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Black box testing is done without the knowledge of the internals

of the system under test.

Black box testing involves looking at the specifications and

does not require examining the code of a program.

Black box testing is done from the customer’s viewpoint.

Example: Lock and Key System

Functionality What you need to know to use

Features of a lock It is made of metal, has a hole provision
to lock, has a facility to insert
Feature of a key It is made of metal and created to fit into a
particular lock’s keyhole.
Action performed Key inserted and turned clockwise to lock
Key inserted and turned anticlockwise to
State Locked

Inputs Key turned clockwise or anticlockwise

Expected outcome Locked
Black Box Testing:

• Required a functional knowledge of the product to be


• It does not mandate the knowledge of the internal logic of

the used to build the product.

Black box testing helps in the overall functional verification of

the system under test:

• Black box testing is done based on requirements: It helps

in identifying any incomplete, inconsistent requirement as
well as any issue involved when the system is tested as a
complete entity.

• Black box testing address the stated requirements as well

as implied requirements: - E.g., inclusion of dates, page
header, and footer may not be explicitly stated in the report
generation requirements specification.
• Black box testing encompasses the end user
perspectives: as we test the behaviour of a product from an
external perspective.

• Black box testing handles valid and invalid inputs: This

ensures that the product behaves as expected in a valid
situation and does not hang or crash when provided with an
invalid input.

The various techniques are:

• Requirements based testing

• Positive and negative testing
• Boundary value analysis
• Decision table
• Equivalence partitioning
• Cause Effect Graphing
• Compatibility testing
• User documentation testing
• Domain testing
Requirements testing deals with validating the requirements
given in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) of
the software system.
A requirements specification for the lock and key example is
documented as given in Table:

S. Requirem Description Priority

No ents (High,med,l
Identifier ow)
Inserting the key numbered
1 BR-01 123-456 and turning it clockwise H
should facilitate locking
Inserting the key numbered
2 BR-02 123-456 and turning it H
anticlockwise should facilitate
Only key number 123-456 can be
3 BR-03 H
used to lock and unlock
No other object can be used to
4 BR-04 M
No other object can be used to
5 BR-05 M
The lock must not open even
6 BR-06 M
when it is hit with a heavy object
The lock must be made of metal
7 BR-07 and must weigh approximately L
150 grams
Lock unlock directions should be
8 BR-08 changeable for usability of left- L
Requirements are tracked by a Requirements Traceability
matrix (RTM).

• This matrix evolves through the life cycle of the project.

• Each requirement is given a unique id along with a brief
description. The requirement identifier and description can be
taken from the requirements Specification.
• Each requirement is assigned a requirement priority,
classified as high, medium or low.
• The “test conditions” column lists the different way of
testing the requirement. These conditions can be grouped
together to form a single test case or each test condition can
be mapped to one test case.
• The “test case IDs” column can be used to complete the
mapping between test case and the requirement.
• As we move further down in the life cycle of the product,
and testing phases, the cross-reference between
requirements and the subsequent phases is recorded in the
• In a complete RTM, there are columns to reflect the
mapping of requirements to design and code.
Sample Requirements Traceability Matrix:
RTM helps in identifying the relationship between the
requirements and test case. The following combinations are

 One to one – For each requirement there is one test case.

 One to many – For each requirement there is one test
case. (BR-03)
 Many to one – A set of requirements can be tested by one
test case.
 Many to many – Many requirements can be tested by
many test case.
 One to none – The set of requirements can have no test
cases. The test team can take a decision not to test a
requirement due to non-implementation or the requirements
being low priority (BR-08)
Advantages of RTM:

An RTM plays a valuable role in requirements based testing.

• The RTM provides a tool to track the testing status of

each requirement, without missing any (key) requirements
(not possible manually).
• Prioritization: Use to find out whether there are
adequate test cases for high-priority requirements and to
reduce the number of test case for low-priority
• Test conditions can be grouped to create test cases or
can be represented as unique test cases.
• Test cases can be used as input to arrive at a
size/effort/schedule estimation of tests.
Some of the metrics that can be collected or inferred from this
matrix are follows:

• Requirements addressed priority wise – This metric helps

in knowing the test coverage based on the requirements.
Number of test that is covered for high-priority requirement
versus test created for low-priority requirement.

• Number of test cases requirement wise – For each

requirement, the total number of test cases created.

