Lista de Precio Inv. Fiorano, C.A.

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New words

Nivel 2 • Unit 3 • Lección 1

Sport: A sport is a game. They like sports.
Basketball: Basketball is a sport. She plays basketball.
Player: A player is a person. A player plays sports.
Ball: You play basketball. You have a ball.
Team: A team has many players. A team plays a sport.

Nivel 2 • Unit 3 • Lección 2

Begin: The game starts at 3:30. It begins at 3:30.
Finish: The game ends at 5:45. It finishes at 5:45.
Catch: You get the ball. You catch the ball.
Throw: You throw a ball. I catch the ball.

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Nivel 2 Unit 3 Lección 3
Short: The line is short. She waits for a short time.
Long:The line is long. She waits for a long time.
AM: 6 a.m. is in the morning.
PM: 6 p.m. is in the evening.
Slow: He is driving slow. He arrives late.
Fast: He is driving fast. He arrives early.

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Nivel 2 Unit 3 Lección 4
Football: Football is a sport.
Baseball: Baseball is a sport.
Bat: The baseball player has a bat.
Grass: The football team plays on grass. (grama)

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Nivel 2 Unit 3 Lección 5
Practice: She practices before the game.
Together: The team practices together.
Tennis: Tennis is a sport.
Swim: He likes to swim. He swims in water.
swimming pool: You swim in a swimming pool.
Park: They are walking in the park.

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Nivel 2 Unit 4 Lección 1
Sing: You listen to music. You sing.
Instrument: You play an instrument. A guitar and a piano are instruments.
Song: A song is music. You sing a song.
Band: A band is a group that plays music. You play in a band.
Guitar: A guitar is an instrument. You play a guitar.
Piano: A piano is an instrument. You play a piano.

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Nivel 2 Unit 4 Lección 2
Hear: You hear music. You talk, and I hear you. (Escucho)
Radio: You listen to the radio. You listen to music on the radio.

Nivel 2 • Unit 4 • Lección 3

Would you: podrias.
Would you like: te gustaria.
Learn: You did not play the guitar before. You play the guitar now. You learned to play the guitar.
(Enseñar) Teach: You can play the guitar. Your friend can't play the guitar. You teach your friend
the guitar. They learn!
Something: You are hungry. You want something to eat.
(Reunes) Meet: You and your friend eat dinner. You meet for dinner. You meet at 6 p.m.

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Nivel 2 Unit 4 Lección 4
MP3 player: You listen to music on your MP3 player.
(Ambos) Both: You want two things. You want pizza and ice cream. You want both.
Internet: You learn English at Open English. Open English is on the Internet.
Website: You look at a website on the Internet. Open English has a website.
Loud: Ruidoso.

Nivel 2 • Unit 4 • Lección 5

Me Neither: yo tampoco.

Nivel 2 • Unit 5 • Lección 1

Garden: Her garden has fruits and vegetables.
plant: Fruits and vegetables are plants. Many plants are in the garde
knife: He has a knife. He eats meat.
Fork: she has a fork. She eats cake.
Spoon: She has a spoon. She eats soup.
Farm: Many plants and animals are on a farm.
I can get them: yo puedo conseguirlos.
Growing: creciendo.

Nivel 2 • Unit 5 • Lección 2

Juice: Juice is a drink. She likes fruit juice.
Biscuit(biskit): A biscuit is a food. He eats biscuits for breakfast.
Refrigerator: You have a refrigerator. You have food in a refrigerator.

Nivel 2 • Unit 5 • Lección 3

Ounces: onzas.
Bowl: tazon
Conversation: They talk. They have a conversation.
Weigh: The apples weigh one pound.

Hot: The coffee is hot.
Cold: The ice is cold.
Great: She loves the fish. It is great.

Nivel 2 • Unit 5 • Lección 4

How often: con que frecuencia.
Drink: You drink juice. You drink water. You drink coffee.
Cook: She is a cook. She works in a restaurant.
Make: He makes soup. He can make many things.
Order: They talk to the waiter. They ask for food. They order food.

Nivel 2 • Unit 5 • Lección 5

Can I Have Some More?
Sweet: They like cake and ice cream. They like sweet foods.
Pepper: She has salt and pepper on her food.
Lots of: un monton de.
A lot: mucho.

