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Press Release: 13th November, 2018.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has set itself an ambitious reform agenda for its first 100 Days
in power. The province is working on a total of 24 actions across multiple departments, going above
and beyond the 10 actions it was initially tasked as part of the 100 Day Plan. The additional actions
include areas where the government wishes to strengthen policy and planning, as well as unique
actions critical to the province like introducing an IT Master Plan, e-governance drive and a
Peshawar Development Plan.

The Minister for Finance as the Chief Minister’s Focal Person on the 100 Day Agenda, along with the
Strategic Support Unit have been supporting departments to develop their plans and take regular
stock-take of progress. Work is in full swing in all departments to produce quality, precise and
actionable plans for the next five years.

Several important milestones are in the final stages of completion. Draft Education and Health sector
blueprints have been developed and a new Tourism Strategy for Pakhtunkhwa has been launched
recently. The government has announced expansion of the Sehat Insaaf Card to 800,000 additional
households and roll out will also be extended to FATA. Rs. 5 billion has also been secured for Youth
Loans to promote entrepreneurship and employment through collaboration with the private sector.

Significant developments have also been achieved in the area of transforming governance. The
government is currently finalizing improvements to the 2013 Local Government model, and
streamlining the system for more clear and significant devolution of powers at grassroots level.
Work is also underway on preparing a Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Judicial Reform package and outlining a
Police Reform Roadmap for 2018-23 that builds on the achievements of the department in the last
five years of PTI government.

Recognizing the sensitivity and significance of the KP-FATA merger process, the Pakhtunkhwa
government is working with the FATA Secretariat to develop integration timelines and will soon
announce a development package for FATA. Five departments including health, education,
population welfare, zakat, and social welfare have already been merged with the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Secretariat. Special directives have also been given to include FATA as part of
individual sectoral strategies.

To help promote economic growth activities in the province the government is aiming to improve its
Ease of Doing Business environment and work is underway on a revamped Industrial and Economic
Strategy. Transformation of key institutions, including the KPRA, has been started to increase
revenue generation activities in the province.

As part of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government’s resolve to champion innovation and reform, it is
pioneering an IT Master Plan and will push E-governance systems to eliminate file culture from
government departments. Work has also begun on a comprehensive Peshawar Development Plan to
uplift the provincial metropolis.

To keep up momentum in the final month leading up to the 100 Day deadline of 6th December 2018,
the Chief Minister Mahmood Khan will review overall progress on each action. At the end of the 100
Days, the government will publish brief, public-friendly outputs on each action discussing
commitments and how they will be achieved over the next five years. Prime Minister Imran Khan will
be invited to launch the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government’s 100 Day plan progress at a grand event
in Peshawar.

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