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Surface Tension (Marks: 04/05)

Q. Q.1 Define the following terms.
1) Intermolecular force of attraction.
2) Cohesive force
3) Adhesive force
4) Molecular range.
5) Sphere of influence.
1)Intermolecular force of attraction:- The force of
attraction between any two molecules is called as
intermolecular force of attraction.
There are two types of intermolecular force of Consider a beaker filled with water. Let A,
attraction: B and C are the three molecules of water with their
i) Cohesive forces ii) Adhesive forces sphere of influence are shown in the above figure.
The molecules A is completely inside the
2)Cohesive forces:- The intermolecular force of liquid. So it is equally attracted by another water
attraction between two molecules of same substance molecules. Therefore, the resultant cohesive force on
is known as cohesive fore. molecule A is zero.
Exa:- i) Force of attraction between two water The molecule B is just touching the liquid
molecules. surface. The very small part of its sphere of influence
ii) Force of attraction between two glass lies outside the liquid and large part lies inside the
molecules. liquid. Hence, the large number of water molecule
attracts it in downward direction. Therefore, the
2)Adhesive forces:- The intermolecular force of resultant cohesive force on molecule B is in
attraction between two molecules of different downward direction.
substances is known as adhesive force. The molecule C is on the surface of the
Exa:- force of attraction between one glass and one liquid. Its upper half sphere of influence lies outside
air molecule. the liquid. Therefore, the resultant cohesive force on
molecule C is in downward direction.
3)Molecular Range:- The maximum distance up to If we try to bring the molecule from inside to
which the molecule can exert force of attraction on the surface of the liquid, the work is done against the
another molecule is called as molecules range. downward force. This work done is stored in the
form of potential energy.
4)Sphere of Influence:- An imaginary sphere having Thus, the potential energy increases with
molecule as the centre and molecular range as the increase in surface area and potential energy
radius, is known as sphere of influence. decreases with decrease in surface area. But in nature
any system tries to have minimum potential energy.
Q.2.Explain the phenomenon of surface Tension So the surface of the liquid has a tendency to contract
on the basis of Molecular Theory. and minimize its surface area like a stretched elastic
Ans: Surface film: A film on the surface of the membrane. This behavior gives surface tension of the
liquid having a thickness equal to the molecular liquid.
range of the liquid is called surface film. Q.3.Define surface tension. Give its unit &
Ans: Surface Tension:- The force per unit length
acting at right angle to imaginary line drawn on the
surface of the liquid is called surface tension.
It l is length of an imaginary line, F is force
acting at right angle, then
T= 𝑙
S. I. unit: N/m CGS unit: dyne/cm
1 0 -2
Dimension: [ M L T ]
This work done is stored in the form of potential
Q.4.Define the term surface tension & surface energy.
energy. Obtain the relation between them.
OR ∴ P. E. = T. dA
Show that surface tension is equal to surface
energy. 𝑃.𝐸
∴ =T
Ans: Surface tension: The force per unit length 𝑑𝐴

acting at right angle to imaginary line drawn on the 𝑃.𝐸

surface of the liquid is called surface tension. But, = surface energy.
Surface energy: potential energy per unit surface
area is called surface energy. ∴ T = surface energy.

Relation between surface tension & surface ∴ Surface tension = surface energy
This is the relation between surface tension &
surface energy.

Q.5.Define the term angle of contact. State is

character is tics.
Define angle of contact, when it is acute & when is
Ans: Angle of contact: The angle between the
surface of the solid & the tangent drawn to the
Let ABCD is an open rectangular frame of surface of the liquid at the point of contact, measured
wire on which wire PQ can move without any from the side of the liquid is called the angle of
friction. contact.
If it is dipped in a soap solution, then the soap Characteristics of angle of contact:
film APQD is formed as shown in above figure due 1)Angle of contact is 0o when the liquid completely
to the surface tension of the soap solution. wets the solid.
Let F be the force exerted on wire PQ, l be Exa: pure water in contact with glass. [In this case,
the length of wire PQ and T be surface tension of the tangent to the liquid surface is almost along the
soap solution, surface of the solid.
2)Angle of contact is acute (𝜃 < 900) when the
∴ F = 2 Tl liquid partially wets the solid. Exa:- kerosene in
contact with glass.
Here ,‘2’ indicates that the soap film has the 3)Angle of contact is obtuse (𝜃 > 900) when the
two surfaces which are in contact with the wire PQ. liquid does not wet the solid. Exa:- mercury in
If the wire PQ is displaced through a very contact with glass.
small displacement ‘dx’, then the work done is given 4)The angle of contact is constant for a given solid –
by liquid pair.
5)If we add impurity in a liquid, the angle of contact
Work done = force × displacement changes.
6)Angle of contact changes due to the temperature
dw = F. dx change.
7)Angle of contact depends upon the free surface or
dw = T. 2l. dx the medium of the free surface which is in contact
with the liquid.
But, 2l. dx = dA = increase in surface area
Explaination of Angle of Contact:
∴ dw = T. dA Q.6.Explain why free surface of some liquid in
contact with solid is not horizontal.

Ans: The angle of contact can be explained on the Therefore, the liquid creeps upward on the
basis of molecular forces. solid surface. Hence, the liquid surface in contact
with solid is concave upward and the angle of contact
is acute.
Case II:

Consider a liquid molecule A in contact with In case of liquid which does not wet the solid
the solid as shown in the adjacent figure. (e.g. mercury), the resultant adhesive force 𝐴𝑃 is less
The sphere of influence of this molecules is than the resultant cohesive force 𝐴𝑄 . Therefoere,
partly in solid, liquid and air. their resultant force 𝐴𝑅 lies inside the liquid as
There are four forces acting on this molecule shown in the fig. (2).
A: In equilibrium state, the tangent AT to the
1)Resultant adhesive forces by the molecules of solid liquid surface which is perpendicular to the resultant
along vector 𝐴𝑃. force 𝐴𝑅 is drawn. Therefore, the liquid creeps
2)Resultant cohesive force by the liquid molecules downward on the solid surface. Hence, the liquid
along 𝐴𝑄 . surface in contact with the solid is convex upward
3)Resultant adhesive force by the air molecules and the angle of contact is obtuse.
which can be neglected. Case III:
4)The gravitational force which is very small and it is
also neglected.
Therefore the behavior of the molecule
depends upon the two forces 𝐴𝑃 and 𝐴𝑄 .

