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The Solution of the Navier-Stokes 3D Equation

is Based on Quantum Mechanics.

Edward Jiménez
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Central University of Ecuador,
Quito 170521, Ecuador.
September 13, 2017

The solution of the Navier-Stokes 3D equation is a logistic probability
function P (x; y; z; t) = p0 1=2 , which allows us to deter-
1+e 2
t (x2 +y 2 +z 2 )

mine the velocity …eld, pressure and concentration of energetic molecules

of a ‡uid. The dynamic solution naturally develops on a spherical sur-
face, corresponding to a macroscopic vortex which meets the theorem of
the implicit function of an …xed point f (t; r) = 0 and with the theorem of
expected value E [r j r 0].
In addition, this solution converges to the stationary solution given
by Laplace equation. Finally, we present an algorithm that explains both
velocity behavior and the dynamics of pressure u = 2 rP P
; p = po P .

1 Introduction
For our demonstrations, we will use strictly the scheme presented by Fe¤erman
in, where six demonstrations are
required to accept as valid a solution to the Navier-Stokes 3D equation. Fe¤er-
man (2017).
The velocity de…ned as u = 2 rP 2 2
P ; with a radius noted as r = x + y + z
where P (x; y; z; t) is the logistic probability function P (x; y; z; t) = 1+ekt r ;
and the expected value E(r j r 0) < C exist. The term P is de…ned in
(x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0 ; where constants k > 0; > 0 and P (x; y; x; t) is the
general solution of the Navier-Stokes 3D equation, which has to satisfy the con-
ditions (1) and (2), allowing us to analyze the dynamics of an incompressible
‡uid. J. Leray (1934), L. Ca¤arelli (1982), V.V. Kulish (2002).
@u rp
+ (u:r) u = r2 u ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0) (1)
@t 0

With, u 2R3 an known velocity vector, 0 constant density of ‡uid, dy-

namic viscosity, cinematic viscosity, and pressure p = p0 P in (x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0 .

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Where velocity and pressure are depending of r and t. We will write the
condition of incompressibility.

r:u = 0 ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0) (2)

The initial conditions of ‡uid movement u0 (x; y; z), are determined for t = 0.
Where speed u0 must be C 1 divergence -free vector.

u(x; y; z; 0) = u0 (x; y; z) ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ) (3)

For physically reasonable solutions, we make sure u(x; y; z; t) does not grow
large as r ! 1: We will restrict attention to initial conditions u0 that satisfy.
@x u0 C K (1 + r) on R3 for any and K (4)
The Clay Institute accepts a physically reasonable solution of (1), (2) and
(3), only if it satis…es:

p; u 2 C 1 (R3 [0; 1)) (5)

and the …nite energy condition.

ju(x; y; z; t)j dxdydz C for all t 0 (bounded energy). (6)

The problems of Mathematical Physics are solved by the Nature, guiding

the understanding, the scope, the limitations and the complementary theories.
These guidelines of this research were: the probabilistic elements of Quantum
Mechanics, the De Broglie equation and the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.

1.1 De…nitions
Attenuation coe¢ cient.

We will use the known attenuation formula of an incident ‡ux I0 ; for which
I = I0 e r . Where, I0 initial ‡ux and attenuation coe¢ cient of energetic
molecules that enter into interaction and/or resonance with the target molecules,
transmitting or capturing the maximum amount of energy.

Growth coe¢ cient.

We will use an equation analogous to concentration equation of Physical

Chemistry C = C0 ekt , where k = 2p0 ; is growth coe¢ cient, p0 is the initial
pressure of our ‡uid, the dynamic viscosity and C0 the initial concentration
of energetic ‡uid molecules.
It is evident that, in equilibrium state we can write r = kt, however,
the Navier-Stokes equation precisely measures the behavior of the ‡uids out of
equilibrium, so that: r 6= kt.

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Fortunately, there is a single solution for out-of-equilibrium ‡uids, using
the …xed-point theorem for implicit functions, 1+ekt r = 2r ; the proof is
demostrated in Theorem 1.

Dimensional Analysis.

