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By: Md. Makhjanul Islam Tauhid.

Contact: 01196103435 & also at:

Latin English source

Root(s)/citation Definition(s) Example(s) of Root(s)
Acerbate- Cause to be bitter or resentful;
To irritate. Acerbic- Bitter and sour.
Acumen- Quickness of perception,
sharpness. Acupuncture- Treatment of
acerb,acu,acr sharp, to pain or disease by inserting the tips of
i,aci sharpen, needles at specific points on the skin.
acris, acuere
needle, bitter Acuity- Sharpness (eg of mind, vision, etc)
.Acrimony - A rough and bitter manner.
Acidulate- Make sour or sourer.
Acidophilic-(Especially of some bacteria)
growing well in an acid medium.
Equivocate- use ambiguous words and
expressions to mislead. Adequate- Having
the requisite qualities or resources to meet
a task. Equilibrium - A stable situation in
which forces cancel one another.
to make
aequare equ Equability-the condition of being uniform
equal, even
or equal. Equalitarian- A person who
believes in the equality of all people.
Equanimity- Evenness of mind or temper;
the ability to stay cool in danger. Equative-
Denoting identity or equivalence.
Coeval- Of the same period. Medieval -
eval Relating to or belonging to the Middle
aevum age
Ages. Primeval- earliest, first, original,
early, old, ancient, prehistoric, primitive.
Agrestic- Characteristic of the fields or
ager, agri, agr country. Agronomy- The application of
agro soil and plant sciences to land
management and crop production.
agere, actum, to act, to do Agility- The gracefulness of a person or
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agitare agi,act,age animal that is quick and nimble. Agitate -
Try to stir up public opinion.
Alias- A name that has been assumed
ali temporarily. Alienate - Arouse hostility or
alius other, else
indifference where there had formerly
been love, affection, or friendliness.
Altercation- Noisy quarrel. Alter ego- the
other self; A very close and trusted friend
who seems almost a part of yourself.
Adulterate- Mixed with impurities.
alter alter,adul other Adulate-Flatter other person in an
obsequious manner. Adultery-
Extramarital sex that willfully and
maliciously interferes with marriage
Altimeter- An instrument that measures
the height above ground; used in
navigation. Exaltation- A state of being
altus high
alt carried away by overwhelming emotion.
Alto - The highest adult male singing
voice, above tenor.
Preamble- A preliminary statement or
introduction. Ambulatory - Relating to or
ambulare to walk, to go
amb adapted for walking. Amble-Walk at an
easy pace.
Amateur- Someone who pursues a study
or sport as a pastime. Amiable- friendly
amare, amor,
amat,ami,am to love, love, and pleasant in temperament; likeable.
o friend Amicable-In friendly spirit. Enamored-
Marked by foolish or unreasoning
Animism-The attribution of a soul to
natural objects and phenomena.
anim Animosity-A feeling of ill will arousing
life, soul,
anima active hostility. Inanimate- Appearing
breath, mind
dead; not breathing or having no
perceptible pulse. Unanimous - In
complete agreement.
Biennial-Recurring every two years.
Centennial-a hundredth anniversary.
annus enni/anni year Bicentennial - of or relating to an age or
period of 200 years. Perennial -lasting
through many years.

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Apparent- Clearly revealed to the mind or
appa,appe to come forth, the senses or judgment, appearance-
be visible Outward or visible aspect of a person or
Aptitude-A natural propensity or talent.
aptare, Adaptable-adjective able to adjust to new
to fit, suitable
aptus, apere apt,ept conditions. Ineptitude -having or showing
no skill.
Aqueous-Similar to, containing or
dissolved in water. Aquarelle-a painting in
aqua aqua water thin, usu. transparent watercolors.
Aquatic- Relating to water. Aqueduct - a
pipeline for water
Arbitration-(law) the hearing and
determination of a dispute by an impartial
referee agreed to by both parties (often
arbiter arbit judge used to settle disputes between labor and
management). Arbitrary-based on random
choice or personal whim, rather than any
reason or system.
Arboretum-A facility where trees and
shrubs are cultivated for exhibition.
arbor Arboreal-Of or relating to or formed by
arbor tree
trees, Arborist - someone working with
trees. Arbor - a shady area formed by
trees. Arborous - having many trees.
Arduous-Steep; difficult to climb;
ardere ardu,ardo to burn Difficult to accomplish.
Ardor- zeal, burning enthusiasm, passion.
Artifice-clever or cunning devices or
expedients, esp. as used to trick or deceive
artis art art others. Artifact-A product of human art
and workmanship. Artisan - a person
skilled in a craft.
Audit-An official examination and
verification of accounts. Audible - loud
audire to hear
aud enough to be heard. Audiovisual - relating
to sound and vision.
Augmentation- the action or process of
making or becoming greater in size or
augere to increase amount. Augur-Be a sign of something to
aug come, esp. something important or bad,
(increase the possibility of something to

