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ُ‫علَ ْي ُك ْم َو َر ْح َمةُ هللاِ َوبَ َركَاتُه‬

َ ‫سالَ ُم‬
َّ ‫ال‬
ِ‫ا ْل َح ْم ُد ِلل‬
‫ن َر ْح َمةٍ فَ ِب َما‬ ٍَِ ٍَ‫ظا ُك ْنتٍَ َولَ ٍْو ٍۖلَ ُه ٍْم ِل ْنت‬
ٍَ ‫ّللا ِم‬ ًّ َ‫ظ ف‬ ٍَ ‫غ ِلي‬َ ‫ب‬ ٍِ ‫ضوا ا ْلقَ ْل‬ ُّ َ‫ََل ْنف‬
ٍْ ‫ْف ٍۖ َح ْو ِلكٍَ ِم‬
‫ن‬ ٍُ ‫ع ْن ُه ٍْم فَاع‬ ْ ‫ٍۖاْل َ ْم ٍِر فِي َوشَا ِو ْر ُه ٍْم لَ ُه ٍْم َوا‬
َ ‫ست َ ْغ ِف ٍْر‬ ْ
‫علَى فَت َ َو َك ٍْل ع ََز ْمتٍَ فَ ِإذَا‬ َ ‫ٍّۚللا‬
ٍَِ ‫ن‬ ٍَ ِ‫ّللاَ إ‬
ٍَ ‫ب‬ ٍُّ ‫ين يُ ِح‬ ٍَ ‫ا ْل ُمت َ َو ِك ِل‬
‫أ َ َّما َب ْعدُ؛‬
The honorable all juries

And the honorable of all the audiences in this beautiful place

First of i to like thanks for the presence of gretest to Allah SWT who has given us many
guidence and many blessings. so we can gather here in this beautiful pleace. not forgetting the
prayer and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad, for why? because prophet muhammad has
brought us from the dark ages to the bright light, so we are always on the right path until the
end of the world.

Ladies and gentleman

On is beautiful occasion and in this beautiful place I would like to deliver a speech
entitled "islamٍofٍaٍpeacefulٍreligion”

You can imagine if life in this world is full of people who are friendly to each other,
there will be no hostility or news of violence that often appear in so many news. Yet, the
deviousness of this perishable world life has led many to lead to the instinct of combat. Every
person is trying to survive even by breaking the ropes of kindness to each other.

The many issues of disunity that occur in this world many pervasive in the joints of
Muslim life. Many stories stray out there that create stereotypes of Muslim life that are often
portrayed violently. That's totally misguided!

Ladies and gentleman

Islam is a religion of peace and does not want its people to commit violence. Jihad in
Islam is a struggle to achieve a better future in the state of rahmatan lil alamin. Although the
history of Islam tells a lot about warfare and allows war and kills opponents, it is clear that God
forbids excessive acts beyond the limits, and God does not like us to do things beyond the limit
for not making things better.
Allah Himself says on this matter in Al-Quran Surah Ali Imran verse 159

‫ن َر ْح َمةٍ فَ ِب َما‬ ٍَِ ٍَ‫ظا ُك ْنتٍَ َولَ ٍْو ٍۖلَ ُه ٍْم ِل ْنت‬
ٍَ ‫ّللا ِم‬ ًّ َ‫ظ ف‬ ٍَ ‫غ ِلي‬
َ ‫ب‬ ٍِ ‫ضوا ا ْلقَ ْل‬ ُّ َ‫ََل ْنف‬
ٍْ ‫ْف ٍۖ َح ْو ِلكٍَ ِم‬
‫ن‬ ٍُ ‫ع ْن ُه ٍْم فَاع‬ ْ ‫شا ِو ْر ُه ٍْم لَ ُه ٍْم َوا‬
َ ‫ست َ ْغ ِف ٍْر‬ ٍَ ‫ٍۖاْل َ ْم ٍِر فِي َو‬ ْ ‫فَ ِإذَا‬
ٍَ‫علَى فَت َ َو َك ٍْل ع ََز ْمت‬َ ‫ٍّۚللا‬
ٍَِ ‫ن‬ ٍَ ‫ّللاَ ِإ‬
ٍَ ‫ب‬ ٍُّ ‫ين يُ ِح‬ ٍَ ‫ا ْل ُمت َ َو ِك ِل‬

Which means: ‫ن َرحْ َمةٍ فَ ِب َما‬

ٍَ ‫ّللا ِم‬
ٍَِ ٍَ‫لَ ُه ٍْم ِل ْنت‬ So it is because of the mercy of Allah that you are
gentle to them..