Case I:-

In case of liquid e.g. pure water in contact

with clear glass, which completely wets the solid; the
resultant adhesive force 𝐴𝑃 acting on molecule A is
very strong & the resultant cohesive force 𝐴𝑄 can be
neglected. Therefore, the resultant of these two
forces is along 𝐴𝑃 .
In equilibrium state, the tangent AT to the
liquid surface is always perpendicular to 𝐴𝑅 .
In case of liquid which partially wets the Therefore, the angle of contact is 0o for pure
solid(e.g. kerosene), the resultant adhesive force 𝐴𝑃 water & clean glass.
is greater then the resultant cohesive force 𝐴𝑄 .
Therefore the resultant(𝐴𝑅 ) of 𝐴𝑃 & 𝐴𝑄 lies outside Shape of Molecule (Liquid Drop):
the liquid (inside the solid) as shown in the fig. (1).
In equilibrium state, the tangent AT to the
liquid surface which is perpendicular to the resultant
force 𝐴𝑅 is drawn.

Let us consider a drop of liquid of surface
Tension T and radius R. Let Pi and Po be the values
of pressures of inside and outside the drop of the
liquid (as shown in fig.) . Then,
Excess pressure inside the liquid drop = Pi- Po
Suppose that the radius of the drop is
increased from R to R+∆R under the pressure
difference (Pi- Po).
When a small quantity of liquid is dropped on The outward force acting on the drop = excess of
the plane solid surface, force of surface tension acts pressure × surface area = (Pi- Po) × 4πR2
along a surface separating any two areas. There is a The small amount of workdone to increase its
formation of liquid drop, when it is in equilibrium. It radius by ∆R ,
depends upon force of interface media. Thus, there is dW= (Pi- Po) × 4πR2 × ∆R
a Surface tension along a surface between
a)Liquid and air = 4πR2 (Pi- Po) × ∆R -------------(1)
b)Solid and air This work (dW) is done by the excess of
c)Liquid and solid pressure against the force of surface tension and is
stored in the form of its potential energy (dU).
Let 𝜃 be the angle of contact of given solid – Also , increase in the potential energy of the
liquid pair, liquid drop ,
T1 be surface tension at solid -liquid interface, dU= surface tension × increase in surface area
T2 be surface tension at solid-air interface,
T3 be surface tension at liquid-air interface. = T × (4π(𝑅 + ∆𝑅)2 − 4π𝑅 2 )
For equilibrium of the drop,
T2 = T1 + T3 cos 𝜃 = T × (4π𝑅 2 + 8πR∆𝑅 + 4π∆𝑅 2 − 4π𝑅 2 )
T2 – T1 = T3 cos 𝜃
𝑇 −𝑇
cos 𝜃 = 2𝑇 1 As ∆𝑅 is very small , the term containing ∆𝑅 2
3 can be neglected .
From this equation, we get following cases: Therefore increase in the potential energy of
1)If T2>T1 and T2 – T1<T3, then cos 𝜃 is positive, 𝜃 < the drop ,
90o i.e. 𝜃 is acute. dU=8πR∆𝑅 T ----------------------(2)
2)If T2 < T1 and T2 – T1 < T3, then cos 𝜃 is negative,
= 𝜃 > 90o i.e. 𝜃 is abtase. From equations (1) and (2) ,we get ,
3)If T2 – T1 = T3, then cos 𝜃 = 1, 𝜃 = 0o.
4)If T2 – T1 > T3, then cos 𝜃 > 1 which is impossible. 4πR2 (Pi- Po) × ∆R = 8πR∆𝑅 T
Then the drop spread over the solid and drop shall
not be formed. 𝟐𝐓
(Pi- Po) = 𝐑
Excess Pressure inside the liquid drop and A Excess pressure inside the liquid drop = 𝐑
a)Inside a liquid drop:- a)Inside a liquid bubble:-

A liquid bubble has air both inside and 2)When the capillary tube is dipped in mercury,
outside it and therefore it has two free surfaces. If a mercury level fails in the capillary tube as shown in
liquid bubble increases in size from radius R to R the following figure.
+∆𝑅 ,then area of its inner surface as well as that of
outer surface will increase.
Therefore , increase in potential energy of the bubble
dU= surface tension × increase in surface area

= 2T × (4π(𝑅 + ∆𝑅)2 − 4π𝑅 2 )

= 2T × (4π𝑅 2 + 8πR∆𝑅 + 4π∆𝑅 2 − 4π𝑅 2 )

