
Thy thoughts are foolish as unto the immortal, shining,
those of a child swift-steeded SunLet there be
Who sees dark sky and falling invocation with sacrifice and
rain prayer.
And cries that there is no When the Light of the Sun
sun. waxeth brighter,
Wouldst thou grow strong in When the brightness of the Sun
the Law? waxeth warmer,
Be, then, as the sun at Then do the heavenly forces
noonday, arise.
Which shineth with light and They pour their Glory upon the
warmth on all men, Earth,
And giveth freely and Made by the Heavenly
abundantly of her golden Father,For the increase of the
glory. Children of Light,
Then shall the Fountain of For the increase of the
Light flow back to thee, immortal,Shining, swift-
As the Sun is never without steeded Sun.He who offers up a
light, sacrificeUnto the immortal,
For it floweth freely, without shining, swift-steeded Sun,
restraint. To withstand darkness,To
And when the Sun riseth,Then withstand death that creeps in
the Earth, made by the unseen,
Creator, offereth it up unto the
Becometh clean,The running Heavenly Father,
waters become pure, offereth it up unto the
The waters of the wells become Angels,
pure, offereth it up unto his own
soul.He rejoiceth all the
10 | P a g e

heavenly and earthly forcesWho What a great river is to

offereth up a sacrifice streams and brooks.
Unto the immortal, shining, As rivers Of water in a dry
swift-steeded Sun. place
I will sacrifice unto that Are the Brothers who bringeth
friendship, the Holy Law
The best of all friendships, To the world of men.In water
That reign between the Angel mayest thou drown,And in water
of Sun mayest thou quench thy
And the sons of the Earthly thirst.Thus is the Holy Law a
Mother. two-edged sword:
I bless the Glory and Light, By the Law mayest thou destroy
The Strength and the Vigor, thyself,
Of the immortal, shining, And by the Law mayest thou see
swift-steeded Angel of Sun! God.
Heavenly Father!
From thy Heavenly Sea flow all
From the Heavenly Sea That spread over all the seven
the Waters run and flow Kingdoms.
forward This Heavenly Sea of thine
from the never-failing aloneGoeth on bringing Waters
Springs. Both in summer and winter and
To the dry and barren in all seasons.
desertHave the Brothers This Sea of thine purifteth
brought the Angel of the seed in males,
Water:That she might bring The womb in females,The milk
forth a garden and a green in female's breasts.Thy
place, Heavenly Sea floweth down
Tree-filled and fragrant with unrestrained
flowers.Cast thyself into the Unto the big-seeded corn
enfolding arms Of the Angel of fields,Unto the small-seeded
Water:For she shall cast out pasture fields,
from theeAll that is unclean And unto the whole of the
and evil.Let my love flow Earthly World.
toward thee, Heavenly Father, A thousand pure Springs run
As the river flows to the toward the pastures
sea.And let thy love flow to That give food to the Children
me, Heavenly Father, of Light.
A s the gentle rain doth kiss If any one shall sacrifice
the earth.As a river through unto thee,
the forest Is the Holy Law.All O thou holy Angel of Water!To
creatures depend on it,And it that one dost thou give both
denieth nothing to any splendor and glory,
being.The Law is to the world With health and with vigor of
of men the body.
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To him dost thou give a long THE ANGEL OF AIR

enduring life, We worship the Holy Breath
And the Heavenly Sea, Which is placed higher than
thereafter. All the other things created;
We worship all the holy waters And we worship
Which do quench the thirst of The most true Wisdom.
the earth, In the midst of the fresh air
All the holy waters that the of the forest and fields,
Creator hath made, There shalt thou find the
And all the plants which the Angel of Air.
Creator hath made, Patiently she waits for thee
All of which are holy. To quit the dank and crowded
We do worship the Water of holes of the city.
Life, Seek her, then, and quaff
And all waters upon the earth, deeply
Whether standing, or running, Of the healing draught which
or waters of the well, she doth offer thee.
Or spring-waters which Breathe long and deeply,
perennially flow, That the Angel of Air may be
Or the blessed drippings of brought within you.
the rains, For the rhythm of thy breath
We do sacrifice unto the good is the key of knowledge
and holy waters Which doth reveal the Holy
Which the Law hath created. Law.
Let the sea roar, and all the The Angel of Air
waters, Doth soar on invisible wings:
The world, and they that dwell Yet thou must walk her unseen
therein. path
Let the floods clap their I f thou wouldst see the face
hands, of God.
Let the hills be joyful Sweeter than the finest nectar
together. Of honeyed pomegranate
The voice of the Lord is upon Is the fragrance of the wind
the waters: In the grove of cypress.
The God of Glory thundereth. Sweeter still the scent of the
Heavenly Father! and thou, godly,
Angel of Water! Who do revere and teach the
We are thankful to thee, and Holy Law.
we bless thy name. Holy is the Angel of Air,
A flood of love welleth up Who doth cleanse all that is
From the hidden places beneath unclean
the earth: And giveth to all evil-
The Brotherhood is blessed smelling things a sweet odor.
forever Come on, come on, O clouds!
In the Holy Water of Life. From above down on to the
By thousands of drops,
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Through their brightness and As thy spirit must breathe the

