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School: Arco-Íris

Student: ________________________________________________
Teacher: Oedil Neta Class: __________ Date: _______/________/__________
“Sem limite para crescer” 4º Unidade


Questão 01: Leiam o parágrafo abaixo e respondam as questões

Ana Pierre and Miguel Sanchez are new students. Ana is from Haiti and Miguel is from Cuba. Ana is in
the ninth grade. She is 14. Miguel is in the eighth grade. He is 13. Ana is short and thin. Miguel is tall and heavy.
Ana and Miguel are in Mrs. Smith’s English class. Miguel is also in a computer class and Ana is in a cooking

a- Where is Miguel from? ________________________________________________________

b- Is Miguel a new student? _______________________________________________________
c- Is Miguel in the ninth grade? ____________________________________________________
d- How old is Miguel? ___________________________________________________________
e- Where is Ana from? ___________________________________________________________
f- Who is Ana and Miguel’s English teacher? _________________________________________
g- Is Ana tall? __________________________________________________________________
h- Is Ana in a computer class? ______________________________________________________
i- Is Ana in a cooking class? _______________________________________________________
j- Who is 14? ___________________________________________________________________

Questão 02: Complete the dialogue. Use How, What, What time, When, Where, and Who.

Emma: Hi, Martina._______________are you?

Martina: I'm fine, thanks. _____________is the karate club?
Emma: It's at seven o'clock. Martina:______________ is it?
Emma: It's in the gym.
Martina: Are you good at karate, Emma?
Emma: I'm an expert!

Questão 03: Fill in the blanks with interrogative words: who / whose / what / which / where / when / why / how :

a) " __________ is your car?" "It's in the garage."

b) " __________ lives in the White House?" "The president of the United States lives there."
c) " __________ do you go to the beach?" "On Saturdays."
d) " __________ pen is this?" "It's mine."
e) " __________ are you today?" "Very well, thank you."
f) " __________ do you drink at dinner?" "I drink water."
g) " __________ color do you prefer, red or blue?" "I prefer red."
h) " __________ do you smoke?" "Because I am a fool."

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