= 16πR∆𝑅 T-------------(3) Examples (Applications of Capillarity):-

The small amount of workdone to increase its radius 1)Ink rises in a pen.
by ∆R , 2)Blotting paper absorb ink as water.
dW= (Pi- Po) × 4πR2 × ∆R 3)Oil rises up through wick in oil lamps.
4)Water and sap rises from the roots to the top of the
= 4πR2 (Pi- Po) × ∆R-------(4) tree.
5)Towel soaks the water.
From equations (3) and (4) ,we get ,
Pressure Difference Across the Surface of the
4πR2 (Pi- Po) × ∆R = 16πR∆𝑅 T Liquid:-
Consider that AB is the section of small
(Pi- Po) = element kept on the liquid surface. Suppose that it
has unit length perpendicular to the plane of liquid
𝟒𝐓 surface.
Excess pressure inside the liquid bubble = 1)If the surface of the liquid is plane, the forces due
to the surface tension acting on two sides of the
Q.7.Define the term capillary tube and capillary element AB are equal & opposite. So that the
Action. Explain capillary Action with example. resultant force is zero. Therefore, there is no
Ans: Capillary tube: difference of pressure on the two sides of plane
A glass tube having a bore of very small surface (fig. (1)).
diameter is called capillary tube.
Capillary Action:
The phenomenon of rise or fall of the liquid
inside a capillary tube when the capillary tube is
dipped in the liquid is called capillarity or capillary
1)When the capillary tube is dipped in water, the 2)If the surface of the liquid is concave, the forces
water rises in the capillary tube as shown in due to the surface tension acting on the element AB
following figure. produce a resultant force acting in vertically upward
direction (fig.(2)). To balance the effect of resultant
force, the pressure on the concave surface must be
greater than the pressure on the other side.

capillary and point C is just above the plane surface
outside the capillary and point D is just below the
plane surface outside the capillary.
Let PA, PB, PC and PD be the pressure at the
four points A, B, C and D respectively.
The pressure on the concave side of the liquid
surface is greater than that on the convex side.
Therefore, PA > PB.
The pressure is same on both sides of the
3)If the surface of liquid is convex, the forces due to plane surface outside the capillary.
the surface tension acting on the element AB produce ∴ PC = PD
resultant force acting in vertically downward Now, PA = PC = atmospheric pressure
direction. (fig. (3)). To balance the effect of resultant Therefore, we can writs
force, the pressure on the concave side (from below) PD > PB (∵ PD= PA = PC)
must be greater than the pressure on convex surface. Therefore, the liquid cannot remain in
equilibrium and it flows into the capillary and rises
above the point B till the pressure at B becomes same
as that at point D. Therefore, the liquid rises inside
the capillary tube.
For a liquid like mercury, which does not wet
the solid (tube), the liquid surface inside the capillary
tube is convex. In case, there is fall of liquid inside
the capillary.
Therefore, we conduce that
1)If the liquid surface is plane there is no difference Q.9.Explain the rise of liquid in a capillary tube.
of pressure on the two sides of the liquid surface. Derive an expression for the surface tension of the
2)If the liquid surface is curved (convex or concave), liquid.
there is a difference of pressure on the two sides of Ans: Rise of liquid in capillary tube:-
the surface. The pressure on the concave side is
greater than the pressure on the convex side.

Q.8.Explain the cause of capillary Action.


Consider a capillary tube of radius r dipped

vertically in water as shown in figure. Due to the
surface tension of water, the water rises inside the
capillary tube.
Suppose that a capillary tube is dipped into a
Let ‘h’ is the height of water inside the
liquid when wets the capillary consider the situation
capillary tube above the free surface of water in the
before the movement of water inside the capillary.
Shape or the surface of the water in the capillary is
The meniscus is concave as shown in the
figure. The force of surface tension is the force per
Let us consider the four points, A, B, C and D
unit length which acts along the tangent to the liquid
as shown in the above figure. The point A is just
, making an angle 𝜃 with the wall of the capillary,
above the curved surface inside the capillary. The
point B is just below the curved surface inside the
where 𝜃 is the angle of contact for the liquid glass hr ϱ g
∴T= 2
Also, height of the liquid column inside the
By Newton’s third law, the capillary tube
capillary tube
exerts an equal and opposite force of reaction on the 2 T cos θ
liquid. ℎ = 𝑟𝜚 𝑔
The force of reaction T can be resolved into Q.10.Explain the effect of impurity and
two components:- temperature on surface tension.
1)T cos 𝜃 acting in vertically upward direction. Ans:
2)T sin 𝜃 acting in the horizontal direction. 1)Effect of Impurity on surface Tension:-
All the horizontal components cancel each If surface of the liquid contains impurities of
other, while all the vertical components are added to any kind, there is a change in the surface tension of
each other. the liquid.
If ‘r’ is the radius of the capillary tube the i)If the soluble impurity is added in the liquid, there
liquid surface inside the capillary, in contact with is increase in the surface tension of the liquid.e.g.
capillary is along the length ‘2𝜋r’. when common salt (NaCl) is dissolved in water,
Therefore, surface tension of the solution is greater than that of
pure water.
Total upward force = 2𝜋r T cos 𝜃 ----- (1) ii)If the insoluble impurity is added in the liquid,
there is decrease in the surface tension of the
The upward force pulls the liquid till the solution. e.g. when soap or detergent is dissolved in
weight ‘mg’ of the liquid acting downward balances water, the surface tension of the solution decreases to
it. large extent. This is the reason why the soap is used
The volume of the liquid column (V) = 𝜋r2h for washing clothes. That’s why, a soap bubble in air
Let ϱ is the density of the liquid. remains stable for reasonable time.
By sprinkling oil in the sea , the waves calm
∴ Density = down , due to decrease in surface tension of water
and thereby the height of water waves is also
∴ mass = density × volume reduced.
∴ m = ϱ 𝜋r2h
∴ Total downward force = weight of the liquid 2)Effect of Temperature on surface Tension:-
For most liquids, the surface tension
decreases with increase in temperature of liquid.
= mg
With increase in temperature the distance between
= ϱ 𝜋r2hg
the liquid molecules increases. This decreases the
cohesive force of attraction between the molecules &
Now, for equilibrium of the liquid in the tube,
hence, the surface tension of liquid decreases.
Only in case of molten copper and molten
Total upward force = Total downward force
cadmium, the surface tension increases with increase
in temperature.
2𝜋r. T cos 𝜃 = ϱ 𝜋r2hg
The temperature at which surface tension of
ϱ 𝜋r 2 hg
liquid becomes zero is called the critical temperature
T = 2𝜋𝑟 cos 𝜃 of the liquid.
The surface tension of almost all liquids
ϱ rhg decrease with rise in temperature . If T and T0 are the
T = 2 cos 𝜃
values of surface tension of liquid at 𝜃℃ and 0 ℃
hr ϱ g
respectively , then over a certain range of
∴ T = 2 cos 𝜃 temperature T=T0 (1-𝛼𝜃) , where 𝛼 is constant
which depends on the nature of the liquids.
This is an expression for surface tension of
the liquid. 3)Effect of contamination of surface tension:-
If 𝜃 = 0o, (for pure water & clean glass),
cos 𝜃 = 1
The presence of dust particles or lubricating 4)Work done in increase in the radius of soap bubble
materials on the liquid surface decreases its surface for R1 to R2 is given by
Work done = surface tension × increase in surface
Important Formulae:- area
Type I = T (final surface area - initial surface area)
1)Surface Tension of liquid:-
T= 𝑙 = T (8𝜋𝑅22 −8𝜋𝑅12 )
SI unit : N/m CGS unit : dyne / cm
= 8𝜋 T(𝑅22 −𝑅12 )
2)Force due to surface tension:-
F=Tl = 2𝜋 T(𝐷22 −𝐷12 )