• Total number of test cases prepared – Total of all the test

cases prepared for all requirements.
The test result can be used to collect metrics such as:

• Total number of test cases (or requirements) passed –

What percent of requirements they correspond.

• Total number of test cases (or requirements) failed –

What percent of requirements they correspond.

• Total number of defect in requirements – List of defect

reported for each requirement (defect density for
requirements). A comparatively high-defect density in low-
priority requirements is acceptable for a release & vice
Number of requirements completed – Total number of
requirements successfully completed without any defects.

Number of requirements pending – Number of requirements

that are pending due to defects.
To illustrate the metrics analysis, let us assume the test
execution data as given in table:

Sample test execution data:

Total test Test cases Test cases No. of

S.No Reg. ID Priority Test cases cases passed failed % Pass defect

1 BR-01 H Lock_01 1 1 0 100 1

2 BR-02 H Lock_02 1 1 0 100 1

3 BR-03 H Lock_03,04 2 1 1 50 3

4 BR-04 M Lock_05,06,07 3 2 1 67 5

5 BR-05 M Lock_08,09,10 3 3 0 100 1

6 BR-06 L Lock_11 1 1 0 100 1

7 BR-07 L Lock_12 1 1 0 100 0

8 BR-08 L 0 0 0 0 1

Total 8 12 10 2 83 12
Following observations can be made:

• 83 percent passed test cases correspond to 71 percent of

requirements being met. Similarly, from the failed test cases,
outstanding defects affect 29 percent (=100-71) of the

• There is a high-priority requirement, BR-03, which has


• The requirement BR-08 is not met; however, this can be

ignored for the release due to the low-priority nature of this
The metrics discussed can be expressed graphically:

Requirement Coverage with Pass/Fail test Cases

No. of Test Cases

2 Test cases failed

1.5 Test cases passed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Defects in Each Requirement


3 No. of defect
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The purpose of positive testing is to prove that the product
works as per specification and expectations. A product
delivering an error when it is expected to give an error is also
a part of positive testing.

Example of positive test cases

Req. no. Input 1 Input 2 Current state
BR-01 Key 123-456 Turn clockwise Unlocked Locked
BR-01 Key 123-456 Turn clockwise Locked No change
BR-02 Key 123-456 Unlocked No change

BR-02 Key 123-456 Locked Unlock
BR-04 Hairpin Turn clockwise Locked No change
Negative testing is done to show that the product does not
fail when an unexpected input is given. Negative testing
covers scenarios for which the product is not designed and
Negative test cases
S. Current Expected
Input 1 Input 2
No. state output
Some other lock’s Turn
1 Lock Lock
Key clockwise
Some other lock’s Turn
2 Unlock Unlock
Key anticlockwise
Thin piece of Turn
3 Unlock Unlock
wire anticlockwise

4 Hit with a stone Lock Lock

*there are no requirement numbers because test conditions

lie outside the specification.
Difference: Coverage.

Positive testing: if all documented requirements and test

conditions are covered, then coverage can be considered to
be 100 percent.

Negative Testing: No end.

Boundary value analysis (BVA) is useful for arriving at tests
that are effective in catching defects that happen at
boundaries. Boundary value analysis believes and extends
the concept that the density of defect is more towards the

Number of unit bought Price per unit

First ten units (that is, from 1 to 10 units) $5.00

Next ten units (that is, from units 11 to 20 units) $4.75

Next ten units (that is, from units 21 to 30 units) $4.50

More than 30 units $4.00

Most defects around the boundaries –
E.g. Buying 9,10,11,19,20,21,29,30,31 and similar number
of items.

Possible reasons:

• Programmers’ tentativeness in using the right comparison

operator, E.g. to use the <= operator or < operator when trying
to make comparisons.

• Confusion : multiple way to implement loops and

condition checking. E.g. in C, for, while and loops. Each have
different terminating conditions.

