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The following are basic doctrines, principles, rules and theories in remedial law [9] HYPOTHETICAL ADMISSION or PRESUMPTION


that all law students and bar candidates should remember. motion to dismiss is filed, the material allegations of the complaint are deemed to be
hypothetically admitted. This hypothetical admission, extends not only from the
[1] AUTER ACTION PENDANT: It refers to the situation where two actions are relevant and material facts well pleaded in the complaint, but also to inferences that
pending between the same parties for the same cause of action, so that one of them may be fairly deduced from them. (The Municipality of Hagonoy, Bulcan, et al. vs.
becomes unnecessary and vexatious. It is based on the policy against multiplicity of Hon. Simeon Dumdum, Jr., G.R. No. 168289, March 22, 2010)
[10] IMMUTABILITY OF JUDGMENT: Once the judgment becomes final and
[2] BERRY RULE: Filing of motion for new trial based on newly discovered executory, it can no longer be amended, set aside, or disturbed
evidence which cannot be produced in court despite exercise of due diligence, and if
considered would probably alter the outcome of the case. [11] INDEPENDENT RELEVANT STATEMENT: Regardless of the truth or
falsity of a statement, when what is relevant is the fact that such statement has been
[3] BUBBLE BURST THEORY: The rule on presumption of law shall not apply in made, the hearsay rule does not apply and the statement may be shown. (Jose
case there is evidence to the contrary. Espineli a.k.a Danilo Espineli vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 179535, June
9, 2014)
[4] CHAIN OF CUSTODY: Is "the duly recorded authorized movements and
custody of seized drugs or controlled chemicals or plant sources of dangerous drugs [12] INTERLOCKING CONFESSION: These are extrajudicial confessions which
or laboratory equipment of each stage, from the time of seizure/confiscation to were independently made without collusion, are identical with each other in their
receipt in the forensic laboratory to safekeeping to presentation in court for material respects and confirmatory of the other. They are, therefore, also admissible
destruction." (see also: People vs. Alivio, G.R. No. 177771, May 30, 2011). as circumstantial evidence against their co-accused implicated therein to show the
probability of the latter’s actual participation in the commission of the crime.
[5] CONTINUING THREAT: In order that writ of amparo can be issued, the
threat on the right to life liberty or security must be actual and continuing and not [13] JUDICIAL COURTESY: “[d]ue respect for the Supreme Court and practical
merely imaginary, thereby depriving the petitioner of his said right from the and ethical considerations should have prompted the appellate court wait for the
inception up to the termination of the case. final determination of the petition [for certiorari] before taking cognizance of the
case and trying to render moot exactly what was before this [C]ourt.” The principle
[6] FALSA DEMONSTRATIO NON NOCET: It is a rule which states that where of judicial courtesy applies only “if there is a strong probability that the issues
there are two descriptions in a deed, the one as it were, super added to the other, and before the higher court would be rendered moot and moribund as a result of the
one description being complete and sufficient in itself, and the other which is continuation of the proceedings in the lower court.”(Juan Trajano aka Johnny vs.
subordinate and super added is incorrect, the incorrect description or feature or Uniwide Sales Warehouse ClubG.R. 190253, June 11, 2014)
circumstance of the description is rejected as a surplusage, and the complete and
correct description is allowed to stand alone. (Please see: Myers vs. Ladd, 26 Ill, [14] LAW OF THE CASE: It has been defined as the opinion delivered on a
515, 417) former appeal, and means, more specifically, that whatever is once irrevocably
established as the controlling legal rule of decision between the same parties in the
[7] FRESH PERIOD: It is a procedural law as it prescribes a fresh period of 15 same case continues to be the law of the case, whether correct on general principles
days within which an appeal may be made in the event that the motion for or not, so long as the facts on which such decision was predicated continue to be the
reconsideration is denied by the lower court. Following the rule on retroactivity of facts of the case before the court.
procedural laws, the “fresh period rule” should be applied to pending actions, such
as the present case. (Priscilla Alma Jose vs. Ramon Javellana, et al., G.R. No. [15] MATERIAL DATES: Under the material dates rule, a petition must alleged
158239, January 25, 2012) three (3) material dates which is necessary which are as follows: 1) The date when
the judgment or final order or resolution was received; 2) The date when the motion
[8] FRUIT OF THE POISONOUS TREE: The warrant issued by the judge did for reconsideration or new trial was filed; and 3) The date when the notice of the
not comply with the requisites of the law, and therefore, void, or when the search denial thereof was received. (Great Southern Maritime Services Corporation vs.
made without warrant is unjustifiable, whether it is found or discovered afterwards, Acuna, 452 SCRA 422, February 28, 2005)
cannot be used as evidence against the suspect. The items or articles obtained are the [16] NON-PROSEQUITUR: Once a case is dismissed for failure to prosecute, the