We will de…ne the respective dimensional units of each one of variables and
physical constants that appear in the solution of the Navier-Stokes 3D equation.
Kinematic viscosity = 0 ; [ ms ]
Dynamic viscosity ; [pa.s], where pa represents pascal pressure unit.
Initial Pressure of out of equilibrium. p0 ;[pa]
kg 3
Fluid density 0 ; [ m3 ], where kg is kilogram and m cubic meters.
Logistic probability function, P (x; y; z; t) = 1+ekt r ; it is a real number
0 P 1:
Equilibrium condition , r = k t = 2 p00 t = jue j t; [m].
Fluid velocity in equilibrium, jue j ; [m=s] :
Fluid …eld velocity out of equilibrium, u = 2 (1 P )rr: [m/s].
Position, r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 ; [m].
Attenuation coe¢ cient, ;[1/m].
Growth coe¢ cient, k = 2p00 ; [1/s].
Concentration C = C0 1 PP :

E¢ cient Frontier.

Spherical surface of an implicit function f (t; r) = 0 of time t and radius

r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 , which represents the solution set of the Navier-Stokes
3D equation. Every moving particle or ‡uid has energy measured with some
2 1=2
standard deviation E E : By the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty
2 1=2
we know that there exists an unavoidable uncertainty in time t t
2 1=2
2 1=2
given by: E E t t h=2 , where h is the Plank constant.

Theorem 1 The velocity of the ‡uid is given by u = 2 rP P ; where P (x; y; z; t)

is the logistic probability function P (x; y; x; t) = 1+ekt r ; and p pressure such

that p = p0 P; both de…ned on (x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0 : The function P is the

general solution of the Navier Stokes equations, which satis…es conditions (1)
and (2).

Proof. To verify condition (2), r:u = 0; we must calculate the gradients and
(y2 +z2 )+(x2 +z2 )+(x2 +y2 )
laplacians of the radius. rr = xr ; yr ; zr ; and r2 r = r:rr = (x2 +y 2 +z 2 )3=2
r:u = 2 r: = 2 r ((1 P ) rr) (7)

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Replacing the respective values for the terms: r2 r and jrrj in the equation

r:u = 2 r ((1 P ) rr) (8)

= 2 r ((1 P ) rr)
h i
= 2 (P P 2 ) jrrj + (1 P ) r2 r

Where the gradient modulus of rP = (P P 2 )rr, has the form jrP j =
2 2
(P P 2 )2 jrrj = 2 (P P 2 )2 .

r:u = 2 (1 P) P+ =0 (9)

Simplifying for (1 P ) 6= 0, we obtain the main result of this paper, which

represents a …xed point of an implicit function f (t; r) where f (t; r) = P 2r = 0.

1 2
P = = ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0)
1+ ekt (x2 +y 2 +z 2 )1=2 1=2
(x2 + y2 + z2)
Equation (10) has a solution according to the …xed-point theorem of an
implicit function, and it is a solution to the Navier Stokes stationary equations,
which are summarized in: r2 P = 2 r2 1r = 0: Furthermore, it is the typical
solution of the Laplace equation for the pressure of the ‡uid r2 p = p0 r2 P = 0.
Kerson Huang (1987).
To this point, we need to verify that equation (10) is also a solution of re-
quirement (1), @u
@t + (u:r) u = r u
. We will do the equivalence u = r
after we replace in equation (1). Taking into account that = 2 ln(P );
and that r is irrotational, r r = 0, we have: (u:r) u = (r :r) r =
2 r (r :r ) r (r r ) = 12 r (r :r ) ; and r2 u = r (r:u) r
(r u) = r (r:r ) r (r r ) = r r2 : Simplifying terms in order
to replace these results in equation (1) we obtain
1 jrP j
(u:r) u= r (r :r ) = 2 2 r
2 P2
r2 u=r (r:u) = r r2 =0
jrP j r2 P
= 2 r =0
P2 P

The explicit form of velocity is u = 2 (1 P )rr:

= 2 kP (1 P )rr;
rp p0
= P (1 P )rr:
0 0

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After replacing the last four results (u:r) u; r2 u, @u
@t and 0
in equation (1)
we obtain (11).
2 jrP j p0
2 kP (1 P )rr = 2 r 2
P (1 P )rr: (11)
P 0

jrP j2
The equation (11) is equivalent to equation (1). After obtaining the term P2
jrP j2 r2 P
from the incompressibility equation r r2 = 2 r P2 + P = 0
and replacing in equation (11).

