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Journal of Sports Sciences

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Electromyographic analysis of thigh muscles

during track cycling on a velodrome

Kohei Watanabe, Takayuki Sato, Takahiro Mukaimoto, Wataru Takashima,

Michio Yamagishi & Tetsunari Nishiyama

To cite this article: Kohei Watanabe, Takayuki Sato, Takahiro Mukaimoto, Wataru
Takashima, Michio Yamagishi & Tetsunari Nishiyama (2015): Electromyographic analysis
of thigh muscles during track cycling on a velodrome, Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI:

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Published online: 16 Nov 2015.

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Electromyographic analysis of thigh muscles during track cycling on a velodrome

Kohei Watanabea, Takayuki Satob, Takahiro Mukaimotoc, Wataru Takashimad, Michio Yamagishie
and Tetsunari Nishiyamae
Laboratory of Neuromuscular Biomechanics, School of International Liberal Studies, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan; bGunma National College
of Technology, Maebashi, Japan; cTokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan; dHachinohe Gakuin University, Aomori, Japan; eLaboratory of Sports
Biomechanics, Nippon Sport Science University, Tokyo, Japan


We aimed to investigate neuromuscular activation of thigh muscles during track cycling at various Accepted 24 October 2015
speeds. Eight male competitive cyclists volunteered to participate in this study. Surface electromyo-
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

graphy of the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and adductor magnus muscles of the bilateral legs was Track cyclist; quadriceps
recorded during track cycling on velodromes with a 250-m track. The participants were instructed to femoris muscles; hamstrings
maintain three different lap times: 20, 18 and 16 s. The average rectified value (ARV) was calculated muscles; hip adductor
from the sampled surface electromyography. Significantly higher ARVs were observed in the right muscles
compared to left leg for the biceps femoris muscle during both straight and curved sections at 18- and
16-s lap times (P < 0.05). In the biceps femoris muscle, significant changes in ARVs during the recovery
phase with an increase in speed were seen in the right leg only (P < 0.05). There were no significant
differences in ARVs between the straight and curved sections for all three muscles (P > 0.05). From our
findings, it was suggested that during track cycling on a velodrome the laterality of the biceps femoris
muscle activity is a key strategy to regulate the speed, and fixed neuromuscular strategies are adopted
between straight and curved sections for thigh muscles.

Introduction the world championship and Olympic games are indoors and
mostly constructed with wood to minimise influence of the
Electromyographic analysis of lower extremity muscles during
wind on the cycling track performance and the rolling resis-
cycling has been reported by numerous researchers (Dorel,
tance. Therefore, the rider and bicycle are inclined in the
Couturier, & Hug, 2008; Duc, Bertucci, Pernin, & Grappe,
frontal plane during half of the track cycling event. A cyclist
2008; Ericson, Nisell, Arborelius, & Ekholm, 1985; Hug,
riding a bicycle around a curve generates a centrifugal accel-
Drouet, Champoux, Couturier, & Dorel, 2008a; Li & Caldwell,
eration vector and must lean inwards to compensate for the
1998; Takaishi, Yamamoto, Ono, Ito, & Moritani, 1998). From
outer acceleration (di Prampero & Narici, 2003). We thus
these studies, the effects of cadence, posture, workload, fati-
hypothesised that inconsistent joint power and muscle recruit-
gue, the training status and other factors on the neuromus-
ment are needed for pedalling movement on a banked curve.
cular activation of recruited muscles for pedalling movement
However, little attention has been focused on neuromuscular
were investigated by surface electromyography. These find-
activation of lower extremity muscles during track cycling.
ings provide us with an opportunity to improve cycling per-
Also, since the rider and bicycle are mostly oriented vertically
formance and neuromuscular mechanics during pedalling. All
in the frontal plane during cycling on an ergometer/roller and
the data reported have been obtained during cycling on
in a road race, neuromuscular activation of a unilateral leg has
ergometers or bicycles with a roller. This experimental condi-
been investigated in previous studies based on a symmetric
tion simulates cycling performance during a road race, since
pedalling strategy. During pedalling on a banked curve, an
the rider and bicycle are mostly oriented vertically in the
asymmetric muscle recruitment strategy may be utilised.
frontal plane during a road race. However, as far as we
From the various skeletal muscles, we must select key
know, no studies applied electromyographic analysis or other
muscles when investigating a specific motion or sporting
physiological measurements when the rider and bicycle were
activity. Hug et al. (2006) reported selective hypertrophy of
not oriented vertically in the frontal plane, i.e., on a curve
the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, and adductor magnus
during a road race or track cycling.
muscles in professional cyclists. The first two muscles, i.e.,
Track cycling competitions, such as time trials, individual
the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles, were exten-
and team pursuits/sprints, keirin, scratch races and point races,
sively observed in many previous studies and contribute to
are held on banked tracks or velodromes. The modern
joint motion in the sagittal plane, such as knee extension/
Olympic games and world championships use velodromes
flexion and hip extension, which generate major joint torque
with a 250-m track, which consists of two straight and two
on pedalling (Gregor, Cavanagh, & LaFortune, 1985; Neptune,
banked curved section. Also, the velodromes that are used for
Kautz, & Hull, 1997; Neptune, Kautz, & Zajac, 2000). On the