Nivel 2 • Unit 5 • Lección 6

Waitress: She works at a restaurant. She is a waitress.
Ready: Dinner is ready. They can eat dinner.
Polite: Cortés.
bring it: traere.
at least a : al menos.

Nivel 2 • Unit 6 • Lección 1

Help: I need something. I can't get it. I ask for help. You help me.
Directions: You want to go to a place. You ask: How do I get to the restaurant? You ask
for directions.
Right: You answer a question. It is correct. The answer is right.
Wrong: You answer a question. I say: Try again. The answer is wrong.
Up: You go up the stairs.
Down: You go down the stairs.
where it will be: donde sera.
Knew: sabias.

Nivel 2 • Unit 6 • Lección 2

Left: This is my left hand.

Right: This is my right hand.
Straight (derecho): I don't go left. I don't go right. I go straight.
Corner: I walk on the street. I make a right. I am on the corner
Block (Cuadra): I walk from one corner to the other corner. I walk one block.
Building: This is a big building. There are small buildings, too!
I no sure: no estoy seguro.

Nivel 2 • Unit 6 • Lección 3

Can you point to it?: puedes señarlarlo. (Direcciones.)

Near: She is near. (cerca)
Far: She is far.
Map: You want to know where to go. You look at a map. A map is on paper or on a
Point: You show me something. You show me with your finger. You point to something.
Up: Remember: up. You go up the stairs and up the street.
Down: Remember: down. You go down the stairs and down the street.
To tell: decir.
North: norte
east: este
west: oeste
Nivel 2 • Unit 6 • Lección 4
stop: You are walking. You stop. You are not walking anymore.
Turn: You go left or right. You are turning.
Back: I am home. I go to work. I go back home at 5 p.m.
Close(cerca): She is close. She is very near.

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Nivel 2 Unit 6 Lección 5
drive: drive. You are in a car. You are going somewhere. You are driving.

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Nivel 2 Unit 6 Lección 6
around the corner (a la vuelta de la esquina): The cafe is around the corner. The cafe is
very close.
next to(al lado de): The boy sits next to the girl.
Between (entre): The ball is between the two boys.
Behind: The gift is behind the man.
in front of: The family is in front of the house.
across from: The cafe is across from the hotel. The cafe is in front of the hotel.
where things are: donde estan las cosas.
On the other hand : por otra parte (enfasis)

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Nivel 2 Unit 7 Lección 1
Can I Buy That Blouse?
Wear (usar): She has clothes on. She wears clothes.
Blouse: She has a pink blouse.
Shorts: She is wearing shorts. Her shorts are green.
Glasses: He can't see. He is wearing glasses.

Watch: Remember: watch. He is wearing a watch. He can tell the time.
This : estas
These: estas
That: esa
Those: aquellos

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Nivel 2 Unit 7 Lección 2
Could You Say That Again?
Here: I am in a place. This place is here.
There: I go to a place. I am not in that place. That place is there.
Hear: Remember: hear.You hear music. You hear someone singing.
Shorts: Remember: shorts. She is wearing blue shorts. Shorts are pants that are short.
Wear: Remember: wear. She has a hat and sunglasses. She wears them.
Blouse: Remember: blouse. She is a woman. She has a white blouse.

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Nivel 2 Unit 7 Lección 3
How Do I Get There?
Below This is below the water.
Above This is above the water.
Find You want your keys. You don't see your keys. You find your keys. Now, you have
your keys.
Here Remember: here. I am in a place. This place is here.
There Remember: there. I go to a place. I am not in that place. That place is there.

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Nivel 2 Unit 7 Lección 4
Go Around the Corner

Nivel 2 • Unit 7 • Lección 5

Shopping Was Fun!
See you soon I'm leaving. I say: Goodbye! See you soon!
Fine You ask: How are you? I answer: I am good. I'm fine!
Quick I want lunch. I have five minutes. I have a quick lunch.
Long I want lunch. I have two hours. I have a long lunch.
Sale There is a sale at the store. The clothes are cheaper.
Tired I don't sleep today. Tomorrow I am tired.
Swam: nado.
You Just: acabas.
Shelf : estante
Came back: regresar

Nivel 2 • Unit 8 • Lección 1
Today is Hot
Hot Remember: hot.The sun is hot. The food is hot, too
Cold Remember: cold. Ice cream is cold. It's not hot.
Warm It is not hot. It is not cold. It is warm.
Sun The sun is hot.
Wind There is a lot of wind outside today.
Weather I talk about the sun. I talk about the wind. I talk about warm and cold days. I talk
about the weather.
Nivel 2 • Unit 8 • Lec
It's Sunny!
Rain There is rain outside. Rain is water.
Snow There is snow outside. Snow is white and cold.
Wet It is raining. The streets are wet.
Umbrella There is rain today. She has a green umbrella. She is not wet.
Being (siendo sobre) You can talk about the weather being sunny and windy in many
places. (Puedes hablar sobre el clima soleado y ventoso en muchos lugares.)