2 r2 P p0
2 kP (1 P )rr = 2 r P (1 P )rr: (12)
P 0

Equation (10) simultaneously ful…lls requirements (1) expressed by equation (12)

and requirement (2) expressed by equation (7), for a constant k = 2p00 = 2p0 :
Moreover, according to equation (10), the probability P = 2r which allows the
Laplace equation to be satis…ed: r2 P = 2 r2 1r = 0: In other words, the
Navier-Stokes 3D equation system is solved.

Implicit Function.
1 2
An implicit function de…ned as (10), f (t; r) = 1+ekt r r = 0 has a
…xed point (t; r) of R = f(t; r) j 0 < a t b; 0 < r < +1g, where m and M
are constants, such as: m M: Knowing that the partial derivative exists:
@r f (t; r) = P (1 P ) + 2r2 we can assume that: 0 < m @r f (t; r) M:
If, in addition, for each continuous function ' in [a; b] the composite function
g(t) = f (t; '(t)) is continuous in [a; b] ; then there is one and only one function:
r = '(t) continuous in [a; b], such that f [t; '(t)] = 0 for all t in [a; b].
1 2
Theorem 2 An implicit function de…ned as (10) f (t; r) = 1+ekt r r = 0
has a …xed point (t; r) of R = f(t; r) j 0 < a t b; 0 < r < +1g. In this way,
the requirements (1) and (2) are ful…lled.

Proof. Let C be the linear space of continuous functions in [a; b], and de…ne
an operator T : C ! C by the equation:
T ' (t) = ' (t) f [t; ' (t)] :
Then we prove that T is a contraction operator, so it has a unique …xed
point r = '(t) in C. Let us construct the following distance.
f [t; ' (t)] f [t; (t)]
T ' (t) T (t) = ' (t) (t) :
Using the mean value theorem for derivation, we have

f [t; ' (t)] f [t; (t)] = @ f (t; z(t)) [' (t) (t)] :

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Where (t) is situated between ' (t) and (t). Therefore, the distance equation
can be written as:
@ f (t; z(t))
T ' (t) T (t) = [' (t) (t)] 1

Using the hypothesis 0 < m @r f (t; r) M we arrive at the following result:

@ f (t; (t)) m
0 1 1 ;
with which we can write the following inequality:
jT ' (t) T (t)j = j' (t) (t)j 1 k' k: (13)
Where = 1 M . Since 0 < m M; we have 0 < 1. The above
inequality is valid for all t of [a; b]. Where T is a contraction operator and
the proof is complete, since for every contraction operator T : C ! C there
exists one and only one continuous function ' in C; such that T (') = '. Using
equation (10), which represents the fundamental solution of the Navier-Stokes
3D equation, we verify equation (2), which represents the second of the six
requirements of an acceptable solution.

Proposition 3 Requirement (3). The initial velocity can be obtained from:

u(x; y; z; 0) = 2 rP
P ; where each of the components ux ; uy and uz are in…nitely

x y z
u(x; y; z; 0) = u0 (x; y; z) = 2 (1 P0 ) ; ; ((x; y; z) 2 R3 )
r r r
P0 = r0
x x x
Proof. Taking the partial derivatives of @xn r ; @yn r and @zn r .

x 1 1
@xn = n@xn 1
+ x@xn (15)
r r r
x 1 1
@yn = n@yn 1
+ y@yn
r r r
x 1 1
@zn = n@zn 1
+ z@zn
r r r

Recalling the derivatives of special functions (Legendre), it is veri…ed that

there exists the derivative C 1 .

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1 n
@xn = ( 1) n! x2 + y 2 + z 2 2
Pn ( 1=2
) (16)
r (x2 + y2 + z2)
1 n
@yn = ( 1) n! x2 + y 2 + z 2 2
Pn ( 1=2
r (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )
1 n
@zn = ( 1) n! x2 + y 2 + z 2 2
Pn ( 1=2
r (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )

Physically, this solution is valid for the initial velocity, indicated by Eq. (4),
where the components of the initial velocity are in…nitely di¤erentiable, and
make it possible to guarantee that the velocity of the ‡uid is zero when r ! 1.

