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Chapter 4


This study concerns the whole operation of the business. It is all about how

the business is managed on a day to day operations as well as how it will start as

an entity. The proponents focused on how to meet the quality of giving services in

able to satisfy the needs and wants of the target markets.

Service Description

The PSU Review Center will provide the graduates of PSU Bayambang and

other schools a review programs that will help them to pass the licensure

examinations. The programs of this proposed project will help the reviewees to

focus on the lessons, guide them towards the topics to be studied, provide them

the right reference materials, and inspire them to review and study harder. The

review center will provide credible lecturers like the topnotchers of licensure

examination. They will give the reviewees an interactive approach of teaching and

give them various practice tests that will hone their testing skills.

Service Process

This study pertains to the series of actions in a review center that lead to a

particular result. The concept of this study is to know how important a process is

in order to maintain the quality of service in the business.


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