• Requirements may not clearly understood, especially

around the boundaries, thus causing even the correctly coded
program to not perform the correct way.
Boundary Value Analysis
Consider a program with two input variables x and y. These
input variables have specified boundaries as:
Input domain


a b

Fig.4: Input domain for program having two input variables

The boundary value analysis test cases for our program with two
inputs variables (x and y) that may have any value from 100 to
300 are: (200,100), (200,101), (200,200), (200,299), (200,300),
(100,200), (101,200), (299,200) and (300,200). This input
domain is shown in Fig. 5. Each dot represent a test case and
inner rectangle is the domain of legitimate inputs. Thus, for a
program of n variables, boundary value analysis yield 4n + 1 test
Input domain


y 200

0 100 200 300 400


Fig.5: Input domain of two variables x and y with boundaries

[100,300] each
Example- I

Consider a program for the determination of the nature of

roots of a quadratic equation. Its input is a triple of positive
integers (say a,b,c) and values may be from interval [0,100].
The program output may have one of the following words.

[Not a quadratic equation; Real roots; Imaginary roots;

Equal roots]

Design the boundary value test cases.


Quadratic equation will be of type:

Roots are real if (b2-4ac)>0
Roots are imaginary if (b2-4ac)<0
Roots are equal if (b2-4ac)=0
Equation is not quadratic if a=0
The boundary value test cases are :
Example – 2
Consider a program for determining the Previous date. Its
input is a triple of day, month and year with the values in the
1 ≤ month ≤ 12
1 ≤ day ≤ 31
1900 ≤ year ≤ 2025
The possible outputs would be Previous date or invalid input
date. Design the boundary value test cases.

The Previous date program takes a date as input and checks it
for validity. If valid, it returns the previous date as its output.
With single fault assumption theory, 4n+1 test cases can be
designed and which are equal to 13.
The boundary value test cases are:
Example – 3

Consider a simple program to classify a triangle. Its inputs is

a triple of positive integers (say x, y, z) and the date type for
input parameters ensures that these will be integers greater
than 0 and less than or equal to 100. The program output
may be one of the following words:

[Scalence; Isosceles; Equilateral; Not a triangle]

Design the boundary value test cases.

The boundary value test cases are shown below:
Robustness testing

It is nothing but the extension of boundary value analysis.

Here, we would like to see, what happens when the extreme
values are exceeds with a value slightly greater than the
maximum, and a value slightly less than minimum. It means,
we want to go outside the legitimate boundary of input
domain. This extended form of boundary value analysis is
called robustness testing and shown in Fig.6

There are four additional test cases which are outside the
legitimate input domain. Hence total test cases in robustness
testing are 6n+1, where n is the number of input variables.
So, 13 test cases are:
(200,99), (200,100), (200,101), (200,200), (200,299), (200,300)
(200,301), (99,200), (100,200), (101,200), (299,200), (300,200),



y 200


0 100 200 300 400


Fig. 6: Robustness test cases for two variables x and y with

range [100,300] each
Worst-case testing

If we reject “single fault” assumption theory of reliability and

may like to see what happens when more than one variable
has an extreme value. In electronic circuits analysis, this is
called “worst case analysis”. It is more through in the sense
that boundary value test cases are a proper subset of worst
case test cases. It requires more effort. Worst case testing for
a function of n variables generate 5n test cases as opposed to
4n+1 test cases for boundary value analysis. Our two
variables example will have 52=25 test cases and are given in
Table 1: Worst cases test inputs for two variables example
Example – 4

Consider the program for the determination of nature of roots

of a quadratic equation as explained in example 1. Design the
Robust test case and worst test cases for this program.


Robust test cases are 6n+1. Hence, in 3 variable input cases

total number of test cases are 19 as given on next slide:
In case of worst test case total test cases are 5n. Hence, 125 test
cases will be generated in worst test cases. The worst test cases are
given below:
Example – 5

Consider the program for the determination of previous

date in a calendar as explained in example 2. Design the
robust and worst test cases for this program.


Robust test cases are 6n+1. Hence total 19 robust test

cases are designed and are given on next slide.
In case of worst test case total test cases are 5n. Hence, 125 test
cases will be generated in worst test cases. The worst test cases
are given below:
Example – 6

Consider the triangle problem as given in example 3.

Generate robust and worst test cases for this problem.


Robust test cases are given on next slide.

Worst test cases are 125 and are given below:

A decision table lists the various decision variables, the

conditions assumed by each of the decision variables, and the
actions to take in teach combination of conditions. The
variables that contribute to the decision are listed as the
columns of the table. The last column of the table is the action
to be taken for the combination of values of the decision

Decision table act as invaluable tools for designing black box

tests to examine the behavior of the product under various
logical conditions of input variables.
The steps in forming a decision table are as follows:

Identify the decision variables.

