தகராலய ரகசியம் - ஓர் அறிமுகம் sandamarudhanar

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- composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

निर्वा णषटकम्
Nirvana Shatakam
मिोबुद्ध्यहङ्कवर नित्तवनि िवहं
ि ि श्रोत्रनिह्वे ि ि घ्रवणिेत्रे ।
ि ि व्योम भूनमिा तेिो ि र्वयुुः
निदविन्दरूपुः निर्ोऽहम् निर्ोऽहम् ॥१॥
Mano-Buddhy-Ahangkaara Cittaani Naaham
Na Ca Shrotra-Jihve Na Ca Ghraanna-Netre |
Na Ca Vyoma Bhuumir-Na Tejo Na Vaayuh
Cid-Aananda-Ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||1||
1.1: Neither am I the Mind, nor the Intelligence or Ego,
1.2: Neither am I the organs of Hearing (Ears), nor that of Tasting (Tongue), Smelling (Nose) or Seeing
1.3: Neither am I the Sky, nor the Earth, Neither the Fire nor the Air,
1.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

ि ि प्रवणसंज्ञो ि र्ै पञ्चर्वयुुः

ि र्व सप्तधवतुुः ि र्व पञ्चकोिुः ।
ि र्वक्पवनणपवदं ि िोपस्थपवयु
निदविन्दरूपुः निर्ोऽहम् निर्ोऽहम् ॥२॥
Na Ca Praanna-Samjnyo Na Vai Pan.ca-Vaayuh
Na Vaa Sapta-Dhaatuh Na Vaa Pan.ca-Koshah |
Na Vaak-Paanni-Paadam Na Copastha-Paayu
Cid-Aananda-Ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||2||
2.1: Neither am I the Vital Breath, nor the Five Vital Airs,
2.2: Neither am I the Seven Ingredients (of the Body), nor the Five Sheaths (of the Body),
2.3: Neither am I the organ of Speech, nor the organs for Holding ( Hand ), Movement ( Feet ) or Excretion,
2.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
ि मे द्वे षरवगौ ि मे लोभमोहौ
मदो िैर् मे िैर् मवत्सयाभवर्ुः ।
ि धमो ि िवथो ि कवमो ि मोक्षुः
निदविन्दरूपुः निर्ोऽहम् निर्ोऽहम् ॥३॥
Na Me Dvessa-Raagau Na Me Lobha-Mohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Maatsarya-Bhaavah |
Na Dharmo Na Ca-Artho Na Kaamo Na Mokssah
Cid-Aananda-Ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||3||
3.1: Neither do I have Hatred, nor Attachment, Neither Greed nor Infatuation,
3.2: Neither do I have Pride, nor Feelings of Envy and Jealousy,
3.3 I am Not within the bounds of Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (Wealth), Kama (Desire) and Moksha
(Liberation) (the four Purusarthas of life),
3.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

ि पुण्यं ि पवपं ि सौख्यं ि दु ुःखं

ि मन्त्रो ि तीथं ि र्ेदव ि यज्ञवुः ।
अहं भोििं िैर् भोज्यं ि भोक्तव
निदविन्दरूपुः निर्ोऽहम् निर्ोऽहम् ॥४॥
Na Punnyam Na Paapam Na Saukhyam Na Duhkham
Na Mantro Na Tiirtham Na Vedaa Na Yajnyaah |
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhoktaa
Cid-Aananda-Ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||4||
4.1: Neither am I bound by Merits nor Sins, neither by Worldly Joys nor by Sorrows,
4.2: Neither am I bound by Sacred Hymns nor by Sacred Places, neither by Sacred Scriptures nor by
4.3: I am Neither Enjoyment (Experience), nor an object to be Enjoyed (Experienced), nor the Enjoyer
4.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
ि मृत्युिा िङ्कव ि मे िवनतभेदुः
नपतव िैर् मे िैर् मवतव ि िन्मुः ।
ि बन्धुिा नमत्रं गुरुिैर् निष्यं
निदविन्दरूपुः निर्ोऽहम् निर्ोऽहम् ॥५॥
Na Mrtyur-Na Shangkaa Na Me Jaati-Bhedah
Pitaa Naiva Me Naiva Maataa Na Janmah |
Na Bandhurna Mitram Gurur-Na-Iva Shissyam
Cid-Aananda-Ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||5||
5.1: Neither am I bound by Death and its Fear, nor by the rules of Caste and its Distinctions,
5.2: Neither do I have Father and Mother, nor do I have Birth,
5.3: Neither do I have Relations nor Friends, neither Spiritual Teacher nor Disciple,
5.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
अहं निनर्ा कल्पो निरवकवररूपो
नर्भुत्ववच्च सर्ात्र सर्ेन्द्रियवणवम् ।
ि िवसङ्गतं िैर् मुन्द्रक्तिा मेयुः
निदविन्दरूपुः निर्ोऽहम् निर्ोऽहम् ॥६॥
Aham Nirvikalpo Niraakaara-Ruupo
Vibhu-Tvaacca Sarvatra Sarve[a-I]ndriyaannaam |
Na Caa-Sanggatam Naiva Muktirna Meyah
Cid-aananda-ruupah Shivo[a-A]ham Shivo[a-A]ham ||6||

