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Propagation, taxonomy and ecophysiological characteristics

of AzollaAnabuena symbiosis in freshwater habitats of Beni-

Suef Governorate (Egypt).


Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef 62511,


A new ecotype of Azolla fern was existed and established in

freshwater habitats at Beni-Suef Govcrnorate. The fern propagated in
shallow irrigation canals and drains with low-velocity water. Azolla fern
is circular (fan-like) in shape with a diameter of 2-3 cm, the surface of the
fronds is covered with trichomes and contains stomata with annular guard
cells and central pores. Azolla is a sterile hybrid, only forming
microsporocarps and never form megasporocarps, the microsporocarp
contains about 64 microsporangia. Each microsprangium consists of 4
massula, which is characterized by the presence of an anchor-like shaped
multiscptate glochidia cover the whole surface of the massula. This
ccotype was suggested to be belong to Azolla caroliniana on the basis of
vegetative and reproductive characteristics. The growth (biomass yield) is
affected by seasonal variation. The fern yielded higher biomass (about
3.0- 4.5 kg m2) and gave a shorter doubling time in summer season. In
winter season the biomass yield of the fern was only about 1.0-1.5 kg n12.
Azolla plants accumulated higher amounts of the minerals Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni
and Pb, when grew in freshwater canals, drains and waste water. Salt

stress treatment inhibited growth (fresh weight), nitrogen fixation
(nitrogenase activty) and protein content of Azolla plants. The inhibitory
levels of salinity were about 0.6-0.8 % NaCl. Growth and nitrogen
fixation of Azotla plants were signifcantly inhibited at higher levels (2.4
moini3 and 5.1 molm3) of combined nitrogen (ammonium sulphate and
urea). The ccophysiological significance of Azolla existed in freshwater
habitats of Beni-Sucf Govcrnoratc is discussed.


Azolla plants have been introduced into Egypt since 20 years ago
as green manures. The high cost of mineral nitrogen has encouraged the
use of Azo/la-nitrogcn to substitute mineral nitrogen in rice fields (EL-
BASSEL et al. 1994, YANNI et al. 1994). It is bcleived that at least five
species of Azolla have ivaded the freshwater bodies of the northern
govcrnorates of the Nile Delta few years ago (EL-HADIDI & FAY~’ED
1995), the fern continued fast wide spread up to the extent that it is now
observed floating on most stagnant water of drainage canals of the Nile
Delta (ABD-ALLA ct a!. 1994, YANNI et al. 1994, ELHADIDI &
FAYED 1995). The growth of Azolla in drainage canals forms thick mat
so that about 2 to 5 kg of fresh Azolla can be collected up from a square
meter of water surface (YANNI ct al. 1994). However, this heavy
vegetation of Azolla has created a serious problem due to water loss by
cvapotranspiration and mechanical obstruction of irrigation and drainage
canals. An extensive survey of the occurrence of Azolla fern at freshwater
habitats of BcniSuef district was started at 1994, the fern was observed
floating in several canals and drains in the district. Farmers collect Azolla
to feed their birds, and sometimes usc it as weed, especially when Azolla

forming thick mats which disrupt the irrigation streams and clog pumps
when propagation of Azolla is in its maximal value in warm season.

Under favourable conditions, however, the small Azolla fronds

form thick mats that cover the water surface, and may cause changes in
water which affect other organisms such as fishes, insects and weeds. It
has been reported (KROCK ct al. 1988 a) that the Azolla plant cover may
influence the physical and chemical conditions of freshwater. The relative
light intensity under a full cover of Azolla was found to be about 10 %,
the maximum oxygen concentration dissolved in water was reduced by 3-
8 ppm, and the pH value was lowered by 1.4 points. The geographic
distribution of Azolla clearly indicates that the genus is adapted to very
wide-ranging temperature conditions. The optimum temperature for
growth is between 20 and 30 °C. l-Jowcvcr, some strains can tolerate
frost while others grow at a temperature higher than 45 °C (LUMPKIN &
PLUCKNETT 1980, WATANABE & BERJA 1983). Azolla plants arc
largely tolerant to pH variations. It survives in a p1-I range of 3.5 to 10
and grows well between pH 4.5 to 8.0 (NICKELL 1967). Salinity has
rarely been mentioned as a problem in the cultivation of Azolla, however,
it is a factor which should be studied whenever the introduction of Azolla
is being considered (PLAZIINSKI 1990).