Proposition 4 Requirement (4). Using the initial velocity of a moving ‡uid

given by u(x; y; z; 0) = u0 (x; y; z) = 2 (1 P0 ) xr ; yr ; zr , it is evident that
@x u0 C K (1 + r) on R3 for any and K

Proof. Using the initial velocity of a moving ‡uid given by u0 (x; y; z) =

2 (1 P0 ) xr ; yr ; zr , we can …nd each of the components: @x u0x ; @y u0y and
@z u0z :

x 2 1 1 1 1
1 1
@x = @x + x@x @x + x@x
r r r r r

For the three components x; y; z the results of the partial derivatives are as

2 2 2
x 2 11 11 1 1
@x = @x + 2 x@x @x + x2 @x (17)
r r r r r
2 2 2
y 2 11 11 1 1
@y = @y + 2 y@y @y + y 2 @y
r r r r r
2 2 2
z 2 11 11 1 1
@z = @z + 2 z@z @z + z 2 @z
r r r r r

Replacing equation (17) with the explanatory form of the Legendre polynomials,
for the following terms @x 1 1r and @x 1r :

1 ( +1)
@x = ( 1) ! x2 + y 2 + z 2 2
P ( 1=2
) (18)
r (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )
11 1 x
@x = ( 1) ( 1)! x2 + y 2 + z 2 2
P 1( 1=2
r (x2 + y2 + z2)

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Also, knowing that for each 0, the maximum value of P (1) = 1:. We
can write the following inequality
1 2
x2 @x x2 ( !) r 2( +1)
11 1 2 1 2 1
2 x@x @x 2x ( !) ( 1)! ( 1) r
r r
2 1 1 2 2 2
@x (( 1)!) r
2 y 2 z 2
Grouping terms for @x xr ; @y r and @z r we have the next expressions.

" #
2 2
x 2
2 x2 ( !) 2x ( !) 2 2
@x r + (( 1)!) (20)
r r2 r
" #
2 2
y 2
2 y 2 ( !) 2y ( !) 2 2
@y r + (( 1)!)
r r2 r
" #
2 2
z 2
2 z 2 ( !) 2z ( !) 2 2
@z r + (( 1)!)
r r2 r

2 2 1=2
z 2
The module of @x u0 is given by @x u0 = @x xr + @y yr + @z r :
Simplifying and placing the terms of equation (20) we have
" #
2 2 2(x + y + z) ( !)
@x u0 r 2 3 ( !) + 2 (( 1)!)

x y z
Taking into consideration that r 1; r 1; r 1 the last term @x u0
can be easily written that.

2 ( !) h z i
x y
@x u0 2 + + +
r2 r r r
10 ( !)
@x u0
It is veri…ed that there exists C = 10 ( !) such that if r ! 0; then @x u0 ! 0:
Thus, we proved requirement (4).
According to Mathematics, and giving an integral physical structure to the
study, we need to prove that there are the spatial and temporal derivatives of
the velocity and pressure components, satisfying the requirement (5).

Proposition 5 Requirement (5). The velocity can be obtained from: u(x; y; z; t) =

2 rP
P and each of the components ux ; uy and uz are in…nitely derivable.

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x y z
u(x; y; z; t) = 2 ; ; ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ) (21)
r2 r2 r2
1 2
P (x; y; z; t) = p0 =
1+e 2 t r r
x x x
Proof. Taking partial derivatives for @xn r2 ; @yn r2 and @zn r2 .
x 1 1
@xn = n@xn 1
+ x@xn (22)
r2 r2 r2
x 1 1
@yn = n@yn 1
+ y@yn
r2 r2 r2
x 1 1
@zn = n@zn 1
+ z@zn
r2 r2 r2
Recalling the derivatives of special functions, it is veri…ed that the derivative
C 1 exists. These derivatives appear as a function of the Legendre polynomialsPn (:).

