Ism Activity Logs Scan

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Clear Springs High School ISM- Mentorship Activity Log Student's Name: Alas So Mencoecs Period: \O_ Total Activity Hours fr Week: _2 hours _mi. weekot: Vy 10 yO Tote! Hours with Mentor for weg <> ho Day/Time Detail of Mentorship Activities ‘aaivity | Mentor | Mentor Signature Hours | Wours | (REQUIRED) MONDAY = _RAenwity wormed pote: AAOLIG for, \ time H=S pm TUESDAY. Mentor ours) me wih ater AG manor ond coscata 1S Time: 2, — 4:20um) Toe oe: Wi2-| 18 Aciwity Snoures wert4 \ ON gear Setrhog. and Be sem | ry 0S wuREDAY pate: 1/13 | 1S time: 3:30-S gm Manton Wours © Wav ed WWE mENTOK HA CliscUssecl PO\LEY +OPFIC , Cosewed FRIDAY a Doves ow — Ube SUNDAY Date: Time: sMPORTANT: Always cound your time tothe nearest hal-hou (30 min.) x Ww + Your mentor MUST sign for actual mentorship days/hou's (ee sample paged; Activity Logs missing the required mentor signatures) wit net be accepted for credit towards mentorship hours. You see expected to document and total BOTH “mentorship (a east 3 hours} and “activity” (2 hours) ‘Mctorship Activity Logs ae due EVERY Monday (25 points each day lat, ZERO after 2 days) ‘Students MUST show an average af 3 “mentorship” hours per week for course credit ‘You are expected totum io 8 mentorship log each week, even if you ave unable to mest with your mentor. I this isthe case pease document when/how you plan to make up the hours, You should stil document at least 2 “athaty” Nous, Clear Springs High School ISM- Mentorship Activity Log Student’s Name: Alyssa Mencacer Period: \O Total activity Hours for Week: “Be hours ___min weer AAT, po Teo wh att a 2D) an Day/Time Detail of Mentorship Activities ‘Activity | Mentor | Mentor Signature Hours | Hours | (REQUIRED) ecounar MAKE ROUCS + Wereed | REALL IG | emer ana ebsened D Do Te 3 130-520 py UtLA TUESDAY : as Mantor Hours > SE RAED SE | £ ern Ted 10 arn WEONESOAY WW a) aces} 4 OF Time: - 19 ¢ Ut THURSDAY pate: 4/20 1B : rime &- 845 | AcHuity hours: wereect on | | \ Poster Wantor Bours: pee OSs ae ACh Vity Rovcs = wWeread on wWeebl4 and | assign ments Date: IMPORTANT: ‘Always round your time tothe nearest hashour (30 mins.) ‘+ Your mentor MUST sgn for actual mentors not be accepted for credit towards mentorship hours, ‘Youae expected to document an total BOTH "mentorship" (at least 3 hours) and “activity” (2 hours) Meotorship Activity Logs ae due EVERY Monday (spon 26 i E i ip daysfhours (se sample page); Activity Logs missing the required mentor signature) wat Clear Springs High School ISM- Mentorship Activity Log Studentstome:_ Bly Menccicc Period: SO Yotal Activity Hours for Week 2p pin Week ot: Vy 24 7 \B Total Hours with Mentor for Week: SY hours min Day/Time Detail of Mentorship Activities Activity | Mentor | Mentor Signature Hours | Hours (REQUIRED) ‘MONDAY : Date: date WANS Mentor Yours: obsewed ond iscussea twpic for THE 3:30 - Sa yah PHBLANTTHON L 4 Qyna- TUESDAY Time: POLE Adee | WeDRGaDAY Aetudty Reus + Resear aBenuneg i Nuss 3) suena AssrQnnwrts and vesearaud 1 on | bate: Ave projecr = vision \ ae Am pair WES THURSDAY dare} 27| 10 Time: 3 = 4 pen Mentor tour and diswssed project obsewad Date: Time: | saibay Date: Time Date: Time: iROAY } dese YO mt IMPORTANT: ‘Always round your time to the nearest hal hour (30 min) Your mentor MUST sgn for actu mentorship days/nours (see sample page); Activity Logs missing the required mentor signatures] will ‘not be accepted for credit towards mentorship hours. ‘You are expected to document and total BOTH "mentorship" atleast 3 hours) and “activity (2 hours) Mentorship Activity Logs sre due EVER jondoy (-25pomnts each day late, ZENO after 2 days) Students BHUST show an average of 3 "mentarsiig” hours per meek for course credit! ‘You ae expected to turn in mentorship log each weet, even f you are unable to meet with your mentor, tf isis the case, please ocurment when/how you plan to make up the hours. You should sil document ot least 2 "acy" hour

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