6.1: I am Without any Variation, and Without any Form,
6.2: I am Present Everywhere as the underlying Substratum of everything, and behind all Sense Organs,
6.3: Neither do I get Attached to anything, nor get Freed from anything,
6.4: I am the Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva,
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.

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Home > Stotras > Annapoorna > Annapoorna Stotram

Annapoorna Stotram - In sanskrit with meaning

- composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

अन्नपूणवा स्तोत्रम् - नित्यविन्दकरी र्रवभयकरी सौन्दयारत्नवकरी

Annapoorna Stotram: Nityanandakari Varabhayakari Saundarya Ratnakari

Devi Annapoorna

नित्यविन्दकरी र्रवभयकरी सौन्दयारत्नवकरी

निधूातवन्द्रखलघोरपवर्िकरी प्रत्यक्षमवहे श्वरी ।
प्रवले यविलर्ंिपवर्िकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥१॥
Nitya-[A]ananda-Karii Vara-Abhaya-Karii Saundarya-Ratna-[A]akarii
Nirdhuuta-Akhila-Ghora-Paavana-Karii Pratyakssa-Maaheshvarii |
Praaleya-Acala-Vamsha-Paavana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who always give Joy to Her Devotees, along with Boons and assurance of
Fearlessness (under Her Motherly care); Who is a repository of great Beauty and makes their minds beautiful by the
touch of the Gem of Her (inner) Beauty,
1.2: Who Purifies all the Poisons and Sufferings of their minds (by the touch of Her Compassion and Bliss), and Who
is the Great Goddess manifested visibly in Kashi,
1.3: Who Sanctified the Lineage of the King of the Mountain of Himalayas (by taking birth as Devi Parvati); Who is the
Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
1.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

िविवरत्ननर्नित्रभूषणकरी हे मवम्बरवडम्बरी
मु क्तवहवरनर्लम्बमविनर्लसद्वक्षोिकुम्भवन्तरी ।
कवश्मीरवगरुर्वनसतवङ्गरुनिरे कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥२॥
Naanaa-Ratna-Vicitra-Bhuussanna-Karii Hema-Ambara-[A]addambarii
Muktaa-Haara-Vilambamaana-Vilasad-Vakssoja-Kumbha-Antarii |
Kaashmiira-Agaru-Vaasita-Angga-Rucire Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||2||

2.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is adorned with many Gems shining with various Colours, and with
Garments striking with the shine of Gold (i.e. Golden Laced),
2.2: Who is decorated with a Garland of Pearls which is Hanging down and Shining within the middle of Her Bosom,
2.3: Whose Beautiful Body is Fragrant with Saffron and Agaru (Agarwood); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of
2.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
योगविन्दकरी ररपुक्षयकरी धमवा थानिष्ठवकरी
ििवकवा िलभवसमविलहरी त्रै लोक्यरक्षवकरी ।
सर्ैश्वयासमस्तर्वन्द्रितकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥३॥
Yoga-[A]ananda-Karii Ripu-Kssaya-Karii Dharma-Artha-Nisstthaa-Karii
Candra-Arka-Anala-Bhaasamaana-Laharii Trailokya-Rakssaa-Karii |
Sarva-[A]ishvarya-Samasta-Vaan.chita-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||3||

3.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who gives the Bliss of communion with God through Yoga, and Who
destroys the attachment to the Senses (which are the enemies of Yogic communion); Who makes us devoted to
Dharma and righteous effort to earn wealth (as a worship of God),
3.2: Who is like a great Wave shining with the Divine Energies of Moon, Sun and Fire which Protects the Three
3.3: Who gives all Prosperity and fulfills all Wishes of the Devotees; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
3.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