Like most plants, Azolla is sensitive to changes and deficiencies in

the supply of plant nutrients. The fern requires all the macro-and
micronutrients which arc essential for normal plant growth (MOORE
1969). The macronutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium,
potassium and magnesium arc especially important and produce marked
effects on the growth of the fern if present in too high or too low
concentrations (LUMPKIN & PLUCKNETT 1980, YATAZAWA ct al.

1980, PLAZINSKI 1990). The micronutricnts such as iron, cobalt and
molybdenum, which have been shown to be essential for the nitrogen-
fixing process, must also be present in adequate supply in waters where
the fern grows (MOORE 1969, PLAZINSKI 1990).

The most remarkable characteristic of Azolla is its symbiotic

relationship with the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anahaena azollae.
The agronomic importance of Azolla is related to its ability to grow very
successfully in habitats where little or no combined nitrogen is available.
WATANABE ct al. (1977) estimated a daily rate of 1.1 kg N ha1 day’ as a
potential capacity of A. pinnala nitrogen fixation in the field. The
nitrogen fixation dfAzollaAnabaena symbiosis was reported to be
influenced to a large extent by various environmental factors, such as
temperature, light, pH, salinity, and the nutrients iron and phosphorus

(PETERS et al. 1976, LUMPKLN & PLUCKNETT 1980,


In this study, the ecology, distribution and propagation of the

Azolla fern in freshwater habitats of Beni-Suef district were studied. The
vegetative and reproductive characteristics of the fern were examined as a
base of taxonomy, and the biornass yield was determined as indication of
seasonal variation and freshwater environment. Some other
ccophysiological characteristics were also studied such as the ability of
the fern to uptake minerals from fresh and waste waters. The relationship
between Azolla growth, nitrogen fixation, salt stress and combined
nitrogen had been also studied.

Materials and Methods

Collection of Azolla plants: Specimens of Azolla plants were

collected from freshwater of an irrigation drain and kept in their natural
water or in a fixative composed of 4 % glutaraldchydc in 0.1 M
phosphate buffer, pH 7 for laboratory examination. The growth of the fern
was determined as plant vigor which was measured as length of the fern
and roots, and frond diameter. The plant biomass which was measured as
fresh weight of blot-dried plants and an oven-dried (85°C) plant materials
per surface area.

Light and scanning electron microscopy examinations of Azolla

plants: The internal structure of hand sections of fresh Azolla plants was
examined and photographed by using Olympus Japan PK-I 0 AK
microscopy equipcd with camera (C-35 AD-4). Sections in the dorsal and
ventral sides of fronds were examined. The leaf cavities harbouring the
cndophytc cyanohactcrium Anabaena azollae, and also the reproductive
organs (microsporocarps) were examined by light microscopy. Specimens
of Azolla plants were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
examination following the method described by LIN & WATANABE
(1988) with slight modifications. Samples of Azolla in the glutaraldehyde
fixative, were postfixcd in 2 % osmium tetroxidc in the same buffer for 1-
2 h, and dehydrated in an ethanol-water series. The fixed and dehydrated
specimens were dried in a critical point dryer (Tousimis Research
Corporation, Rockvillc, MD, USA). Dried specimens were mounted on
aluminium stubs with silver paste and coated with gold using Ion Sputter
(Jcol-JFC-IIOOE) and observed and photographed under scanning
electron microscopy (JEM-100 5, Jcol, London, UK) at 40 kV.

Freshwater environment: The concentration of dissolved 02 was
measured monthly the surface water at a depth reach to 10 cm in an
irrigation drain. Measurements were taken under or near the Azolla plants
by using aquamcter (Oxygen meter) N 5011 T, Electronic Works TEL-
EKO, Poland. The pH of freshwater was measured monthly by using
combined pH electrode, Electronic Works TEL-EKO, Poland. The water
temperature was measured monthly for one year by using the same
aquameter. The air temperature (day and night) was daily recorded in a
Mctrological station at Bcni-Sucf district.

