ARCore Overview - Event in A Box

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Getting started with Unity and Android Studio

Akram Zeyada
Solutions Engineer at orange and Team leader of GDG Delta
Proprietary and Confidential

ARCore Overview

ARCore with Unity

ARCore with Sceneform

ARCore Overview
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Augmented Reality
AR can bring anything to you. It adds
computer-generated information and
objects to your everyday world.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

AR can be useful Image

Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

AR can be fun
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

AR can be fun Image

Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview


Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Who can run ARCore Applications

ARCore is compatible with 100+ million Supported in China too!

devices (and growing!)
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

ARCore Android Capabilities

Motion Environmental Light

Tracking Understanding Estimation
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Light Estimation
ARCore captures information about the
lighting of the environment.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Motion Tracking
ARCore combines visual data from the
device’s camera and motion data from the
device’s IMU to compute the position and
orientation of the phone.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Environmental Understanding
ARCore detects surfaces - like tables and
desks, and makes these surfaces
available to your app as planes.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Oriented Points
Oriented points lets you place virtual
objects on non-horizontal surfaces.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Vertical Planes
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Augmented Images
Images are matched from a database of
know images.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Anchors to Attach the Virtual

to the Real

Anchors should be used whenever you

need to attach virtual objects to
features in the world. ARCore will
automatically handle drift correction.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore Overview

Cloud Anchors
Sharing anchors between people and
across platforms.
ARCore with Unity
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

ARCore & Unity Specifics

Use Unity 2017.4 LTS or later.

Set Player Properties:

Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Anatomy of an ARCore Scene - Unity

Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Plane Discovery
Plane detection is the foundation of
understanding the physical world.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Code: Plane Discovery - Unity

void OnUpdate() {

// Screen Space Canvas object showing animation.

GameObject SearchingForPlaneUI;

// Show searching if not tracking or no planes.

if(Session.Status != SessionStatus.Tracking) {


bool showSearchingUI = true;

for (int i = 0; i < m_AllPlanes.Count; i++) {
if (m_AllPlanes[i].TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracking) {
showSearchingUI = false;
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Plane Visualization
Planes should be easily identified, but still
an opportunity to create your own look
and feel.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Code: Plane Visualization - Unity

/* Leverage TrackedPlaneVisualizer to procedurally create the plane geometry.

The PlaneGrid material uses a texture for the pattern and parameters for
the color and rotation.

k_PlaneColors[s_PlaneCount++ % k_PlaneColors.Length]);
m_MeshRenderer.material.SetFloat("_UvRotation",Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f));
m_MeshRenderer.material.mainTexture = myCustomTexture;
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Checking ARCore for Support

ARCore checking is automatic for ARCore
Required applications.

ARCore optional applications need to

check explicitly.

Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Unity

Code: Check for ARCore on Device

public void Start () {

// Start the asynchronous check for ARCore on the device.

// Callback for CheckApkAvailability

private void HandleAvailabilityStatus (ApkAvailabilityStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case ApkAvailabilityStatus.SupportedApkTooOld:
case ApkAvailabilityStatus.SupportedNotInstalled:
// Need to start installation or updating
of ARCore Services.
Session.RequestApkInstallation (true).ThenAction
case ApkAvailabilityStatus.SupportedInstalled:
// Everything is ready!
EnableARFeatures (true);
// Other error conditions, can't use ARCore.
EnableARFeatures (false);
ARCore with Sceneform
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Sceneform

Anatomy of an ARCore Scene - Android Studio

Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Sceneform

Code: Hello Sceneform

// When you build a Renderable, Sceneform loads its resources in the background while returning
// a CompletableFuture. Call thenAccept(), handle(), or check isDone() before calling get().
.setSource(this, R.raw.andy)
.thenAccept(renderable -> andyRenderable = renderable);

(HitResult hitResult, Plane plane, MotionEvent motionEvent) -> {

// Create the Anchor.

Anchor anchor = hitResult.createAnchor();
AnchorNode anchorNode = new AnchorNode(anchor);

// Create the transformable andy and add it to the anchor.

TransformableNode andy = new TransformableNode(arFragment.getTransformationSystem());
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Sceneform

Code: Plane Visualization - Android Studio

* Sets the plane texture to the image in the assets directory.
* @param texturePath - the assets/ relative path.
private void setPlaneTexture(String texturePath) {

Texture.Sampler sampler = Texture.Sampler.builder()

Texture.builder().setSource(() -> getAssets().open(texturePath))
.build().thenAccept((texture) -> {
.thenAccept((material) -> {
material.setTexture(MATERIAL_TEXTURE, texture);
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Sceneform

Build Your App with Assets from Poly

Poly has thousands of free 3D assets that
you can use to quickly bootstrap your app.
Proprietary and Confidential
ARCore with Sceneform

Instant Preview - Unity

Eliminates round trip of building, deploying,
Proprietary and Confidential
Thank you

Thank you!
@Akram Zeyada

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