CONTACT Kohei Watanabe

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

other hand, there are few quantitative data on neuromuscular 250 m (participants performed trials with the three lap times
activation of the adductor magnus muscle during pedalling. It in this order). Since at least two laps were needed for analysis
has been recognised that applying the surface electromyogra- at each speed, approximately three laps at a constant speed
phy technique to hip adductor muscles, including the adduc- were set. Each participant was told their half lap time for every
tor magnus muscle, is difficult because they are deeper half lap in the middle of the straight (Figure 1(A-a)). Rest
muscles. Recently, we established a methodology to record periods among the trials at the different speeds were
surface electromyography of the adductor magnus muscle, ≥10 min; the mean rest period was 19.7 min and the longest
which employs ultrasonographic guidance to correctly define was 37 min.
the location of the muscle under the skin (Watanabe,
Katayama, Ishida, & Akima, 2009). Since this muscle may con-
Material and data collection
tribute to joint motion in the frontal plane, such as hip adduc-
tion (Pressel & Lengsfeld, 1998), electromyographic analysis of During track cycling, a digital video was taken at 60 Hz with
the adductor magnus muscle could provide important infor- panning on the rider from the centre of the velodrome. From
mation to help understand muscle activation during track the video, time points were extracted when the rider passed
cycling. the pursuit lines (Figure 1(A-a)) to measure the lap time for
The present study aimed to investigate neuromuscular estimating the speed, and the borders between the straight/
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