1 n (n+1) x
@xn = ( 1) n! x2 + y 2 + z 2 Pn ( ) (23)
r2 (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )
1 n (n+1) y
@yn = ( 1) n! x2 + y 2 + z 2 Pn ( 2 )
r2 (x + y 2 + z 2 )
1 n (n+1) z
@zn = ( 1) n! x2 + y 2 + z 2 Pn ( 2 )
r2 (x + y 2 + z 2 )
There are the spatial derivatives n and the time derivative which is similar
to equations (25).
Proposition 6 Requirement (5). The pressure is totally de…ned by the equiv-
alence p(x; y; z; t) = p0 P (x; y; z; t) and is in…nitely di¤ erentiable in each of its

p(x; y; z; t) = p0 P (x; y; z; t) ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ) (24)

1 1 1
Proof. Taking partial derivatives for ; @xn and r @yn
,recalling the
r @zn r
derivatives of special functions of equation (16), it is shown that the derivative
C 1 . We only have to …nd the time derivatives: @tn (p0 P ) = p0 @tn (P ). Using
equation (21) for P , we have.
@t P = ( k) P (1 P) (25)
@t2 P = ( k) (1 2P )P (1 P)
@t3 P = ( k) (1 2
6P + 6P )P (1 P)
@t4 P = ( k) (1 14P + 36P 2
24P 3 )P (1 P)
@t5 P = ( k) (1 30P + 150P 2 240P 3 + 120P 4 )P (1 P)
@tn (P ) = @t @tn 1 (P )

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It is always possible to …nd the derivative @tn (P ) as a function of the previous
derivative, since the resulting polynomial of each derivative n 1 is of degree

Proposition 7 Requirement (6). The energy must be limited in a de…ned vol-

ume and fundamentally it must converge at any time, such that t 0.
ju(x; y; z; t)j dxdydz C for all t 0 (bounded energy).

Proof. We will use the explicit form of velocity given in equation (21) u(x; y; z; t) =
2 2
2 (1 P ) rr;to obtain the vector module: juj = 4 2 2 (1 P ) . Rewriting
equation (21), and applying a change of variable in: dxdydx = 4 r2 dr.
Z Z 1
2 2
ju(x; y; z; t)j dxdydz = 16 2 2 r2 (1 P ) dr (26)
R3 r0

Making another change of variable dP = P (1 P )dr. Using (10), replacing

r2 = P we have

Z Z P1 2
2 2 2 2 2 dP
ju(x; y; z; t)j dxdydz = 16 (1 P) (27)
R3 P0 P P (1 P )
2 Z P1
64 1 P
= dP
P0 P3
Where radius r ! 1; when t 0; we have limr!1 P = limr!1 exp(kt) =
1+ exp( r)
P1 = 1: Moreover, physically if r ! r0 0 then t ! 0 we have limr!0 P =
1 1 1
limr!0 exp(kt) = P0 = 2 : Here, a probability 2 represents maximum entropy.
1+ exp( r)

Z 2 Z 1 2 1
2 64 1 P 64 2P 1
ju(x; y; z; t)j dxdydz = dP = (28)
R3 1=2 P3 2P 2 1=2
Z 2
2 32
juj dxdydz for all t 0

In this way the value of the constant C is C = :Verifying the proposition
(6) completely.

Lemma 8 The irrotational …eld represented by the logistic probability function

P (x; y; z; t) associated with the velocity u = 2 rP
P , can produce vortices, due
to the stochastic behavior of the physical variables p0 ; ; : These stochastic
variations are in orders lower than the minimum experimental value.