3)Additional formulae (Forces) in different cases:- Type III

i)A needle (or stick) of length ‘l’: 1)Surface Tension:-
rh ϱg
F = T. 2 l T = 2 cos 𝜃

ii)A ring of radius ‘r’: Where, h = height of liquid column

r = radius of the capillary tube
F = T. 2. 2𝜋r ϱ = density of the liquid
g = acceleration due to gravity
F = 4T𝜋r 𝜃 = angle of contact
iii)A ring of inner radius ‘r1’ and outer radius ‘r2’:
F = T. (2𝜋r1 + 2𝜋r2) For a given liquid
F = 2𝜋r T (r1 + r2) 1
r∙h = constant ∴ r ∝ ℎ
iv)A disc of radius ‘r’:
F = T 2𝜋r 1)Ratio of surface Tension:
𝑇1 h1 r1 ϱ1 g1 cos θ2
= × × × ×
v)Frame of length ‘l’ and breadth ‘b’: 𝑇2 h2 r2 ϱ2 g 2 cos θ1
F = T. (4l + 4b)
F = 4T (l + b) Problems:-
vi)Glass plate of length ‘l’ and breadth ‘b’:
F = T. (2l + 2b)
Type I
F = 2T (l + b) 1.A needle , 5cm long can just rest on the surface of
Type II water without wetting. Find the weight of needle.
1)Surface energy:- Surface tension of water=0.07 N/m(Ans: 7 x 10-3 N)
2.A light square wire frame each side of which is 10
Surface energy = work done cm long hanges vertically in water with one side just
= T. dA touching the water surface.Find the additional force
= surface tension × increase or decrease in surface necssary to pull the frame clear of
area. water.(T=0.074N/m) (Ans: 0.0148 N)
3.A thin wire is bent in the form of a rectangle of
1)Surface area of liquid drop = 4𝜋R2
length 4 cm and bredth 3 cm.What force due to the
surface tension do the sides experience when a soap
2)Surface area of soap bubble = 8𝜋R2
film is formed in the frame ? S.T. of soap solution
3)Volume of the spherical drop = 3 𝜋R2 =0.030 N/m. (Ans: 8.4 x 10-3 N)
4.A square glass plate 9.5cm long and 0.5cm thick is
suspended so that its lower edge is in contact with