“fruits of a poisoned tree.”(People vs. Burgos, 144 SCRA 1; People vs. Montilla, dismissal has the effect of an adjudication on the merits and is understood to be with
285 SCRA 703; Manalili vs. CA, 280 SCRA 400)
prejudice to the filing of another action unless otherwise provided in the order of offered to prove the sexual predisposition of the alleged victim. (b) Exception.—
dismissal. Evidence of specific instances of sexual behavior by the alleged victim to prove that
a person other than the accused was the source of semen, injury, or other physical
[17] NON-SUITED: Failure of the plaintiff to appear on the scheduled pre-trial evidence shall be admissible.
conference would result to the dismissal of the case with prejudice, unless otherwise
ordered by the court to be without prejudice. [26] STATUTE OF NON-CLAIMS: Immediately after granting letters
testamentary or administration, the court shall issue a notice requiring all persons
[18] PARTY AUTONOMY: Parties have the freedom to expressly stipulate or having money claims against the decedent to file them in the office of the clerk of
agree by virtue of written agreement on how their disputes will be settled by court which shall state the time of the filing of the claim against estate, which shall
submitting their differences to an arbitrator before an action may be commenced in not be more than twelve (12) months but less than six (6) months after the date of
court. first publication of the notice, but before distribution is entered, upon application of
an unpaid creditor who failed to file his claim, the court on cause shown may allow
[19] PRESUMED IDENTITY APPROACH: Where a foreign law is not pleaded the claim to be filed within the time not exceeding one (10 month.
or, even if pleaded, is not proved, the presumption is that foreign law is the same as
ours. (ATCI Overseas Corporation, Amalia G. Ikdal And Ministry Of Public Health- [27] STRONG ARM OF EQUITY: At times referred to as the “Strong Arm of
Kuwait Vs. Ma. JosefaEchin, G.R. No. 178551, October 11, 2010) Equity,” [the Court has] consistently ruled that there is no power the exercise of
which is more delicate and which calls for greater circumspection than the issuance
[20] PRIMARY JURISDICTION: When an administrative body is clothed with of an injunction. It should only be extended in cases of great injury where courts of
original and exclusive jurisdiction, courts are utterly without power and authority to law cannot afford an adequate or commensurate remedy in damages; “in cases of
exercise concurrently such jurisdiction. Accordingly, all the proceedings of the court extreme urgency; where the right is very clear; where considerations of relative
in violation of that doctrine and all orders and decisions reached are null and void. inconvenience bear strongly in complainant’s favor; where there is a willful and
(Manolito Agra, et al., vs. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 167807, December 6, unlawful invasion of plaintiff’s right against his protest and remonstrance, the injury
2011) being a continuing one, and where the effect of the mandatory injunction is rather to
re-establish and maintain a pre-existing continuing relation between the parties,
[21] RECOUPMENT: A compulsory counterclaim arises out of or is connected recently and arbitrarily interrupted by the defendant, than to establish a new
with the transaction or occurrence constituting the subject matter of the opposing relation.”(Thunder Security and Investigation Agency vs. National Food Authority,
party’s claim which does not require the presence of a third person over whom the supra)
court cannot acquired jurisdiction;
[28] TRANSCENDENTAL IMPORTANCE: Suspension of the rules of procedure
[22] RELAXED ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE : In the proper resolution of in case the subject matter of the action is of great importance/involving national
the case, the court has the discretion to admit a rather inadmissible evidence interest;
provided it has a relation to other evidence already presented which is relevant to the
fact in issue in the case. [29] TWO-DISMISSAL: When the notice operates as an adjudication upon the
merits when filed by a plaintiff who has once dismissed in a competent court an
[23] RES JUDICATA IN PRISON GREY: Accused cannot be twice put in action based on or including the same claim.
jeopardy of an offense, acquittal or conviction in either one will bar the prosecution
for another offense, or his was terminated without the express consent of the [30] VIATORY RIGHT OF WITNESS: If the witness resides more than 100 km
accused. from the place where he is to travel by the ordinary course of travel, or if he is a
detention prisoner and no permission is obtained from the court in which his case is
[24] SET-OFF: A permissive counterclaim does not arise out of and is not pending, then he cannot be compelled to attend the trial. The right is available only
connected with the transaction or occurrence constituting the subject matter of the in CIVIL cases.
opposing party’s claim which required the presence of a third person for its

[25] SEXUAL ABUSE SHIELD: The following evidence is not admissible in any
criminal proceeding involving alleged child sexual abuse: (1) Evidence offered to
prove that the alleged victim engaged in other sexual behavior; and (2) Evidence

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