Proof. The implicit function representing the solution of the Navier-Stokes

3D equation, = 2r depends on the values of initial pressure p0 ,
1+e (
r k t)


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viscosity and attenuation coe¢ cient . Due to Heisenberg uncertainty prin-
ciple, these parameters have a variation when we measure and use them, as is
the case of the estimate of = r (t; k; ). The function (t; k; ) = k t;
expressly incorporates these results, when 1 < < +1. The physical and
mathematical realities are mutually conditioned and allow for these surprising
results. For a de…nite t there exist in…nities (x; y; z) that hold the relation-
ship r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 . Moreover, for a de…nite r there are in…nities t that
respect the …xed-point theorem and create spherical trajectories. When the
physical variables k; vary, even at levels of 1/100 or 1/1000, they remain be-
low the minimum variation of the experimental value. We could try to avoid
the existence of trajectories on the spherical surface, for which we must assume
that the ‡uid is at rest or it is stationary, which contradicts the Navier-Stokes
3D equation, where all ‡uid is in accelerated motion @u @t 6= 0. In short, if there
are trajectories in the sphere as long as it is probabilistically possible, this is
reduced to showing that the expected value of the radius E [r j r 0] exists and
it is …nite.
Derivation of E(r j r 0):
The logistic density function for when E( ) = 0 and V ar( ) = 2 is de…ned
by p
exp( )
h( ) = [1+exp( )]2
; where 1 = 3= is a scale parameter. Given that r =
exp[ r ( )= ]
(t; p0 ; ; ) + function for r is then f (r) = [1+exp( (r ( ))= ]2
; to facilitate
the calculations we put ( ) = (t; k; ) = t. By de…nition, the truncated
density for r when r 0 is given by f (r j r 0) = P f(r(r)0) for r 0: Given
that the cumulative distribution function for r is given by F (r) = 1+exp(kt r) ;it
exp( ( ))) 1
follows that P (r 0) = 1 F (0) = 1+exp( ( ))) = 1+exp( ( ))) The derivation
of E(r j r 0) then proceeds as follows:
Z 1 Z 1
1 exp [kt r]
E (r j r 0) = rf (r j r 0)dr = r 2 dr
0 P (r 0) 0 f1 + exp [kt r]g
Z 1
1 2 dP
E(r) j r 0) = ( P (1 P ))
P (r 0) 1=2 P P (1 P )
We replaced in equation (29) dP = P (1 P )dr and r2 = 2P of this
manner we obtain
Z 1
1 2 dP 1 2
E(r) j r 0) = ( P (1 P )) = log(2)
P (r 0) 1=2 P P (1 P ) P (r 0)
where we have used the fact that
exp kt
P (r 0) =
1 + exp kt


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1 2 2
E(r) j r 0) = log(2)
log(2) for all t 0 (31)
P (r 0)
where the last equality follows from an application of the L’Hopital’s rule
exp kt
P (r 0) = limt!1 1+exp kt = 1.

2 Discussion of Results.
Spherical surfaces does not imply spacetime curve
In Fe¤erman (2017), "In particular, the singular set u cannot contain a
spacetime curve of the form (x; t) 2 R3 R : x = (t) : This is the best partial
regularity theorem known so far the Navier-Stokes equation. It appears to be
very hard to go further"
Using equation (10), which is an implicit function of a …xed point p0
t r
1+e 2
r it is possible to obtain spherical trajectories, although this does not neces-
p imply a spacetime curve. For this case we must clearly rewrite r =
x2 + y 2 + z 2 and (x; y; z; t) 2 R3 R+ : r = (t) . Where a natural con-
stant 2p0 appears, which in the equilibrium satis…es r = 2p0 t and has a repre-
sentation similar to the Reynolds number.
Solution algorithm
1. We de…ne a value of the initial pressure p0 and of viscosity in air,
water and blood plasma. These variables are determined by instruments with
a certain degree of accuracy. However, the measurement of a physical vari-
able always has an uncertainty independent of the accuracy of the instruments.
Intrinsic uncertainty is determined by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
2. The function that solves the Navier-Stokes 3D equation is a logistic
probability density. The attenuation coe¢ cient of incident molecules is which
has a positive value, while the coe¢ cient that weighs the evolution in time
depends on pressure and dynamic viscosity 2p0 . P (x; y; z; t) = 1
t r
1+e 2
3. For each time value t there exists a …xed point r(x; y; z; t) that allows
to fully comply with the Navier-Stokes 3D equation. Where 1 r +1;
y z
1 r +1 and 1 r +1:
4. If we determine experimentally the value of variation of the parame-
ters p0 ; ; ; we …nd the average value of r and the standard deviation of r,
determining a spherical cap in which the Navier-Stokes 3D equation are satis-
5. We calculate probabilities P (x; y; z; t); concentrations C(x; y; z; t), pres-
sures p = p0 P and the velocity …eld u = 2 rP P of ‡uids. Also, when we apply
the respective algorithm, we clearly see how for a de…nite radius r that we …nd an
2 1=2 2 1=2
interval with in…nite time values t 2 t t t t t+ t t ,
even for variations of less than 1% in the parameters k = 2p00 ; . In the follow-
ing …gures: green color indicates minimal experimental variations in parameters
superior to 1%, while red color indicates variations parameters less than 1%.


