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Cipriano P.

Primicias National High School


First Quarter Examination

English 10

Direction: Read and understand each question. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. What causes Icarus's wings to fall off?
a. The sun melts the candle wax
b. The peanut butter gets eaten
c. Icarus is dumb
d. Icarus removed his wings
2. Why did Minos imprison Daedalus in the Labyrinth?
a. Because Daedalus killed Queen Pasiphae
b. Because Daedalus helped Theseus and Ariadne escaped from Crete
c. Because Daedalus helped Icarus
d. Because Daedalus tried to kill the Minotaur and escaped from Crete
3. Who discovered Perseus and Danae after they washed up on the shore?
a. Hermes b. Dictys c. Polydectes d. Andromeda
4. What happens to anyone who lays eyes on Medusa?
a. They melt b. They are blinded c. They
become snake d. They turned into a stone
5. It refers to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, or electronic expression
or a physical gesture or any combination thereof, directed at another student which causes him/her to have
a physical or emotional damage. What do you call this idea?
a. Playing b. bullying c. eating d. stealing
6. What do you call the conduct resulting to harassment, intimidation, or humiliation through the use of
technology or any electronic means?
a. Social bullying b. gender-based bullying c. bully d. cyberbullying
b. What is the literary device that compares two things or ideas by using the words “like” or “as”?
c. Metaphor b. simile c. personification d. onomatopoeia
7. What is the type of non-fiction writing used to convince the reader to agree with the author about an issue?
a. Persuasive Text b. descriptive Text c. Sequence d. Compare and contrast
8. What is the literary device that compares two things or ideas by using the words “like” or “as”?
a. Metaphor b. simile c. personification d. onomatopoeia
9. Which one is the best definition of the word “loom”?
a. An apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread.
b. An apparatus for making bags and shoes
c. An apparatus for making food with preservatives
d. An apparatus for making cement for buildings
10. Which one is the best definition of the word “labyrinth”?
a. A special kind of metal bolt
b. A brown bird
c. Showing strong feelings of sexual attraction
d. A place with confusing paths
11. Which one is the third part of a plot that refers to the turning point of a story?
a. Exposition b. rising action c. climax d. falling action
12. What are the five major elements of a short story?
a. Character, setting, theme, plot, and point of view
b. Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
c. Characters, rising action, plot, theme, resolution
d. Protagonist, antagonist, climax, exposition, characters
13. What is the central idea of a story?
a. Character b. setting c. theme d. plot
14. What element of a short story that pertains to the persons or animals involved in the story?
a. Character b. setting c. theme d. plot
15. It is a thought or belief about something or someone. What is this?
a. Fact b. opinion c. assertion d. lie
16. How will you paraphrase the line from the story, “The Gorgon’s Head: “No sons shall be born to you but you
shall have a grandson, and by his hand you shall die”. It was stated by a priestess to Acrisius.
a. Acrisius will have a son and that son will kill him.
b. Acrisius will have a daughter who will have one hand only.
c. Acricius will not have his own son however he will have a grandson who will kill him.
d. Acrisius will have his own son however he will have a grandson too.
17. Daedalus has designed and built the maze to hide the Minotaur. How will you describe Daedalus?
a. A doctor b. an engineer c. a teacher d. an architect
18. Classroom situation: Wendy, the president of the class, instructed everyone to do their respective assigned
task. However, her classmate, Robi, who was at the bottom in their class ranking, was instructed to just
sweep the floor. What kind of bullying reflected in the given situation?
a. Social Bullying b. Gender-biased bullying c. Cyberbullying d. Bullying
19. Classroom situation: In the class of Teacher Aura, there were students who always act like a boy and even
dress like a boy. Everyone in their class is teasing her and calling her “tomboy”. What kind of bullying
reflected in the given situation?
a. Social Bullying b. Gender-biased bullying c. Cyberbullying d. Bullying