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happen). August-inspiring reverence and
Avionics-Science and technology of
electronic systems and devices for
avi aeronautics and astronautics. Aviation-the
avis bird flying or operating of aircraft. Aviary-a
large cage, building, or enclosure for
keeping birds in. Avian-of or relating to
birds. Aviatrix - a female airplane pilot.
Beatific-Making blessed; imparting
beatus beat supreme happiness. Beatitude-
Rebellious-Resisting control or authority.
belli Bellicose- inclined to war or fighting;
bellare, to wage war,
warlike. Belligerent - hostile, ready to
bellum war
fight. Rebel - person who opposes and
Beneficent- Generous in assistance to the
poor. Benefactor - person who gives
money to a cause. Beneficial - producing a
bene well
bene good effect. Benevolent - showing
kindness or goodwill. Benediction-The act
of praying for divine protection.
Bonanza-An especially rich vein of
precious ore; A sudden happening that
brings good fortune (as a sudden
bonus, bon bon good opportunity to make money). Bonny-Very
pleasing to the eye. Bon voyage -An
organized expression of goodwill at the
start of a trip or new venture.
Abbreviate-shorten esp. represent (a word
etc.) by a part of it. Breviary-
brevis brev short, brief (Roman Catholic Church) a book of
prayers to be recited daily certain priests
and members of religious orders.
Recidivism-Habitual relapse into crime.
Cascade-A small waterfall, typically one of
several that falls in stages down a steep
cadere cad,cid fall rocky slope. Cadaver-A human corpse, esp
one used for organ transplant or
dissection. Decadent -State of decay.

caedere, cide to cut, kill Incision-The act of cutting in, esp (surgery)
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cid,cis into the soft tissues of the body. Pesticide-
A chemical used to kill pests (as rodents
or insects).
Recant- withdraws and renounces (a
cant,chant former belief or statement) as erroneous or
heretical. Chant-a spoken singsong phrase,
esp. one performed in unison by a crowd
cantare, to sing
etc. Cantata -a short narrative or
descriptive composition with vocal solos
and usu. chorus and orchestral
Capacious-Large in capacity. Incipient-
Beginning, coming into existence.
Intercept-To stop and seize on the way
capere, cap,cep,cip,c from one place to another. Participate-To
to take, hold,
captum, cip, eiv, have a share, or take part (in). Captive-a
cept person or animal that has been taken
prisoner or confined. Conceive-Have the
idea for. Precept -A general rule intended
to regulate behavior or thought.
Cape-A covering for the shoulders
cap,chap head attached as a tippet to a coat or cloak.
Carnal-Of the body or flesh; worldly.
Carnival-A festival marked by
carn merrymaking and processions. Incarnate-
carnis flesh
To embody in flesh, give human form to.
Carnivore-A terrestrial or aquatic flesh-
eating mammal.
Cavernous-A large cave or a large
cavare, cav to make underground chamber. Cavity-A hollow.
cavus hollow Excavate-Recover through digging.

brain; that
part of the
brain that is Cerebral - pertaining to the brain.
cerb- concerned Cerebrate - to use the brain. Cerebrospinal
with the - pertaining to the brain and the spinal
coordination cord
of body
cedere, to go, Concession-yielding to something; giving-
cessum withdraw, up; surrender. Recede-go or move back or