ًّ َ‫ظ ف‬
ٍ‫ظا ُك ْنتٍَ َولَ ْو‬ ٍَ ‫غ ِلي‬ ٍِ ‫ضوا ا ْلقَ ْل‬
َ ‫ب‬ ُّ َ‫ن ََل ْنف‬
ٍْ ‫ َح ْو ِلكٍَ ِم‬If we are harsh and abusive, they
will certainly abstain
ٍ‫ْف‬ ُ ‫ع ْن ُه ٍْم فَاع‬ َ Oleh karena itu, maafkanlah mereka
ْ ‫ لَ ُه ٍْم َوا‬Therefore, forgive them
‫ست َ ْغ ِف ٍْر‬
‫ ْاْل َ ْم ٍِر فِي َوشَا ِو ْر ُه ٍْم‬as well as deliberation.
‫علَى فَت َ َو َك ٍْل ع ََز ْمتٍَ فَ ِإذَا‬ َ ِ‫ّللا‬
ٍَ Believe to Allah,
ٍَ ‫ّللاَ ِإ‬
‫ن‬ ٍَ ‫ب‬ ٍَ ‫ ا ْل ُمت َ َو ِك ِل‬because Allah loves those who put His trust in Him
ٍُّ ‫ين يُ ِح‬
The above verse is very clear that Islam is a religion of peace and friendliness, for
example Allah Almighty sends Prophet Muhammad SAW as human beings full of friendly

Ladies and gentleman

Let us briefly explore together the study of Islam about how friendly attitude of the
Prophet in the assembly with his companions. How his compassionate attitude to his wives.
How unfortunately the Prophet's attitude to small children. How Rasulullah always encourage
the obligation ta'at to parents and help others, especially the poor and needy. How Rasulullah
always advise the Muslims to respect the guests and improve the relationship with family,
relatives and neighbors. And many more.

The friendly and gentle attitude that we can actually be an example of the life of the
king Rasulullah SAW. Allah Himself has spoken in the Qur'an Surah At Taubah verse 128:

ٍ‫سولٍ َجا َء ُك ٍْم ٍلَقَ ْد‬ ِ ُ‫علَ ْي ٍِه ع َِزيزٍ أ َ ْنف‬

ٍْ ‫س ُك ٍْم ِم‬
ُ ‫ن َر‬ َ ٍ‫علَ ْي ُك ٍْم َح ِريص‬
َ ‫عنِت ُّ ٍْم َما‬ َ
ٍَ ِ‫َر ِحيمٍ َر ُءوفٍ ِبا ْل ُم ْؤ ِمن‬
Which mean : It has indeed arrived to you a messenger (messenger) of your own people, where
the weight feels for him your suffering, he desperately wants (faith and
salvation) for you, a very merciful compassionate person towards the believers.

Ladies and gentleman

Thus once again I affirm, Islam is not a hard religion and does not justify its people to
do violence as where the Messenger of Allah once said said to Aishah: O Aisha! Allah is the
most meek, He loves meekness in all things.

Such is the speech of me hopefully no more of us who doubt the nature of hospitality
in Islam. I close by saying

َ ُ‫َوبَ َركَات ُ ٍهُ للاٍِ َو َر ْح َم ٍة‬

َ ‫علَ ْي ُك ٍْم َوال‬
ٍ‫سالَ ُم‬
Hamdan wa syukron lillah, sholatu wasalamu ‘ala rosulillah, amma ba’du

the honorable all juries

and the honorable of all the audience in this beautiful place

first of I would like to the ask all of you to give thanks to the presence of gretest to
Allah SWT who has given us many guidence and many blessings. so we can gather here in this
beautiful pleace. not forgetting the prayer and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad, because
why? because prophet muhammad has brought us from the dark ages to the bright light, so we
are always on the right path until the end of the world.

Ladies and gentleman

Bisa dibayangkan jika kehidupan di dunia ini penuh dengan orang-orang yang ramah terhadap
sesamanya, pasti tidak akan ada permusuhan atau berita-berita kekerasan lagi yang sering
muncul di banyak sekali media. Namun, peliknya kehidupan dunia yang fana ini telah membuat
banyak orang lebih banyak mengarah pada insting pertarungan. Setiap pribadi berusaha survive
bahkan dengan memutuskan tali kebaikan pada sesamanya.

Banyaknya isu-isu perpecahan yang terjadi di dunia ini banyak yang merasuk dalam sendi-
sendi kehidupan muslim. Banyak cerita melenceng diluar sana yang menciptakan stereotipe
kehidupan Muslim yang sering digambarkan dengan penuh kekerasan. Itu benar-benar salah

Ladies and gentleman

Islam adalah agama yang damai dan tidak menghendaki umatnya untuk melakukan kekerasan.
Jihad dalam islam adalah perjuangan untuk mencapai hal yang lebih baik kemasa depan dalam
kondisi rahmatan lil alamin. Meskipun sejarah islam banyak menceritakan tentang peperangan
dan membolehkan perang dan membunuh lawan, dengan sangat jelas Allah melarang
perbuatan yang berlebih-lebihan melampui batas,dan Allah tidak suka kita berbuat yang
melampui batas karena tidak membuat semuanya menjadi lebih baik.