Chemical analysis of water and Azolla plants: The concentration

of the macroelemcnts Ca, Na, Mg, K and the microelements (minerals)
Fe, Cu, Zn, pb, Mn, Ni, were measured in freshwater and wastcwatcr,
following the Standard Mcthods for the examination of water and waste

water, 1985” by using atomic absorption spcctrophotomcter Pcrkin-

Elemcr 403 (Analytical Methods for Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometry, 1983). Available phosphorus was determined by the
molybdate-stannous chloride procedure according to CHAPMANN &
PARTT (1961). The content of some minerals (macro-and microclcmcnts)
was determined in plants by using atomic absorption spcctrophotometry.
The protein content was determined in an oven-dried (85 °C) and ground
plant material following the method of LOWRY ct al. (1951), bovin
serum albumin was used as a protein standard.

Growth and nitrogen fixation: Growth, nitrogen fixation and

protein content were determined for Azolla plants under salt stress
treatment. The Azolla plants were cultured in a nitrogen-free nutrient
solution (SHIOMI & KITOH 1993) with the following composition, in

mol m-3, CaC12.2H2O 1.0, MgSO4.7H2O 1.65, K2504 0.5, NaH2PO4.2H2O
0.65, and in m mol m-3, FcSO4.7H20 27, MnCl2.4H2O 1.1, CuSO4.5H2O
0.08, ZnSO4.7H20 0.19, NaMoO4.2H2O 0.05, H3BO3 5.8, pH was adjusted
to 7.0. The nutrient medium supplemented with four levels (0.2 %, 0.4 %,
0.6 and 0.8 %) of NaC1 equivalent to about 35, 70, 100 and 120 mol m~
NaCI. The salt-treated plants were compared with the control plants (no
salt added to the medium). The Azolla plants were cultured in small (7 cm
diameter) plastic pots, which were left at room temperature (26-28 °C) for
up to 7 days. Ten replicat were prepared for each treatment and kept in
randomized blocks. Five to ten plants (equal to 7 grams) of fresh Azolla
plants were cultured in each pot. Growth of Azolla was measured by
weighing a blot-dried fresh plants harvested after 1 to 7 days of treatment.

The nitrogen-fixing activity (nitrogenasc activity) of the Azolla-

Anahaena symbiosis was determined by using the acetylene reduction
assay according to the method described by ThING & SHEN (1981).
Azolla plants were collected from pots after growth for 18 h or 7 days
under salt treatment; young and mature plants (sporulated) were used.
About 3-5 Azolla plants (equal to about I gram) were placed in a small
serum bottles (30 ml capacity) fitted with subaseal to allow for addition
and withdrawal of gas samples. Each bottle was injected with 3 ml
acetylene (approximately equal to 10 % of the total gas volume) using a S
ml plastic syringe. Before injection, a 3 ml of the gas were withdrawn
from each bottle in order to adjust the internal pressure of gases. The
injected bottles were incubated for two hours at 27 °C, then the reaction
was terminated by injecting 2-3 ml of 6 N HC1 to each bottle. The gas
mixture inside the bottle was thoroughly mixed before assay. For
acetylene reduction assay, one nil gas sample was withdrawn from each

bottle and injected into ATI Unicome 610 Series Gas Chromatograph with
a flame ionization detector and a 5 ft. x 1/8 inch glass column of

activated alumina (80-100 mesh) at a temperature of 150 °C. The
carrier gas was nitrogen at a flow rate of 10 psi. The protein content was
determined for Azolla plants cultured for seven days under the same
conditions of salt stress. An oven-dried (85 °C) plant material was used
for protein analysis. Growth (fresh weight) and nitrogenasc activity
(acetylene reduction) of Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis were determined for
plants cultivated under treatment with combined nitrogen (ammonium
sulphate and urea) in nitrogen-free nutrient medium. Azolla plants were
culivated in plastic pots under the same conditions used for salt stress
treatment experiment. Three levels (100, 200 and 300 ppm) equal to 0.8,
1.6, 2.4 mol m3 (ammonium sulphate) and 1.7, 3.4, 5.1 mol m~ (urea)
were tested. The plants were left under treatment for 7 days.