glory the winds blow, Holy Law
Driving down the clouds Of the Heavenly Father.
Toward the never-failing
Vapors rise up from the vales The Angel Of Earth
of the mountains, We invoke the Abundant Earth!
Nursed by the wind along the That possesseth Health and
trail of the Law Happiness
Which increaseth the kingdom And is more powerful
of Light. Than all its Creatures.
The Heavenly Father hath made This wide earth do we praise,
the earth by his power, Expanded far with paths,
He hath established the world The productive, the full-
by his wisdom, bearing,
And hath stretched out the Thy mother, holy plant!
heavens by his will. We praise the lands where thou
When he uttereth his voice, dost grow,
There is a multitude of waters Sweet scented, swiftly
in the heavens, spreading,
And he causeth the vapors to The good growth of the Earthly
ascend Mother.
From the ends of the earth; We praise the good, the
He maketh lightnings with strong, the beneficent
rain, Angel of Earth,
And bringeth forth the wind Who doth rejoice in the dew of
out of his breath. heaven,
As the sea is the gathering The fatness of the earth,
place of the waters, And the abundant harvest Of
Rising up and going down, corn and grapes.
Up the aerial way and down on We praise the high mountains,
to the earth, Rich in pastures and in
And up again the aerial way: waters,
Thus rise, up and roll along! Upon which run the many
– streams and rivers.
And for whose rising and We praise the holy plants of
growing the Angel of Earth,
Tle Heavenly Father Which grow up from the ground,
Hath made the eternal and To nourish animals and men,
sovereign luminous Space. To nourish the Children of
No man may come before the Light.
Face of God The earth is the strong
Whom the Angel of Air letteth Preserver,
not pass. The holy Preserver, the
Thy body must breathe the air Maintainer!
of the Earthly Mother, We praise the strength and
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Of the powerful Preserver, the And wholesome green plants and

earth, golden grain.
Created by the Heavenly Sweetness and fatness will
Father! flow out from that land
We praise the healers of the And from those fields,
earth, Along with health and healing,
They who know the secrets of With fulness and increase and
the herbs and plants; plenty.
To the healers hath the Angel He who sows corn, grass and
of Earth fruit
Revealed her ancient Soweth the Holy Law:
knowledge. He maketh the Law of the
The Lord hath created Creator to progress.
medicines out of the earth, When all the earth shall be a
And he that is wise shall use garden,
them. Then shall all the bodily
Was not the water made sweet world become free
with wood, From old age and death, from
That the virtue thereof might corruption and rot,
be known? Forever and forever.
And to certain of the brothers Mercy and truth shall be met
he hath given skill, together,
That the Law Thigh t be Righteousness and peace shall
honored and fulfilled. kiss each other,
With such do they heal men, Truth shall spring out of the
And taketh away their pains, earth,
And of their works there is no And glory shall dwell in our
end; land.
And from them is peace over
all the earth.
Then give place to the THE ANGEL OF LIFE
healers, and honor them, Be not ungrateful to thy
For the Heavenly Father hath Creator,
created them: for he hath given thee Life.
Let them not go from thee, for Seek not the law in thy
thou hast need of them. scriptures, for the law is
We praise the tillers of the Life,
soil, Whereas the scriptures are
Who work together in the only words.
Garden of the Brotherhood, I tell thee truly,
In the fields which the Lord Moses received not his laws
hath blessed: from God in writing,
He who would till the earth, But through the living word.
With the left arm and with the The law is living word of
right, living God
Unto him will she bring forth To living prophets for living
plenty of fruit, men.
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In everything that is life is First, O Great Creator!