water in a vessel. Calculate the force due to surface 15. A drop of mercury of radius 0.5 cm falls on a
tension acting on the plate. Surface tension of water plane surface from a certain height and breaks into a
=72 dynes/cm. (Ans: 1440 dynes) million droplets all of the same size. If the surface
5.Compute the downward pull due to surface tension tension of mercury is 0.5 N/m. find the height from
on a tube of internal diameter 10 cm and 4 mm which the drop falls. (Density of mercury = 13,600
thickness when it is partly submerged in water.S.T. kg/m3, acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s2)
of water=72 x 10-3 N/m. (Ans: 4.7 x 10-3 N) (Ans:22.28 cm)
6.A glass tube of internal diameter 3.5 cm and 16. Eight droplets of mercury each of radius 1 mm
thickness 0.5cm is held vertically with its lower end coalesce into a single drop. Find change in surface
immersed in water.Find the downward pull on the energy. Surface tension of mercury is 0.465 J/m2.
tube due to surface tension. S. T. of water is 0.074 (Ans:2.33 x 10-5 J)
N/m. (Ans: 0.0186N) 17. The total energy of the free surface of a liquid
7. Calculate the force required to take away a flat drop is 2 times the surface tension of the liquid.
circular plate of radius 0.01 m from the surface of What is the diameter of the drop? (Assume all terms
water. The surface tension of water is 0.075N/m.
in SI unit.)[Hint: Numerically, T (4r2) = 2T]
(Ans. 1.4144 m)
8. A circular loop of thin wire of radius 7/ cm is
18. A soap bubble has a radius of 3.5 cm.If 36960
suspended from one arm of a balance. The plane of
ergs of work is done to blow it further, find the new
the loop is in contact with the surface of soap
radius of the bubble. (The surface tension of soap
solution. The pull on the loop due to S.T. is found to
solution is 40 dynes/cm)(Ans.7cm)
be 0.6 x 10-3 kg wt. Calculate the S.T. of soap 19. A drop oil of diameter 2 mm is sprayed into one
solution, assuming its of contact to be 0°. million droplets, all of same size. If surface tension
(Ans:21 x 10-3 N/m) of oil is 32 dyne/cm. Calculate energy required.
Type II (Ans. 3.979  10-5 J)
9. Calculate the work done in blowing a soap bubble 20. Sixty four drop of mercury each of diameter 0.1
of radius 2 cm in air. Surface tension of soap solution mm coalesce to form a single drop. Find the energy
is 30 dyne/cm. (Ans:3.014 x 10-4J) released in this process. (Surface tension of mercury
10. A soap bubble in air is slowly expanded so that = 0.49 N/m) (Ans. 2.954  10-5J)
its radius increases from 4 cm to 10 cm. Determine Type III
the increase in its surface energy, if the S.T. of soap 21. Capillary tube of radius 0.5 mm is dipped
solution is 0.03 N/m.(Ans:6.33 x 10-3J) vertically into water. The capillary rise is of 2.94
11. Compare the amounts of work done in blowing cm. If density of liquid is 1 gm/cm3. Find surface
two soap bubbles of radii in the ratio 4 : 5. tension of water. (Ans. 0.072 N/m)
(Ans:16:25) 22. The rise of water in a capillary tube of radius 0.1
12. A drop of mercury, 2 mm in diameter, is broken mm is 5.5 cm. What is the rise of water in a capillary
up into 1000 small droplets, all of the same size, tube of 0.1 mm diameter? (Ans:11.0cm)
Calculate the work done in the process, if the surface 23. A liquid rises to a height of 9 cm in a glass
tension of mercury is 0.46 N/m.(Ans:5.2 x 10-5J) capillary of radius 0.02 cm. What will be the height
13. Calculate the amount of energy needed to break a of liquid column in a glass capillary of radius 0.03
drop of water of radius 1 mm into 109 droplets of cm? (Ans:6 cm)
equal size. The surface tension of water is 75 x 10-3 24. A capillary tube of uniform bore is dipped
N/m. (Ans:9.144 x 10-4J) vertically in water which rises by 7 cm in the tube.
14. Calculate the amount of energy evolved when 27 Find the radius of the capillary if the S.T. of water is
droplets of water, each of radius 0.5 mm, combine to 70 dyne/cm. (g = 980 cm/s2) (Ans:0.02041 cm)
form one drop. S.T. of water is 70 x10-3 N/m. 25. Water rises to a height of 5 cm in a certain
capillary tube. In the same capillary tube, mercuryis
(Ans:3.956 x 10-6J)
depressed by 1.54 cm. Compare the surface tensions 33.A vertical U-tube containing a liquid has one limb
of water and mecury. of diameter 2.4 mm and the other limb of diameter
(Given : Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 0.8 mm. The density and surface tension of the liquid
Density of mercury = 13600 kg/m3 are 900 kg/m3 and 0.05 N/m respectively. Find the
Angle of contact for water = 0° difference between the liquid levels in the two limbs.
Angle of contact for mercury=130°) Assume the angle of contact to be zero. (g = 9.8
(Ans:0.153) m/s2) (Ans:1.89 cm)
26. A capillary tube of 0.5mm in radius is immersed 34. Find the difference in levels of mercury in two
in a beaker of mercury . The mercury level inside the limbs of a U-tube if the diameter of the bore of one
tube is found to be 0.80cm below the level of limb is 1 mmand the other is 4mm. The surface
reservoir. Determine the angle of contact between tension of mercury is 540 dynes/cm and density is
mercury and glass. Surface tension of mercury = 13.6 g/cm3. Given: angle of contact of mercury =
0.465 N/m and density is 13.6 x 103 kg/m3,g=9.8 135. (Ans. - 0.8595 cm i.e. - 8.595 mm)
m/s2 (Ans:1240 58’) 35. A capillary tube of radius 1 mm is immersed in a
27. Water rises to a height of 4cm in a certain beaker of mercury. The mercury level inside the tube
capillary tube .If the same capillary tube is dipped is found to be 0.536 cm below the level in the
into mercury ,the level of mercury decrease to 3cm reservoir. Determine the angel of contact between the
,compare the surface tension of water and mercury , mercury and glass. (Surface tension of mercury =
if densities of mercury and water are 13.6 x 103 0.485 N/m, density of mercury = 13.6  103 kg/m3)
kg/m3 and 103 kg/m3 respectively. Angle of contact (Ans. 137 26’ )
36. A glass tube of diameter 0.05 cm is dipped in a
for water is 00 and that of mercury is 1350.
liquid of density 0.8 g/cc. If S.T. of the liquid is 28
(Ans :0.06932:1)
dynes/cm and angle of contact is 16 20’,then find
28. A capillary tube of radius 0.5 mm is dipped
the height to which the liquid will rise in the tube.
vertically in a liquid of surface tension 0.04 N/m and
(Ans. 2.742 cm)
relative density 0.8 gm/cc. Calculate the height of
37. What should be the diameter of a capillary tube if
capillary rise , if the angle of contact is 100.(g=9.8 water rises in it to a height of 2.4 cm. S.T. of water =
m/s2) (Ans :2 cm) 72 dynes/cm. (Ans. 1.225 mm)
29. The surface tension of water at 00 c is 70 38. Calculate the height to which an oil rises in a
dyne/cm. Find surface tension of water at 250 c ( capillary tube of diameter 1 mm. Given: Density of
for water = 0.0027/0c) (Ans:65.275 dyne/cm) oil = 800 kg/m3, angle of contact = 28 27’, surface
30. Calculate the density of paraffin oil , if glass tension of oil = 2.45  10-2 N/m, g = 9.8 m/s2
capillary of diameter 0.25mm dipped in paraffin oil (Ans. 1.1 cm)
of the suface tension 0.0245 N/m rises a height of 4 39. Find the height to which water will rise in
capillary tube having a here of diameter 0.05 cm.
cm .(angle of contact of paraffin oil with glass is 280
Take surface tension of water = 0.070 N/m.  = 0, 
and g=9.8 m/s2) (Ans:882.8 kg/m3)
= 103 kg/m3 (Ans. 5.714 cm)
31. The tube of a mercury barometer is 1 cm in
40. By how much will liquid level depressed in
diameter. What correction due to capillarity is to be
capillary tube of diameter 0.04 cm. If angle of
applied to the barometer reading if the surface
contact of liquid is 135 angle and surface tension of
tension of mercury is 435.5 dynes/cm and the angle
liquid is 0.547 N/m. Density of liquid = 13.6
of contact of mercury with glass is 140? (Density of
gm/cm3. (Ans. 2.903 cm)
mercury = 13600 kg/m3)
41. Radius of capillary tube is 0.025 mm. The tube is
(Ans. h = -0.1001 cm  correction = + 0.1001 cm)
32. The surface tension of water at 0C is 70 dipped vertically in liquid of density 800 kg/m3 and
dynes/cm. Find the surface tension of water at 20C. surface tension 0.03 N/m. Angle of contact
( for water = 2.7  10-3 C) (Ans. 66.22 dynes/cm)
72.54.Calculate liquid rise in capillary g = 10 plate.(Surface tension of water = 70 dynes/cm)
m/s2 (Ans. 9 cm) (Ans.1400 dynes)
42. Water rises to height 10 cm in a capillary tube. 51. A needle, 3 cm long, can just rest on the surface
If the area of cross section becomes 25% what will of water without wetting. Find the weight of the
be capillary rise. (Ans. 20 cm) needle(S T of water = 70 dynes/cm)(Ans.420 dyne)
Problems For Practice:- 52. A glass plate 10cm long and 3 mm thick is
suspended in a trough containing water so that its
43. A needle,10cm long can just rest on the surface
length just touches water surface. Calculate the
of water without wetting. Find the weight of needle.
downward force due to surface tension acting on the
Surface tension of water=0.07 N/m(Ans: 14x10-3 N) plate.S.T. of water = 74 dynes/cm.Ans.1524 dynes
44.A glass plate 8cm long is 2mm thick. It is 53. A glass plate of length 5 cm, breadth 3 cmand
suspended with the long side horizontal and just thickness 2 mm hold vertical with it’s longest side
touching the water surface in a trough full of water. just touching the surface of water what is the force
Calculate the downward force on the plate due to due to surface tension acting on plate? (S.T. Of water
surface tension.T=0.072 N/m(Ans:11.8x 10-3 N) = 0.072 N/m (Ans. 7.488  10-3 N)
45. A glass plate 0.12 m long and 2 mm thick is
54. A soap bubble of radius 10 cm is blown. S.T. of
suspended over the surface of water with its length
soap solution is 30 dyne/cm. Calculate the workdone
just touching the surface. Calculate the downward
in blowing the bubble? (Ans:7.536 x 104erg)
force acting on the plate due to surface tenison.(S.T.
55. The diameter of a soap bubble is 5 cm.
of water = 75 x10-3 N/m) (Ans:1.83 x 10-3 N)
Determine the increase in its surface energy if its
46. A capillary tube of internal diameter 1 mm and diameter is increased 3 times. The surface tension of
external diameter 5 mm is suspended vertically from
soap solution is 25 x 10-3 N/m.(Ans:3.14 x 10-3J)
one arm of a balance and its weight is determined. If
56. Calculate the work done in blowing a soap
the lower end of the tube is then kept dipping into a
bubble of radius 0.5 cm. Surface tension of soap
liquid of surface tensionn 39.2 x 10-3 N/m and angle
solution is 25 x 10-3 N/m. (Ans:1.57 x 10-5 J)
of contact 0°, find the change in the apparent weight
57. A drop of mercury of radius 0.1 cm is broken into
of the tube due to surface tension. (g = 9.8
27 droplets of same size. Find the work done if the
m/s2).(Ans:7.536 x 10-5 kg wt)
S.T. of mercury is 540 dyne/cm.(Ans:1.356 x 10-5 J)
47. A rectangular film of liquid is formed in the
58. Calculate the work done in breaking a mercury
frame of wire and a movable rod of length 4
drop of radius 1 mm into one thousand droplets of
cm.What force must be applied to the rod to keep it
the same size. Surface tension of mercury is 525 x
in equilibrium if the surface tension of liquid is 40 x
10-3 N/m. (Ans: 5.935 x 10-5 J)
10-3 N/m. (Ans:3.2 x 10-3 N)
59. Calculate the work done in blowing a soap
48. A glass tube has inner diameter is 1mm outer
bubble of radius 0.5 cm. Surface tension of soap
diameter is 1.1mm,when it is kept vertical and partial
dipped in water ,calculate the downward pull due to solution is 25 x 10-3 N/m. (Ans:7033 erg)
surface tension.(Surface tension of water = 75 60. A mercury drop of radius 0.5 cm falls on a glass
dyne/cm) (Ans:103.6 dyne) tube and breaks into a million droplets all of the
49. A horizontal circular loop of wire of radius 0.02 same size. Find the height from which the drop must
m is lowered into a liquid and form film.The force have fallen. (Density of mercury = 13,600 kg/m3,
due to surface tension of the liquid is 0.0113 S.T. of mercury = 0.465 N/m,acceleration due to
N.Calculate the surface tension of crude oil. gravity = 9.8 m/s2) (Ans:0.2072 cm)
(Ans:44.9 dyne/cm) 61. Calculate the work done in breaking a mercury
50. A glass plate 9.9 cm long and 1 mm thick is drop of radius 1 mm into one thousad droplets of the
suspended in a trough containing water so that its same size. Surface tension of mercury = 490  10-3
length just touches the water surface. Calculate the
N/m. (Ans. 5.539  10-5 J)
downward force due to surface tension acting on the

