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VATICAN CITY Back issues: : 2.00.

N. 13 (1987) - 28 March 2007
Editorial Office: Via del Pellegrino, 00120 Vatican City, Europe - Telephone 39/06.698.99.390 - Telefax 39/06.698.83675 INTERNET: E-MAIL:

Offering helping hands Extending arms wide open

Visually impaired persons and The Pope speaks to young people at a juvenile
their helpers listen to the Holy
Father during a special Vatican detention centre in Rome after celebrating
meeting, 17 March. PAGE 2 Mass for the youth on 18 March. PAGE 3


Mary's ‘yes’ makes eternal life possible

The following is a translation from Italian of the These missionary martyrs, as this year's theme says,
Pope's Angelus Reflection of Sunday, 25 March. are the “hope of the world”, because they bear witness
that Christ's love is stronger than violence and hatred.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, They did not seek martyrdom, but they were ready to
The 25th of March is the Solemnity of the Annunci- give their lives in order to remain faithful to the
ation of the Blessed Virgin. This year it coincides with Gospel. Christian martyrdom is only justified when it
a Sunday in Lent and will therefore be celebrated to- is a supreme act of love for God and our brethren.
morrow. I would now like, however, to reflect on this In this Lenten Season we often contemplate Our La-
amazing mystery of faith which we contemplate every dy, who on Calvary sealed the “yes” she pronounced at
day in the recitation of the Angelus. Nazareth. United to Christ, Witness of the Father's
The Annunciation, recounted at the beginning of St love, Mary lived martyrdom of the soul. Let us call on
Luke's Gospel, is a humble, hidden event — no one her intercession with confidence, so that the Church,
saw it, no one except Mary knew of it —, but at the faithful to her mission, may offer to the whole world a
same time it was crucial to the history of humanity. courageous witness of God's love.
When the Virgin said her “yes” to the Angel's an-
nouncement, Jesus was conceived and with him began After the Angelus, the Pope said:
the new era of history that was to be ratified in Easter Next Sunday, we will be celebrating the solemn and
as the “new and eternal Covenant”. evocative liturgy of Palm Sunday which begins Holy
In fact, Mary's “yes” perfectly mirrors that of Christ Week. The 22nd World Youth Day, whose theme this
himself when he entered the world, as the Letter to
the Hebrews says, interpreting Psalm 40[39]: “As is year is Jesus' commandment: “Just as I have loved
written of me in the book, I have come to do your you, you should also love one another” (Jn 13:34), will
will, O God” (Heb 10:7). The Son's obedience was re- take place on this occasion. To prepare ourselves for
flected in that of the Mother and thus, through the en- this Day and for the celebration of Easter, I invite the
counter of these two “yeses”, God was able to take on youth of the Diocese of Rome to a penitential Liturgy
a human face. at which I will preside on Thursday afternoon, 29
This is why the Annunciation is a Christological March, in St Peter's Basilica. Those who so wish will
feast as well, because it celebrates a central mystery of have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Con-
Christ: the Incarnation. fession, a true encounter with God's love which every
“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be person needs in order to live in joy and peace.
Incarnation, 16th century, Royal Basilica, Madrid, Spain I welcome all the English-speaking pilgrims and vis-
done to me according to your Word”. Mary's reply to
the Angel is extended in the Church, which is called to itors present at today's Angelus. In particular I greet
make Christ present in history, offering her own avail- niversary of the assassination of Archbishop Oscar the members of the International Federation for Fam-
ability so that God may continue to visit humanity Romero of San Salvador, we celebrated the Day of ily Development and I encourage them in the vital
with his mercy. The “yes” of Jesus and Mary is thus Prayer and Fasting for Missionary Martyrs: Bishops, work of promoting the rights and responsibilities of
renewed in the “yes” of the saints, especially martyrs priests, Religious and lay people struck down while the family.... Upon all of you and your loved ones, I
who are killed because of the Gospel. carrying out their mission of evangelization and hu- invoke the strength and peace of Christ our Lord!
I stress this because yesterday, 24 March, the an- man promotion. I wish everyone a good Sunday!

At the GENERAL AUDIENCE on Wednesday, 21

President€of€Ireland PAGE€2 Caterina€Guanella PAGE€8 March, in St Peter's Square, the Holy Father continued
his Catecheses on the Fathers of the early Church by
reflecting on the life of St Justin (c. 100-165). Among
New€Ambassador:€Peru PAGE€4 Bl.€Anne€Marie€Javouhey PAGE€9 many lessons, St Justin teaches us that our dialogue
with philosophy and other religions must remain free of
fads and firmly rooted in the Truth, which is Jesus
Course€on€Penance PAGE€5 U.N.€intervention PAGE€10 PAGE 11

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