कैलवसविलकन्दरवलयकरी गौरी उमव िङ्करी

कौमवरी निगमवथा गोिरकरी ओङ्कवरबीिवक्षरी ।
मोक्षद्ववरकपवटपवटिकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥४॥
Kailaasa-Acala-Kandara-[A]alaya-Karii Gaurii Umaa Shangkarii
Kaumaarii Nigama-Artha-Gocara-Karii Ongkaara-Biija-Akssarii |
Mokssa-Dvaara-Kapaatta-Paattana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who has made the Caves of Mount Kailasa Her Abode, and is known by
various names like Gauri, Uma, Shankari, ...
4.2: ... and Kaumari; Who makes the deepest meaning of Nigamas (Vedas or Sacred Scriptures) perceptible in Her
Divine Form which vibrates with the Seed Syllable Omkara,
4.3: Who opens the Gate of Moksha (Liberation) within our (Spiritual) Heart by Her Grace; Who is the Ruling Mother
of the city of Kasi,
4.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
दृश्यवदृश्यनर्भू नतर्वहिकरी ब्रह्मवण्डभवण्डोदरी
लीलविवटकसूत्रभे दिकरी नर्ज्ञविदीपवङ्कुरी ।
श्रीनर्श्वे िमिुःप्रसवदिकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥५॥
Drshya-Adrshya-Vibhuuti-Vaahana-Karii Brahmaanndda-Bhaannddo[a-U]darii
Liilaa-Naattaka-Suutra-Bhedana-Karii Vijnyaana-Diipa-Angkurii |
Shrii-Vishvesha-Manah-Prasaadana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||5||

5.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who bears within Her many Visible and Invisible Divine Attributes, and
holds the whole Universe within Her,
5.2: Who (by Her special Grace) discloses the (Divine) Source of this Divine Play of Creation, thereby sprouting the
Flame of the Lamp of (Divine) Knowledge within us,
5.3: Who makes the Meditative Mind (i.e. Meditative Absorption) of Sri Visweswara Gracious, i.e. make it flow down
as Divine Grace to the World; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
5.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

उर्ीसर्ाििेश्वरी भगर्ती मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी

र्ेणीिीलसमविकुन्तलहरी नित्यवन्नदविे श्वरी ।
सर्वा िन्दकरी सदव िु भकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥६॥
Urvii-Sarva-Jane[a-Ii]shvarii Bhagavatii Maata-Annapuurnneshvarii
Vennii-Niila-Samaana-Kunta-Laharii Nitya-Anna-Daane[a-Ii]shvarii |
Sarva-[A]ananda-Karii Sadaa Shubha-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||6||

6.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is Mother Earth Herself and the Goddess of everyone, Whom the
Devotees call as Bhagavati Mata Annapoorneswari,
6.2: Whose Dark Braids of Hair flow down like the Waves of Her Grace; Who (being Mother Earth Herself) is always
devoted to bestowing Food to Her Children,
6.3: Who brings all Joys to the Devotees and Her presence always bring Good Fortunes in their lives; Who is the
Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
6.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
आनदक्षवन्तसमस्तर्णािकरी िम्भोन्द्रिभवर्वकरी
कवश्मीरवनत्रिले श्वरी नत्रलहरी नित्यवङ्कुरव िर्ारी ।
कवमवकवङ्क्षकरी ििोदयकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥७॥
Aadikssa-Anta-Samasta-Varnnana-Karii Shambhos-Tri-Bhaava-[A]akarii
Kaashmiiraa-Tri-Jale[a-Ii]shvarii Tri-Laharii Nitya-Angkuraa Sharvarii |
Kaama-[A]akaangkssa-Karii Jano[a-U]dayakarii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who makes all the Letters manifest from within Her, starting with "A" and
ending in "Kssa", and is the repository of the Three Bhavas of Shambhu (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas leading to Creation,
Preservation and Destruction of the Universe),
7.2: Who is Reddish in colour (signifying Shakti) and is the Goddess of the Three Waters (signifying the Three Shaktis)
which flow as the Three Waves (of Iccha [Will], Jnana [Knowledge] and Kriya [Activity] Shaktis); thus always Sprouting
creation with Her Feminine Power,
7.3: Who fulfills the various Wishes of the Devotees and Raises the lives of People (by providing Food and other
essentials of worldly life); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi,
7.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