the law written. Thou didst create the Heavenly
It is found in the grass, in Powers
the trees, And thou didst reveal the
In the river, in the Heavenly Laws!
mountains, in the birds of Thou gavest unto us
heaven, understanding
In the forest creatures and From thine own mind
the fishes of the sea; And thou madst our bodily
But it is found chiefly in life.
thyselves. We are grateful, Heavenly
All living things are nearer Father,
to God For all thy manifold gifts of
Than the scriptures which are life:
without life. For the precious things of
God so made life and all heaven,
living things For the precious fruits
That they might by the brought forth by the sun,
everliving word For the precious things put
Teach the laws of the Heavenly forth by the moon,
Father For the great things of the
And the Earthly Mother ancient mountains
To the sons of men. For the precious things of the
God wrote not the laws in the lasting hills,
pages of books, And for the precious things of
But in thy heart and in thy the earth.
spirit. We are grateful, Heavenly
They are in thy breath, thy Father,
blood, thy bone; For the vigor of health,
In thy flesh, thine eyes, health of the body,
thine ears, Wise, bright and clear-eyed,
And in every little part of with swiftness of foot,
thy body. Quick hearing of the ears,
They are present in the air, strength of the arms
in the water, And eye-sight of the eagle.
In the earth, in the plants, For all the manifold gifts of
in the sunbeams, Life,
In the depths and in the We do worship the Fire of
heights. Life,
They all speak to thee And the Holy Light of the
That thou mayest understand Heavenly Order.
the tongue and the will We do worship the Fire,
of the living God., The good and the friendly,
And scriptures are the works The Fire of Life!
of man The most beneficial and the
But life and all its hosts are most helpful,
the work of God. The Fire of Life!
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To sink their roots into the

stream of Life
The most supporting, the most From an eternal source.
That Fire which is the House
of the Lord! THE ANGEL OF JOY
Behold now the Child of Light The heavens smile, the earth
Who doth commune with the celebrates,
Angel of Life: the morning stars sing
Lo now, his strength is in his together,
loins, and all the Children of Light
And his force is in the shout for Joy.
muscles of his chest. O sing unto the Heavenly
He moveth his legs like a Father a new song:
cedar: Sing unto the Earthly Mother,
7he sinews of his thighs are all the earth.
knit together. Let the heavens rejoice, and
His bones are as tubes of let the earth be glad,
brass, Let the sea roar, and the
His limbs are like bars of fulness of Eternal Life.
iron. Let the field be joyful, and
He doth eat of the table of all that is therein:
the Earthly Mother, Then shall all the trees of
The grass of the field and the the wood
waters of the stream Rejoice before the Holy Law.
Do nourish him; Sing unto the Heavenly Father,
Surely the mountains bring him All ye heavens of heavens,
forth food. And ye waters that be above
Blessed is his strength and the heavens,
beauty, All mountains and all hills,
For he do th serve the Law. Stormy wind fulfilling his
A Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit word,
Is the body in which the Fire Fruitful trees and all cedars,
of Life Beasts and all cattle,
Doth bum with eternal Light. Creeping things and flying
We thank thee, Heavenly fowl,
Father, Kings of the earth and all
For thou hast put us at a people,
source of running streams Princes and all judges of the
At a living spring in a land earth:
of drought, Young men and maidens, old men
Watering an etemal garden of and children,
wonders, Let them sing unto the
7he Tree of Life, mystery of Heavenly Father with Joy.
mysteries, Sing unto the Lord with the
Growing everlasting branches harp, and voice of a psalm.
for eternal planting
16 | P a g e

With trumpets and sound of And let the skies pour down
pipes happiness.
Make a joyful noise before the Let the people of sadness go
Angels. out with joy,
Let the floods clap their And be led forth with peace:
hands: Let the mountains and the
Let the hills be joyful hills
together before the Lord. Break forth before them into
Make a joyful noise unto the singing,
Lord, all ye lands. That they might partake of the
Serve the Heavenly Father and holy celebration,
the Earthly Mother And eat of the fruit of the
With gladness and joy: Tree of Life,
Come before their presence Which standeth in the Eternal
with singing. Sea
The spirit of the Holy Law is The sun shall be no more their
upon me, light by day,
Because the Elders have Neither for brightness
anointed me Shall the moon give light unto
To preach good tidings unto them:
the meek. But the Law shall be unto them
They have sent me to bind up an everlasting light,
the brokenhearted, And the Heavenly Father and
To proclaim liberty to the the Earthly Mother
captives, Shall be their eternal glory.
And the opening of the prison Their sun shall no more go
to them that are bound; down,
To comfort all that mourn, Neither shall their moon
To send unto them the holy withdraw itself..
Angel of Joy, For the Law shall be their
To give unto them beauty for everlasting light,
ashes, And the days of their mourning
The oil of joy for mourning, shall be ended.
The garment of Light for the I will greatly rejoice in the
spirit of heaviness, Holy Law,
For weeping may endure for a My soul shall be joyful in the
night, Angels;
But joy cometh in the morning. For they have clothed me in
The people that walked in garments of light,
darkness They have covered me with
Shall see a great light, robes of joy.
And they that dwell in the As the earth bringeth forth
land of the shadow of death, her bud,
Upon them shall shine the And as the garden causeth its
light of the Holy Law. seeds to spring forth,
Drop down, ye heavens, from So the Heavenly Father will
above, cause the Holy Law
17 | P a g e