Nivel 2 • Unit 8 • Lección 3

Summer is hot!

Summer In the United States, summer starts in June and ends in September. Summer is
Winter In the United States, winter starts in December and ends in March. Winter is cold.
Fall In the United States, fall starts in September and ends in December.
Spring In the United States, spring starts in March and ends in June.
Together Remember: together. Julie and Paul go see a movie. They watch the movie
Holiday Remember: holiday. Today is Thursday. It is Thanksgiving. It is an American
Nivel 2 • Unit 8 • Lección 4
It’s in the summer

Invite I invite you to my party. I say: Please come to my party.

Flower Flowers are plants. I have flowers in the garden.
Tree The tree is big. It has green leaves.
Leaves: hojas de arbol.
Plant Remember: plant. Flowers and trees are plants.
Garden Remember: garden. Her garden has fruits and vegetables.
Grow The plants (get bigger: aumentan de tamaño). They grow.

Coat It's cold. I wear a coat.

Bathing suit I go to the swimming pool. I wear a bathing suit.
Change I am wearing pants. Its hot outside. I change my clothes. I'm wearing shorts now.
Sunglasses It's sunny outside. I wear sunglasses.
Wear: Remember: wear. She has clothes on. She wears clothes.

Nivel 2 • Unit 9 • Lección 1
I Like Swimming
Run He likes to run.
Swim Remember: swim. She likes to swim. She swims in the water.
Skate She goes on the ice. She moves on the ice. She skates.
Bike He has a bike. He rides his bike.
Ride He has a bike. He rides his bike.
Beach The beach is next to the water. We go to the beach. We swim and have fun.

Nivel 2 • Unit 9 • Lección 2

I always wear a hat
Scarf: It's cold. I wear a scarf.
Gloves: It's cold. I wear gloves.
Nivel 2 • Unit 9 • Lección 3
Today is sunny!
We eat outside in a park or at the beach. We are having a picnic.
There is sun outside. Today is sunny.
There is wind outside. Today is windy.
There is rain outside. Today is rainy.
There is snow outside. Today is snowy.

Nivel 2 • Unit 9 • Lección 4

It's Sunny Today, But...

There is an apple on the tree. I take it. Now, I have the apple.
Carry (LLEVAR)
You take your guitar. You walk with it. You carry your guitar.
You swim at the beach or you take a bath. You need a towel.
She has a pink bag. She puts things in her bag. She carries her bag.
She is happy. She smiles.
It's funny. He is laughing.
PASADO DE (TAKE): I took an umbrella, but it wasn't raining.

Nivel 2 • Unit 9 • Lección 5
I Went to the Beach Because...
I have a camera. I take pictures.
take a picture
I have a camera. I take a picture of you.
We are on the boat. We go on the water.
A horse is an animal. You can ride a horse.

Nivel 2 • Unit 10 • Lección 1

Up Or Down?
Swimming, running, and riding a bike are exercises.
I can eat an apple or I can eat cake. I choose to eat cake.
I have a body and you have a body.
I go to the gym to do exercises. The gym is inside.
Remember: up. I go up the stairs.
I walk. I run. I swim. I exercise. I am moving.

Nivel 2 • Unit 10 • Lección 2

Which One Do I Use?
These are legs.
This is an arm.
This is a hand.
This is a foot. You have two feet.
These are fingers.
These are toes.
Nivel 2 • Unit 10 • Lección 3
Talk to Her
Remember: talk. I say: Hello! You say: Hello! We talk.

Remember: give. It is her birthday. You give her a gift.
Remember: hear. You hear music. You talk, and I hear you.
Remember: watch. You watch television.
Remember: take. There is chocolate on the table. I take one. Now, I have chocolate.

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