Identify the possible values of each of the decision variables.

Enumerate the combinations of the allowed values of each of

the variables.

Identify the cases when values assumed by a variable are

immaterial for a given combination of other input variables.
Represent such variables by the don’t care symbol.

For each combination of values of decision variables list out

the action or expected result.
Once a decision table is formed, each row of the table acts
as the specification for one test case. Identification of the
decision variables makes these test cases extensive, if not
exhaustive. Pruning the table by using don’t cases minimize
the number of test cases. Thus, decision table are usually
effective in arriving at test cases in scenarios which depend
on the values of the decision variables.
Decision Table Based Testing

Decision table terminology

Test case design

Decision table for triangle problem

Modified decision table
Example 10

Consider the triangle program specified in example 3.

Identify the test cases using the decision table of table 4.


There are eleven functional test cases, three to fail triangle

property, three impossible cases, one each to get
equilateral, scalene triangle cases, and three to get on
isosceles triangle. The test cases are given in table 5.
Test cases of triangle problem using decision table
Example 11

Consider a program for the determination of Previous date.

Its input is a triple of day, month and year with the values in
the range

1 ≤ month ≤ 12
1 ≤ day ≤ 31
1900 ≤ year ≤ 2025

The possible outputs are “Previous date” and “Invalid date”.

Design the test cases using decision table based testing.
The input domain can be divided into following classes:
I1= {M1: month has 30 days}
I2= {M2: month has 31 days except March, August and
I3= {M3: month is March}
I4= {M4: month is August}
I5= {M5: month is January}
I6= {M6: month is February}
I7= {D1: day = 1}
I8= {D2: 2 ≤ day ≤ 29}
I9= {D3: day = 29}
I10={D4: day = 30}
I11={D5: day = 31}
I12={Y1: year is a leap year}
I13={Y2: year is a common year}
The decision table is given below:

Equivalence partitioning is a software testing technique that

involves identifying a small set of representative input values
that produce as many different output conditions as possible.
This reduces the number of permutations and combination of
input, output values used for testing thereby increasing the
coverage and reducing the effort involved in testing.

The set of input values that generate one single expected

output is called a partition. When the behavior of the software
is the same for a set of values, then the set is termed as an
equivalence class or a partition. In this case, one
representative sample from each partition is picked up for
Since all the values produce equal and same output they are
termed as equivalence partition.

Testing by this technique involves identifying all partitions for

the complete this technique extrapolates the expected
results for all the values in that partition. We gain good
coverage with a small number of test cases. Redundancy of
tests is minimized by not repeating the same tests for
multiple values in the same partition.
The steps to prepare an equivalence partitions table are as follows.

Choose criteria for doing the equivalence partitioning

Identify the valid equivalence classes based on the above criteria
Select a sample data form the partition
Write the expected result based on the requirement given
Identify special values, if any, and include them in the table
Check to have expected results for all the cases prepared
If the expected result is not clear for any particular test case, mark
appropriately and escalate for corrective actions. If you can not
answer a question, or find an inappropriate answer, consider
whether you want to record this issue on your log, and clarify with
the team that arbitrates/dictates the requirements.
Testing done to ensure that the product feature work consistently
with different infrastructure components is called compatibility
Equivalence Class Testing

In this method, input domain of a program is partitioned into

a finite number of equivalence classes such that one can
reasonably assume, but not be absolutely sure, that the
test of a representative value of each class is equivalent to
a test of any other value.
Two steps are required to implementing this method:

• The equivalence classes are identified by taking each

input condition and partitioning it into valid and invalid
classes. For example, if an input condition specifies a range
of values from 1 to 999, we identify one valid equivalence
class [1<item<999]; and two invalid equivalence classes
[item<1] and [item>999].

• Generate the test cases using the equivalence classes

identified in the previous step. This is performed by writing
test cases covering all the valid equivalence classes. Then a
test case is written for each invalid equivalence class so that
no test contains more than one invalid class. This is to
ensure that no two invalid classes mask each other.
Valid input

Valid System under

test Outputs

Input domain Output domain

Fig. : Equivalence partitioning

Most of the time, equivalence class testing defines classes of

the input domain. However, equivalence classes should also
be defined for output domain. Hence, we should design
equivalence classes based on input and output domain.
Example 7

Consider the program for the determination of nature of roots

of a quadratic equation as explained in example 1. Identify the
equivalence class test cases for output and input domains.