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ced,ces move further away from a previous position.
Exceed - to go beyond the limits.
Accessible - easily entered, approached, or
cap-,cep-,- Accept - to take a thing that is offered.
Capio,cipio take
cip-,-cept- Perceive - to take notice of something.
Concentric-of or denoting circles, arcs, or
other shapes that share the same center,
centr the larger often completely surrounding
the smaller. Concentrate- focus one's
centrum center attention or mental effort on a particular
object or activity. Egocentric - self-
centered. Eccentric - not having a common
center, not according to norm. Centrifugal
- moving outward from a center.
centum, centi hundred, Centurion- the commander of a century in
centi tenth, ten the ancient Roman army.
to see as
cern,cert being Discern- perceive or recognize
different, to (something). Certitude-absolute certainty
sift, or conviction that something is the case.
Civic-of or relating to a city or town, esp.
civ,cit citizen, its administration. Civility- formal
civis, civilis
community politeness and courtesy in behavior or
Reclamation- Seek the return of (one's
property, etc.). Clarity-Free from obscurity
to shout, cry and easy to understand; the
clamare, clalr,clam out acclaim, comprehensibility of clear expression.
clamor,clar clear, to make Claret-a deep purplish-red color. Clamor -
clear to shout and make noise. Proclamation -
something announced officially in public.
Clarification - an explanation.
Recluse-a person who lives a solitary life
and tends to avoid other people. Cloister-
A covered walk, often with a wall on one
side and a colonnade open to a quadrangle
clus.clois,clo to shut, close on the other, esp. in a convent, monastery,
or cathedral. Enclosure-An area that is
sealed off with an artificial or natural
barrier. Exclusion - shutting out, rejecting.
Seclude - to keep away from; isolating.

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Clemency-mildness; ready to forgive;
clem mild, gentle; kind; (of weather) temperate and
merciful comfortable. Inclement- (of the weather or
climate) severe, esp. cold, rainy, or stormy.
Clinometers-An instrument used by
surveyors in order to measure an
angle of inclination or elevation. Incline-To
clinare clin to lean, slope lean forward or downward. Inclination - a
leaning toward. Recline - to lean back and
relax. Decline-become smaller, fewer, or
less; decrease.
Portcullis-Gate consisting of an iron or
wooden grating that hangs in the entry to
a castle or fortified town; can be lowered
to prevent passage. Percolate- (of liquid
col,cul to strain,
colare etc.) filter or ooze gradually (esp. through
a porous surface); (of an idea etc.)
permeate gradually. Colander- a
perforated metal or plastic container, used
to strain off liquids.
Cult- A system of religious beliefs and
rituals often false and cultivated.
Analculture- A mixed bacterial culture;
especially, one used in the preparation of
colere, cult, col to till, care, autogenous vaccines. Apiculture- The
cultus cultivate raising and care of bees for commercial or
agricultural purposes. Colonize- To
migrate to and settle in; occupy as a
colony. Cultigens- A cultivated plant of
unknown or obscure taxonomic origin.
Precocious- Often derogatory (of a person,
esp. a child and action) prematurely
developed in some faculty or
coquere, to cook, to
coc,cook characteristic; (of plant) (of a plant)
coctum mature
flowering or fruiting early. Concoction- a
mixture of various ingredients or
Cordial- warm and friendly. Accord- (of a
cor, cordis cord,cour heart concept or fact) be harmonious or
consistent with.
cori Excoriate- To strip the skin from; to
corium skin, hide
criticize severely.
corona crown Corona- A crown or crown-like structure.