दे र्ी सर्ानर्नित्ररत्नरनितव दवक्षवयणी सुन्दरी

र्वमं स्ववदु पयोधरनप्रयकरी सौभवग्यमवहेश्वरी ।
भक्तवभीष्टकरी सदव िुभकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥८॥
Devii Sarva-Vicitra-Ratna-Racitaa Daakssaayannii Sundarii
Vaamam Svaadu-Payo-Dhara-Priya-Karii Saubhaagya-Maahe[a-Ii]shvarii |
Bhakta-Abhiisstta-Karii Sadaa Shubha-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||8||

8.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is studded with Gems of all Colours, and Who was the Beautiful
Daughter of King Daksha,
8.2: Who holds a bowl of Sweet Milk (signifying Food) on Her Left which She endearingly distributes to Her Childen;
Who is the Great Goddess Who brings Good Fortune to Her Devotees,
8.3: Who fulfills the Desires of the Devotees and always brings Good Blessings to them; Who is the Ruling Mother of
the city of Kasi,
8.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.
ििवकवा िलकोनटकोनटसदृिव ििवं िुनबम्बवधरी
ििवकवा निसमविकुन्तलधरी ििवकार्णेश्वरी ।
मवलवपुस्तकपविवसवङ्कुिधरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥९॥
Candra-Arka-Anala-Kotti-Kotti-Sadrshaa Candra-Amshu-Bimba-Adharii
Candra-Arka-Agni-Samaana-Kuntala-Dharii Candra-Arka-Varnne[a-Ii]shvarii |
Maalaa-Pustaka-Paashaasa-Angkusha-Dharii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||9||

9.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Whose Divine Splendour is like Millions and Millions of Moons, Suns and
Fire; Whose Face shines like the Moon, radiating the Cool Rays of Compassion, which is also reflected on Her Red
Lips resembling the Bimba Fruit,
9.2: (Similarly) Whose Locks of Hair Shine with the Splendour of the Moon, Sun and the Fire; and Who, the great
Goddess, also has the Complexion radiating the Splendour of the Moon and the Sun,
9.3: Who holds a Rosary (signifying Repetition of God's name), Book (signifying Divine Knowledge), Noose (signifying
Divine Attraction) and Hook (signifying Divine Goading) in Her four Hands; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of
9.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

क्षत्रत्रवणकरी महवऽभयकरी मवतव कृपवसवगरी

सवक्षवन्मोक्षकरी सदव निर्करी नर्श्वे श्वरश्रीधरी ।
दक्षवक्रन्दकरी निरवमयकरी कविीपुरवधीश्वरी
नभक्षवं दे नह कृपवर्लम्बिकरी मवतवन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥१०॥
Kssatra-Traanna-Karii Mahaa-[A]bhaya-Karii Maataa Krpaa-Saagarii
Saakssaan-Mokssa-Karii Sadaa Shiva-Karii Vishveshvara-Shrii-Dharii |
Dakssaa-Kranda-Karii Niraamaya-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii
Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||10||

10.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Whose Great Power Protects the Devotees and grants them Great
Fearlessness; Who is the Great Mother and an Ocean of Compassion,
10.2: Whose Divine Form is a Visible bestower of Liberation and Whose presence always brings Auspicious blessings;
Who is indeed the repository of the Sri (Prosperity, Welfare and Auspiciousness) of Visweswara (Shiva),
10.3: Who makes Daksha (symbol of ego) Cry and in that repentence makes him Pure; Who is the Ruling Mother of
the city of Kasi,
10.4: O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

अन्नपूणे सदवपूणे िङ्करप्रवणर्ल्लभे ।

ज्ञविर्ैरवग्यनसद्ध्यथं नभक्षवं दे नह ि पवर्ानत ॥११॥
Annapuurnne Sadaa-Puurnne Shangkara-Praanna-Vallabhe |
Jnyaana-Vairaagya-Siddhy[i]-Artham Bhikssaam Dehi Ca Paarvati ||11||

11.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) O Mother Annapoorna, You Who are always Full (with the gift of Food and
Blessings), You Who are the Beloved of Shankara, ...
11.2: ... O Mother Parvati, Please grant me the Alms of Your Grace, to awaken within me Spiritual Knowledge and
Freedom from all Worldly Desires.