activation of thigh muscles of the bilateral legs during track curve and curve/straight (Figure 1(A-b)) to determine the
cycling at various speeds. For the above-mentioned reasons, straight or curve periods. At the beginning of the video, a
electromyographic analysis was applied to the vastus lateralis, light emitting diode with an electrical pulse was used for
biceps femoris and adductor magnus muscles of the bilateral synchronisation with surface electromyography and electrical
legs. In this study, electromyographic responses to an increase signals for the crank angle.
in speed were characterised to understand the neuromuscular Participants were instructed to pedal with a dropped pos-
strategy of the thigh muscles during track cycling. Based on ture at a constant speed and run between measuring and
joint motion generated by the muscles, we hypothesised that sprinter lines (Figure 1(B)). Because track cycling was per-
the adductor magnus muscle is utilised in inconsistent neuro- formed anticlockwise, right and left legs were located on the
muscular activation patterns between the legs during the outside and inside of the bank, respectively (Figure 1(B)). Each
banked curves, and that neuromuscular activation patterns participant rode a standard track-racing bicycle (gear ratio of
of other muscles are consistent between the legs during over- front/rear: 50/14) with a magnet switch mounted to identify
all track cycling. the top dead centre of the crank cycle and an optical rotary
encoder with a resolution angle of 7.3° to determine the crank
angle. In this study, the highest pedal position (top dead
Methods centre) was defined as 0°. The handle bars, saddle and cycling
Participants shoes were changed to each participant’s own items and
adjusted to their individual cycling style for optimal pedalling
Eight male competitive cyclists (more than three years of performance.
racing experience) volunteered to participate in this study Surface electromyography signals were recorded from the
(age: 20.7 ± 1.3 years, height: 170.0 ± 5.3 cm, body mass: vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and adductor magnus muscles
66.0 ± 4.7 kg). Their peak performance time for the 4000-m of the bilateral legs. Electrode specifications in this study were
individual pursuit was 290.242 ± 14.2 s. Dominant leg during as follows: amplification, single differential; inter-electrode dis-
soccer and pedalling was identified. Seven of eight partici- tance, 2 cm; contact sensors, two 0.1 × 1-cm silver bars; pre-
pants selected right leg as kicking leg for soccer. In pedalling, amplifier gain, 400-fold; input impedance, >200 MΩ; common
four of eight participants prefer the use of right leg during mode rejection ratio, >110 dB. The main amplifier unit feature
down-stroke phase. The participants often trained in the velo- was a gain of 100-fold and frequency response of 5–500 Hz
dromes used in this study and familiar with track cycling. They (FA-DL-141, 4 assist, Tokyo, Japan). Surface electromyography
gave informed consent for the study after receiving a detailed data were sampled at 1000 Hz and recorded by a compu-
explanation of the purposes, potential benefits and risks asso- terised data logger (FA-DL-3100, 4 assist, Tokyo, Japan). Prior
ciated with participation. All participants were healthy, with no to attaching the electrodes, the skin was shaved, abraded and
history of any musculoskeletal or neurological disorders. All cleaned with alcohol. The electrodes for the vastus lateralis
procedures used in this study were in accordance with the and biceps femoris muscles were placed at the midpoint
Declaration of Helsinki and research code of ethics of Chukyo between the head of the greater trochanter and inferior
University. edge of the patella and the midpoint between the ischial
tuberosity and lateral epicondyle of the tibia, respectively
(Watanabe et al., 2009). These electrodes were placed parallel
Experimental design
to the estimated muscle fibres. For the adductor magnus
The experiment was conducted on an indoor velodrome with muscle, the electrode location was determined under the
a 250-m track, consisting of two straights and two banked guidance of ultrasonographic imaging (FAZONA CB; FujiFilm,
curves (Izu Velodrome, Shizuoka, Japan) (Figure 1(A)). Tokyo, Japan). This procedure was fully described in our pre-
Participants individually performed track cycling at three dif- vious study (Watanabe et al., 2009). A common reference
ferent speeds, controlled by the lap time: 20, 18 and 16 s per electrode was attached to the iliac crest. After the placement
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

Figure 1. Identification of straight and curved sections based on video and camera locations on the velodrome (A). A participant at the middle point of a straight (A-
a). A participant at the transition from a curve to straight (A-b). A participant at a curve (A-c). Illustration of a participant during cycling on a curve. Participants were
instructed to run between measuring and sprinter lines (B).

of all electrodes, we confirmed a validation of electrode loca- The total ARV and ARV during each sector for each muscle and
tions and SEMG responses with manual muscle testing. each participant were calculated and normalised by the peak
ARV for each participant.
To identify the muscular activation phase, the onset and
Data analysis
offset of surface electromyography were assessed. Phases of
From the video, three continuous curves and straights at a muscular activation were defined by the period when the
constant speed were selected for analysis (Figure 2(A)). Three signal was above a threshold of 25% of the peak ARV for
crank cycles were defined by electrical signals from the mag- each muscle and participant (Duc et al., 2008; Li & Caldwell,
net switch at TDC for each curve or straight (Figure 2(B)). 1998). When multiple bursts were noted during a crank cycle,
Therefore, nine crank cycles were selected for a straight or onset and offset were calculated from the burst including
curved section for a lap time or speed. Electromyography peak activation during a crank cycle.
signals recorded during the selected times were filtered with
a 4th order Butterworth filter (band width was 20–400 Hz) and
the average rectified value (ARV) was calculated. ARVs from
nine crank cycles for a straight or curve at a specified speed All data are shown as the mean and standard deviation (SD).
were averaged every 7.3° of the crank angle (Figure 2(C)) Non-parametric tests were used in this study since the sample
because the encoder signal separated a crank cycle into 49 size was not large (n = 8) and the distribution of data was
parts. The mean ARV during a crank cycle was calculated (total partly non-Gaussian. The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to test
ARV) for analysis. A crank cycle was divided into four sectors: for the normality of data. Friedmann and Wilcoxon rank sum
sector 1, 302–2°; sector 2, 2–122°; sector 3, 122–182°; sector 4, tests were performed to test changes with speed and to
182–302°, based on a previous study (Hug, Drouet, Champoux, compare sections (straight/curve), legs (left/right) for total
Couturier, & Dorel, 2008b) (Figure 2(D)). These sectors were ARV, ARV during each sector for each muscle, onset and offset
determined from electromechanical delay and mechanical of surface electromyography and cadence of cycling. The level
data and a functional aspect; sectors 1, 2, 3 and 4 correspond of significance was set at 0.05. Statistical analyses were per-
to around top dead centre, propulsive, around bottom dead formed using MATLAB (version 7, Math Works GK, Tokyo,
centre and recovery phases, respectively (Hug et al., 2008b). Japan) and SPSS software (version 15.0; SPSS, Tokyo, Japan).
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