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Coronation- the act or ceremony of
crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's
coro consort. Coronary- (of blood vessels,
nerves, etc.) resembling or encircling like a
Corporeal- Having material or physical
form or substance. Corporation - a
corpus corp body company recognized by law as a single
body. Corpse - a dead body. Corporal -
pertaining to the body.
Credentials- A document attesting to the
cred truth of certain stated facts. Credence -
credere, to believe,
belief that something is true or valid.
credens trust
Credulous - believing things too easily,
gullible. Incredible – unbelievable.
Crescendo- (music) a gradual increase in
loudness. Concretism- A representation of
cres,cret, to grow an abstract idea in concrete terms.
Accretion- An increase by natural growth
or addition.
Criminology- The scientific study of crime
crime, and criminal behaviour and
crim offense law enforcement. Incriminate - Suggest
that someone is guilty.
Excruciating- Extremely painful. Crusade-
cruciare, to torture, an organized campaign concerning a
crux, crucis cruc,curx cross political, social, or religious issue, typically
motivated by a fervent desire for change.
Culpable- Deserving blame or censure as
culp to blame, being wrong or evil or injurious.
fault Exculpate- show or declare that (someone)
is not guilty of wrongdoing.
Accumulate - to gather or pile up.
cumulare to heap up
cumul Cumulative - gradually building up.
Curate- a member of the clergy engaged as
assistant to a vicar, rector, or parish priest.
curare, cura, cur to take care Manicure- a cosmetic treatment of the
curatus of, concern hands involving cutting, shaping, and
often painting of the nails, removal of the
cuticles, and softening of the skin.
Precursor- a person or thing that comes
cur,cour to run, go before another of the same kind; a
cursus, cour
forerunner. Concur- Be in accord; be
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in agreement.
Denture- A dental appliance that
artificially replaces missing teeth.
Endodontia- The branch of dentistry
dens, dentis tooth
den,don dealing with diseases of the dental pulp.
Dentifrice- A substance for cleaning the
teeth; applied with a toothbrush.
Deify- Consider as a god or godlike. Deity-
Any supernatural being worshipped as
controlling some part of the world or some
dei aspect of life or who is the personification
deus, dei god
of a force. Deism- The form of theological
rationalism that believes in God on the
basis of reason without reference to
Ambidextrous- Equally skilful with each
dexter, right, right
dextr,dext hand. Dextrorotation- Rotation to the
dextro hand
Abdicate- Give up, such as power, as of
monarchs and emperors, or duties and
obligations. Indict- Accuse formally of a
dict,dic to speak, say crime. Contradict - to express the opposite
of. Prediction - a statement foretelling the
future. Dictate - to speak out loud for
another person to write down.
Condign- Fitting or appropriate and
deserved; used especially of punishment.
dignus fitting,
dign Dignitary- An important or influential
(and often overbearing) person.
Dirge- A song or hymn of mourning
dirigere, composed or performed as a memorial to a
to direct
directus dirig,direct dead person. Dirigible- Capable of being
steered or directed.
Docent- Serving to instruct; teaching.
docere, doc,doct Doctrine - A belief (or system of beliefs)
to teach
doctum accepted as authoritative by some group
or school.
Domineering - excessively controlling.
dominus dom lord, master Predominate - to have more power than
Domesticity- home or family life. Major-
a dwelling,
domus dom domo- the chief steward of a large
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Condone- accept and allow (behavior that
don to give, to is considered morally wrong or offensive)
donare, do
forgive to continue. Donee-The person to whom a
gift is made.
Dormitory- A large sleeping-room with
many beds; a resting place. Condorm-to
dormire, dorm sleep together. Dormant-lying asleep;
to sleep
dorm inactive. Dormifacient- Bringing about
sleep or aiding in attaining sleep; a
dormifacient agent.
Abduct- (crime) take away to an
undisclosed location against their will and
duc,duct usually in order to extract a ransom.
Seduction- Enticing someone astray from
ducere, to lead, take,
right behavior. Conducive- making a
ductum bring
certain situation or outcome likely or
possible. Conduct - to lead musicians in
playing music. Deduction - a subtraction
of an amount.
Obdurate- stubbornly refusing to change
one's opinion or course of action. Duress -
durare, to harden,
dur Compulsory force or threat. Durable -
durus hard
having the quality of lasting. Enduring -
able to last.
first person, Egoistic - self-centered. Alter ego - a higher
ego ego singular aspect of oneself. Egomania - excessive
pronoun preoccupation with oneself.
Aberration- A state or condition markedly
different from the norm. Err- To make a
errare, to wander, go
err mistake or be incorrect. Erratic- not even
erratum astray
or regular in pattern or movement;
Confabulate- engage in conversation; talk.
fabula fabl story Fable- a short story, typically with animals
as characters, conveying a moral.
Manufacture- the making of articles on a
fac,fact,fix,fe to make, to large scale using machinery. Facsimile- an
factum, fect,
c do exact copy, esp. of written or printed
Fallacious- A mistaken belief, esp. based
to deceive,
fallere fal on unsound argument. Infallible-
Incapable of error.
ferre, latum to bear, to Relate- Make a logical or causal
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fer,lat carry connection. Confer - to bring an honor to
Fervor- Feelings of great warmth and
to boil, glow,
fervere ferv intensity. Effervescent- (of a liquid) giving
off bubbles; fizzy.
Perfidy- deceitfulness; untrustworthiness.
fidere, to trust,
fid, Confide - place trust in someone. Fidelity –
fidelis, fides believe, faith
faithfulness. Fiduciary - a trustee.
Infinity- Time without end. Finite-
finire, finis, fini to end, to bounded or limited. Confinement-
fin limit imprisonment, internment, custody,
Affirm- firm, corroborate. Firmament- the
to make firm,
firmare firm heavens or the sky, esp. when regarded as
a tangible thing.
Deflect - to bend course because of hitting
flect,flex to bend something. Inflection - a bending in the
voice's tone or pitch.
Confluence- the junction of two rivers, esp.
rivers of approximately equal width.
fluere, Effluvium- an unpleasant or harmful odor,
fluxum, flux,flu to flow secretion, or discharge. Influx- An arrival
fluctus or entry of large numbers of people or
things. Flume- A narrow gorge with a
stream running through it.
Fort- (military) a fortified military post
fortis fort strong where troops are stationed. Fortify- Make
strong or stronger.
Frangible- Capable of being broken.
frangere, frang,fract Infringement- the action of breaking the
to break
fractum terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
Fracture - a break. Fragile - easy to break.
Fraternal- Of or like a brother or brothers.
frat Fraternize - associate or form a friendship
frater brother
with someone, esp. when one is not
supposed to.
Centrifugal- moving or tending to move
away from a center. Fugue- Music a
contrapuntal composition in which a short
to flee melody or phrase (the subject) is
fug introduced by one part and successively
taken up by others and developed by
interweaving the parts. Fugitive - a person
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who is running away. Refuge - a sheltered
place to flee to. Refugee - a person seeking
Fumitory- an Old World plant with spikes
of small tubular pink or white flowers and
fum finely divided grayish leaves, often
fumus smoke
considered a weed. Fumaroles- an opening
in or near a volcano, through which hot
sulfurous gases emerge.
Generic- Characteristic of or relating to an
birth, origin,
entire class; general, not specific or special.
generare, race, species,
gen Engender- cause or give rise to (a feeling,
genus1 kind, to beget,
situation, or condition). Genealogy - the
study of the history of a family.
Conglomeration- A number of different
to form into a things, parts or items that are grouped
glom ball together. Agglomerate- a mass of things
collected together.
gnoscere, cogn,gnos,gn Gnostic- of or relating to knowledge, esp.
cognoscere, ar esoteric mystical knowledge. Cognition -
to know
gnarus, process of acquiring knowledge. Incognito
cognitum - disguised so no one knows you.
Gratitude- the quality of being thankful;
readiness to show appreciation for and to
gratia, gratus grat return kindness. Gratify - to please
favor, thanks
someone. Gratuity - a tip, token of
Aggravate- Make worse. Gravamen- the
gravare, grav to weigh essence or most serious part of a complaint
gravis down, heavy or accusation. Gravid- technical pregnant;
carrying eggs or young.
Segregate-Separate by race or religion;
practice a policy of racial segregation.
greg,grex flock, herd, to Congregation- A group of people who
grex, gregis,
gather into a adhere to a common faith and habitually
flock attend a given church. Gregarious-
Instinctively or temperamentally seeking
and enjoying the company of others.
Inhibit-To put down by force or authority.
habere, Inhabit-Be an inhabitant of; spend most of
to have, hold
habitum hab,hib one's life in. Prohibit-Tending to
discourage (especially of prices) to hold.
haerere to stick Coherence-Logical, orderly, and consistent
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here relation of parts. Adhere-Be compatible or
in accordance with.
Herbaceous-(botany) characteristic of a
nonwoody herb or plant part. Herbicide -
herba herb grass, herb any chemical used to kill unwanted plants,
etc. Herbivorous - plant-eating. Herbal -
relating to plants.
hilarare, hila to gladden, Hilarious-extremely amusing. Exhilarate-
hilaris merry Fill with sublime emotion.
Homicidal-The killing of a human being
homo homi man by another. Hominine-Characteristic of
Horrendous-Causing fear, dread or terror.
to shudder,
horrere hor Abhor- detest; regard with disgust and
Infrastructure - underlying framework of a
infra-, infero- under, below,
infra system. Infrared - below the regular light
, infer beneath
Judicial - having to do with judges or
jud judge courts of law. Judiciary - a system of courts
of law.
jungere, jung,junct Disjunction - a disconnection. Junction - a
to join
junctum place where two things join.
Jurisprudence- the theory or philosophy of
law; a legal system. Abjure-Formally reject
jus, juris, law, right, to
jur,just or disavow a formerly held belief, usually
jurare swear
under pressure. Perjury-Criminal offence
of making false statements under oath.
Juvenescent-Growing or becoming young.
Juvenile - youthful or childish. Rejuvenate
juvenis young
juven - to bring back to youthful strength or
laudare, laud to praise,
Laudable-Worthy of high praise.
laudatum glory
Lavender-A small aromatic evergreen
shrub of the mint family, with narrow
leaves and bluish-purple flowers. Laver-a
lavare to wash washing or fountain basin; a font. Lavish-
Giving or producing in large quantities;
profuse. Lavabo- the ritual washing of the
celebrant's hands at the offertory of the

