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City Life By Divya & Charandas

Draft 1 - 01/10/10
Shot No. Location Angle Movement Length Lyric Description of Action Actors Equipment
Fast pan (right Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
1 Piccadilly Circus long shot Straight 4 sec instrumental Cars by going fast in piccadilly circus. No main actors are needed.
to left) permission slip.

King's Cross Fast pan (left to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
2 long shot Straight 4 sec instrumental Rush hour on underground. Fast forwarded No main actors are needed.
Station right) permission slip.

Fast pan (right Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

3 Trafaglar Square long shot Straight 4 sec instrumental People walking fast around trafaglar sqaure. No main actors are needed.
to left) permission slip.

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
4 Piccadilly Circus Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
5 Westminister Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city life take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

A slow pan, if
ethnicites, that are willing to
Mid shot Straight we get a group And we lived in the city Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
6 Tower of London 2 sec
to perform in To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
the video.

Will people from differnet

low Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
7 The River Thames long shot static 2 sec in the big, big city take part in the video. Ask
angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Outside Canary Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
8 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city take part in the video. Ask
Wharf To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
9 Covent Garderns mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city life take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
10 Oxford Street mid shot Straight static 2 sec And we lived in the city take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Houses of Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
11 long shot Straight static 2 sec in the big, big city take part in the video. Ask
Parliament To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
12 Leicester Square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
long shot Straight Fast pan (left to Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
13 China Town 2 sec Living in the city life
right) To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
low Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
14 Piccadilly Circus long shot 2 sec Hit the tube,
angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
Outside Canary Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
15 mid shot Straight static 2 sec Super filled
Wharf To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
low Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
16 Oxford Street long shot static 2 sec billboards in my face,
angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
Stratford Train Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
17 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec and six minutes remain take part in the video. Ask
Station To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Person singing and dancing the way

Imperial War
18 mid shot Straight static 2 sec until I'm boarding a train they want
Will to.from
people To make the
differnet video for
ethnicites, that are willing to take part in the
Ask people
lyrics we
at the location
Meseum entertaining.

Will people from differnet

A slow pan, if
ethnicites, that are willing to
Mid shot Straight we get a group its more of the samey Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
19 Westminister 2 sec
to perform in faces, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
the video.

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
St. Paul's im forming their names Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
20 mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Cathedral To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Outside Canary Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
21 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec and like rainy days take part in the video. Ask
Wharf To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Person singing and dancing the way

22 Covent Garderns mid shot Straight static 2 sec im conjuring a game, theyWill
want to. from
people To make the
differnet video for
ethnicites, that are willing to take part in the
Ask people
lyrics we
at the location

Will people from differnet

on the platform i hear ethnicites, that are willing to
Stratford Train the sound of chat in the Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
23 long shot Straight static 2 sec
Station To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
background people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
followed by a clap sound Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
24 Tower Bridge Mid shot Straight A slow pan. 2 sec as the train scales the take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
track round people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
25 Oxford Street Mid shot Straight static 2 sec but damn, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
Houses of high what a crowd has Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
26 long shot static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Parliament angle formed, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
getting heavy on the Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
27 Trafgular square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
mind To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
Stratford Train Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
28 mid shot Straight static 2 sec like a crown of thorns,
Station To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
St. Paul's but there be bare brares Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
29 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Cathedral there, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Imperial War low Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
30 long shot static 2 sec ah poor I'll walk take part in the video. Ask
Meseum angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

I don't wanna have my ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
31 Tower Bridge Mid shot Straight static 2 sec head forced up at the
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
door, people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
This mass of absorption Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
32 Trafgular square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

enforces soreness Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
33 Leicester Square mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
spawns, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

when tryna pass through Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to
Imperial War Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
34 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec this torsion its causing take part in the video. Ask
Meseum To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
war, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

