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Some Selenium and TestNG based questions that I got in recent interviews -

1. What type of framework you are using, have you used BDD framework ?
2. Difference between PageFactory and PageObject Model
3. What value addition you have done to the framework ( my contribution to the
Questions on Selenium -

1. How did you handle Window Based Popups?

2. How to upload a file?
3. Windows & Popup Handling using Selenium?
4. Implicit Vs Explicit Waits, What are fluent waits?
5. Tell some interface names of selenium. (eg WebDriver is an interface)
6. Give an example where you have used listeners in selenium
7. How to rerun a failed test in selenium ?
8. How would you block popups in FireFox and in Chrome using selenium?
9. Major Challenge that you have faced while using Selenium in your Project.
10. Design your basic automation framework. Compare the prices of Iphones available on
Amazon and Flipkart and display the information in following manner (Price - Iphone
Display Name - Site - URL). This is to be sorted by Price : Time 2Hrs
a. 57488 Rs - Iphone 6s - Amazon - URL (http://amazon…)
b. 59488 Rs - Iphone 6s - Flipkart - URL(http://flipkart…)
c. 60488 Rs - Iphone 6s - Amazon - URL (http://amazon…)
11. How can you customise reporting in Selenium using TestNG?
Questions on TestNG

1. Annotations available in TestNG

2. How to run tests in Parallel
3. How to lazy load objects using DataProviders ?
4. TestNG Vs JUnit.

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