To spring forth with gladness If thou receivest thy Mother's

and joy angels
Before all the Children of And if thou doest her laws,
Light. Who doeth these things shall
In the Garden of the never see disease.
Brotherhood, For the power of our Mother is
All the earth shines with above all.
holiness and abundant joy, She hath rule over all the
For there are the seeds of the bodies of men
Holy Law sown. And all living things.
The Law is the best of all The blood which runs in us
good Is born of the blood of our
For the Children of Light: Earthly Mother.
It giveth unto them brightness Her blood falls from the
and glory, clouds,
Health and strength of the Leaps up from the womb of the
body, earth,
Long life in communion with Babbles in the brooks of the
the Angels, mountains,
And eternal and unending joy. Flows wide in the rivers of
We will sing unto the Heavenly the plains,
Father, Sleeps in the lakes,
And unto the Earthly Mother, Rages mightily in the
And unto all the Angels, tempestuous seas.
As long as we live in the The air which we breathe
Garden of the Brotherhood: Is born of the breath of our
We will sing praise unto the Earthly Mother.
Holy Law Her breath is azure in the
Forever and forever. heights of the heavens,
Soughs in the tops of the
THE EARTHLY MOTHER Whispers in the leaves of the
Honor thy Earthly Mother, forest,
that thy days may be long upon Billows over the cornfields,
the land. Slumbers in the deep valleys,
The Earthly Mother is in thee, Burns hot in the desert.
and thou in her. The hardness of our bones
She bore thee; she giveth thee Is born of the bones of our
life. Earthly Mother,
It was she who gaveth thee thy of the rocks and of the
body, stones.
And to her shalt thou one day They stand naked to the
give it back again. heavens
Happy art thou when thou in the tops of the mountains,
comest to know her They are as giants that lie
And her kingdom. sleeping on the sides of the
18 | P a g e

As idols set in the desert, Thy eyes and thy ears,

And are hidden in the deepness Are her eyes and her ears.
of the earth. our Earthly Mother!
The tenderness of our flesh Always are we embraced by her,
Is born of the flesh of our Always are w surrounded by her
Earthly Mother, beauty.
Whose flesh waxeth yellow and Never can we part from her;
red in the fruits of the Never can we know her depths.
trees, Ever doth she create new
And nurtures us in the furrows forms:
of the fields. That which now existeth never
The light of our eyes, was before.
The hearing of our ears, That which did exist returneth
Both are born of the colors not again.
and sounds In her kingdom all is ever
Of our Earthly Mother; new, and always old.
Which enclose us about In her midst do we live, yet
As the waves of the sea a we know her not.
fish, Continually doth she speak to
As the eddying air a bird. us,
Man is the Son of the Earthly Yet never doth betray to us
Mother, her secrets.
And from her did the Son of Ever do we till her soil and
Man harvest her crops,
Receive his whole body, Yet we have no power over her.
Even as the body of the Ever doth she build, ever doth
newborn babe she destroy,
Is born of the womb of his and her work lace is hidden
mother. from the eyes of men.
Thou art one with the Earthly For none can live long,
Mother; neither be happy,
She is in thee, and thou in But he who honors his Earthly
her. Mother
Of her wert thou born, in her And doeth her laws,
dost thou live, For thy breath is her breath,
And to her shalt thou return Thy blood her blood,
again. Thy bone her bone,
Keep, therefore, her laws, Thy flesh her flesh,
For none can live long, Thy eyes and thy ears,
neither be happy, Are her eyes and her ears.
But he who honors his Earthly our Earthly Mother!
Mother Always are we embraced by her,
And doeth her laws. Always are we surrounded by
For thy breath is her breath, her beauty.
Thy blood her blood, Never can we part from her;
Thy bone her bone, Never can we know her depths.
Thy flesh her flesh,
19 | P a g e

