Appendix 3: Post Observation Student Teacher'S Self-Evaluation Form (Journal)

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Name: René Alejandro Lugo Campos Date: August 23rd, 2018.

During the first week of my second teaching practicum at SENA, I did not have the opportunity

to develop my lessons due to some issues that were out of my control. First of all, the teacher

cooperator just arrived on Thursday and she wanted to know the names of the students and the level in

which they were. Besides, the only person that has access to the classroom is the official teacher, it

means that if she does not come at SENA it is not possible to start the lesson.

However, on Wednesday I met the students in front of the classroom waiting for the teacher but

there was nobody to open the classroom, so I told them to sit down in the floor in order to introduce

myself and to know their names. We talked about their names and the places where they come from. It

was good for me due to the fact that it helped not only to strength my self-confidence, but also, to show

them that it was important for me to get in contact with them. This experience was a little bit annoying

for me due to the fact that nobody told me that the teacher had not arrived. Although it seemed to be a

disadvantage, I did not complained about it. Instead of that, I used the time to know better my students

and to use the time wisely in order to obtain the best from this new experience at SENA.

After having this problem, I decided to get in contact with the head of the English courses to

obtain information and he respectfully told me that it had been his mistake due to the fact that there

were some troubles with the arrival of the new teacher. Fortunately, the new teacher is already working

and the next week I will have the opportunity to start my teaching practicum. Regarding to the lesson

plan, I will use the lesson plan that I had made for this week. It is about numbers and the three most

known categories which are cardinal, ordinal and nominal.

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