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Shop assistant: Hi there. Do you need ________ help?

Sam: Hi. Er … I really like these ______________. How __________ ______ they?
Shop assistant: They’re £__________.
Sam: OK. Do you__________ them ____ a 10?
Shop assistant: I’ll _______________ for you.
Sam: Thanks.
Shop assistant: Oh … what colour _________________________________?
Sam: Black, ______________.
Shop assistant: OK, _______________________. We’ve got 10 in _________, but not in _________.
Sam: Oh … do you have __________ ___ _____ black?
Shop assistant: Yeah, _______. _______________________ to try them?
Sam: Yes, ____________. (The assistant gets Sam the trainers. Sam tries them on.)
Shop assistant: ___________ are they?
Sam: I like them, but they’re a bit ________ ________.
Shop assistant: OK. Do you want to try ______ ____________ __________ in your size?
Sam: Mmm, no ____________. I don’t _________ the ______ _________ too much.
Shop assistant: Ah, OK. Well, __________ about that.
Sam: _______ worry ... ____________ anyway. Bye.
Shop assistant: ___________ ___ ___________. Bye now.

1) Sam wants to buy some trousers/trainers

2) They cost £45/£55

3) Sam is size 10/11

4) Sam wants black/white trainers.

5) Sam tries some trainers, but they’re too small/big.

6) Sam buys/doesn’t buy the trainers in the end.

Put the words in the correct order to make questions and sentences.

1) trainers, much, ?, these, are, how

2) in, got, 10, size, a, ?, them, have, you
3) ?, you, red, have, do, in, these
4) I,., like, big, them, too, but, a, they, bit, are
5) don’t, I, the, too, white, much, ones, like, .
Problems at the train station
Station manager: _______________ ____________. How ________ I __________ you?
Makayla: Hello … Erm … yes. I’ve just ________ my train!
Station manager: Ah. Where ____ you _______?
Makayla: ____ Manchester.
Station manager: Yes. That _____ the 16:20.
Makayla: ______ time’s the ______ one?
Station manager: Let’s ______. The _______ train to Manchester _________ at 17:15 from
platform 2.
Makayla: 17:15 … so that’s ________ past ______ … platform 2. _____ time _____ it ____
____ Manchester?
Station manager: 18:30.
Makayla: _____ ______ six … erm … ______ I use the same ________?
Station manager: __________ ___ _________, please. ______ I _____ your ticket?
Makayla: Yes, ______ you are.
Station manager: Ah,_____ ______, no ... You ________ use this _______ on the 17:15 train.
Makayla: Really? _____ not?
Station manager: Because this ticket is _______ valid ______ 5 or after 7 o’clock. _______ rush
hour tickets are________ _______________.
Makayla: Oh … do I have to buy _______ _________?
Station manager: Yes, ________, I can change your _______ ticket for a ______ ticket. The old
ticket _______ £7.50 and the new ticket _____ £11.00, so you just need to _____ the difference,
______ is £3.50.
Makayla: OK, erm ... What ______________ is it from?
Station manager: Platform 2. _________ there.
Makayla: OK, _______. Bye.
Station manager: _________________ ______________.

1.What problem has Makayla had? A) She’s just missed her train.. B) She’s taken the wrong train. C)
She’s just lost her ticket.

2. Where does Makayla want to go? A) To London B) To Edinburgh C) To Manchester

3. Which train can Makayla take? A) The 16:20 train B) The 17:15 train C) The 18:30 train
4. What does Makayla need to do? A) Change her old ticket for a new ticket and pay an extra
£3.50 B) Change her old ticket for a new ticket and pay an extra £11.00 C) Change her old ticket
for a new ticket and pay an extra £7.50

5. Which platform is her train going from? A) Platform 1 B) Platform 2 C) Platform 3

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