Glosary 2

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Germain Hernandez Gudiño



1 Cater Providing & serving meals.
I'm catering for twelve on Sunday -
the whole family is coming.
Which firm will be catering at
the wedding reception?

2 Offset to balance one influence against

an opposing influence, so that there is
no great difference as a result:
The extra cost of travelling to work is
offset by the lower price of houses here.

3 Outspend to spend more money on something

than someone else:
Democratic candidates tend to
outspend Republicans.
Rich businessmen tried to outspend
each other at charity dinners.

4 Lender someone or something

that lends money, especially a large fina
ncialorganization such as a bank:
The smaller local lenders charge high int
erest rates.

5 also male chauvinism the belief that

Chauvinism women
are naturally less important,intelligent,
or able than men

6 the range of distance within which it

Earshot is possible to be heard or to hearwhat
someone is saying:
I don't think you should say anything
while the boss is still in/within earshot.
Germain Hernandez Gudiño

7 Throughout in every part, or during

the whole period of time:
People throughout the country are out
of work.

8 Fleeting short or quick:

a fleeting glimpse
This is just a fleeting visit.

9 Fundind money given by

a government or organization for
an event oractivity:
Alisha is trying to get funding for
her research.

10 Breakdown a failure to work or be successful:

I had a breakdown (=
my car stopped working) in
the middle of the road.

11 Headquarter the main offices of an organization such

s as the army, the police, or
a business company:
The company's headquarters is/are in

12 Stock a place where shares in companies are b

exchange ought and sold, or
theorganization of people whose job is
to do this buying or selling:
They bought some shares on the
London stock exchange.

13 Quotation Large in amount or expensive

Germain Hernandez Gudiño

14 Scarcity a phrase or short piece of writing taken

from a longer work ofliterature, poetry,
etc. or what someone else has said:
At the beginning of the book there's a
quotation from Abraham Lincoln.

15 Mortgage an agreement that allows you

to borrow money from
a bank or similarorganization, especially
in order to buy a house, or
the amount ofmoney itself:
They took out a £40o,000 mortgage (=
they borrowed £40o,000) to buy the ho
a monthly mortgage payment

16 Lender
someone or something
that lends money, especially a large fina
ncialorganization such as a bank:
The smaller local lenders charge high int
erest rates.

17 Maturity the quality of behaving mentally and em

otionally like an adult

18 Dealer a person who trades in something:

a second-hand car dealer
Germain Hernandez Gudiño

19 Bond a close connection joining two or

more people:
the bond(s) of friendship/love

20 Debenture a type of loan, often used

by companies to raise money, that
is paidback over
a long period of time and at
a fixed rate of interest

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