20. I was in the mountain of Kinabalu when I saw this partridge flying around, trying to find food. Then suddenly,
it disappeared. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. Metal bolt b. star c. brown bird d. airplane
21. The valorous soldier ran into battle with his head held high, despite being outnumbered. What is meaning of
the underlined word?
a. Vengeful b. Satisfied c. Brave d. Poisonous
22. Once upon a time, there was girl named, Vhina. She likes to go in the garden to find butterflies and flowers.
Vhina is a little girl who is kind and sweet. Which part of the plot reflects the stated line?
a. Climax b. exposition c. rising action d. resolution
23. Jenny locked herself in her room to study her lessons in her English subject. The reflexive pronoun, “herself”
was used in the sentence for what reason? Choose the best answer.
a. To increase the number of words in the sentence
b. To highlight the character of Jenny
c. To emphasize that it was Jenny who locked the door not anybody else
d. To emphasize that Jenny is girl/female
24. “MANILA, Philippines - While President Rodrigo Duterte remains popular among a majority of Filipinos, the
latest Pulse Asia survey showed his trust rating dropping to 76% in March 2017 from 83% in December 2016.
What is your interpretation about the stated opinion of the Rappler Talk?
a. President Duterte did not perform well last 2016.
b. For several Filipinos his performance was not the real issue
c. All Filipinos really like the management of President Duterte.
d. There are few national government officials who were against his administration
25. Based on the statement in #24. Is there any significance in the dropping rating of Pres. Duterte’s
a. Yes, because several Filipinos don’t believe in his capabilities anymore
b. Yes, because Pulse Asia is a trusted company
c. No, because 76% is still a passing rate
d. No, because Pulse Asia is a private company so the result could always be altered.
26. If you were Arachne, how are you going to respond to the old woman? What will you say?
a. Oh, stupid old woman, go away for your smell is very disgusting.
b. Wow! So how about you old woman? Are you the most intelligent person in the world?
c. Oh I am sorry old woman, forgive me and my words. I won’t say it again. Never.
d. Oh I am sorry old woman, but I really know that I am unstoppable.
27. If you were Perseus what will you tell once you meet your long lost father?
a. I hate you b. You are forgiven c. I love you, goodbye. C. I’ll kill you
28. At the wedding reception, there was a buffet where we could just help________ . What should be the
appropriate reflexive pronoun to complete the sentence?
a. Ourselves b. yourselves c. themselves d. itself
29. I don’t need your help. I can do it ______________. What is the proper reflexive pronoun to complete the
a. Yourselves b. myself c. themselves d. itself
30. People used plants to make colorful dyes. The dyes were used to color cloth. What does the word “dyes”
a. Flag b. food c. dry d. colorings
31. Kenneth’s voice rose to a holler. His dad heard they yell across the room. What does the word “holler”
mean? A. Whisper b. sneeze c. shout d. hollow
32. It’s a hospital __________ not smoke. What is the correct modal to complete the sentence?
a. May b. might c. can d. should
33. ________ I ask a question? Yes, of course. What is the correct modal to complete the sentence?
a. Might b. May c. Should d. Will
34. You want to introduce your friend to your teacher; ___________, you can’t remember your teacher’s name!
What is the appropriate conjunctive adverb to complete the sentence?
a. Since b. finally c. however d. furthermore
35. I was worried about memory loss. _________, I decided to look into the problem. What is the appropriate
conjunctive adverb to complete the sentence?
a. However b. Therefore c. Consequently d. Otherwise
36. What statement of Arachne justifies her arrogant behavior? Choose the best statement.
a. “With my won ten fingers I gained this skill and by hard practice from early morning till night”.
b. Stupid old woman! How dare you to speak in thus way to me? It is easy that you were never good for
anything in your day. If Athena resents my words, let her answer them herself!”
c. “If Athena herself were to come down and compete with me, she could do no better than I”.
d. All of the above.
37. “Every recess time, Ali, an aeta (indigenous group) always sits at the front chair in the canteen. Whenever his