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to loosen,
laxare Laxity-Not sufficiently strict or severe.
lax widen
Elegant- Refined and tasteful in
appearance, behaviour or style. Elite-A
group or class of persons enjoying
legere, leg,lec,lit to read, superior intellectual or social or economic
lectum3 choose, gather status. Dialect-The usage or vocabulary
that is characteristic of a specific group of
people. Legend-A story about mythical or
supernatural beings or event.
Privilege-A special right or advantage
available only to a particular person or a
lex, legis,
lex,leg law group of people. Illegitimate-Contrary to
or forbidden by law. Legislature-Persons,
who make, amend or repeal laws.
Libel- Law a published false statement that
is damaging to a person's reputation; a
liber book
libe,libr written defamation. Libretto- the text of an
opera or other long vocal work.
liber Liberate - to set free. Libertine - a person
liber free
with a free, wild lifestyle.
Allegiance- loyalty or commitment of a
subordinate to a superior or of an
individual to a group or cause. Allay- state
formally cooperating with another for a
ligare lig.leg to bind military or other purpose, typically by
treaty. Oblige-make (someone) legally or
morally bound to an action or course of
action. Ligature-A thing used for tying or
binding something tightly.
Obliterate- destroy utterly; wipe out.
littera lit,let letter Literati-well-educated people who are
interested in literature.
Soliloquy-Speech you make to yourself.
Loquacious-Full of trivial conversation.
Circumlocution-the use of many words
loqui, locutus loc,loq speak, talk where fewer would do, esp. in a deliberate
attempt to be vague or evasive. Eloquent -
speaking beautifully and forcefully
.Elocution - art of public speaking.