Results and Discussion

Taxonomy of Azolla plants: The ecotype of Azolla established in

freshwater habitats of Beni-Sucf Governoratc is a fan-shaped (circular) in
appearance with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. The length of the shoot
system is about 2.3 cm and that of root is about 3:7 cm. In bulk the fern
forms a 2-3 cm thick mats and the fronds arc usually dark-green in colour.
The surface of the dorsal lobe has an epidermis covered with vertical
rows of single cell stomata and with a two-celled trichomes (Fig. I a). The
Azolla fern is unique in having a single annular guard cell surrounding
each stoma, and the stomata have central pores (KONAR & KAPOOR
1972, LUMPKIN & PLUCKNETT 1980). The morphology of the
individual plant and the type and distribution of hairs (trichomcs) on the
leaf surfaces and stems of Azolla fern were taken as important
vegetational characteristics for identification of Azolla (LUM.PKIN &
PLUCKNETT 1982, PERKINS et al. 1985). In the dorsal lobe of the

Azolla fern, the cavities which containing the endophytc cyanobacterium
symbiont (Anabaena azollae) were observed. The cyanobactcrium
endophyte grows as a filament or trichome (thread) of cells (Fig. I b). The
trichome is unbranched and uniscriate. Two types of cells were
recognized in the cyanobacterium trichome, the vegetative cells and the
hcterocysts (Fig. ib).

The Azolla ecotype found at Beni-Suef freshwater bodies only

form microsporocarps. The megasporocarps arc never formed by this
species. This observation was emphasized after 3 years of monitoring and
examination of the fern collected from freshwater habitats. The
microsporocarps are subtended on the ventral lobe and occur in pairs,
they are globular in shape and contain about 64 microsporangia at
maturity. Each microsporangium (Fig. 2a) consists of four massula (Fig.
2b), which in turn, contain four microspores. The whole s urface of the
massulae (Fig. 2c) arc covered with anchor-like glochidia which are
characterized by the presence of about 3-4 internal scpta near to the tip
(Fig.2d). The formation of fruiting bodies (micro-or mcgasporocarps),
and the presence or location of glochidia on the massulae of
microsporangium are important reproductive characteristics (KONAR &
KAPOOR 1974). The vegetational and reproductive characteristics of the
Azolla ecotype are basic criteria for classifying of the fern as one of the
species of section Euazolla, especially to the species Azol/a carol/n/ant,,
A. nwxicana, and A. microphylia, and share in few characteristics with A.
fit/cub/des. However, the absence of the megaspores and the presence of
multiseptatc glochidia suggests that the species is related to A.
caroliniana. It has been found that A. caroliniana never forms
megasporocarps and thus is suggessted to be a sterile hybrid (TRYON &
TRYON 1982), since the massulae of these species are covered by

multiseptate glochidia (SEVENSON 1944). The frond morphology and
other vegetative characteristics of the Azolla ecotype in this study are
very similar to that of A. mexicana and A. microphylla, the two species
also have multiseptate glochidia with a terminal anchor-shaped structure
(TAN et al. 1986). Furthermore, the Azolla ecotype is found to propagate
actively at temperature ranged between 30-37 °C, a character which
distinctive to the species to A. microphylla (TUNG &-WATANABE
1983). The similarity between the Azolla ecotype and each of A.
microphylla and A. mex/cana in some vegetative, reproductive and
physiological characteristics suggests that the species may be a sterile
hybrid of these two species. Hybrids of Azolla have been reported to be a
sterile forming only microsporocarps and may show new vegetative
characteristics not present in the parents (VAN CAT et al. 1989).