Ever doth she create new Which liveth in the hearts of

forms: the Children of Light.
That which now existeth never For the Law is great,
was before. As the Heavenly Father is
That which did exist returneth great above his Angels:
not again. He it is who giveth us the
In her kingdom all is ever Law, and he is the Law:
new, and always old. In his hand are the deep
In her -midst do we live, yet places of the earth;
we know her not. The strength of the hills is
Continually doth she speak to his also.
us, The sea is his, and he made
Yet never doth betray to us it,
her secrets. And his hands formed the dry
Ever do we till her soil and land
harvest her crops, Come, let us worship and bow
Yet we have no power over her. down,
Ever doth she build, ever doth Let us kneel before the
she destroy, Heavenly Father,
And her workplace is hidden For he is the Law,
from the eyes of men. And we are the people of his
THE HOLY LAW And the sheep of his hand
Thou, O Holy Law, with songs of gladness the
The Tree of Life children of Light
That standeth in the middle of Invoke the Holy Law:
the Eternal Sea, Sickness flies away before it,
That is called, Death flies away,
The Tree of Healing. Ignorance flies away.
The Tree of powerful Healing, Pride, scorn and hot fever,
The Tree of all Healing, Slander, discord and evil,
And upon which rests the seeds All anger and violence,
Of all we invoke. And lying words of falsehood,
Have ye-not known? All fly away before the power
Have ye not heard? of the Holy Law.
Hath it not been told thee Here is the Law
from the beginning? which will smite all sickness,
Lift up thine eyes on high, which will smite all death,
and behold the Holy Law, Which will smite the
Which was established before oppressors of men,
the etemal, Which will smite pride,
Sovereign and luminous space, Which @ll smite scorn,
Which hath created the Which will smite hot fevers,
foundations of the earth, which will smite all slanders,
Which is the first and the Which will smite all discords,
last, which will smite the worst of
20 | P a g e

Which will banish ignorance Clean the boundless, eternal

from the earth. Light,
We bless the invocation and Clean the Kingdom of the
prayer, Earthly Mother
The strength and vigor of the And the Kingdom of the
Holy Law. Heavenly Father,
We invoke the spirit, Clean the good things made by
conscience and soul of the the Law,
Children of Light who teach Whose offspring is the Holy
the Law, Creation.
Who struggle in the kingdom of To obtain the treasures of the
darkness material world, O sons Of men,
To bring the light of the Law Forego not the world of the
to the sons of men. Law.
We bless that victory For he who, to obtain the
Of good thoughts, good words, treasures
and good deeds, Of the material world,
Which make strong the Destroyeth in him the world of
foundations of the Kingdom of the Law,
Light. Such an one shall possess
Let the sons of men who think, neither force of life
speak and do Nor the Law,
All good thoughts, words and Neither the Celestial Light.
deeds But he who walks with the
Inhabit heaven as their home. Angels,
And let those who think, speak And who followeth the Holy
and do Law,
Evil thoughts, words and deeds He shall obtain everything
Abide in chaos. good:
Purity is for man, next to He shall enter the Eternal Sea
life, Where standeth the Tree of
The greatest ofgood: Life.
That purity is in the Holy T'he Communions of the Law are
Law, perfect,
Which maketh grass to grow Converting the soul from
upon the mountains, darkness to light;
And maketh clean the hearts Of T'he testimony of the Law is
men. sure,
With good thoughts, good Making wise the simple.
words, and good deeds T'he statutes of the Law are
Clean shall be the fire, right, rejoicing the heart;
Clean the water, The commandment of the Law is
Clean the earth, pure,
Clean the stars, the moon and Enlightening the eyes.
the sun, The truth of the Law is clean,
Clean the faithful man and the enduring forever.
faithful woman,
21 | P a g e

Let the Children of Light Do we worship the Holy Angels,

triumph everywhere Our efforts for whom
Between the Heavens and the And Communions to whom
Earth! Make us good in the eyes of
Let us breathe the Holy Law in Heavenly Father.
our prayer: The Law is fulfilled according
How beautiful are thy to the Angels,
tabernacles, The Bright and Holy Ones,
O Heavenly Father! Whose looks perform their
My soul longeth, yea, even wish,
fainteth Strong, lordly,
For the Tree of Life Who are undecaying and holy,
That standeth in the middle of Who are seven and seven all of
the Eternal Sea. one Thought,
My heart and my flesh crieth Who are seven and seven all of
out for the living God. one Speech,
Yea, the sparrow hath found a Who are seven and seven all of
house, one Deed.
And the swallow a nest for Whose Thought is the same,
herself, Whose Speech is the same,
Where she may lay her young. Whose Deed is the same,
The Children of Light Whose Father is the same,
Who labor in the Garden of the Namely, the Heavenly Father!
Brotherhood The Angels who see one
Abide in the Holy Law: another's souls,
Blessed are they who dwell Who bring the Kingdom of the
therein! Earthly Mother
And the Kingdom of the
THE ANGELS Heavenly Father
The Heavenly Father To the Children of Light
Gave his Angels charge Who labor in the Garden of the
Concerning thee: Brotherhood.
And in their hands The Angels who are the makers
They shall bear thee up, and Governors,
Even unto the Tree of Life The Shapers and overseers,
That standeth in the midst The Keepers and Preservers of
Of the Eternal Sea... the abundant Earth!
For the wisdom of the Law, And of all Creations of the
For the unconquerable power of Heavenly Father.
the Law, We invoke the good, the
And for the vigor of health, strong, the beneficent
For the Glory of the Heavenly Angels of the Heavenly Father
Father and the Earthly Mother!
And the Earthly Mother, That of the Light!
And for all the boons and That of the Sky!
remedies That of the Waters!
Of the Sevenfold Peace, That of the Earth!
22 | P a g e