A slow pan, if ethnicites, that are willing to
The River Thames Mid shot Straight we get a group Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
35 2 sec im bored of boredom take part in the video. Ask
to perform in To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
the video.
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
cos abroad broadened Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
36 London Dunegons long shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
my thoughts To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
and now i live in this ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
37 Covent Garderns Mid shot Straight static 2 sec orphanage of haunted take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
sorts, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

where daunting things Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
38 London Dunegons Mid shot Straight static 2 sec are all I see in these take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
eyes, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Houses of the same shit different Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
39 Mid shot Straight A slow pan, 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Parliament scenes, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Millennium Dome - mid shot low but that's just the city life Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
40 slow tilt up 2 sec
The O2 angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
41 Leicester Square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec inner city life,
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
42 Tower of London mid shot Straight static 2 sec inner city pressure, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

gonna get to ya unless ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
43 China Town close up Straight static 2 sec you got the strength of
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
mind, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
44 Leicester Square long shot Straight static 2 sec or hide
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Millennium Dome - hitting bars in my free Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
45 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
The O2 nights To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
46 Tower of London Mid shot Straight static 2 sec stars can be pretty take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Tottenham Court low but cant be seen over Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
47 long shot static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Road angle street lights, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
48 Regent Park long shot Straight static 2 sec ah what a pity, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
49 Leicester Square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec but its dark in the city take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

close up ethnicites, that are willing to
so many splintered Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
50 Trafalgar Square of Straight static 2 sec
shades, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
sunglass' people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

hidden in mystery ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
51 Piccadilly Circus mid shot Straight static 2 sec difficult with different take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
slaves people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
fast Pan (left to Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
52 China Town Mid shot Straight 2 sec dashing different ways, take part in the video. Ask
right) To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
we're always in Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
53 Oxford Street Mid shot Straight static 2 sec
complaint, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

A slow pan, to Will people from differnet

show the ethnicites, that are willing to
stringently continuing in Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
54 Hyde Park long shot Straight enviroment 2 sec
this sinful place To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
around the people which we find at the
actor. location

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Tottenham Court Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
55 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec disintegrating into rages, take part in the video. Ask
Road To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
high fishing with no weights, Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
56 Madam Tussauds mid shot tilt down 2 sec
angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Houses of never spitting into Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
57 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Parliament tissues, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
just sniffing into brains Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
58 Outside Big Ben mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
its To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
just-this diseased if you Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
59 Regent Park Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
make it, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
60 Westminister mid shot Straight static 2 sec cos suckers live take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

between the bleakness ethnicites, that are willing to
Tottenham Court Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
61 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec of racists and punters
Road To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
fists people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
that leave weak bleeding Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
62 Restaurants Mid shot Straight static 2 sec
faces from drunken fits To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
of needless hatred from Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
63 Piccadilly Circus Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
dumb lust at chicks To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Tottenham Court but we been a spiteful Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
64 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
Road dim-breed, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
Sea life London Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
65 long shot Straight static 2 sec just like this take part in the video. Ask
Aquarium To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

since the days of ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
66 London Zoo Mid shot Straight static 2 sec cavemen so don't cuss take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
drink, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

sure I seen a violent ethnicites, that are willing to
increase lately but I think Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
67 Hyde Park Mid shot Straight static 2 sec
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
its the age we're in, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
68 Westminister mid shot Straight static 2 sec or simply take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
69 Restaurants mid shot Straight static 2 sec paper coverage take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
70 Leicester Square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec inner city life, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
71 Tower of London mid shot Straight static 2 sec inner city pressure, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

gonna get to ya unless Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
72 China Town close up Straight static 2 sec you got the strength of take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
mind, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
73 Leicester Square long shot Straight static 2 sec or hide take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
74 Piccadilly Circus mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
75 Westminister mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city life take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

A slow pan, if
we get a group Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
76 Tower of London mid shot Straight 2 sec And we lived in the city take part in the video. Ask
to perform in To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
the video. location.

