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INTRODUCTION TO PIPE STRESS ANALYSIS Sam Kannappan, P.E. Engineer Tennessee Vattey Authority Knoxville, Tennessee A WILEY-INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION JOHN WILEY & SONS New York + Chichester « Brisbane - Toronto + Singapore ‘Copsieht 1986 by Joba Wiley Sons, ne Alt ight reserved, Publed simslaneousyin Cada, ‘Reprocton o tartan ony par of hs work ‘eyond that permed by Section 107 108 of the 1976 Unied States Copyright Act without the persion te copyright owner i soln Roques fr [ermisiono further informatio should be addres to {he Permisione Department, Job Wey & Sone, ne trary of Comers Catalog ie Pbictn Date Kanappts, Som Trrtacton pipe te asi, =A Wierintncince acon” Inctoses index. a {pe tng nd comin 2.'sede ewes Tne TUROKS i906 nae asa ISBN 0-471-81589.6 sii Pine i the Und Stes of Aner roseresea21 \Copyis bt © 1986 by Jon Wiley Sons, fe All igh reer, Putihed simuaneooy in Canad Reproduction oF wancaton ofan pat this work ‘beyond that permitted ty Section 107 0¢ 18 of the 1976 Unie States Cpsrigh Act without the persion el the copright owner marl Requests for Permission ot frtcr donation shoud be adie 10 {he Permistions Deparment, Jokn Wiley & Sons Ie teary of Congres Calo ng tx Publication Dat ‘Som ‘iroduction to pipe se ats WA Wieyimierciencepobication Acta dee 1 Pipelines Design 284 consrction. 2 Serie and eset Tae TOK 1986 Gaur g57873 ISBN O47. 8150-6 Printed inthe Used Sates o America toosresasai

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