That of the Plants! As they labor in the Garden of

That of the Children of Light! the Brotherhood:
That of the Eternal Holy We sing with gladness to the
Creation! waters, land and plants,
We worship the Angels To this earth and to the
Who first listened unto the heavens,
thought and teaching To the holy wind, and the holy
Of the Heavenly Father, sun and moon,
Of whom the Angels formed the To the eternal stars without
seed of the nations. beginning,
We worship the Angels And to all the holy creatures
Who first touched the brow of of the Heavenly Father.
our Father Enoch, We sing with gladness unto the
And guided the Children of Holy Law,
Light Which is the Heavenly Order,
Through the seven and seven To the days and to the nights,
Paths To the years and to the
Which lead to the Tree of Life seasons
That standeth forever in the Which are the pillars of the
midst of the Eternal Sea. Heavenly Order.
We worship all the Angels, We worship the Angels of the
The good, heroic and bounteous Day,
Angels, And the Angels of the Month,
Of the bodily world of the Aose of the Years, and those
Earthly Mother, of the Seasons,
And those of the Invisible All the good, the heroic,
Realms, The ever blessing immortal
Those in the Celestial Worlds Angels
of the Heavenly Father. Who maintain and preserve the
We worship the ever blessing Heavenly order.
immortal Angels, We desire to approach the
The brilliant ones of mighty Angels,
splendorous countenance, All the Angels of the Heavenly
The lofty and devoted Order,
creatures of the Heavenly Because of the Holy Law,
Father, Which is the best of all good.
They who are imperishable and We do present these thoughts
Holy. well thought,
We worship the resplendent, These words well spoken,
the glorious, These deeds well done,
Ylze bountiful Holy Angels, To the bountiful, immortal
Who rule aright, and who Angels,
adjust all things rightly. Those who exercise their right
Hear the glad voices of the rule.
Children of Light, We do present these offerings
Who sing the praise of the To the Angels of the Day,
Holy Angels And the Angels of the Night,
23 | P a g e

Ile ever-living, the ever- In the days of old, when the

helpful, Creation was young,
Who dwell eternally with the The earth was filled with
Divine Mind. giant trees,
May the good and heroic and Whose branches soared above
bountiful the clouds,
Angels of the Heavenly Father And in them dwelled our
And the Earthly Mother Ancient Fathers,
Walk with their holy feet They who walked with the
In the Garden of the Angels,
Brotherhood, And who lived by the Holy Law.
And may they go hand in hand In the shadow of their
with us branches all men lived in
With the healing virtues of peace,
their blessed gifts, And wisdom and knowledge was
As wide-spread as the earth, theirs,
As far-spread as the rivers, And the revelation of the
As high-reaching as the sun, Endless Light.
For the furtherance of the Through their forests flowed
betterment of man, the Eternal River,
And for abundant growth. And in the center stood the
It is they, the Holy Angels, Tree of Life,
Who shall restore the World! And it was not hidden from
Which will thenceforth never them.
grow old and never die! They ate from the table of the
Never decaying, ever living Earthly Mother,
and ever increasing. And slept in the arms of the
T'hen Life and Immortality Heavenly Father,
will come And their covenant was for
And the World will be eternity with the Holy Law.
restored! In that time the trees were
Creation will grow deathless, the brothers of men,
The Kingdom of the Heavenly And their span on the earth
Father will prosper, was very long,
And evil shall have perished! As long as the Eternal River,
Which-flowed without ceasing
TREES From the Unknown Spring.
Go towards the high growing Now the desert sweeps the
Trees, earth with burning sand,
And before one of them The giant trees are dust and
Which is beautiful, high ashes,
growing and mighty, And the wide river is a pool
Say thou these words: of mud.
Hail be unto Thee! For the sacred covenant with
O good living Tree, the Creator
Made by the Creator. Was broken by the sons of men,
24 | P a g e