मवतव ि पवर्ाती दे र्ी नपतव दे र्ो महे श्वरुः ।

बवन्धर्वुः निर्भक्तवश्च स्वदे िो भु र्ित्रयम् ॥१२॥
Maataa Ca Paarvatii Devii Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah |
Baandhavaah Shiva-Bhaktaash-Ca Svadesho Bhuvana-Trayam ||12||

12.1: (Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) My Mother is Devi Parvati, and my Father is Deva Maheswara (Shiva),
12.2: My Friends are the devotees of Shiva, and my Country is all the Three Worlds (Whose Lord is Shiva-Parvati).

Note: Place the mouse over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
Click here to open the mouseover meanings in a new window.

Translated by greenmesg

Annapoorna Stotram - Related links:

1. Kashi: The famous temple of Devi Annapoorna is located in Kashi.

Stotras by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in this site:

01. Achyutashtakam
02. Annapoorna Stotram
03. Bhavani Ashtakam
04. Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
05. Dakshinamurthy Stotram
06. Ganesha Pancharatnam
07. Ganga Stotram
08. Jagannathashtakam
09. Kalabhairava Ashtakam
10. Kalika Ashtakam
11. Kamakshi Stotram
12. Kanakadhara Stotram
13. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalambam
14. Lalita Panchakam
15. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
16. Narmadashtakam
17. Nirvana Shatakam
18. Pandurangashtakam
19. Pratah Smarami
20. Ranganathashtakam
21. Sharada Bhujangam
22. Shiva Manasa Puja
23. Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
24. Shiva Pratah Smaran Stotram
25. Shivashtakam
26. Subramanya Bhujangam
27. Vishwanathashtakam
28. Yamunashtakam

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras: Stotras

Ganesha - Hanuman - Gurudeva - Gayatri

1. Brahma

2. Vishnu:
• Dasavataras: Matsya - Kurma - Varaha - Narasimha - Vamana - Parashurama - Rama - Krishna - Buddha - Kalki

3. Shiva
• Key Incarnations: Ardhanareeswara, Nandeeswara, Bhairava, Virabhadra, Hanuman
• 12 Jyotirlinga Incarnations: Somnath, Mallikarjuna, Mahakaleshwar, Omkareshwar, Kedarnath, Bhimashankar,
Vishwanath, Tryambakeshwar, Vaidyanath, Nageshwar, Rameshwar, Grishneshwar

1. Saraswati

2. Lakshmi - Tulasi - Bhoomi

3. Parvati: Durga - Annapoorna - Kamakshi - Meenakshi - Shakambari

• Dasa Mahavidyas: Kali - Tara - Tripurasundari - Bhuvaneswari - Tripurabhairavi - Chinnamasta - Dhumavati -
Bagalamukhi - Matangi - Kamalatmika

Murugan - Surya - Others
• Rivers: Ganga - Yamuna - Narmada

Vedas - Brahman

2. Pilgrimages: Pilgrimages
• Major: Ashtha Vinayakas - Divya Desams - Jyotirlingas - Shakti Peethas - Arupadai Veedus

3. Festivals: Festivals
• Major: Makar Shankranti - Vasant Panchami - Maha Shivaratri - Rama Navami - Hanuman Jayanti - Ganga Dussehra
- Jagannath Ratha Yatra - Guru Poornima - Krishna Janmashtami - Ganesh Chaturthi - Sharadiya Navaratri - Deepavali
- Skanda Shasthi

4. Scriptures: Scriptures
• Major: Vedas - Upanishads - Ramayana - Mahabharata - Ganesha Purana - Srimad Bhagavatam - Vishnu Purana -
Shiva Purana - Devi Mahatmyam - Devi Bhagavatam - Skanda Purana - Tantras

5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana - Saints

• Paths: Karma - Bhakti - Jnana - Dhyana - Vichara

6. Sadhana: Sadhana

7. Sanskrit: Sanskrit

8. Nature: Nature
• Sections: Stotras - Poems - Vedic Vision - Tree Search

Understanding the Earth - The Vedic way: >>

Peace of the Brahman is reflected in Nature:

नर्श्वेदेर्वुः िवन्द्रन्तुः ब्रह्म िवन्द्रन्तुः सर्ं िवन्द्रन्तुः
(Vishvedevaah Shaantih Brahma Shaantih Sarvam Shaantih)

Brahman is the absolute Peace. It is the Peace of Brahman that gets reflected in the vastness of Nature. The
divinities of Nature (Vishvedevaah) conveys that Peace. To perceive this we need to become the man-of-the-
universe (instead of simply man).