Biomass production of Azolla in relation to seasonal variations

and freshwater chemistry: The Azolla plants collected from an irrigation
drain yielded biomass equal to about I -4.5 kg fresh weight per meter
square (Table I). The biomass yield changed obviously with seasonal
fluctuations; changes in temperature appear to be the most effective
factor. A significant increase in biomass of Azolla (3.7-4.5 kg fresh
weight ni2) was found in warm season. The average water and air (day
and night) temperature (Table 1) in the extended warm season ranged
between 20-30 °C and 27-32 °C, respectively. In cold season, the hiomass
yield of Azolla plants was about 1-1.5 kg fresh weight per meter square
(Table 1). The average water and air temperatures in the cold season
ranged between 1 7-2] °C and 12-19 °C, respectively. The doubling time
of Azolba plants (data not shown) was about S and 6 days in spring and
summer seasons, respectively. The propagation of Azolla in winter was
greatly reduced or completely ceased. The seasonal variations may a

major factors affecting growth and hiomass yield of Azolla plants. It has
been reported (LUMPKIN & PLUCKNETT 1982) that high temperature
is considered a problem for the use of Azolla in the tropics, however, a
temperature-tolerant strains of Azolla were found among A. in/erophylla
and A. pinnata; these plants have showed good growth for 6 weeks at
37/29 ° C (TUNG & WATANABE 1983). The ecotype examined in this
study is, therefore a temperature tolerant, being produced high biomass in
warm seasons. The biomass production in Azolla is directly related to the
rate of growth and nitrogen fixation of Azolla-Anahaena symbiosis
(ThING & WATANABE 1 983). The biomass is usually influenced by a
range of environmental factors, the temperature arid low phosphorus
concentration are probably the most important. Since Azolla plants are
living in association with an endophyte cyanobacteriuni, the tolerance to
high temperature by Azolla-Anahaena symbiosis is determined both in
the host fern and the symbiontAnabaena (WATANABE et al. 1989).

The diurnal 02 cycle of water where Azolla grow was determined

(Table I) High biomass of Azolla appear to be related to high levels (7.5-
10.0 mg U’) of dissolved 02 (Table 1). However, the increase in 02
concentration may be a direct result to the high rate of Azolla growth. The
leaf cavity in the dorsal lobe of Azolba is surrounded by photosynthetic
mesophyll that photoevolves 02 in the light, thereby increasing the 02
concentration in the environment (MUTUSKIN & KOLESNIKOV 1991).
Therefore, Azolla plants may play an important role in freshwater
environment if they changed the levels of dissolved 02, either by
increasing (as that found in this study) or decreasing (by 3-8 ppm) in a
previous report (KROCK et al. 1988 a).

Biomass production was determined for Azolla plants grown in an
irrigation drain, the contents of chlorides, carbonates, bicarbonates,
suiphates and total soluble salts, and the pH, were determined monthly in
drain water (data not shown). The higher biomass yield of Azolla in warm
seasons coincided with higher contents of total soluble salts (0.06-0.08
%), CF (0.007-0.11 %), HC03 (0.018-0.034 %), S04 (0.020-0.027), and
with high pH (7.37-8.01). The Azolla species under investigation was
tolerant to different salts or ions (e.g. S04~, HC03 and CL) in drain water,
since the higher biomass yield coincided with the highest levels of these
salts. I-ugh biomass yield and high concentration of anions and salts were
in warm seasons, the increase in salt and anion concentration may be
attributed to high evaporation rate in warm seasons. Higher
concentrations of the cations Na+ and K+, and also of phosphorus were
found in drain water (data not shown), the values ranged between 27-52
ppm, 7-8 ppm and 6-7 ppm, respectively.

The concentration of some minerals in water of an irrigation drain

containing Azolla and in Azolla plant tissues, was determined (Table 2). The
minerals Cu, Fe and Zn were present in water at low concentrations
ranging between 0.002-0.004 % (Table 2). The concentration of Ni was
higher, being 0.138 (Table 2). With the exception of Cu, the Azolla plants
accumulated high content of the minerals in their tissues (Table 2). The
contents of Fe, Ni and Zn were about 1.156 %, 0.022, and 0.112 % in
plants grown in drain water. In this study, the Azolla plants accumulated
high amounts of various minerals in their tissues even though the
concentrations of these elements were very low in freshwater.