And they were banished from Maketh a sound like unto a

their home of trees. chorus of angels.
Now the path leading to the Through the rugged oak and
Tree of Life royal cedar
Is hidden from the eyes of The Earthly Mother hath sent a
men, message of Eternal Life
And sorrow fills the empty sky To the Heavenly Father.
Where once the lofty branches My prayer goeth forth unto the
soared. tall trees:
Now into the buming desert And their branches reaching
Come the Children of Light, skyward
To, labor in the Garden of the Shall carry my voice to the
Brotherhood. Heavenly Father.
The seed they plant in the For each child thou shalt
barren soil plant a tree,
Will become a mighty forest, Tthat the womb of thy Earthly
And trees shall multiply Mother
And spread their wings of Shall bring forth life,
green As the womb of woman doth
Until the whole earth be bring forth life.
covered once again. He who doth destroy a tree
The whole earth shall be a Hath cut off his own limbs.
garden, Thus shall sing the Children
And the tall trees shall cover of Light,
the land When the earth again shall be
In that day shall sing the a garden:
Children of Light a new song: Holy Tree, divine gift of the
My brother, Tree! Law!
Let me not hide myselffrom Thy majesty reunites all those
thee, Who have strayed from their
But let us share the breath of true home,
life Which is the Garden of the
Which our Earthly Mother hath Brotherhood.
given to us. All men will become brothers
More beautiful than the finest once again
jewel Under thy spreading branches.
Of the rugmaker's art, As the Heavenly Father hath
Is the carpet of green leaves loved all his children,
under my bare feet; So shall we love and care for
More majestic than the silken the trees
canopy of the rich merchant, Yhat grow in our land,
Is the tent of branches above So shall we keep and protect
my head, them,
Through which the bright stars That they may grow tall and
give light. strong,
The wind among the leaves of And ftll the earth again with
the cypress their beau ty.
25 | P a g e

For the trees are our symbols of man's separation

brothers, from nature, of his aggressive
And as brothers, way of life with its urges to
We shall guard and love one subjugation of others and to
another. constant competition, one with
another. His present
I - Peace With the Kingdom of centralized, technical and
the Earthly Mother mechanized life creates a
The sixth peace teaches chasm separating him from
harmony with the laws of nature, a chasm which never
terrestrial nature, the was wider or deeper.
kingdom of the Earthly Mother. Unity with nature is the
The unity of man and nature is foundation of man's existence
a basic principle of the on the planet. It is the
Essene science of life. foundation of all economic
Man is an integral part of systems, of all social
nature. He is governed by all relationships between groups
the laws and forces of nature. of people. Without it, the
His health, vitality and well- present civilization like
being depend upon his degree those of the past will move
of harmony with earth forces; toward decline and decay.
and that of every individual, This law of unity was held by
every nation and the whole of the Essenes to be the guiding
humanity will always be in norm for the daily life of man
direct proportion to man's in the material universe.
observance of terrestrial Humanity has had knowledge of
laws. this great law from a time
Universal history shows that preceding the Pleistocene
every nation reached its cataclysm. According to
greatest splendor by following traditions based on the
the great law of unity between hieroglyphics of the Sumerians
man and nature. Its vitality made some ten thousand years
and prosperity flourished when ago the life of antediluvian
the people lived a simple man was preponderantly a
natural life of cooperation forest life, inseparable from
with nature. But when the that of the forest. Science
nation or civilization has named this man homo
deviates from unity, it sapiens sylvanus.
inevitably disintegrates and
disappears. The giant trees of that age,
This unity of man and nature several hundred feet in
has never been so heavily height, not only provided
transgressed as in the present shelter but regulated the
day. Modern man's building of temperature and humidity of
cities is in entire variance the atmosphere. Trees produced
with nature. The city's stone man's food with an abundance
and concrete walls are the of different fruits. Man's
26 | P a g e

