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Before the prayer

Score (out of 10)

Thoughts Emotions Action
Hereafter, a life after Listen Ayatul kursi
death Fear recitation 7

During the prayer

Thoughts Emotions Action

Decide to Recite surah Fearless and In the prayer recite surah
Az Zumar believe Az Zumar 8

After the prayer

Thoughts Emotions Action

Thinks about my future Pray for my own that I can
and career Hopeless succeed in my life 7

Before the prayer

Score (out of 10)

Thoughts Emotions Action

keep myself
concentrate on the Focused on
prayer certain things Go to the mosque early 7

During the prayer

Thoughts Emotions Action

Recite Surah Al Ikhlas
Seek Allah forgiveness fairness 7
After the prayer

Thoughts Emotions Action

Think about others who
don’t pray angriness Encourage them to pray 6

Before the prayer

Score (out of 10)
Thoughts Emotions Action
I Should go towards
Allah to seek
forgiveness, great Feel great full Recite Quran before going
fullness as human being to mosque. 8

During the prayer

Thoughts Emotions Action

Seek forgiveness from
further sins Scarred Recite surah Jiljal 7

After the prayer

Thoughts Emotions Action

I start to study about Iman
to gather knowledge, study
about Islam to know better
I often wonder about and make understand
the creation of Allah happy others. 7

Conclusion: From the assignment I have learned many things. Before I start the assignment, I
was not focused on my prayers. After that, I tried to me prove myself and always thinks how can
i improve better on my prayers then work on it. For staying focused before prayer sometimes I
recite Surah and listen lots of Surah recitation which was helps me a lot. During the prayer
sometimes, I used to think many bad things like what I will do, what happen to my friends. These
types of questions always come to my mind then for solve this I recite the surah which is very
meaningful and think about Jannah. After the prayer I always thinks about myself, my family,
friends and those people who is not anymore in the world. I make Dua for all of them. Now I can
control some of my thinking level which is beneficial for me and others can get benefit from this.

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