Figure 2. Raw surface electromyographic signals for three selected thigh muscles of left and right legs during one and a half laps for a participant with a 16-s lap
time (A). Raw surface electromyographic signals of the vastus lateralis muscle of the right leg during a curve and straight of a participant (B). The average rectified
value (ARV) of surface electromyography during a crank cycle of the vastus lateralis muscle of the right leg of a participant. Solid and dashed lines indicate straight
and curved sections, respectively (C). Definition of crank angle and phases. VL, vastus lateralis muscle; BF, biceps femoris muscle; AM, adductor magnus muscle; R,
right leg; L, left leg; TDC, top dead centre.

Results Mean electromyography patterns during a crank cycle

for the three thigh muscles and speeds are shown in
General results
Figure 3. Increases in the ARV were mainly observed in
Mean lap times were 20.1 ± 0.2, 18.1 ± 0.2 and 16.0 ± 0.3 s for the sectors 1 and 2 for the vastus lateralis muscle, sectors
the tasks set at lap times of 20, 18 and 16 s, respectively. 2 and 3 for the biceps femoris muscle and sectors 1 and 2
Speeds for each trial calculated from the lap times were for the adductor magnus muscles, respectively. While simi-
44.7 ± 0.5, 49.7 ± 0.5 and 56.2 ± 1.0 km · h−1 for the 20, 18 lar patterns were seen in the left and right legs and
and 16 s, respectively. These speeds were 90.1 ± 4.1, straight and curved sections for the vastus lateralis and
100.1 ± 5.1 and 113.3 ± 5.5% of the participants’ average adductor magnus muscles, a relatively higher ARV was
race speed for the 4000-m individual pursuit, respectively. demonstrated from 90° to 270° of the crank angle in the
Mean cadences during straight and curved sections were right compared to left leg for straight and curved sections
100.5 ± 1.7 and 102.9 ± 2.1 for a 20-s lap time, 111.6 ± 1.1 in the biceps femoris muscle.
and 114.8 ± 1.4 for an 18-s lap time, and 123.8 ± 3.7 and
129.0 ± 3.4 for a 16-s lap time, respectively. With an increase in
ARV for each sector
speed, cadences were significantly increased for both straight
and curved sections (P < 0.05). Also, cadences during curves Total ARVs in the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles
were significantly higher than those during straights for all lap for both legs and sections were significantly changed with an
times (P < 0.05). increase in speed (P < 0.05) (Figure 4). In the vastus lateralis
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Figure 3. The mean normalised average rectified value (ARV) during a crank cycle. Solid, dashed, thick solid, and thick dashed lines indicate the right leg during
straight, right leg during curved, left leg during straight and left leg during curved sections. VL, vastus lateralis muscle; BF, biceps femoris muscle; AM, adductor
magnus muscle.