basic occupation was with To encourage this he directed

trees. He not only cultivated all fathers to plant a fruit
and cared for them, he created tree on every birthday of each
new varieties producing new of his sons, and on the
kinds of fruits. He was a twenty-first birthday to give
great arboriculturist, living the youth the twenty-one fruit
in harmony with all the forces trees together with the land
of nature. He collaborated on which they grew. This was
with her in every way, both to be the son's heritage and
extending the forests and the father was also commanded
abstaining from harming trees. to teach the boy all the laws
This antediluvian man of the of practical gardening and
forest ages, without technical collaboration with nature so
development of any kind, was that he could provide for all
an almost perfect his own future needs.
demonstration of the great law The ideal existence for man,
of unity and harmony between Zoroaster taught, is that of
man and nature. In the the gardener whose work with
philosophy of all ancient the soil, air, sunshine and
teachings man's unity with the rain keeps him constantly
forests was a basic contacting the forces of
characteristic. The idea of nature and studying their
unity between man and nature laws. Study of this greatest
has inspired great thinkers, book, the book of nature,
philosophers and whole systems Zoroaster considered the first
of thought. step in creating peace and
Zoroaster based much of his harmony in the kingdom of the
teaching in the Zend Avesta Earthly Mother.
upon it. He sought to renew The teaching of this same
the earlier traditions by great unity between man and
leading man back into this nature appeared in India
harmonious way of life, immediately after the Zend
collaboration with terrestrial Avesta, in the Vedic
nature. He taught his philosophy of Brahmanism, in
followers that it was their the Upanishads, and later in
duty to maintain the topsoil, the teaching of Buddha. The
to study gardening and all the Brahmanic Law of the One,
laws of nature and to "Thou Art That," (Tat Tvam
collaborate with its forces to Asi) expressed the unity of
improve the whole vegetable everything, the universe, man,
kingdom and extend it over the nature. The sages of India
surface of the whole earth. He were men of the forest, living
urged his followers to take an in complete harmony with all
active part in developing creation.
every aspect of terrestrial Berosus, the Chaldean priest,
nature, plants, trees and all pictured this natural forest
their products. way of living.
27 | P a g e

But the unity between man and increasing, drought is more

nature has been given its most and more frequent, floods
complete and poetic expression periodically inundate the
in the second chapter of the land. There is an unmistakable
Essene Gospel of John in which deterioration of climate;
Jesus borrowed his whole excessive cold, excessive heat
terminology from nature to and increasing hordes of
show that man is an integral insect pests damage crops
part of it. Jesus gave a last throughout the world. Instead
warning regarding this unity of following the noble
and the necessity of returning tradition of the Essenes
to it. contemporary man fails to
Antediluvian man, the recognize the great law of
Zoroastrian, the Brahman, the unity and cooperation with
Buddhist, the Essene, all nature, and seems bent on
consider the forest and nature deteriorating his heritage,
to be man's friend and refusing to read the great
protector, the mother open book of nature which
providing all his earthly reveals all the laws of life
needs. They never looked upon and shows the way to ever
her as an alien force which increasing happiness for man.
had to be fought and conquered The Essene teaching shows the
as does modern man. The two only way of organizing man's
symbols, the forest and the life on this planet, the only
stone wall, epitomize the vast foundation for a healthy
difference between ancient and humanity, peace with the
modern concepts of nature, kingdom of the Earthly Mother.
between harmonious
peacefulness and cooperation THE EARTHLY FORCES
and the stone walls of cities, The following are the meanings
the destruction of plant life, and uses of the earthly
soil, and climate. forces.
Man needs today to learn 1. The sun is a very
harmony and peace with nature important source of energy and
more than in any other age in its solar power is to be
history. There are enormous contacted and utilized to the
regions over the earth where utmost every day in the form
he is letting the topsoil that is best for the health
deteriorate and disappear. and well-being of the
Never before has there been individual.
such wholesale destruction of 2. Water is an essential
forests, not only in one or element of life. It is to be
two countries but all over the used in the proper way in diet
five continents. As a and a bath in water is to be
consequence of this lack of taken every morning throughout
cooperation with nature the the year.
desert areas of the world are
28 | P a g e

3. Air has a tremendous role practice all ways of improving

in the health of the body and his health, in thinking,
as much time as possible is to feeling and acting.
be spent outdoors breathing • Joy is man's essential
pure fresh air and utilizing right and he is to perform all
the energies of the atmosphere his daily activities with a
for health. deep feeling of joy surging
4. Food is to be of the within him and radiating
right kind and taken in the around him, understanding its
right amount to supply another great importance for himself
vital force to the organism. and others.
5. Man was considered to be These are the forces of nature
a force representing each which man is to learn to
one's right and responsibility understand and utilize. The
toward his own evolution. Each following eight powers of the
individual is to use every cosmos are even more important
moment to further his progress in man's life, for he cannot
in life and it is a job which live in complete harmony with
no one can do for him. He is the earthly forces unless he
to know, and understand, his is also in harmony with the
own potentialities and find heavenly powers.
the most practical way of
developing and utilizing them
in the service of mankind.
6. Earth represents the two
aspects of the generative
force which creates more
abundant life on the planet.
The one creates life from the
soil, producing the trees and
all vegetation. The other
manifests in the sexual
energies in man. The
individual is to understand
and utilize the most optimal
ways of growing plants and
food, and of a harmonious
sexual life.
7. Health is dependent upon
man's harmonious relationship
with all the forces of earth,
with the sun, water, air,
food, man, earth and joy. The
individual is to realize the
importance of good health for
his own sake and for the sake
of others; and he is to

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