13 Sep 2017 06:25:42 PDT

Version 1 - Submitted to Acta Math.
Man Graphic Plasma (T=37°C)


t *(10E-6)



0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
1 2 1 2
1+e3 :5126t 3:5126r = 3:5126r 1+e3 :2546t 3:2546r = 3:2546r







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1 2
1+e5 :62t 5:62r = 5:62r

3 Conclusions
Turbulent ‡ows and vortices.
The necessary condition for the existence of turbulent ‡ows occurs when the
velocity of the ‡uid juj > jue j = 2p0 is greater than the equilibrium velocity


13 Sep 2017 06:25:42 PDT

Version 1 - Submitted to Acta Math.
jue j, obtained as a function of the parameters of the medium such as: initial
pressure p0 , dynamic viscosity and attenuation coe¢ cient .
The su¢ cient condition for the existence of vortices is given by the …xed-
point theorem in implicit functions and by the expected value theorem of the
logistic density function, which complemented the requirement (6).
The statistical equilibrium of a physical system such as a ‡uid is obtained
for the maximum entropy corresponding to the probability value of P = 12 ;
and physically it is equivalent to kt r = 0.
The function r = (t) that appears in the …xed-point theorem and in the
expected value theorem needs to be generalized to respect the Heisenberg’s
theorem, which involves the intrinsic variation of x; y; z; t, and energy, as
follows: r = (t; k; ):
Stochastic ‡uctuations of the parameters k = 2 and
The evolution of pressure and velocity also depends on the stochastic ‡uc-
tuations of the parameters, which are local and not global.
We obtain a dynamic and probabilistic solution of the Navier-Stokes 3D
equation, which represents a …xed point. This function corresponds to a spher-
ical boundary, de…ned for the solution of the Navier Stokes equations. This
spherical surface is the macroscopic solution domain, and it is a vortex.
At the macroscopic level, turbulence centers are also resonance centers
where energy is e¢ ciently deposited or captured. Turbulence is where and when
all random e¤ects cancel out and only cooperative e¤ects of order and apparent
coordination are manifested, creating minimal entropy.
Quantum Mechanics.
De Broglie’s law is the bridge between Quantum Mechanics and Navier-
Stokes 3D equation, by virtue of this complementarity:
Fluid molecules interact as incompressible spheres between them, similar
to a pool game between experts and produce curved displacements and
vortices. All collisions that produce random e¤ects cancel each other out
and do not produce vortices, whereas coordinated and correlated collisions
can produce quantum vortices.
Viscosity represents the velocity of the De Broglie wave packet. Can be
understood as quantum adherence.
Minimal entropy governs turbulence sustained at the molecular level and
at the macroscopic level, where the e¤ects are cooperative, causal and long
range. The cooperation is manned by order and by the viscosity, causing
a chain of events unfortunate for humans, which at the level of physics are
simply processes of minimal entropy.
A way to eliminate the destructive turbulences in vortices, could be by
maximization of entropy.


13 Sep 2017 06:25:42 PDT

Version 1 - Submitted to Acta Math.
equation Accesed 01/05/2017.
[2] V. V. Kulish (2002). On the Relationship between Fluid Velocity and de
Broglie’s Wave Function and the Implications to the Navier –Stokes Equa-
tion. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2002
[3] J. Leray, Sur le mouvement d’un liquide visquex emplissent l’espace, Acta
Math. J. 63 (1934).
[4] L. Ca¤arelli, R. Kohn, and L. Nirenberg. Partial regularity of suitable weak
solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations, Comm. Pure & Appl. Math. 35
(1982), 771–831.
[5] Kerson Huang (1987). Statistical Mechanics, 2nd Edition, John Willey &
Sons, 1987.