Figure 4. The mean normalised average rectified value (ARV) during a complete crank cycle. VL, vastus lateralis muscle; BF, biceps femoris muscle; AM, adductor
magnus muscle; R, right leg; L, left leg; S, straight; C, curve. *P < 0.05 significant change with an increase in speed. #P < 0.05 significant difference between left and
right legs.

muscle, total ARVs for the left leg were significantly higher an 18 s lap time in sector 4 (P < 0.05) (Figure 5). In sector 2,
than that for the right leg during curves with 18- and 16-s lap the ARV in the right leg with a 16-s lap time was significantly
times and during straights with 16-s lap time (P < 0.05) higher during straight than curved section (P < 0.05)
(Figure 4). In the biceps femoris muscle, total ARVs for the (Figure 5).
left leg were significantly higher than for the right leg during For the biceps femoris muscle, ARVs in sectors 1 and 2
straights with a 20-s lap time (P < 0.05) (Figure 4). for both legs and sections were significantly higher with an
For the vastus lateralis muscle, ARVs in sectors 1 and 2 for increase in speed (P < 0.05) (Figure 6). In sectors 3 and 4,
both legs were significantly higher with an increase in speed significant changes with an increase in speed were
during straight and curved sections (P < 0.05) (Figure 5). In observed only in the right leg (P < 0.05) (Figure 6). In
sectors 3 and 4, significant changes with an increase in speed sectors 3 and 4, ARVs in the left leg during straights were
were observed only in the right leg (P < 0.05) (Figure 5). significantly higher than in the right leg with all lap times
Significantly higher ARVs were shown in the left leg compared (P < 0.05) (Figure 6).
to right leg during curves with 18- and 16-s lap times in sector For adductor magnus muscle, ARVs in sectors 1 and 2 were
2, during curves with all lap times in sector 3, and during significantly higher with an increase in speed only in the left
curves with 18- and 16-s lap times and during straights with leg (P < 0.05) (Figure 7).
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Figure 5. The mean normalised average rectified value (ARV) for the vastus lateralis muscle during sectors 1–4. VL, vastus lateralis muscle; R, right leg; L, left leg; S,
straight; C, curve. *P < 0.05 significant change with an increase in speed. #P < 0.05 significant difference between left and right legs. +P < 0.05 significant difference
between a straight and curve.

Onset and offset of surface electromyography left leg during straight (P < 0.05) (Figure 8). Also, the offset of
surface electromyography in the right leg of the adductor
The offset of surface electromyography was significantly chan-
magnus muscle was detected earlier in the crank cycle than
ged with an increase in speed for both legs and sections in the
that in the left leg during straights with a 16-s lap time
vastus lateralis muscle (P < 0.05) (Figure 8). With all lap times,
(P < 0.05) (Figure 8).
the offset of surface electromyography in the vastus lateralis
muscle of the right leg appeared earlier in the crank cycle
during curves. For the biceps femoris muscle, significant
changes in the onset of surface electromyography were
observed in the right leg during both sections and in the left The present study investigated neuromuscular activation of
leg during the straight (P < 0.05) (Figure 8). Also, a significant the bilateral thigh muscles at various speeds during track
change in the offset of surface electromyography was noted in cycling. To our knowledge, surface electromyography patterns
the right leg during curves in the biceps femoris muscle of muscles while cycling on a velodrome were identified for
(P < 0.05) (Figure 8). The offset of surface electromyography the first time in the present study. The main findings of this
in the biceps femoris muscle of the right leg appeared earlier study were that asymmetric surface electromyography
in the crank cycle during straights with all lap times (P < 0.05) responses with an increase in speed were observed in all
(Figure 8). For the biceps femoris muscle, the onset of surface three tested muscles, with no stereotyped behaviours among
electromyography in the right leg with a 20-s lap time during the muscles.
straights appeared earlier in the crank cycle than during From onset and offset timing and surface electromyogra-
curves (P < 0.05) (Figure 8). For the adductor magnus muscle, phy-crank angle relationships, we could confirm that activa-
the offset of surface electromyography was significantly chan- tion patterns of the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscles
ged with an increase in speed for both legs in curves and for were similar with those during cycling on an ergometer or a
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

Figure 6. The mean normalised average rectified value (ARV) for the biceps femoris muscle during sectors 1–4. BF, biceps femoris muscle; R, right leg; L, left leg; S,
straight; C, curve. *P < 0.05 significant change with an increase in speed. #P < 0.05 significant difference between left and right legs.

