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Parts of the Reflective Journal

I. Title Page
II. Introduction (1 Paragraph)
III. Body (4 Paragraphs)
IV. Conclusion (1 Paragraph)
V. Reference Page


 12 Points – Times New Roman

 Double spacing
 Margin of 1 inch on each side
 Insert a page header at the top left corner of each page
 The header is the title of your paper
 Insert page numbers in the top right corner of each page
 On the title page, type the title of your paper, your full name and your institutional affiliation



5 8
0 10
Fails to meet this criteria
by obvious disregard for Easy to read, topic
Clearly organized the expectations stated in Disorganized, leaves Paper has intro, body, and introduced, organization
introduction, body, the criteria; Disorganized reader wondering what is conclusion but may take a clearly evident with proper
conclusion and the reader can not being said; abrupt ending re-reading to understand introduction, body,
follow the paper at any conclusion
The entire paper’s
The student’s reflection
The topic of the paper is content relates to the
Student does not clearly about the topic is
not addressed at all; Fails prompt or topic; the
Does this paper address identify his/her reflections explained in clear
to stick to the topic student explains his/her
the prompt or the topic? about the topic; may veer language; immediately
therefore fails to meet this reflections about the topic
from topic interesting and supported
criteria but may take a rereading
with detail
to understand
Paragraphs are
Each paragraph has a
Paragraph Organization disorganized; ideas are Each paragraph has
central idea; ideas are
and Fails to meet this criteria included which do not a central idea that is
connected and paragraphs
Writing Style: Ideas by obvious disregard for relate to the main idea; supported with details;
are developed with details;
are clearly the expectations stated in ideas are not connected ideas are connected and
paper is easy to read and
connected and the criteria and have little or no important points make
“flows” naturally in an
make sense supporting details; one sense
organized pattern
sentence paragraphs
Paper provides evidence
The paper shows (through the use of
Paper is shallow and does that the student has description, details, and
Fails to meet this criteria not present detailed thought about the topic use of literature) that the
Does this paper show
by obvious disregard for evaluation of reflection although the written student has examined
evidence of deep thought
the expectations stated in about the topic; little use of presentation may appear his/her own belief systems
about the topic?
the criteria literature to support weak or lack clarity; use of and related this to their
thought literature to support current views about the
thought topic; use of literature to
support thought

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