A Euler Equation.
For the Euler equation we have to rede…ne theqvelocity, because = 0:
1 2 p0 rP
The speed needs to be de…ned as u = 0 P
; where P (x; y; z; t) is the
p 1
logistic probability function P (x; y; x; t) = 2 p0 t (x2 +y2 +z2 )1=2
; de…ned in
1+e 0

(x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0 This P is the general solution of the Euler 3D equations,

which satis…es the conditions (E1) and (E2), allowing to analyze the dynamics
of an incompressible ‡uid without viscosity.
@u rp
+ (u:r) u = ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0) (E1)
@t 0

Where, u 2R3 an known velocity vector, 0 constant density of ‡uid and

pressure p = p0 P 2 R.
With speed and pressure dependent on r and t: We will write the condition
of incompressibility as follows.

r:u = 0 ((x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0) (E2)

p0 rP
Theorem 9 The velocity of the ‡uid given by: u = 2
0 P
; where P (x; y; z; t)
p 1
is the logistic probability function P (x; y; x; t) = 2 p0 t (x2 +y2 +z2 )1=2
; de-
1+e 0

…ned in (x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0 is the general solution of the Euler equations,

which satis…es conditions (E1) and (E2).


13 Sep 2017 06:25:42 PDT

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Proof. Firstly, we will make the equivalence u = r and replace it in equation
(1). Taking into account that r is irrotational, r r = 0, we have.
1 1
(u:r) u = (r :r) r = r (r :r ) r (r r )= r (r :r ) ;
2 2
We can write,
@ 1
r + (r :r ) = r ( p)
@t 2
It is equivalent to,
@ 1 p
+ (r :r ) =
@t 2 0

where p is the di¤erence between the

q actual pressure p and certain reference
pressure p0 : Now, replacing = 1 2 p00 ln(P ); the Euler Stokes equation be-
@P p
= P (E3)
@t 0

The external force is zero, so that there is only a constant force F due to the
variation of the pressure on a cross section . Where is the total cross section
of all events, including scattering, absorption, or transformation to another

F = p = p0 0 (E4)
p=p p0 = 1 p0 = (1 P )p0

putting (E3) in (E4) we have

@P p0
= 2
(1 P )P (E5)
@t 0

x y z
In order to verify equation (E2), r:u = 0; we need to obtain rr = r; r; r ;
(y2 +z2 )+(x2 +z2 )+(x2 +y2 )
r r = r:rr = (x2 +y 2 +z 2 )3=2
= 2r :

r r " #
1 p0 rP 1 p0 r2 P jrP j
r:u = 2
r: = 2
0 P 0 P P2

Replacing the respective values for the terms: r2 P and jrP j of equation (E6).
The Laplacian of P can be written as follows.

r2 P = (1 2P )rP:rr + (P P 2 )r2 r (E7)

2 2
= (1 2P )(P P 2 ) jrrj + (P P 2 )r2 r
2 2
= (1 2P )(P P 2 ) + (P P 2)


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2 2
Using gradient rP = (P P 2 )rr, modulus jrP j = 2
(P P 2 )2 jrrj and
r2 P in (E6). " #
r 2
1 p0 r2 P jrP j
r:u = 2
= (E8)
0 P P2

Replacing equations (E7) and (E8) in (E6) we obtain the main result of the
Euler equations, the solution represents a …xed point of an implicit function
f (t; r) where f (t; r) = P r = 0.

1 2
P = q = 1=2
((x; y; z) 2 R3 ; t 0)
2 p0 (x2 +y 2 +z 2 )1=2
1+e 0
t (x2 + y2 + z2)
Equation (E9) has solution according to the …xed-point theorem of an implicit
function, also it is a solution to the Euler 3D stationary equations. These
are summarized in: r2 P = 2 r2 1r = 0 which is the typical solution of the
Laplace equation for probability P , constructed di¤erently from the Navier-
Stokes equation.


13 Sep 2017 06:25:42 PDT

Version 1 - Submitted to Acta Math.

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