Output domain equivalence class test cases can be identified

as follows:
O1={<1,b,c>:Not a quadratic equation if a = 0}
O1={<1,b,c>:Real roots if (b2-4ac)>0}
O1={<1,b,c>:Imaginary roots if (b2-4ac)<0}
O1={<1,b,c>:Equal roots if (b2-4ac)=0}`
The number of test cases can be derived form above
relations and shown below:

Test case a b c Expected output

1 0 50 50 Not a quadratic
2 1 50 50 Real roots
3 50 50 50 Imaginary roots
4 50 100 50 Equal roots
We may have another set of test cases based on input

I1= {a: a = 0}
I2= {a: a < 0}
I3= {a: 1 ≤ a ≤ 100}
I4= {a: a > 100}
I5= {b: 0 ≤ b ≤ 100}
I6= {b: b < 0}
I7= {b: b > 100}
I8= {c: 0 ≤ c ≤ 100}
I9= {c: c < 0}
I10={c: c > 100}
Here test cases 5 and 8 are redundant test cases. If we
choose any value other than nominal, we may not have
redundant test cases. Hence total test cases are 10+4=14
for this problem.
Example 8

Consider the program for determining the previous date in a

calendar as explained in example 3. Identify the equivalence
class test cases for output & input domains.

Output domain equivalence class are:

O1={<D,M,Y>: Previous date if all are valid inputs}

O1={<D,M,Y>: Invalid date if any input makes the date

Test case M D Y Expected

1 6 15 1962 14 June, 1962

2 6 31 1962 Invalid date

We may have another set of test cases which are based on
input domain.

I1={month: 1 ≤ m ≤ 12}
I2={month: m < 1}
I3={month: m > 12}
I4={day: 1 ≤ D ≤ 31}
I5={day: D < 1}
I6={day: D > 31}
I7={year: 1900 ≤ Y ≤ 2025}
I8={year: Y < 1900}
I9={year: Y > 2025}
Inputs domain test cases are :
Example – 9

Consider the triangle problem specified in a example 3.

Identify the equivalence class test cases for output and input

Output domain equivalence classes are:

O1={<x,y,z>: Equilateral triangle with sides x,y,z}
O1={<x,y,z>: Isosceles triangle with sides x,y,z}
O1={<x,y,z>: Scalene triangle with sides x,y,z}
O1={<x,y,z>: Not a triangle with sides x,y,z}
The test cases are:
Input domain based classes are:

I1={x: x < 1}
I2={x: x > 100}
I3={x: 1 ≤ x ≤ 100}
I4={y: y < 1}
I5={y: y > 100}
I6={y: 1 ≤ y ≤ 100}
I7={z: z < 1}
I8={z: z > 100}
I9={z: 1 ≤ z ≤ 100}
Some inputs domain test cases can be obtained using the
relationship amongst x,y and z.

I10={< x,y,z >: x = y = z}

I11={< x,y,z >: x = y, x ≠ z}
I12={< x,y,z >: x = z, x ≠ y}
I13={< x,y,z >: y = z, x ≠ y}
I14={< x,y,z >: x ≠ y, x ≠ z, y ≠ z}
I15={< x,y,z >: x = y + z}
I16={< x,y,z >: x > y +z}
I17={< x,y,z >: y = x +z}
I18={< x,y,z >: y > x + z}
I19={< x,y,z >: z = x + y}
I20={< x,y,z >: z > x +y}
Test cases derived from input domain are:
• Consider single input conditions
• do not explore combinations of input circumstances

6. Causes & effects in the specifications are identified.
A cause is a distinct input condition or an equivalence class of
input conditions.
An effect is an output condition or a system transformation.
2. The semantic content of the specification is analysed and
transformed into a boolean graph linking the causes & effects.
3. Constraints are imposed
4. graph – limited entry decision table
Each column in the table represent a test case.
5. The columns in the decision table are converted into test cases.
The basic notation for the graph is shown in fig. 8