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Translucent-Allowing light to
pass through diffusely. Lucifer-A planet
(usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in
the eastern sky. Luminous -Softly bright or
lucere, lux,
lux,luc,lum to shine, light radiant. Elucidate - to explain, to throw
lucis, lumen
light on. Lucid - easily understood, giving
off light. Translucent - allowing light
through, Illuminate - to fill with light.
Lumen - unit measuring light.
Interlude-a temporary amusement or
entertaining episode. Ludicrous- absurd or
ludere, lus,lud to play, to ridiculous; laughable. Prelude -
lusum, ludus mock introduction to the major performance.
Illusion - misleading optical image or
impression; delude - to mislead, deceive.
Lunate-crescent-shaped. Lunula-A
crescent-shaped mark, esp. the white area
at the base of the fingernail. Lunar -
luna moon
luna/u relating to the moon. Lunarscape - the
surface of the moon. Lunatic - insane (as if
driven mad by the moon).
Magnanimous-nobly generous; not petty
magnus, magn in feelings or conduct. Magnificent –
magna grand. Magnate - a powerful person,
especially in business or industry.
mal,mal Malevolent-wishing evil to others.
Malfeasance-Law evildoing; illegal action.
bad, evil, Grand mal- a serious form of epilepsy with
malus, mal
wrong loss of consciousness (compare petit mal).
Malcontent - wrong content. Malicious -
showing strong ill will.
Mandate-An official order or commission
mandare, to order, to
mand to do something. Commandment-a divine
mando command
Emancipate- set free, esp. from legal,
social, or political restrictions. Manumit-
manus, mani,
mani hand Free from slavery or servitude. Maneuver -
to move by hand Manuscript - a book
written by hand.
Marina - a harbor for pleasure boats.
Maritime - relating to the sea; submarine -
mare sea
mar an undersea boat. Aquamarine - blue-
green in color, like sea water.

