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Family History:

Muslim Saint & Rulers of Riast Hai Badli Pargana Nawab Syed Atta
Ullah Shah Subzwari Mashade and His brother Nawab Syed Nasir
Hussain Subzwari Mashade

Today Badli is Constituency No. 20 of New Delhi India

History said Prithviraj III (c. 1168-1192) was a king of the Rajput Chauhan (Chahamana)
dynasty, who ruled a kingdom in northern India during the latter half of the 12th century. He
was born c. 1168 to King Someshwara Chauhan and his wife Karpuravalli. He succeeded to the
throne c. 1179, whiles still a minor, and ruled from the twin capitals of Ajmer and Delhi. His
elopement with Sanyogita, the daughter of Jai Chandra, the Gahadvala king of Kannauj, is a
popular romantic tale in India, and is one of the subjects of the Prithviraj Raso, an epic poem
composed by Prithviraj's court poet, Chand Bardai. The Chauhan succession had been rather
confused since the death of Vigraha-raja in 1165; Prithviraj reconsolidated control of the
Chauhan kingdom and conquered several neighboring kingdoms, which made his state the
leading Hindu kingdom in northern India. Delhi was captured from the Tomara Rajputs during
the early years of his reign, and was renamed Qila Rai Pithora. He campaigned against the
Chandela Rajputs of Bundelkhand. His kingdom included much of the present-day Indian states
of Rajasthan and Haryana, and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. To this day, Prithviraj is
considered to be a legendary hero and martyr by Hindus.

Gulia is a gotra or clan of Jats found in Haryana, for the information about this land I am
pleased to write that Haryana pronunciation (Hindi: हरियाणा) is a state in north India.
Neighbouring states are Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the north, Rajasthan to the west and
south. The river Yamuna acts as the eastern boundary between Haryana and the states of
Uttaranchal & Uttar Pradesh. Seasonal rivers like Ghaggar River, Markanda, Tangri, Sahibi
etc pass through the state and Uttar Pradesh in India. According to the bard of the Gulia clan,
during the rule of Prithvi Raj Chauhan at Badli, a village in Rohtak, was ruled by Raja Badra
Sen, Two Syed Sardars, Syed Nasir Hussain Subzwari Mashade and Syed Atta-Ullah Subzwari
Mashade came from Subzwar via Mashad-e-Muqdas arrived in Kabul and from Kabul they
traveled through Derra, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Lahore and finally reached to Badli under the
leadership, of Bir Syed Hussain to destroy Haryana and they became rulers after killing Raja
Badra Sen and Ruled over Badli for a long time. Riast Hai Badli was comperising 80 Parganas
a big agri land of meadows. Subzwari Mashade Rulers employed Roras and Kalals as tillers.
In 1192 Mohammed Ghori was victorious in the Second Battle of Tarain and Prithvi Raj
Chauhan was killed. Seven Brahmin soldiers ran away from the field and hid themselves in a
temple near a pond three miles south of Badli. They were the sons of Udai Chand Brahmin of
Indergarh. Their names were Ausar, Dausar, Rahal, Ashal, Mahal and Chahal etc. They mistook
wine as water and drank it. Their purity as Brahmins was thus polluted. They put their sacred
threads in a gol (an oval vessel of clay). Therefore they were called Gulia Jats and they settled
in Badli as tenants of the Mohammedans but Nawab Syed Atta Ullah Shah Subzwari & his
brother Syed Nasir Hussain Subzwari remained as Rulers of Badli. Nawab Syed Atta Ullah Shah
Subzwari also declared as Commander in Chief in Ghori Army of 10,000 Ghora and Padel
Force by Dehli Sultan who fought very bravely and achieved every success in his command.
Sultan Muhammad Shahbudin Ghori awarded a big land in the acknowledgement of their
Royality with Sultan. Subzwari’s ruled over Badli for a long time but historian could not wrote
much on their state that’s why a small history only available of their Descendants.

So therefore, I said, the bard (Bhat) of Gulia clan has written above unbelievable story about the
origin of this clan.

While last members of Ruler family of Riast Hai Badli Nawab Syed Kaleem Ullah Subzwari and
his son Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari decided to join the All India Muslim League
and fought for Tahrik-e-Azadi under the command of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in
his last age while his son Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari after the sad demise of
Nawab Sahib decide to join hands for the freedom of Muslims and therefore, he devoted him self
for free Muslim State.

On 23rd March 1940 he stood among those who were 1 st in demanding an independent state for
Muslims of Sub-Continent.
Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari visited all India Muslim Leagues plate form for uniting
Muslim Rulers to strengthen the demand of Muslims.

Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari and his companion traveled a lot and succeed to unite
Muslims of India.

Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari left his Riast Hai Badli along with his family and
followers on Independence Day and his young son Syed Saleem Hussain Subzwari slaughtered
on the way to Lahore by extremist Hindus in India.

Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari and his family & friend gathered at Jhjer and then their
caravan started their full of bloodshed journey in convoy.