62. 125 drops of mercury, each of diameter 0.2 mm, surface tension of water. (Angle of contact for water
coalesce to form a single drop. Find the energy and glass = 0(Ans. 72.03 dynes/cm)
released in this process. (Surface tension of mercury 75. When a capillary tube of radius 0.4 mm is dipped
= 0.49 N/m) (Ans. 6.154  10-6 J OR 61.54 ergs). into water, the level inside the tube rises to a height
63. A drop of mercury of radius 0.1 cm is broken of 4 cm above the surface of water. Calculate the
into 8 droplets of the same size.Find the workdone if surface tension of water if its angle of contact is zero
the S.T. of mercury is 490 dynes /cm(Ans.61.54 erg) and density is 1 g/cm3. (Ans. 78.4 dyes /cm)
64. Eight droplets of water, each of radius 0.2 mm, 76. The S.T. of water is 7  10-2 N/m,. Find the
coalesce into a single drop. Find the change in the height to which water rises in a capillary tube of
total energy. (S.T. = 0.072 N/m)(Ans. 1.447  10-7J) glass having a bore of uniform radius 0.2 mm.
65. Calculate the work done when a spherical drop (Density of water = 1000 kg/m3)(Ans. 7.143 cm)
of mercury of radius 2 mm, falls from some height 77. A capillary tube of radius 0.5 mm is dipped
and breaks into a million drroplets, each of the same vertically in a liquid of S.T. 0.04 N/m and density 0.8
size. The S.T. of mercury is 0.5 N/m.(Ans. 2.487 g/cm3. Calculate the height of the capillary rise if
10-3J) the angle of contact is 10. (Ans. 2.01  10-2 m)
66. Calculate the work done in blowing a soap 78. When a capillary tube of radius 0.45 mm is
bubble of radius 0.5 cm.The S.T. of the soap dipped into water , the level inside the capillary tube
solution is 25  10-3 N/m.(Ans. 1.57  10-5 joule) rises to height of 3cm above the surface of water.
67. Compare the amount or work done in blowing Calculate the surface tension of the water.If its angle
soap bubbles of radii 5 cm to 7 cm. (Ans. 25 : 49) of contact is zero and its density is 1 gm/cm3 (g = 9.8
68. Calculate work done required in blowing soap
m/s2) (Ans:0.06615 N/m)
bubble from the diameter of 5 cm to 15 cm if S.T. of
79. A liquid rise to a height of 4.5 cm in a glass
soap bubble is 125 dyne/cm. (Ans. 15.7  104 erg) capillary tube of radius 0.01cm,what will be the
69. Calculate the work done in increasing the radius height of liquid column in a glass tube of radius
of a soap bubble in air from 1 cm to 2cm. The 0.02cm? (Ans:2.25cm)
surface tension of a soap solution is 30 dyne/cm. 80. Water rises to height 3.2cm in glass capillary
(Ans. 2261 ergs) tube. Find height of rise of same water in another
70. A drop of mercury of radius 0.1 cm is broken into capillary having half area of cross-section
8 droplets of same size. Find the work done if the (Ans:4.525cm)
surface tension of mercury is 540 dyne/cm. 81. Calculate the radius of the capillary tube if water
(Ans. 67.82 ergs.) rises in it to a height of 4.5 cm. The surface tension
71. A liquid of density 900 kg/m3 rises to a height of of water is 72 dynes/cm. (Angle of contact for water
9 mm in a capillary tube of 2.4 mm diameter. If the = 0) (Ans. 0.03266 cm)
angle of contact is 25°. find the surface tension of the 82. Calculate the height to which paraffin oil rises in
liquid. (g = 9.8 m/s2).(Ans:5.257 x 10-2 N/m) a capillary tube of radius 0.5 mm. (Given : Surface
72. A liquid rises to a height of 5 cm in a glass tension of paraffin oil = 24.5 x 10-3 N/m, density of
capillary of radius 0.02 cm. What will be the height paraffin = 800 kg/m3, angle of contact = 28027’, g =
of the same liquid column in a glass capillary of
9.8 m/s2) (Ans:1.1cm)
radius 0.04 cm? (Ans:2.5cm)
83. A certain liquid rises to a height of 6 cm in a
73. Water rises up in a capillary tube of radius 0.5
capillary tube of radius 0.33 mm. The same liquid
mm through height 3 cm. How far will it rise in a
rises to height of 9 cm in another capillary tube.
capillary tube of radius 1 mm? (Ans:1.5cm)
Calculate the radius of the other capillary tube.
74. In determination of the surface tension of water
by capillary rise method, the height of the water
84. Water rises to height of 5 cm in a certain
column in the glass capillary tube is found to be 4.9
capillary tube. In the same capillary, mercury is
cm. If the radius of the tube is 0.3 mm, find the
depressed by 1.54 cm. Compare the surface tensions