roller in previous studies (Baum & Li, 2003; Duc et al., 2008; these variations could lead to changes in activation patterns
Ericson et al., 1985; Hug & Dorel, 2009; Hug et al., 2008a; Li of the recruited muscles, similar patterns were observed
& Caldwell, 1998; Takaishi et al., 1998; Watanabe et al., between the present and previous studies in the vastus
2009). On the other hand, for the adductor magnus muscle, lateralis and biceps femoris muscles. This suggests that the
the surface electromyography pattern during a crank cycle activation pattern during cycling could be sensitive to ped-
was inconsistent with a previous study (Watanabe et al., alling conditions and/or experience regarding the adductor
2009). Our previous study showed two different electromyo- magnus muscle, but not the vastus lateralis and biceps
graphy patterns among participants: a single peak during femoris muscles. In order to clarify the characteristics of
the propulsive and two peaks during the propulsive and the muscle activation pattern while cycling on a velodrome
recovery phases in the adductor magnus muscle (Watanabe in detail, further studies in which pedalling conditions and
et al., 2009). The present study also demonstrated two experience are strictly controlled are needed.
different electromyography patterns: a single peak during Right and left legs are located on the outside and inside
sector 2 (n = 4) and a major peak during sector 2 with of the bank, respectively, during cycling on a velodrome
additional peaks during sectors 3 and 4 (n = 4) (Figure 9). (Figure 1(B)). On both straight and curve, the sprinter’s
While direct comparison between our previous study lane, which the participants of this study used, is inclined
(Watanabe et al., 2009) and the present study is difficult, horizontally. We thus suggest that the left and right legs play
inter-individual differences in surface electromyography– different roles during track cycling. In the present study,
crank angle relationships were detected in the adductor electromyographic responses to an increase in speed were
magnus muscle in both studies. There are many differences characterised to understand the neuromuscular strategy
in experimental conditions, i.e., cyclist/non-cyclist, erg- between left and right legs during track cycling. Bilateral
ometer/bicycle on a velodrome or dropped/upright pos- legs changes in normalised ARVs with an increase in speed
tures, between the present and previous studies. Although were not uniform among the tested three muscles. Although
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

Figure 7. The mean normalised average rectified value (ARV) for the adductor magnus muscle during sectors 1–4. AM, adductor magnus muscle; R, right leg; L, left
leg; S, straight; C, curve. *P < 0.05 significant change with an increase in speed.

Figure 8. Mean onset and offset timing of surface electromyography during a crank cycle. VL, vastus lateralis muscle; BF, biceps femoris muscle; AM, adductor
magnus muscle; R, right leg; L, left leg; S, straight; C, curve. Circle and triangle indicate onset and offset timings, respectively. §P < 0.05 significant change with an
increase in speed for onset timing. *P < 0.05 significant change with an increase in speed for offset timing. #P < 0.05 significant difference between left and right
legs. +P < 0.05 significant difference between straight and curve.

we assessed relative changes in ARVs, a significant change in biceps femoris muscle, while a significant rise in ARVs with
the ARV with an increase in speed reflects changes in the an increase in speed was observed in both legs during
amount of muscle activation. For the vastus lateralis muscle, sectors 1 and 2, these patterns were seen only in the right
ARVs during sectors 1 and 2, where this muscle activates leg during sectors 3 and 4 (Figure 6). For the adductor
increased, for both legs with an increase in speed during magnus muscle, a significant increase in ARVs was found
curved and straight sections (P < 0.05) (Figure 5). For the only in the left leg during sectors 1 and 2, where this muscle
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 05:40 22 November 2015

Figure 9. Example of two patterns of averaged rectified values (ARVs) during a crank cycle for the adductor magnus muscle of the left leg during a straight. AM,
adductor magnus muscle. Participants 5 and 3 showed single major peak and major peak activation with additional bursts, respectively.