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
low Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
77 The River Thames long shot static 2 sec in the big, big city take part in the video. Ask
angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Outside Canary Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
78 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city
Wharf To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
79 Covent Garderns mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city life take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
And we lived in the city Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
80 Oxford Street mid shot Straight static 2 sec
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the
Will people from differnet
Houses of Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
81 long shot Straight static 2 sec in the big, big city take part in the video. Ask
Parliament To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
82 Leicester Square mid shot Straight static 2 sec Living in the city
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Fast pan (left to Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
83 China Town long shot Straight 2 sec Living in the city life take part in the video. Ask
right) To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

The London Eye spinning around faster than Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
84 London Eye Cutaways Straight static 4 secs instrumental No main actors are needed.
usual. permission slip.

Chaz's Back low pan (left to The sun going up and down, fast. Looks like time is Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
85 Cutaways 4 secs instrumental No main actors are needed.
garden angle right) passing fast. permission slip.

Oxford Street traffic lights. Cars stopping and Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
86 Oxford Street Cutaways Straight static 4 secs instrumental No main actors are needed.
passing at traffic, with pedestrians walking around. permission slip.

low Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

87 Outside Big Ben Cutaways static 4 secs instrumental Bigben clock moving fast. No main actors are needed.
angle permission slip.

Stratford Train Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

88 Cutaways Straight fast pan 4 secs instrumental Trains going past, fast No main actors are needed.
Station permission slip.

King's Cross high Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

89 Cutaways static 4 secs instrumental Rush hour on underground. Fast forwarded No main actors are needed.
Station angle permission slip.

Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

90 Tower Bridge Cutaways Straight static 4 secs instrumental Tower Bridge closing and opening. No main actors are needed.
permission slip.

Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

91 Trafaglar Square Cutaways Straight static 4 secs instrumental People walking fast around trafuglar sqaure. No main actors are needed.
permission slip.

low day turning from light to dark. Lights in buildings Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
92 Piccadilly Circus Cutaways static 4 secs instrumental No main actors are needed.
angle turning on. permission slip.

Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and

93 Piccadilly Circus Cutaways Straight static 4 secs instrumental Cars by going fast in piccadilly circus. No main actors are needed. permission slip.

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
94 Madam Tussauds Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Life in the city's take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

low Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
95 River Thames long shot static 2 sec What you make of it take part in the video. Ask
angle To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Don't believe the
Sea life London Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
96 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec flakiness of what the take part in the video. Ask
Aquarium To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
papers writ, people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
theres no "how you have Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
97 Tower Bridge long shot Straight static 2 sec
to be", To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Millennium Dome - Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
98 mid shot Straight static 2 sec that's the real facts take part in the video. Ask
The O2 To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
make a change live your Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
99 London Eye Mid shot Straight static 2 sec
life happily To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Sea life London Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
100 mid shot Straight static 2 sec before the wheel snaps, take part in the video. Ask
Aquarium To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
stand cos to kneel is Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
101 Outside Big Ben Mid shot Straight static 2 sec
slack - To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
102 Covent Garderns mid shot Straight static 2 sec your held back take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Millennium Dome - dont be worried if your Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
103 Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
The O2 heel cracks, To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
104 London Eye close up Straight static 2 sec fear is well bad, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
105 Trafgular square Mid shot Straight static 2 sec i hope you feel that, take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Sea life London Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
106 mid shot Straight static 2 sec well in time you'l l see,
Aquarium To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
but we can speed up the Person singing and dancing the way they want to. Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
107 Westminister Mid shot Straight static 2 sec take part in the video. Ask
feedback To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

Person singing and dancing the way they want to. ethnicites, that are willing to Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
108 London Eye long shot Straight static 2 sec and help tell society. take part in the video. Ask
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

Will people from differnet

ethnicites, that are willing to
Person singing and dancing the way they want to. take part in the video. Ask Camera, Tripod, tape, lyrics and
109 Covent Garderns Mid shot Straight static 2 sec Peace.
To make the video for entertaining. permission slip.
people which we find at the

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