The contents of the minerals Cu, Fe and Zn were increased greatly

in plant tissue by about 33 %, 99 % and 97 %, respectively, (Table 2). The

concentration of any element in water is not an indication to the
concentration of the same element in plant tissues of Azolla. ROTHER &
WHITTON (1988) found that no significant relationship was found
between the concentration of the element in Azolla plants and that in the
water. The higher biornass yield of Azolla plants in this study may be
explained partly on the basis of higher mineral content in plant tissues.
The production of low biomass by some Azolla spesies (e.g. A. pinnata)
was attributed to phosphorus deficiency (AL! & WATANAI3E 1986).
Those authors suggested that the critical level of P in water which might
affect growth of Azolla is about 0.1 ppm. Therefore, the P level (about 6
and 7 ppm), in freshwater of the drain appear to be not a limiting factor to
the growth of Azolla. On the other hand, Azolla plants may use the
accumulated minerals as growth regulators, since it has been reported (AL! &
WATANABE 1986) that aquatic plants grown in flooded soils may use the
elements Zn, K, P, and Ca, as growth regulating elements. These findings may
explain the reasons for Azolla plants to absorb high amounts of these
minerals. The high mineral content of Azolla plants may have a significant
importance because the fern is usually used as a green manure in many
countries of the world. These minerals and also N (accumulated after
symbiotic N2 fixation) became available to plants, e.g., rice in flooded
soils, only after Azolla mineralization. The rate of decomposition and
mineralization of Azolla may affects its efficiency as a bio-fertilizer.

The ability of Azolla plants to uptake minerals from waste water

was determined, the chemical analysis to waste water was undertaken
before and after cultivation of Azolla (Table 3). The content of Fe in
waste water was decreased from 0.009 to 0.007 %, that of Zn from 0.029
to 0.009 % and P from 0.650 to 0.550 %. The content of Cu and Mn was
not changed after cultivation of Azolla in waste water. The growth of

Azolla in waste water was determined and compared to another set of
Azol/a grown in N-free nutrient culture (data not shown). About 5 grams
fresh Azolla were cultivated in each treatment, fresh weight of Azolla was
increased to 5.16 g after 7 days in nutrient media and decreased to 3.66 g
in waste water. Current research in pollution control has been directed
toward removing nutrients (e.g. N and P) and minerals (e.g. Zn, Ni, Cu,
etc.) discharged into streams from sewage treatment plants (SHIOMI &
KITOH 1987). Various aquatic plants have been used to remove nutrients
and minerals from contaminated freshwater and also waste water, among
these plants E/ehhorn/a (CORNWELL et al. 1977), Lemna (HARVEY &
FOX 1973, ABDEL-HAMMEED 1993), ipornea (HASHIMOTO 1983),
and Azolla (KITOH et al. 1993), which was recently used to treat waste
water. Azolla plants may need the absorbed minerals (e.g., iron) for
growth and other activities, it has been found (RAINS & TALLEY 1979)
that the critical iron concentration in ~vatcr for Azolla growth is about
20mg L~ The levels of iron determined in freshwater in this study was
about 40 mg U’ and waste water 90 mg L-’. Although Azolla plants were
tolerant to waste water treatment for one week, growth was reduced by~
about 30 %. Waste or polluted water treatment was found to reduce
growth and nitrogen fixation of A. fil/eulo/a’es (KITOH et a!. 1993).
Those authors attributed the reduction in growth and nitrogen fixation to
phosphorus deficiency. In this study, the concentration of phosphorus in
waste water was about 0.650 %, therefore, it is not limiting. The
reduction in growth may be attributed to the accumulation of toxic
minerals in tissues of Azolba. The results underline that Azolla plants
may be used to purify polluted water (fresh or waste) for recycling.

Effects of salt stress and combined nitrogen treatment on

growth and nitrogen fixation of Azolla-Anabuena symbiosis: Growth

(measured as fresh weight) of Azolla was significantly inhibited by about
20-40 %, 35-55 %, and 50-63 % after one, two and three days of salt
treatment, respectively (Table 4). The higher levels of salt (0.6 % and 0.8
%) were more inhibitory to growth than moderate levels (0.2 % and 0.4
%). The nitrogen-fixing activity (acetylene reduction) was also
determined for Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis under the sanic conditions of
salinity. Nitrogcnase activity was increased after exposure to salt
treatment for 1 8 h (data not shown), however, long-term treatment by salt
(7 days) significantly inhibited nitrogenase activity by about 90 % at 0.6
% NaCl (Table 5). The activity was completely inhibited after 7 days of
salt (0.8 % NaCl) treatment. in this study, young plants exhibited higher
nitrogenase activity compared to mature (sporulated) plants (Table 5).
The effect of salt stress on growth and nitrogen fixation of Azolla may be
reflected on their protein content; the salt stress treatments (0.2, 0.4 and
0.6 % NaCl) significantly inhibited the protein content in Azolla plants by
about 15 %, 27 % and 50 %, respectively (Table 5).