of water and mercury. (Density of water = 1000 92. A capillary tube of radius 0.5 mm is immersed in
kg/m3, dennsity of mercury = 13600 kg/m3, Angle a beaker of mercury. The mercury level inside the
tube is found to be 0.80 cm below the level of
of contact for water is 0°C and for mercury is 130°.
reservoir. Determine the angle of contact between
(Ans:1:6.516) mercury and glass. Surface tension of mercury =
85. A certain liquid rises to a height of 9 cmin a 0.465 N/m and density is 13.6 x 103 kg/m3 m g = 9.8
capillary tube of radius 0.22 mm. The same liquid m/s2 .
rises to a height of 15 cm in another capillary tube. 93. Water rises to a height of 4cm in a certain
Calculate the radius of the other capillary tube. capillary tube. If the same capillary tube is dipped
(Ans. 0.132 mm) into mercury, the level of mercury decreases to 3cm.
86. A drop of mercury of diameter 4 mm falls on a Compare the surface tension of water and mercury, if
plane surface from a certain height and breaks into densities of mercury and water are 13.6 x 103 kg/m3
and 103 kg/m3 respectively. Angle of contact for
106 equal small spheres. If surface tension of
water is 0° and that of mercury is 135°.
mercury is 540 dyne/cm, find the height from which
94. A drop of mercury of radius 0.1 cm is broken into
the drop falls. (Given : g = 980 cm/s2, dennsity of 27 droplets of the same size.
mercury = 13.6 g/cm3) (Ans. 60.17 cm) Find the work done if the surface tension of mercury
87. In determination of the surface tension of a liquid is 540 dyne/cm.
by capillary rise method, two glass capillary tubes of 95. A rectangular film of liquid is formed in the a
radii 0.25 mm and 0.50 mm are held side by side. frame of wire and a movable rod of length 4 cm.
What force must be applied to the rod to keep it in
The difference in the levels of the liquid in the two
equilibrium if the surface tension of liquid is 40 x 10-
tubes is found to be 2.60 cm. Find the surface 3
tension of the liquid. (Density of the liquid = 0.9 96. A soap bubble of radius 10 cm is blown. Surface
gram/cm3, angle of contact for the liquid and glass = tension of soap solution is 30 dyne/cm. Calculate the
25 (Ans. 63.26 dynes/cm) work done in blowing the bubble.
88. Calculate capillary rise from following data. 97. Water rises to height 3.2 cm in glass capillary
radius of capillary tube = r = 0.5 mm, surface tension tube. Find height to which same water rises in
= T = 30 dyne/cm specific gravity = 0.8, angle of another capillary having half area of cross section.
contact =  =0.(Ans. 3.061  10-2 m)
98.Calculate the force required to take away a flat
89. Calculate the depression of mercury in a tube of circular plate of radius 0.01 m from the surface of
diameter 0.4 cm when it is held vertically in mercury water. The surface tension of water is 0.075 N/m.
in a trough, with one end of the tube open to ( Ans : 0.004713 N)
atmosphere. (Density of mercury = 13.6 grams/cm3, 99. There is a soap film on rectangular frame of wire
surface tension of mercury = 490 dynes/cm, angle of of area 4 cm x 4cm. If the area of the frame is
contact for mercury with glass = 140) increased to 4 cm x 5 cm, find the work done in the
[Hint : In this caase, cos  is negative. Hence, h will process. (Surface tension of soap film = 3 x 10-2
be negative. The numberical value of h gives the N/m) ( Ans : 4.8 x 10-5 J )
depression of mercury.] (Ans. 0.2816 cm) 100. A capaillary tube of radius 0.5 mm is dipped
vertically in a liquid of surface tension 0.04 N/m and
Board Book Problems
90. When a capillary tube of radius 0.45 mm is relative density 0.8 g/cc. Calculate the height of
dipped into water, the level inside the capillary tube capillary rise, if the angle of contact is 10°. ( Given g
rises to height of 3 cm above the surface of water. = 9.8 m/s2 ) ( Ans : 2.001 cm)
Calculate the surface tension of water, if its angle of 101. A mercury drop of radius 0.5 cm falls from a
contact is zero and its density is 1g/cm3 ( g = 9.8 height on a glass plate and breaks up into a million
m/s2) . droplets, all of the same size, find the height from
91. A liquid rises to a height of 4.5 cm in a glass which the drop must have fallen. (Density of mercury
capillary tube of radius 0.01 cm. What will be the = 13600 = kg/m3 . Surface tension of mercury =
height of liquid column in a glass capillary tube of 0.465 N/m) ( Ans : 0.2072 m)
radius 0.02 cm? 102.The surface tension of water at 0 ° C is 70
dyne/cm. Find surface tension of water at 25°𝐶 (𝛼

