Tackling Evil Only With Love and Truth: L'Osservatore Romano

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VATICAN CITY Back issues: : 2.00.

N. 8 (1982) - 21 February 2007
Editorial Office: Via del Pellegrino, 00120 Vatican City, Europe - Telephone 39/06.698.99.390 - Telefax 39/06.698.83675 INTERNET: www.vatican.va/news_services/or/home_eng.html E-MAIL: ornet@ossrom.va


Tackling evil only with love and truth

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Dear brothers and sisters,€Lent, which
This Sunday's Gospel contains some On Sunday, 18 February, prior to the recitation of the Angelus with the will begin this Wednesday with the Rite
of the most typical and forceful words faithful in St Peter's Square, the Holy Father reflected on Jesus' injunc- of Ashes, is the favourable season in
of Jesus’ preaching: “Love your ene- tion to love our enemies, and to counter the excess violence and injustice which all Christians are asked to con-
mies” (Lk 6:27). It is taken from Luke’s in the world with “more love” and “more goodness”. The following is a vert ever more deeply to Christ's love.
Gospel but is also found in Matthew’s translation of the Pope's Reflection, given in Italian. Let us ask the Virgin Mary, docile disci-
(5:44), in the context of the program- ple of the Redeemer who helps us to al-
matic discourse that opens with the fa- low ourselves to be won over without
mous “Beatitudes”. Jesus delivered it in reserve by that love, to learn to love as
Galilee at the beginning of his public he loved us, to be merciful as Our Fa-
life: it is, as it were, a “manifesto” pre- ther in Heaven is merciful (cf. Lk 6:36).
sented to all, in which he asks for his
disciples' adherence, proposing his mod- After the Angelus the Pope said:
el of life to them in radical terms. In various countries of the East, the
But what do his words mean? Why new lunar year is celebrated today with
does Jesus ask us to love precisely our joy and within the intimacy of families.
enemies, that is, a love which exceeds I warmly wish all those great peoples
human capacities? serenity and prosperity.
Actually, Christ's proposal is realistic I would then like to express my spir-
because it takes into account that in the itual closeness to an African Country
world there is too much violence, too
that is living through an especially diffi-
much injustice, and therefore that this
cult moment: Guinea. The Bishops of
situation cannot be overcome except by
that Nation have expressed to me their
countering it with more love, with more
goodness. This “more” comes from God: apprehension at the situation of social
it is his mercy which was made flesh in paralysis, together with general strikes
Jesus and which alone can “tip the bal- and violent reactions that have taken a
ance” of the world from evil to good, heavy toll of victims. In asking for re-
starting with that small and decisive spect for human and civil rights, I as-
“world” which is the human heart. sure them of my prayers that the com-
mon commitment to take the way of di-
Fighting evil with love and truth alogue will€lead€to overcoming€the crisis.
This Gospel passage is rightly consid- I greet all the English-speaking pil-
ered the magna carta of Christian non- A man tries to stop demonstrators in Conakry, Guinea, West Africa, the scene of two grims and visitors present at today’s An-
weeks of strikes and violence. The Pope has called for “respect for human and civil
violence. It does not consist in succumb- rights” in the Nation as well as a “common commitment to take the way of dialogue”.
gelus, including a group of American
ing to evil, as a false interpretation of confirmation candidates from Hohenfels
“turning the other cheek” (cf. Lk 6:29) of God’s love and power that he is not rely ultimately on human resources but and Garmisch in Germany. As we pre-
claims, but in responding to evil with afraid to tackle evil with the weapons of is a gift of God which is obtained by pare to enter the holy season of Lent,
good (cf. Rom 12:17-21) and thereby love and truth alone. trusting solely and unreservedly in his let us recognize our sins and weakness-
breaking the chain of injustice. Love of one's enemy constitutes the merciful goodness. Here is the newness es, and deepen our desire to forgive and
One then understands that for Chris- nucleus of the “Christian revolution”, a of the Gospel which silently changes the to grow in compassion. Upon all of you
tians, non-violence is not merely tactical revolution not based on strategies of world! Here is the heroism of the “low- and your loved ones, I invoke the joy
behaviour but a person's way of being, economic, political or media power: the ly” who believe in God's love and spread and peace of Christ the Lord!
the attitude of one who is so convinced revolution of love, a love that does not it, even at the cost of their lives. I wish everyone a good Sunday!

‘They shall
look on him
whom they
have pierced’,
the Holy
Father's 2007
Christians to
renew their
lives in Jesus
during this The Pontiff praises the variety
sacred of input, ‘zeal’ and ‘creativity’
season. in charity of Christian volunteers.
See€pages€6-7. See page 5.

At the GENERAL AUDIENCE on Wednesday, 14

Moral€&€Political€Science PAGE€2 Disease€relief€project PAGE€4 February, the Holy Father concluded his series of Cate-
cheses on the Apostles of the Church with a Commen-
tary on the women who generously put their lives at
Moral€Law€Congress PAGE€3 Ecumenical€relations PAGE€9 the service of the Gospel. The Pontiff cites examples of
those who served Jesus and the early Christian com-
munity, giving thanks for the “feminine genius” that has
assisted the Church throughout history.
Ecclesial€Movements PAGE€4 U.N.€interventions PAGE€10 PAGE€11

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