The family and followers in the command of Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari after a
severe bloodshed arrived at Lahore Pakistan on 26th August 1947.

After observing worst law and order situation in newly born Pakistan, He decided to join the
Pakistan Police force. Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari was very much worried about
the future of his beloved country that’s why he spent all of his life for its development. He
became very prominent in a short time and peoples of Pakistan honored him by calling
“Freedom Fighter Noor Muhammad”. He was proud on it. He did not claim any land or
belonging even after facing tuff time, though he had left his precious ornament, land ownerships,
Sword of Riast Hai Badli, Souvenir and Sovereigns (Treasure of gold Coins) of Badli with the
Gulia Jats the Sultan Mohammedans tenants at Badli.

Unfortunately, illness did not allowed Nawab Syed Noor Muhammad Subzwari to visit his land
and he distributed all of his belong among family and followers, therefore, other then his family
many peoples claimed to be his sons and daughters and this act of him mixed up the family and
caused to deprive the real sons from claiming any thing. His Sons loved him and obeyed his all
advises and kept continue to help those who were being helped by Nawab Syed Noor
Muhammad Subzwari.

The other story written by Ram Swarup Joon in the History of the Jats, Rohtak, India, 1967 is
that, Raja Badra Sen was an officer in the army of Prithvi Raj. Badli Pargana was his Estate. He
belonged to a Dhulia family of Indergarh. Before the Chauhan rule, Bhadra, Ajmer, Indergarh
etc. were the capitals of the Gor Jats. After the death of Prithvi Raj there was chaos in the
country. The Khokhar Jats slayed Mohammed Ghori near Multan. There was a woman named
Bodli. The village was named Badli in her honor. Sant Sarang Dev's samadhi (shrine) still exists
in Badli and is widely worshipped.

These Gulia Jats were very spirited. When Timur was supervising the massacre of Delhi, a Gulia
youth, named, Ranbil Singh assaulted him. There are 24 villages of Gulias near Badli (Rohtak
district) and two other villages (Rurki and Sabti) a bit away from there. There are 12 more
villages across the Yamuna.
Location of Historical (Pelee) Haveli:

G.T. Road, near Adarsh Nagar, approach from north of new Subzi Mandi, Badli, New Delhi


After the partition of sub-continent now this place has been declared as Public ASI.

Status: Protected by Indian Laws

Special Features

Significance: The gateways of the Haveli / sarai remain, as also traces of the original rooms. In
1857 the Haveli / sarai was held by Indian troops.

Physical description: The Haveli / sarai were a large enclosure surrounded by arched cells and
entered through gateways on the north-west and south-east. The cells were dismantled early in
the 20th century. The gateways have battlements on the outer face, a domed chamber and steps
leading to the terrace from either end of the rear side. The north gateway is in a slightly better
state of preservation.


Walls: Lakhori brick masonry. Domed Roof: Brick


Serious deterioration, the enclosure has been completely disfigured. New buildings stand
centimeters away from the gateways.
History of Haveli / Serai Badli
Since Ruler of Badli Syed Atta Ullah Subzwari / Syed Nasir Hussain Subzwari who started their
journey from Subzwar through Mashad-e-Muqdas arrived in Kabul and from Kabul they
traveled through Dera Peshawar Rawalpindi Lahore and finally reached under the command of
Bir Syed Hussain in Delhi where they fought very bravely. Their mission was to destroy the
Haryana and therefore, they killed Raja Badra Sen and became Ruler of Riast Hai Badli before
the Second Battle of Tarain. Due to their journey via Mashad-e-Muqdas, resident of Badli called
them Mashade. Late Mughal’s rebuilt and expand this Haveli / Serai in their time.

Grading: In Badli there were so many gardens and Pine Meadows located through out the
Riast and most famous garden is Shalimar Bagh which is ahead of Badli Haveli / Sarai and 7 km
away from Majnu Ka Tila, lies Shalimar Gardens where Aurangzeb was crowned in 1658. It is
the great Mughal Emperor, Shahjahan’s contribution.

Education: During the Rule of Subzwari / Mashade brothers, Badli developed for education
and therefore, many religious and others scholars helped the ruler family to build educational
institutions. Even today, the importance of education is very prominent among Badli and
neighboring residents, therefore, Government of India established a Government College in
Badli which is a boon to students of Badli and of countryside
Dependents. Government College, Badli, situated in Badli village, 18 km from Bahadur garh, it
is a godsend for students of the countryside who otherwise may have to discontinue their studies
after completing schooling.

The setting up of the college in Badli, the Assembly constituency and the native village of Mr Dir
Pal, a senior Haryana minister, is a shining example of grass-root democracy. In the early stage
of its development, the government was nowhere in the picture. The idea was conceived by the
people of Badli who donated the land. After that, the village panchayat cooperated with the
people to construct a two-storey building. Following the completion of these initial phases, the
state government stepped in and provided recognition and allotted staff to the college.

Now the government has taken over the college but the panchayat is still contributing in its

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