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3 marks each

Q: 1 A sample of 5 persons with hypertension underwent a special blood-Pressure-reducing

treatment program which resulted in the following Reductions in systolic blood pressure for
these persons (i.e. the Scores give SBP after treatment - SBP before treatment): -5, 10, 20, 5, and

Derive the mean for this sample

Q: 2 Distinguish between logistic regression and linear regression.

Q: 3: Explain Naïve bay’s algorithm and outline some scenarios where naïve bay’s is the best fit.

Q: 4: Explain Ordinary Least Squares method and its application in linear regression.

Assignment 1.2

Q: 1 Explain which statistical test/technique you would use: Two different weight loss Drugs are
tried on participants who come in with a certain disease. Each Participant is randomly assigned
one of the two drugs. The reduction in Weight (as a percentage) is recorded for each participant.
We would like to see if one drug is more effective than the other.

Q:2 Describe the Difference between Decision List and Decision Tree.

Q:3: Explain Ordinary Least Squares method and its application in linear regression.

Q:4 Explain the inductive biased hypothesis space and unbiased learner.


Q: 1. Explain K-nearest neighbor algorithm and consider the one-dimensional data set shown
below. Classify the data point x=5.0 according to its majority votes:

 1-nearest neighbors
 3-nearest neighbors
 5-nearest neighbors
 9-nearest neighbors

Q: 2 Explain which statistical test/technique you would use: Two different weight loss Drugs are
tried on participants who come in with a certain disease. Each Participant is randomly assigned
one of the two drugs. The reduction in Weight (as a percentage) is recorded for each participant.
We would like to see if one drug is more effective than the other.

Q:3 Explain the naïve nature of “Naive” Bayes algorithm.

Q:4 Give a brief view on the impact of outliers and missing values on dataset?

Assignment 1.4

Q: 1 A sample of 5 persons with hypertension underwent a special blood-Pressure-reducing

treatment program which resulted in the following Reductions in systolic blood pressure for
these persons (i.e. the Scores give SBP after treatment - SBP before treatment): -5, 10, 20, 5, and

Derive the mean for this sample

Q: 2 describe the inductive biased hypothesis space and unbiased learner.

Q: 3. Explain the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Outline the methods
with example.

Q:4 Describe Tradeoffs in Bias-Variance.


Q:1 Give a brief view on the impact of outliers and missing values on dataset?

Q: 2 Explain K-nearest neighbor algorithm and consider the one-dimensional data set shown
below. Classify the data point x=5.0 according to its majority votes:

 1-nearest neighbors
 3-nearest neighbors
 5-nearest neighbors
 9-nearest neighbors

Q: 3 Explain which statistical test/technique you would use: Two different weight loss Drugs are
tried on participants who come in with a certain disease. Each Participant is randomly assigned
one of the two drugs. The reduction in Weight (as a percentage) is recorded for each participant.
We would like to see if one drug is more effective than the other.

Q: 4 Explain the common methods of variable transformation in data analysis.


Assignment 1.6

Q:1 Consider a modified k-NN method in which once the k nearest neighbors to the query point
are identified, you do a linear regression fit on them and output the fitted value for the query
point. Which of the following is/are true regarding this method?

Justify your answer.

(a) This method makes an assumption that the data is locally linear.

(b) In order to perform well, this method would need dense distributed training data.

(c) This method has higher bias compared to K-NN

(d) This method has higher variance compared to K-NN

Q: 2 Explain Naïve bay’s algorithm and outline some scenarios where naïve bay’s is the best fit.

Q:3 Explain the Exploratory data Analysis.

Q:4 Explain Ordinary Least Squares method and its application in linear regression


Assignment 1.7

Q: 1 A sample of 5 persons with hypertension underwent a special blood-Pressure-reducing

treatment program which resulted in the following Reductions in systolic blood pressure for
these persons (i.e. the Scores give SBP after treatment - SBP before treatment): -5, 10, 20, 5, and

Derive the mean for this sample

Q: 2 describe the inductive biased hypothesis space and unbiased learner.

Q: 3. Explain K-nearest neighbor algorithm and consider the one-dimensional data set shown
below. Classify the data point x=5.0 according to its majority votes:

 1-nearest neighbors
 3-nearest neighbors
 5-nearest neighbors
 9-nearest neighbors

Q:4 Explain the naïve nature of “Naive” Bayes and SVM algorithm.

Assignment 1.8

Q: 1. Explain K-nearest neighbor algorithm and consider the one-dimensional data set shown
below. Classify the data point x=5.0 according to its majority votes:

 1-nearest neighbors
 3-nearest neighbors
 5-nearest neighbors
 9-nearest neighbors

Q: 2 Explain which statistical test/technique you would use: Two different weight loss Drugs are
tried on participants who come in with a certain disease. Each Participant is randomly assigned
one of the two drugs. The reduction in Weight (as a percentage) is recorded for each participant.
We would like to see if one drug is more effective than the other.
Q:3 Draw Outlines of journey of machine learning and it’ revolution. Describe the applications
of machine learning (Any Four)
Q:4 Explain the common methods of variable transformation in data analysis

Assignment 1.9

Q: 1 Explain which statistical test/technique you would use: Two different weight loss Drugs are
tried on participants who come in with a certain disease. Each Participant is randomly assigned
one of the two drugs. The reduction in Weight (as a percentage) is recorded for each participant.
We would like to see if one drug is more effective than the other.

Q:2 Explain the naïve nature of “Naive” Bayes algorithm.

Q:3 Explain the common methods of variable transformation in data analysis.
Q: 4 describe the inductive biased hypothesis space and unbiased learner.

Assignment 1.10

Q:1 Give a brief view on the impact of outliers and missing values on dataset?
Q: 2 A sample of 5 persons with hypertension underwent a special blood-Pressure-reducing
treatment program which resulted in the following Reductions in systolic blood pressure for
these persons (i.e. the Scores give SBP after treatment - SBP before treatment): -5, 10, 20, 5, and

Derive the mean for this sample.

Q: 3. Explain the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Outline the methods
with example.
Q:4 Explain the Exploratory data Analysis.

Assignment 1.11

Q:1 Consider a modified k-NN method in which once the k nearest neighbors to the query point
are identified, you do a linear regression fit on them and output the fitted value for the query
point. Which of the following is/are true regarding this method?

Justify your answer.

(a) This method makes an assumption that the data is locally linear.

(b) In order to perform well, this method would need dense distributed training data.

(c) This method has higher bias compared to K-NN

(d) This method has higher variance compared to K-NN

Q:2 Give a brief view on the impact of outliers and missing values on dataset?

Q: 3. Explain K-nearest neighbor algorithm and consider the one-dimensional data set shown
below. Classify the data point x=5.0 according to its majority votes:

 1-nearest neighbors
 3-nearest neighbors
 5-nearest neighbors
 9-nearest neighbors

Q: 4 Explain the naïve nature of “Naive” Bayes and SVM algorithm.

Assignments 1.12

Q:1 Consider a modified k-NN method in which once the k nearest neighbors to the query point
are identified, you do a linear regression fit on them and output the fitted value for the query
point. Which of the following is/are true regarding this method?

Justify your answer.

(e) This method makes an assumption that the data is locally linear.

(f) In order to perform well, this method would need dense distributed training data.

(g) This method has higher bias compared to K-NN

Q: 2 describe the inductive biased hypothesis space and unbiased learner.

Q: 3 Draw Outlines of journey of machine learning and it’ revolution. Describe the applications of
machine learning (Any Four).
Q: 4 Explain Ordinary Least Squares method and its application in linear regression

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