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Standard roman unit *2.

7 attacks / Casualty Markers per model

Type of Troops Standard Size Large Small Tiny
2 deep Infantry 16 to 20 models 32 to 40 8 to 12 5 or 6
3 deep Infantry 24 to 30 models 48 to 60 12 to 15 5 or 6
4 deep Infantry 32 to 40 models 60 to 80 20 to 24 Not Allowed
Cavalry 12 to 16 models 24 to 32 6 to 8 3 or 4
Light Chariots 4 or 5 models 8 to 10 2 1
Heavy Chariots 2 or 3 models 4 or 5 1 -
Artillery 2 or 3 models 4 1 -
Elephants 1 model - - -

Units of troops are categorised into one of four arbitrary sizes: large, standard, small, and tiny. We should
emphasise that the majority of close fighting units in the army always conform to the standard size. Skirmishers
and other units that habitually operate in open order are usually fielded as small units. Tiny units are reserved
for scouts, foragers and the like. Large units are employed only in the biggest games where barbarian hordes
can be conveniently represented by double-sized formations.

The sizes we generally prefer are given on the table above. Note that it really doesn’t matter too much if units
are a little over or undersized on the day, so long as it is clear whether they are standard size, large, small or
tiny. Players are free to set unit sizes with fewer or more models as they please, these just happen to be the
sizes we use and which suit our collections.

In setting these sizes our intention is that all units present a frontage that is more-or-less the same for their
size and type when arranged in their usual fighting formations. Small units will be a little narrower, large units
a little wider. This is why infantry deploying three or four ranks deep have more models: they have extra ranks
to fill.

The table below summarises the frontages in millimeters for units based as described above and deployed in
their usual fighting formations. As tiny units don’t have strict formations these have been left off.


Type Of Troops Formation Standard Large Small
2 deep Infantry 2 deep battle-line 160-200mm 320-400mm 80-120mm
3 deep Infantry 3 deep battle line 160-200mm 320-400mm 80-120mm
4 deep Infantry 4 deep warband/phalanx 160-200mm 300-400mm 100-120mm
Cavalry 2 deep battle-line 150-200mm 300-400mm 75-100mm
Light Chariots 1 deep battle line 160-200mm 320-400mm 80mm
Heavy Chariots 1 deep battle line 160-240mm 320-400mm 80mm
Light Artillery 1 deep battle line 80-120mm 160mm-240mm 40mm
The fighting effectiveness of troops declines during the heat of battle due to breakage of weapons and armour,
bodily fatigue, failing morale, and men or officers falling wounded or killed. We represent all these factors by
means of casualty tokens or markers placed beside or behind the units. The maximum number of casualty markers
a unit can take is referred to as its ‘stamina’ and depends upon the unit’s size: most standard sized units can suffer
12 casualties, large units 16, small units 8 and tiny units only 2. This is explained together with the resultant effects
later in the game rules.

Unit Size Large Standard Small Tiny

Typical Stamina Value 8 6 4 1

Updated Stamina Value 16 12 8 2
Attacks Value 16 12 8 2

X6 wounds = x1 stamina
Any kind of markers can be employed to record casualties, such as actual models of dead or wounded, discarded
shields, or basic card or plastic tokens. Players are welcome to use whatever method they feel most comfortable
with, and can resort to pen and paper to record casualties if that is their preference.

Poorly trained troops still hit on 4+ but the target enemy get +1 Morale save.

Kataphraktos “Completely Enclosed”: Re-roll failed Morale saves of 1.

*½ Barded Cataphracts Move as Light Chariots and other Formed Cavalry 9”, and Re-roll failed Morale saves of 1
from (Front) missile and melee attacks. All Flank missile and Melee attack reduce the Morale saves -1.

Reserve commanders have a leadership rating one less than their predecessor. So, if the original commander has
the average rating of 8, then his replacement has a rating of 7.
All commanders including the general have Leadership ratings of 8 apart from Dipso Maniacus Vino who has a
randomised Leadership rating as already noted. The general has the standard re-roll rule in addition.
Type *2.7 per Inf model Short Long Morale Stamina Special
Clash Sustained Range Range Save
Roman Legionaries armed 14 14 6 0 4+ 6 Drilled,
with pila and swords Elite (4+), Testudo
(Heavy Infantry)
Raw Roman Legionaries 12 12 6 0 4+ 6
armed as above
(Heavy Infantry)
Auxiliaries with spears 12 12 6 0 5+ 6
(Medium Infantry)
Auxiliary Archers 6 6 4 4 5+ 3
fielded as small unit
(Light Infantry Archers)
Cavalry Auxiliaries with 16 10 6 0 5+ 6
(Medium Cavalry)
Numidian Cavalry fielded 10 6 4 0 6+ 4 Feigned Flight
as small unit (Light Cavalry)
Roman legionaries are armed with pila and archers with bows. No special rules apply to spear/javelin armed
troops and spears are not considered long spears.

All commanders including the general have Leadership ratings of 8. The general has the standard re-roll rule in
Type *2.7 per Inf model Short Long Morale Stamina Special
Clash Sustained Range Range Save
Warband armed with 18 12 4 0 5+ 6 Wild Fighters
swords and javelins (6 re-rolls)
(medium infantry)
Druid Fanatic Warband 18 12 4 0 5+ 6 Wild Fighters
(medium infantry) (6 re-rolls) Fanatic,
Frenzied Charge
Skirmishers with javelins 6 4 4 0 0 4
fielded as a small unit.
Skirmishers with slings 4 4 4 4 0+ 4
fielded as a small unit
Cavalry armed with 14 10 6 0 6+ 3
javelins (light cavalry)
Numidian Cavalry fielded 10 6 4 0 6+ 4 Feigned Flight
as small unit (Light Cavalry)
British Light Chariots 12 10 8 0 4+ 6
Hunters armed with 4 4 4 4 0 4
javelins and fielded as
small unit (skirmishers)
Britons are armed with swords and javelins throughout, apart from the sling-armed Skirmishers.
The Celtic sentries occupy the lookout post, which is treated as a building, adding +2 to their Morale save. The
villagers are armed with whatever comes to hand. The herdsman has no stats and is simply slain if caught, if he
reaches the villagers he is absorbed into their unit.

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