Fig. 8 : Basic cause effect graph symbols

Myers explained this effectively with following example. “The
characters in column 1 must be an A or B. The character in
column 2 must be a digit. In this situation, the file update is
made. If the character in column 1 is incorrect, message x is
issued. If the character in column 2 is not a digit, message y
is issued”.
The causes are
c1: character in column 1 is A
c2: character in column 1 is B
c3: character in column 2 is a digit
and the effects are
e1: update made
e2: message x is issued
e3: message y is issued

Fig. 9: Sample cause effect graph

The E constraint states that it must always be true that at
most one of c1 or c2 can be 1 (c1 or c2 cannot be 1
simultaneously). The I constraint states that at least one of
c1, c2 and c3 must always be 1 (c1, c2 and c3 cannot be 0
simultaneously). The O constraint states that one, and only
one, of c1 and c2 must be 1. The constraint R states that, for
c1 to be 1, c2 must be 1 (i.e. it is impossible for c1 to be 1
and c2 to be 0),
Fig. 10: Constraint symbols
Fig. 11: Symbol for masks constraint
Fig. : Sample cause effect graph with exclusive constraint
Example 12

Consider the triangle problem specified in the example 3.

Draw the Cause effect graph and identify the test cases.
The causes are
c1: side x is less than sum of sides y and z
c2: side y is less than sum of sides x and y
c3: side z is less than sum of sides x and y
c4: side x is equal to side y
c5: side x is equal to side z
c6: side y is equal to side z
and effects are
e1: Not a triangle
e2: Scalene triangle
e3: Isosceles triangle
e4: Equilateral triangle
e5: Impossible stage
The cause effect graph is shown in fig. 13 and decision table is
shown in table 6. The test cases for this problem are available in
table 5.
Table 6: Decisi}on table
Fig. 13: Cause effect graph of triangle problem

The test case result not only depend on the product for
proper functioning they depend equally on the infrastructure
for delivering is expected to still behave correctly and produce
the desired or expected results. The infrastructure
parameters could be fo hardware, software or other

A black box testing not considering the effect of these

parameters on the test case results, will necessarily be
incomplete and ineffective.
The parameters that generally affect the compatibility of the
product are:

• Processor (CPU)(PIII, PIV, Xeon, SPARC, and so on) and

the number of processor in the machine

• Architecture and characteristics of the machine (32 bit, 64

bit and so on)

• Resource availability on the machine (RAM, disk space,


• Equipment that the product is expected to work with

(printers, moderms and so on)

• Operating system (windows, linux and so on)

• Middle tier infrastructure components such as web server,
application server, network server

• Backend component such database servers (Oracle,

Sybase, and so on)

• Services that require special hardware cum software

solutions (cluster machines, load balancing, RAID array)

• Any software used to generate product binaries (compiler,

linker and so on and their appropriate versions)

• Various technologies component used to generate

components (SDK, JDK, and so on their appropriate different
In the above example, described ten parameters. If each of the
parameters can take four values, then there are forty different
values to be tested. The permutation and combination of the
parameters. The total number of combinations to be tested is
410, which is a large number and impossible to test exhaustively.

In order to arrive at practical combination of the parameters to be

tested, a compatibility matrix is created. A compatibility matrix
has as its columns various parameters the combinations of
which have to be tested. Each row represent a unique
combination of a specific set of the parameters. A sample
compatibility matrix for a mail application is given in table 11.

It does not cover all parameters and their combinations.

Common techniques that are used for performing compatibility
testing , using a compatibility table are
Horizontal combination all values of parameters that can
coexist with the product for executing the set test cases
grouped together as a row in the compatibility matrix. Machine
or environments are set up for each row and the set of product
features are tested using each of these environments.

Intelligent sampling: combination of infrastructure parameters

are combined with the set of features intelligently and tested.
The selection of intelligent samples is based on information
collected on the set of dependencies of the product with the
parameters. If the product result are less dependent on a set
of parameters, then they are removed from the list of
intelligent samples. All other parameters are combined and
tested. This method significantly reduces the number of
permutations and combinations for test cases.

User documentation covers all the manuals, user guides,

installation guides, setup guides, read me file, software
release notes, and online help that are provided along with
the software to help the user to understand the software

User documentation testing should have two objectives.

1. To check if what is stated in the document is available in

the product.
2. To check if what is there in the product is explained
correctly in the document.
3. Checks for language specific aspect like spell check and

3. When a product is upgraded the corresponding

documentation may not be updated all the time.

2. Users refer to documentation (manuals, installation,

setup guides) when they need it

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