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mater,matr Maternity - the state of being a mother.
mater mother
matriarch - a woman head of a household.
Medieval - pertaining to the Middle Ages.
medius, med,mid Mediocre - only of medium (inferior)
medio quality. Midriff - the area between the
chest and the waist.
Mentation-The process of using your mind
mens mind
men/t to consider something carefully.
Migratory-A change of abode. Emigrant-
Someone who leaves one country to settle
to move from
migr in another. Immigrant - a person who
migrare one place to
moves to a new country to settle. Migrant -
person who moves from place to place.
Migration - the process of moving.
Demilitarize-remove all military forces
from (an area). Militia-a military force that
to serve as
militare mili is raised from the civil population to
supplement a regular army in an
Mirage-an optical illusion caused by
atmospheric conditions, esp. the
mirare, to look at, to
mira appearance of a sheet of water in a desert
miror, mirari wonder at
or on a hot road caused by the refraction of
light from the sky by heated air.
Emissary-Someone sent on a mission to
mit,mis represent the interests of someone else.
Remit-Send (money) in payment; hold
mittere, to send, let,
back for a later time. Commissary-
missum go
(military) a retail store that sells
equipment and provisions (usually to
military personnel).
Admonition-Cautionary advice about
moni to warn something imminent (especially imminent
danger or other unpleasantness).
Morbid-Suggesting an unhealthy
mental state. Morbilli-An acute and
morbus morb disease highly contagious viral disease marked by
distinct red spots followed by a rash;
occurs primarily in children.
Morsel-A small quantity of anything.
mordere, Remorse-A feeling of deep regret (usually
to bite
morsun mors,mord for some misdeed).Mordacious-Capable of
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Mores-(sociology) the conventions that
moris mor embody the fundamental values of a
Post-mortem-Discussion of an event after
it has occurred. Mortgage-A conditional
conveyance of property as security for the
repayment of a loan. Mortmain-
mors, mortis,
mori,mort,m deather, to die (corporation) real property held
ors inalienably (as by an ecclesiastical
corporation); The oppressive influence of
past events or decisions. Mortal - certain to
die. Mortician - an undertaker.
Immutable - not changing. Mutant - an
mut to change organism that has undergone changes.
Mutate - to undergo a change.
Prenatal- before birth; during or relating to
nat,nais to bear, to pregnancy. Renaissance-the revival of art
nascor, natus
born and literature under the influence of
classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.
Negation-A negative statement; a
statement that is a refusal or denial of
negat to deny some other statement. Abnegate-
renounce or reject (something desired or
Annihilate-destroy utterly; obliterate.
nil,nihil Nihilism-A revolutionary doctrine that
nihil nothing
advocates destruction of the social system
for its own sake.
Innocuous-Not injurious to physical or
to harm,
nocere noc,nox mental health. Obnoxious- extremely
Nomenclature-a set or system of names,
esp. as used in a particular science etc.
nom/I,en to name, Misnomer - an error in naming a person or
name thing. Nominal - being something in name
only but not in reality. Nominate - to name
for election or appointment, to designate.
Normative-Relating to or dealing with
norma norm rule norms or rules. enormity-Monstrous
wickedness through violation of norms.
Connotation-An idea that is implied or
notare to mark, note suggested. Notable - marked as worthy of
not/I,e,a attention. Notarize - to certify a signature
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on a legal document. Annotate - to add
Innovate - to introduce a new way.
Novelty - something new. Novice - a
novus new
nov person who is new at a job. Renovate - to
make something like new again.
Equinox-Either of the two occasions in the
year when the sun crosses the celestial
nox, noct nox,noc night equator and day and night are of equal
length throughout the world. Nocturnal-
done, occurring, or active at night.
Annul-declare invalid (an official
agreement, decision, or result).
nullus none
nul Nullifidian-a person having no faith or
religious belief.
Nuncio-An ambassador from the Pope.
nuntiare, to report, tell, Renounce- formally declare one's
nuntius nun,noun messenger abandonment of (a claim, right, or
Monocle-a single eyeglass, kept in position
oculus ocul eye by the muscles around the eye. Binocular-
adapted for or using both eyes.
Magnum opus-A great work of art or
literature. Opera-A drama set to music;
opus, operari opu,ope work, to work consists of singing with orchestral
accompaniment and an orchestral overture
and interludes. Operative-functional.
Disparate- essentially different in kind; not
parare, par, par to make allowing comparison. Parity-The state or
pari equal, equal condition of being equal, esp. regarding
status or pay. Peer-an equal.
Pathogenic-Able to cause disease. Passive-
Suffering action; acted upon. Passionate-
Having or expressing strong emotions;
passus, pati pat,pas suffer strong aching or suffering for something.
Pathos-A quality that arouses emotions
(especially pity or sorrow). Pathic-Passive;
Paternoster-(Roman Catholic Church) the
Lord's Prayer in Latin; translates as 'our
pater pat,part father father'. Patronize-Act as a patron towards
(a person, cause, artist, etc.); support;
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Pacific-Peaceful in character or intent.
pax, pacis pac,peas peace Appease-Pacify or placate (someone) by
acceding to their demands.
Expedition-A journey or voyage for a
particular purpose, esp. tourism,
exploration, or scientific research.
Peduncle- the stalk of a flower, fruit, or
pedis, pes foot
ped cluster, esp. a main stalk bearing a solitary
flower or subordinate stalks (compare