For water = 0.0027/°C).
( Ans : 65.27 dyne/cm)
103. Eight droplets of water, each of radius 0.2 mm,
coalesce into a single drop. Find the change in total
surface energy. (Surface tension of water = 0.072
N/m) ( Ans : 1.446 x 10-7 J)
104. A horizontal circular loop of wire of radius 0.02
m is lowered into a crude oil from film. The force
due to surface tension of the liquid is 0.0113 N.
Calculate the surface tension of crude oil.
( Ans : 44.95 dyne/cm)
105. The tube of a mercury barometer is 1 cm in
diameter. What correction due to capillary with
effect of minutes is to be applied to barometer
reading if surface tension of mercury is 435.5
dyne/cm and angle of contact of mercury with glass
is 140°?
( density of mercury = 13600 kg/m3 )
( Ans : + 0.2668 cm)
106.A glass tube has inner diameter of 1 mm. outer
diameter of 1.1 mm. It is kept vertical and partially
dipped in water. Calculate the downward pull due to
surface tension. (Surface tension of water = 75
dyne/cm) ( Ans : 49.49 dyne)
107. The total energy of the free surface of a liquid
drop is 2 𝜋 times the surface tension of the liquid.
What is the diameter of the drop?
(Assume all terms in SI units) ( Ans : 1.414 m)
108.Calculate the density of paraffin oil, if glass
capillary of diameter 0.25 mm dipped in paraffin oil
of the surface tension 0.0245 N/m rises a height of 4
cm. (angle of contact of paraffin oil with glass is 28°
and g = 9.8 m/s2 ) ( Ans : 882.9 kg/m3 )
109. What should be the diameter of a soap bubble,
in order that the excess pressure inside it is 51.2
N/m2 ? ( S.T. of soap solution = 3.2 x 10-2 N/m)
( Ans : 5 mm)


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