Allah sendiri berfirman atas hal ini dalam Al Quran surat Ali Imran ayat 159

‫ّللا ِمنَ َر ْح َمة فَ ِب َما‬

َِ ‫ت‬ َ ‫ت َولَ ْو ۖ لَ ُه ْم ِل ْن‬
َ ‫ظا ُك ْن‬ ًّ َ‫ظ ف‬ َ ‫ب َغ ِلي‬ ِ ‫ْالقَ ْل‬
‫ضوا‬ ُّ َ‫ْف ۖ َح ْو ِل َك ِم ْن ََل ْنف‬ ُ ‫َوشَا ِو ْر ُه ْم لَ ُه ْم َوا ْست َ ْغ ِف ْر َع ْن ُه ْم فَاع‬
‫ت فَإِذَا ۖ ْاْل َ ْم ِر فِي‬ َ ‫ّللا َعلَى فَت َ َو َك ْل َعزَ ْم‬
ِ َ ۚ ‫ّللاَ ِإ َن‬
َ ‫ب‬ ُّ ‫ْال ُمت َ َو ِك ِلينَ يُ ِح‬
Yang artinya : ‫ن َرحْ َمةٍ فَبِ َما‬ ٍَ ٍَ‫ لَ ُه ٍْم ِل ْنت‬Maka dikarenakan rahmat dari Allah-lah engkau
ٍَ ‫ّللاِ ِم‬
berlaku lemah lembut kepada mereka.
ًّ َ‫ظ ف‬
ٍ‫ظا ُك ْنتٍَ َولَ ْو‬ ٍَ ‫غ ِلي‬ ِ ‫ضوا ا ْلقَ ْل‬
َ ٍ‫ب‬ ُّ ٍَ‫ن ََل ْنف‬
ٍْ ‫ َح ْو ِلكٍَ ِم‬Bila kami bersikap keras dan
kasar, maka mereka tentu akan menjauhkan diri.
ٍُ ‫ع ْن ُه ٍْم فَاع‬
‫ْف‬ َ Oleh karena itu, maafkanlah mereka
ٍ‫ست َ ْغ ِف ْر‬ْ ‫ لَ ُه ٍْم َوا‬dan mohonkan ampun bagi mereka,
‫ ْاْل َ ْم ٍِر ِفي َوشَا ِو ْر ُه ٍْم‬serta bermusyawarah.
‫علَى فَت َ َو َك ٍْل ع ََز ْمتٍَ فٍَِإذَا‬ َ ِ‫ّللا‬
ٍَ Bertaqwalah kepada Allah,
ٍَ ِ‫ّللاَ إ‬
‫ن‬ ٍَ ‫ب‬ ٍَ ‫ ا ْل ُمتَ َو ِك ِل‬karena Sungguh Allah menyukai orang-orang
ٍُّ ‫ين يُ ِح‬ yang
bertawakkal kepada Nya.

Ayat diatas sangatlah jelas menegaskan bahwa islam adalah agama yang damai dan ramah,
sebagai contoh Allah swt mengutus Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai insan yang penuh sikap

Ladies and gentleman

Marilah sejenak kita telusuri bersama kajian islam tentang bagaimana sikap ramah Rasulullah
pada majelis bersama para sahabatnya. Bagaimana sikap belas kasih beliau kepada istri-
istrinya. Bagaimana sikap sayangnya Rasulullah pada anak-anak kecil. Bagaimana Rasulullah
selalu menggalakkan kewajiban ta’at pada orang tua serta menolong sesama terutama orang-
orang miskin dan membutuhkan. Bagaimana Rasulullah selalu menyarankan orang-orang
islam untuk menghormati tamu dan memperbaiki silaturahmi dengan keluarga, kerabat dan
tetangga. Dan masih banyak lagi.

Sikap ramah dan lemah lembut itu sebenarnya bisa kita contoh dari kehidupan baginda
Rasulullah SAW. Allah sendiri telah berfirman dalam Al Quran Surat At Taubah ayat 128:

ُ ‫َح ِريص َع ِنت ُّ ْم َما َعلَ ْي ِه َع ِزيز أ َ ْنفُ ِس ُك ْم ِم ْن َر‬

‫سول َجا َء ُك ْم لَقَ ْد‬
‫َر ِحيم َر ُءوف ِب ْال ُمؤْ ِمنِينَ َعلَ ْي ُك ْم‬
Sungguh telah tiba padamu seorang utusan (Rasul) dari kaummu sendiri, dimana berat terasa
olehnya penderitaanmu, dia sangat menginginkan (keimanan dan keselamatan) bagimu, orang
yang amat belas kasihan lagi penyayang terhadap orang-orang mukmin.

Ladies and gentleman

Dengan demikian sekali lagi saya tegaskan, islam bukan agama yang keras dan tidak
membenarkan umatnya untuk melakukan kekerasan sebagai mana Rasulullah pernah berkata
berkata kepada Aisyah: Wahai Aisyah! Sesungguhnya Allah itu maha lemah lembut, Dia
mencintai kelemah-lembutan dalam segala hal.

Demikianlah pidato dari saya semoga tidak ada lagi dari kita yang meragukan sifat keramah
tamahan dalam islam. Saya tutup dengan mengucapkan

Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah wassalamu ‘alaikum

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