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Inspirational quote

“You are telling me you have never jerked off while lying in front of your toiled on the bath
mat?” – Drew Gordon

Power rankings

1. Grant – “Regan, Your fucking bullshit cat ruined the goddamned Tv and I am mad as hell
how am I supposed to get on fucking red dead after the fucking Online State University
Outlaws get beat by making a dumb fucking decision to go for 2. Plus there is no laundry
in the dryer and there is no chicken in the oven what the fuck you bitch. That’s it I am
getting a divorce.” – Grant on Saturday night.

Grant keeps up the streak of a player associating with the number 69 (nice) as Eric Ebron
only had 69 yards and two tuddys.

2. Brando – Well Brando, with that fucking Aaron Jones we found in that locker, we can
really make our investment back, fucker is worth at least a 30 dollar bill. Cam Newton is
worth a 14 dollar bill brando. While that patriots D is worth nothing, total junk. Wait
until next week when Brando and Darryl take on Drew “dave hester” Gordon on a
serious storage war.
3. Detective Pikachu – Fuck that trailer looked great, suck it Stan Lee.
4. Seth – This win all came down to Mitch the Bitch putting in a good performance against.
But can this team win when it counts? We posted this poll on twitter and got some
interesting responses.
@steelerIhardlyknowher “This coach has shown that he cant do anything in the

@pee_wills “I just pissed all over seth’s pants, that’s what I think of his chances
to win the big game. #hotyellowwetdenim”
5. Gaytier – “ Hi, I am Gaytier and I want to be your next president of the gay foundation.
Over this past weekend I did the gayest thing imaginable, I bought a surprise puppy for
my 2 times double faked trangendered boyfriend. After I the happiness of the new
puppy settled down, we both got in our leather tights went to Oak Lawn and did things
to each other’s rectum holes until roosters came a calling. If that isn’t gay enough for
you vote as president of the gay foundation, I don’t think anyone can be gay enough.
Vote me, Gaytier as your gayest boy alive and president of the gay foundation.”
6. Rich – Hey guys, rich still hasn’t gotten his RDR2 from Castro the most annoying
streamer in the history of Twitch streams. Let’s all take a collective moment to laugh at
Rich because we are all goddamned bad ass cowboys shootin’ whores and killing bandits
and he is a lowly fortnite virgin with no girlfriend.
7. Andy – The triple fake anonymous author would like to take this time to say YOUR BITCH
8. Jackson – Just like being left behind a dumpster to die in real life, Jackson has left his
fantasy team behind a dumpster to die and Just like the Greek legend Sisyphus, the
team is bound to wake up and begin the trek to the dumpster all over again this week.
9. Turnbo – scored negative 7 points on defense. About sums up the season right there
10. Philadelphia Eagles – fucking assholes can’t do one goddamned motherfucking cunting
thing correctly. First you win a superbowl, fucking assholes, then when we need you to
beat the Cowfuckers so we can get rid of red cunt you fucking lose. Ungoddamned
believable. Here are somethings philly is known for
i. Having the first newspaper – fucking nerds
ii. Having the first hospital – fucking weak ass nerds
iii. John Wilkes Booth once worked in philly and he shot Lincoln. Kind of
sounds like Philly killed Lincoln huh? Beat that logic you libtards.
11. Drew- Rented a barn in the middle of fucking nowhere, which took one billion hours to
get to, and then had the audacity to sit some of us on the fucking moon to watch A&M
play. Screw you Rich’s team is better.
12. Will – This team is falling like a goddamned fucking rock. Lets go down the roster and
rate every stupid fucking player and rate their performance over the last few weeks
i. QB – Cunt Mcgoo – Fucking sucked too much dick and popped a lung so
he sucked more dick.
ii. RB – Tits Mcgee – Honked too many boobs and cant run the ball
iii. RB- Cunt Mcgee – fucking cant beat out Jordan howard for a goddamned
starting job
iv. WR – Tits Mcgoo – Fucking getting his dick sucked by Cunt Mcgoo to
learn to catch the fucking ball.
v. WR – Asslawn Jeffries – Plays for Eagles, see #9
vi. TE – Bitch tits – had like one point with fucking Rodgers throwing at him,
what kind of horse shit is that fellar?
vii. Flex – Tits Bitch – actually performing to where he should reasonably be
but fuck him for once being an eagle.
viii. OP – Pat Mahomes – good job great effort keep it up son.
ix. Def – Retards – Playing all the good offenses at the end of the year to
fuck my team over, classic NFL scheduling Bias against me.
13. Stan Lee – Hell is hot, isn’t it bitch.

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