The Azolla plants examined was able to withstand in levels of salt

higher than levels which caused significant reduction to other Azolla
species. For example, it has been found (HERZ-ALLA 1991) that growth
of A. pinnata was reduced after treatment with NaCl (0.10 %) and Na7
SO4 (0.15 96). Similarly, it has been reported (MOORE 1969) that Azolla
plants were died in rice fields when salt concentration reached about 0.15
96 and 0. 1 9 96 during summer season and FAO (1978) suggested that
the level of salt which should not he exceeded when growing Azolla
plants is 0.10 96. It appear, therefore that the Azolla ecotypc under
investigation is a salt-tolerant. This might explain the successful growth
of Azolla in drain water, which normally contain salts up to 0.10 96.
Nitrogen fixation of Azolla-Anahaena symbiosis is also sensitive to salt

stress, a significant reduction in activity was indicated after 7 days of salt
treatment. Salt stress treatment (0.10 96 NaC1 and 0.1 5 96 Na2 SO4) has
also been reported (HERZ-ALLA 1991) to reduce nitrogcnase activity of
A. pinnata. The N content of A. Jiliculo ides was reduced when salt
concentration was increased from 0.3 96 to 0.9 96 (GE SF11-AN et al.
1980). The sensitivity of growth and nitrogen fixation of AzollaAnabaena
symbiosis to salt stress may be attributed to Na~ toxicity, it has been
found (RAHOMA 1985) that the total N content of Azolla was increased
with increasing the dilution of drainage water to reduce Na~
concentration. The salt-tolerance of Azolla plants was studied further by
testing the ability of the fern to absorb nutrients or salts from saline water
and salty soil (data not shown). When Azolla plants were grown in
nutrient solution containing about 0.6 96 NaC1, the plants were able to
remove about 24 96 of salts after five days of growth. Azolla plants were
also cultivated in salty soils with salinity up to 1.8 96 and 3.3 96, the fern
succeeded to withstand in the first soil (1.8 % salinity) for one week and
recovered about 27 96 of salts from the soil, but the plants that were
cultivated in the highly saline soil (3.3 96 salt) died after 2 days. The
Azolla ecotype showed better salt tolerance and ability to withstand in
saline environments than other Azolla species. It has been reported
(HALLER et al. 1974) that Azolla plants were died when cultured in soil
containing about 1 .3 96 salts (about 33 96 of sea water). Other species of
Azolla reduced water salt content by about 0.0 12-0.049 96 and soil salt
content by about 0.014-0.485 96 (see LUMPKIN and PLUCKNUTT
1980). The ecotype of Azolla under investigation may be used to purify
salt-contaminated water and soil, and it is suggested that the fern can be
cultivated in habitats with moderate salinity such a.s some irrigation
drains and flooded rice fields.