(Om Dyauha Shanti: Shanti Mantra from the Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

Next >>
1. ஓம் ஷண்முக பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ
ஓம் _ ஆறுமுகத் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

2. ஓம் ஷண்மத பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ ஆறு சமேங் களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

3. ஓம் ஷட்க்ரவ
ீ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ
ஓம் _ ஆறு திருக்கழுத்துக்களுலடே தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

4. ஓம் ஷட்க்ரீட பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ ஆறு கிரீடங் கலள அணிந்துள் ள தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

5. ஓம் ஷட்யகோண பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ அறுயகோணச் சக்கரத்திை் எழுந்தருளியிருக்கும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

6. ஓம் ஷட்யகோஷ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ ஆறு யதோத்திர நூை் களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

7. ஓம் நவநிதி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ ஒன் பது வலகேோன சசை் வங் களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

8. ஓம் சுபநிதி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யபரின் பச் சசை் வத்தின் (முக்தியின் பம் ) தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

9. ஓம் நரபதி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ அரசர் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

10. ஓம் ஸுரபதி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யதவர்கள் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

11. ஓம் நடச்சிவ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ நடனம் ஆடும் சிவனின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

12. ஓம் ஷடக்ஷர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ ஆசெழுத்துத் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

13. ஓம் கவிரோஜ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ கவிேரசர் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

14. ஓம் தபரோஜ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ தவத்தினருக்கு அரசோன தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

15. ஓம் இகபர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ இம் லம இன் பத்லதயும் மறுலம இன் பத்லதயும் அளிக்கும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

16. ஓம் புகழ் முனி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ திருப் புகழ் போடிே முனிவரோகிே அருணகிரிநோதரின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

17. ஓம் ஜேஜே பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ மிகுந்த சவெ் றிலேயுலடே தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

18. ஓம் நேநே பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ மிக்க நன் லமயும் இன் பமும் தரும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

19. ஓம் மஞ் சுள பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ அழகுருவோன தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

20. ஓம் குஞ் சரீ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யதவகுஞ் சரி எனும் சதே் வேோலன அம் லமயின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்
21. ஓம் வை் லீ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ
ஓம் _ வள் ளிேம் லம தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

22. ஓம் மை் ை பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ மெ் யபோரிை் வை் ை தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

23. ஓம் அஸ்த்ர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ லகவிடு பலடகளின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

24. ஓம் சஸ்த்ர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ லகவிடோப் பலடகளின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

25. ஓம் ஷஷ்டி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ சஷ்டி திதியிை் அலமந்த கந்த விரத்தத் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

26. ஓம் இஷ்டி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யவள் வித் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

27. ஓம் அயபத பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யவெ் றுலமேெ் ெ தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

28. ஓம் ஸுயபோத பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ சமே் ஞ் ஞோனம் அருளும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

29. ஓம் வியூஹ பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யசலனகளின் பலடவகுப் புத் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

30. ஓம் மயூர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ மயூர நோதனுக்கு வணக்கம்

31. ஓம் பூத பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ பூத வீரர்களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

32. ஓம் யவத பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ யவதங் களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

33. ஓம் புரோண பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ புரோணங் களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

34. ஓம் ப் ரோண பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ ஆன் மோவின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

35. ஓம் பக்த பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ அடிேோர்களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

36. ஓம் முக்த பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ போச பந்தங் களினின் றும் விடுபட்டவர்களுலடே தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

37. ஓம் அகோர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ அகோரம் எனும் விேட்டிப் பிரணவமோே் விளங் கும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

38. ஓம் உகோர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ உகோரம் எனும் விேட்டிப் பிரணவமோே் விளங் கும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

39. ஓம் மகோர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ மகோரம் எனும் விேட்டிப் பிரணவமோே் விளங் கும் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

40. ஓம் விகோச பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ எங் கும் நிலெந்துள் ள இலெவனுக்கு வணக்கம்
41. ஓம் ஆதி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ
ஓம் _ எை் ைோவெ் றிெ் கும் முதெ் கோரணமோகிே தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

42. ஓம் பூதி பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ சகை ஐசுவரிேங் களின் தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

43. ஓம் அமோர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ

ஓம் _ மோரலன எரித்த தலைவனுக்கு வணக்கம்

44. ஓம் குமோர பதயே நயமோ நம ஹ.

ஓம் _ குமோரனோகிே பிரோனுக்கு வணக்கம் .

... ஸ்ரீ குமோரஸ்த்தவம் முெ் றிெ் று.

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