classmates pass by, he always offers them a seat but all of them refused it. Ali is very kind and simple
however most of his classmates don’t want to be close to him”. What statement justifies that Ali is a good
a. Whenever his classmates pass by, he always offers them a seat.
b. Ali always sits in the front chair in the canteen.
c. Ali is very kind and simple however most of his classmates don’t want to be close to him.
d. None of the above.
38. Among the sentences below, what is the best example for the literary device metaphor?
a. On her first day of school, Kaisha was as cool as cucumber.
b. You are my guardian angel.
c. The clock goes tick-tock.
d. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
39. Based on the stories you have read in English 10, what is the proper arrangement of the elements of a plot?
a. Climax-resolution-rising action-falling action-exposition
b. Exposition-climax-rising action-falling action-resolution
c. Rising action-falling action-exposition-climax-resolution
d. Exposition-rising action-climax-falling action-resolution
40. It was summer in the land of Geneva when…… Is an example of what element of a short story?
a. Theme b. setting c. plot d. characters
41. How will you describe the behavior of Arachne when she met the old woman?
a. She talks with excessive pride and self-satisfaction.
b. She talks with humility and happiness.
c. She talks with fun and satisfaction.
d. She talks with anger and envy.
42. In the following statements choose the best action to STOP bullying.
a. Be quiet. B. just study hard c. listen to your parents always d. be respectful
43. The following statements are ways to defend ourselves, except___________.
a. Speak up!
b. Show respect to everyone.
c. Be quiet.
d. Know your rights.
44. The following statements show persuasion except ________________.
a. I am absolutely certain that….
b. It is vitally important that…
c. People all over the world understand that…..
d. If that’s what you want …..
45. Among the sentences below, what is the best example of the literary device alliteration?
a. Devour the delicious donuts.
b. You are the sunshine after the rain.
c. Open secret
d. You are like the turtle in the zoo.
46. Arrange the sentences below to come up with a convincing sentence.
I. I am absolutely certain that these shoes are durable,
II. It has a unique design.
III. It is very comfortable and most importantly it 50% off.
IV. So what are you waiting for? Buy it now!
47. Produce a story out of the following sentences. Make sure that you have to come up with story that ends
happily. Choose the letter of the best answer.
I. Cora forgave her and they hugged each other. Then, Azon gave her the Hello Kitty she
bought in Japan. Cora was so happy.
II. Cora felt so bad and did not communicate to Azon afterwards.
III. In Japan, Azon bought a small figurine of Hello Kitty. This is Azon’s favorite cartoon
character, she thought.
IV. One day, Azon went to Japan without the knowledge of Cora.
V. Cora and Azon are best of friends. They always travel together.

VI. Saturday, afternoon, Azon came to visit the place of Cora and apologized for what
48. Based on the story in #46, Using the following words below choose words that will best describe Cora.
I. Understanding II. Kind III. Ugly IV. Pretty V. patient VI. Fat

a. I & II b. III & IV c. V & VI d. I & V

49. In panel discussions every member must have the best statement for them to be a good source of
information. Now, in your own discretion choose three statements below about that will make you sound
like one during the panel discussion.
I. Facebook requires students to express themselves and communicate in
a written format.
II. Facebook users are honing the ways in which they can collaborate with
others in groups.
III. Facebook can be used to have video call with your crush.
IV. Facebook provides information like the adventure of your enemy. It
keeps you updated about them.
V. With Facebook students learn ICT skills without the need for boring
step-by-step instruction.
a. I,V,III b.I,II,III c.I,II,V d. III,I,V
50. In Panel discussions, members should possess qualities that will make them sound like they are very
knowledgeable and at the same time witty. Now, choose two qualities below that someone must have when
it comes to panel discussions.
I. Reader II. Talkative III. Confident IV. Authoritative

a. I&IV b. II&III c. II&I d. I&III

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Head Teacher III

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