Cell Analogy Build

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Angelica Marchini

Lesson date: 11/14

Course: Biology & Honors Biology

Length of period: 90 minutes

# of students: 18-33

I. Content

In this lesson, students will build their project on analogies of cell parts. Having brought in materials,
they will work in groups to attach the cell parts to a substrate and label their reasoning for each part At
the end of the lesson, they will evaluate their progress on the project.

II. Standards

HS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting
systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.

(HS-LS1-1) Systems of specialized cells within organisms help them perform the essential functions of

III. Prerequisites

Students are aware that cell is the basic unit of life. Students should understand that the study of cells
is one of the most important topics in Biology.

Students have discussed cell theory

Students have been using the textbooks to gather information for the past 3 classes (except Thursday’s
quiz). They should be familiar with the chapter on cells and how to find information about the function
at this point.

Two classes did an analogy worksheet where they compared the structures in cells to what they know
about their own every day lives. They built a connection between the cell as a city and the greater

One class did not do the “analogy” worksheet and their understanding of the cell might be delayed.

Students will have viewed an onion and cheek cell under a microscope and seen the nucleus and cell.
They should understand that the circles they saw were the nucleus and will have a baseline for
understanding those structures.

Honors and the middle day of class will have gone over prokaryote and eukaryote through the textbook
but will not have specifically done the notes.

The beginning of the week class they will have colored in the cell parts and should be familiar with the

The previous class they completed the jigsaw to establish cell parts, function and possible diseases
related to the organelles
Due to poor performance in assessing these activities, they will be taking traditional notes to support
their foundation of these topics

They will build their analogy project. They have already established their reasoning behind each
organelle part and created a list of possible items. During this lesson they simply need to put it

IV. Objectives

Students will be able to identify the function of a cell in order to track how proteins are made

Students will be able to differentiate the features of a plant and animal cells in order to understand the
different functions of each cell.

V. Students will go over the structures of cells and the differences in plant and animal cells

5E Part of the Lesson: What will the teacher and Rationale: Expected Teacher’s
(Note which phase the students be doing? (Include specific questions, What purpose does each step, question, Reactions: Anticipations:
of the activity the tasks, or activities.) task, or activity accomplish This is largely Include specific
step refers to) conjecture-driven and response to students’
there may be multiple reactions and things
possible reactions for a to remember.
given activity.
Engage Do now: This will relax the students The students may Take care of
“Trimates” as administered by Champion before class be resistant to the classwork during
10 minutes as an ongoing activity to introduce idea of humans the do now
historical anthropology being descended
from apes The do now will
NOT take more
than 10 minutes
in this class
Explore The students will present their materials The students need a day to Some students will There are no
and should they forget (knock on wood) I actually build the project in class have forgotten other full days
have extra parts. In extreme cases, they in order to get it finished in time. materials scheduled for
can do the A1 microscope lab. Others will “slack building this.
off” during the This is your
allotted time grade, do not
sabotage yourself
Explain Students will create index cards to explain The index cards will allow me to ESOL should pair Group tasks can
their reasoning behind each organelle visually see their reasoning and up for the writing be split up so that
choice identify misconceptions as they portion one individual is
arise Absent students writing while
from the previous others are
class have building
catching up to do Catch it as it
Some students will arises
pick structural
rather than

Elaborate The comparison between real world and The students will have to think Some students If they cannot
organelles is an elaborative topic on the about the content on various may have difficulty explain it they
foundation of cell function in the unit. levels of thinking explaining their should pick
connection another item
Evaluate Students will do a progress report to show The students will get self Some students Tell the students
whether or not they are ready to present reflective feedback on their may give to be honest
and how they feel about the work they put understanding themselves about how they
into this project unreasonable did and its for
scores completion rather
than a score
Differentiation ESOL does not have to have index cards
(if time if they can explain themselves
allows) One group in honors is large because it
has an individual with an IEP. When
others joined the class, they were allowed
to join any group

VI. Follow up Assignments: cell project, finish worksheets

VII. Materials and technology
a. Projector/smartboard
b. Powerpoint
c. Youtube.com: to be determined
d. Textbook of biology
e. Interactive guided notes
f. Student guide
g. Rubric
h. Poster sheets
i. Sample diorama
j. Household materials for the project including but not limited to
i. Plastic or paper kitchenware
ii. Boxes
iii. Glue
iv. Tape
v. Staples
vi. Construction toys
vii. Straws
viii. Plastic wrap
ix. Batteries
x. Pictures
xi. And many more
k. https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cells/insideacell/

VIII. Assessment:
 They will assess their understanding through the project
 They will self evaluate their own project

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