Compel- force or oblige (someone) to do

something. Expel-Force out or eject (a
substance from the body, a gas from a
pellere, to drive,
pel,pul cavity, etc.). Propel- drive, push, or cause
pulsus driven
to move in a particular direction, typically
forward. Pulsate- expand and contract
with strong regular movements.
Impending- be about to happen.
pendere, Compendium- A collection of detailed
to weigh,
pensare, pend items of information, esp. in a book.
hang, weight
pendulus Appendage- To hang on or attach to a
more important part of something.
Impetuous- acting or done quickly and
without thought or care. Petulant- (of a
to rush at,
petere petu,peti person or their manner) childishly sulky or
bad-tempered. Petition- A supplication or
Placate- make (someone) less angry or
hostile. Implacable- That cannot be
,placare, plac to soother, appeased or placated; unstoppable,
placidus, gentle, to relentless. Placebo- a harmless pill,
placere please medicine, or procedure prescribed more
for the psychological benefit to the patient
than for any physiological effect.
Plaudit- an act of applause. Implode- To
plaudere, to clap,
plaud,plod (cause to) collapse inwards suddenly and
plauseum applaud
Plenipotentiary- a person (esp. a diplomat)
invested with the full power of
plenus full independent action. Replenish- To fill
plen completely something which may be
emptied or less filled-up before. Plenty- A

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full supply.
Expletive- An oath, swear word, or other
expression, used in an exclamation; A
word used to fill out a sentence etc., esp. in
plere, pletum plet to fill verse, without adding anything to the
sense. Replete- Filled or well-supplied
with. Deplete-To empty, reduce, exhaust,
use up.
Implicate- show (a person or thing) to be
concerned or involved (in a charge, crime,
etc.). Complicate- make or become
plicat,ply difficult, confused, or complex. Explicate-
plicatum, to fold
Make clear, explain., Plait- a single length
plicit, ply
of hair or other flexible material made up
of three or more interlaced strands; a
Plurality- An advocate of democratic
principles. Surplus- A quantity much
larger than is needed. Pluralistic- A
plus, pluris more
plur,plus condition or system in which two or more
states, groups, principles, sources of
authority, etc., coexist.
ponere, Depot-Station where transport vehicles
to place
positum Posi,pot load or unload passengers or goods.
Populace- The common people. Populate-
Be an inhabitant of; spend most of one's
populus popul people life in. Populous- Densely populated.
Populist- An advocate of democratic
Portage- The cost of carrying or
transporting. Portable - able to be carried.
portare, port port to carry Porter - a person who carries luggage.
Portal- A gate or doorway, esp a great or
magnificent one.
Apportion- Distribute according to a plan
portio portion share, portion or set apart for a special purpose.
Proportionate- In fit or correct proportion.

Posthumous - after someone's death.

after, behind, Postpone - delaying something. Postscript
post later, - an addition to an already completed
subsequent document.

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Potentate-a monarch or ruler, esp. an
autocratic one. Potentiometer-an
potent powerful instrument for measuring difference of
electric potential. Omnipotent - Having
unlimited power.
Apprentice-Someone who works for an
prehendere, to seize, take expert in order to learn a trade.
prehensum pren, prehen hold Reprehensible-deserving censure or
Depress-Lower someone's spirits; make
downhearted. Oppress-Dominate or
subjugate by unjust use of one's authority
and power. Decompress- to release from
pressus pressed down
press pressure; to restore to its original state.
Irrepressible-Not able or willing to be
restrained subdued or (loosely) kept out of
the limelight.
prec,pric Depreciation-The falling of value.
pretiare, prec to value
Precious-Of great price or worth.
Primordial-Having existed from the
beginning; in an earliest or original stage
or state. Prima facie-On the first view.
Imprimis- in the first place; first in order.
primus, prim,pris Primeval, Primaeval-Having existed from
primatis the beginning; in an earliest or original
stage or state. Primigravida-(obstetrics) a
woman who is pregnant for the first time.
Pristine-in its original condition,
unspoiled; clean and fresh as if new.
Privilege-A special advantage, immunity
priv separate, or benefit not enjoyed by all. Deprive -
peculiar Take away possessions, function, power or
Probation-(Law) a system of suspending
the sentence on an offender subject to a
period of good behavior under
supervision; A process or period of testing
probatum to prove, test
prob,prov the character or abilities of a person in a
certain role, esp. of a new employee.
Probative-affording proof; evidential.
Probe-Investigate thoroughly to see if true.
proximus nearest Approximate-Fairly correct or accurate;

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near to the actual. Proximity- The property
proxim of being close together. Proximal-situated
towards the centre of the body or point of
Pugilist-Someone who fights with his fists
for sport. Pugnacious - having a
quarrelsome or aggressive nature.
pugil, pugn,pung Repugnant - distasteful, offensive or
boxer, to fight
pugnare revolting. Pungent - Having a sharp or
strong taste or smell;
(of remarks) penetrating, biting, caustic,

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