activates (P < 0.05) (Figure 7). These results suggest that For track cycling, very few reports are currently available in
biceps femoris and adductor magnus muscles of left and the published literature on performances of cyclists on velo-
right legs play different roles during track cycling. dromes. While some studies reported the power output of
In a previous study (Craig & Norton, 2001), it was stated that cyclists during track cycling (Broker, Kyle, & Burke, 1999;
the power output and speed fluctuations are proportional to Craig & Norton, 2001), there were no data on physiological
the cyclist’s position on the track, i.e., higher power output and or biomechanical responses. Here we present, for the first
speed are seen during straights and curves, respectively. The time, a part of neurophysiological responses during track
positional relationship between the body and bank could be cycling. However, further experiments are needed to under-
different between straights and curves. It was estimated that a stand the physiological or biomechanical responses during
participant riding a bicycle along a curved path generates a track cycling.
centrifugal acceleration vector and must lean inwards to com- The trials with three different lap times were performed in a
pensate for the outer acceleration (di Prampero & Narici, 2003). fixed order. Although the rest periods were provided, we did
Thus, it can be hypothesised that different strategies are used not assess fatigue development in participants. Therefore,
between straight and curved sections for the recruited muscles. trials with a 16-s lap time, the final test, may include an effect
In the present study, a different form of left–right asymmetry in of fatigue on neuromuscular activation. This is one of the
ARV responses to an increase in speed was observed between limitations of this study. We should also note another limita-
straights and curves in the vastus lateralis and biceps femoris tion in the calculation processes of surface electromyography.
muscles. For example, higher normalised ARVs in the vastus The total ARV and ARV in each sector were normalised by the
lateralis muscle of the left leg in sectors 2 and 3 were detected peak ARV during all trials for each muscle of each leg and each
during the curve (Figure 5). In the biceps femoris muscle, participant. Since the peak ARV is not detected during max-
normalised ARVs in sectors 3 and 4 in the left leg were higher imum contraction, the normalised ARV in the present study
than those in the right leg during straights, but not during should be interpreted as relative changes with an increase in
curves, except for the curves for the lowest speed (20 s) speed. Moreover, our statistical analysis, such as the non-para-
(Figure 6). From the results of offset timing, these higher nor- metric test for the small sample (n = 8), may lead to type II
malised ARVs in the left leg can be explained by the longer error. Further studies with larger samples are needed to clarify
duration of activation due to a later offset timing during a crank this issue. Finally, we should consider limited muscles from
cycle in the left leg (Figure 8). These results suggest that vastus which we recorded surface electromyography. We selected
lateralis and biceps femoris muscles are regulated in asym- three thigh muscles based on the muscle volume, function
metric and the section-dependent manners during track and morphological data of cyclists in a previous study (Hug
cycling. In the vastus lateralis muscle, a longer activation in et al., 2006). However, these muscles are only some of the
the left leg appeared at around 90–100° of the crank angle recruited muscles during cycling. Other muscles shown to be
(Figures 3 and 6). In this phase, contraction of the vastus active during cycling are gluteus and calf muscles (Dorel et al.,
lateralis muscle could contribute to produce a downward 2008; Hug & Dorel, 2009). To understand the muscle recruit-
crank force or higher power during the downstroke. Since ment pattern during track cycling, surface electromyography
cyclists on a curve need to incline their body and bicycle recording of other lower extremity muscles would be
inwards (di Prampero & Narici, 2003), the left leg, which is necessary.
located on the inside of bank, would load greater body weight In conclusion, we demonstrated SEMG of three selected
than right leg during curve. We thus suggested that this body thigh muscles: the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and adduc-
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Disclosure statement Hug, F., Drouet, J. M., Champoux, Y., Couturier, A., & Dorel, S. (2008a).
Interindividual variability of electromyographic patterns and pedal
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. force profiles in trained cyclists. European Journal of Applied
Physiology, 104(4), 667–678. doi:10.1007/s00421-008-0810-y
Hug, F., Drouet, J. M., Champoux, Y., Couturier, A., & Dorel, S. (2008b).
Funding Interindividual variability of electromyographic patterns and pedal
force profiles in trained cyclists. [Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov’t].
This research was supported in part by a research grant from Nippon European Journal of Applied Physiology, 104(4), 667–678. doi:10.1007/
Sports Science University (PI: Nishiyama T.). s00421-008-0810-y
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