The growth and nitrogenase activity of Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis
were determined for plants grown in N-free nutrient solution in the
presence of ammonium sulphate and urea (Table 6). Generally, growth of
Azolla plants was reduced as the concentration of combined nitrogen
increased. The application of ammonium sulphate and urea at 100 ppm
reduced slightly growth of Azolla plants, however, higher levels (200 and
300 ppm) of ammonium sulphate and urea signifieatly inhibited growth
of Azolla by about 26 % and 32 %, and 32 % and 42 %, respectively
(Table 6). Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) was significantly
reduced as the concentration of combined nitrogen increased (Table 6),
the activity was reduced by about 52 % and 82 % at 100 and 200 ppm
ammonium sulphate, and by 68 % and 86 % at 100 and 200 ppm urea,
respectively. The Azolla fern failed completely to fix nitrogen
(nitrogenase activity) at higher levels (300 ppm) of combined nitrogen
(ammonium sulphate and urea. Table 6). It has been found that the
nitrogen-fixing Azolla-Anahaena symbiosis is much more tolerant to
combined nitrogen in the medium than that of free-living eyanobaeterium
Anahaena species (ITO & WATANABE 1983). The nitrogen-fixing
symbiotic cyanobacterium is enclosed in a leaf cavity, therefore, it is not
in direct contact with an exogenous growth medium (KITOH & SHIOMI
1995). The presence of ammonium in the medium, however, is
unfavourable for growth and nitrogen fixation of Azolla-Anabaena
symbiosis, except when the concentrations are very low, about 10 mol m3
(MEEKS et al. 1987, KITOH & SHIOMI 1991, SHIOMI & KITOH
1993). Azolla plants were completely lost their nitrogen-fixing ability and
practically ceased to grow in a medium containing 20 mol m~ ammonia
(KITOFI & SHIOMI 1991). In this investigation, the Azolla-Anabaena
symbiosis is tolerant to treatment with ammonium sulphate and urea,
presumably because the concentrations used were slightly lower (about

2.4 and 5.1 mol m3, respectively). In addition, Azolla species may be
varied for their tolerance to combined nitrogen, tolerant strains of A.
caroiin~ana, A. mexicana, A. microphylla and A. p~nnafa were selected
(KITOH & SHIOMI 1991, 1995). The eeotype of Azolla studied can be
considered as a tolerant species to combined nitrogen, the levels used (2.4
mol m3 ammonia and 5.1 mol m3 urea) might equal to the levels of
nitrogen fertilizers sometimes added to rice fields.


The authors whishes to express their gratitude to Dr. Hesham El-

Khomi, Lecturer at the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Minia
University, Minia (Egypt) for the facilities given for acetylene reduction
assay. The valuable discussions and comments on Azolla taxonomy by
Prof Wageh El-Sedawi, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Am
Shams University, Cairo, are very much acknowledged.


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Table I : Monthly variation in bioniass (Fresh or dry weight m 2 ~ of Azolla
plants naturally grow in an irrigation drain in relation to variation in
temperature and dissolved oxygen.

Biomass Dissolved Water Average Air

Month (Kg D.W. m2
(Kg F.W. m-2 02(mg L-1) Temp CC) Temp(° C)

January a 1.2 ± 0.08 h 0.096 ± 0.007 8.0 17.0 12.7

February 1.4 ± 0.13 0.105+0.007 10.0 20.0 14.9

March 1.0 ± 0.02 0.085±0.007 9.5 21.5 17.3

April 3.7 ± 0.85 0.296 ± 0.028 7.5 27.0 20.6

May 3.1 ± 0.74 0.197±0.016 8.0 27.5 27.2

June 4.0 ± 0.15 0.300±0.007 10.0 28.0 28.]

July 3.2 ± 0.04 0.203±0.003 7.1 30.7 29.1

August 3.8 ± 0.05 0.342±0.004 9.5 32.0 29.4

September 4.2 ± 0.04 0.344±0.003 8.5 28.0 28.6

October 4.5 ± 0.05 0.360±0.005 10.0 27.0 23.2

November 2.1 ± 0.097 0.156±0.009 9.6 21.5 19.7

December 2.6 ± 0.07 0.192±0.007 8.5 19.5 14.0

[1] Measurements were taken in the year 1996.

[2] Mean ± Standard error

[3] Air temperature is an average of day and night temperatures.

 LSD at 5 % 3.27 (biomass)

 LSD at 1 ¾ 4.93 (biomass)

Table 2: Element analysis (%) of Azolla and freshwater (irrigation
drain ), where plants were grown.

Element Freshwater (¾) Azolla plants (¾)


Fe 0.003 0.004

Ni 0.004 1.156

Pb 0.138 0.022

Zn - 0.029

0.003 0.112

Table 3 : Uptake of minerals from waste water by Azol/a after one
week of treatment.

(%) Control Treatment (Azolla

(No plants) present) (%)

Cu 0.002 0.002

Fe 0.009 0.007

Mn 0.002 0.002

Ni - -

Zn 0.029 0.009

P 0.65 0.550

Table 4: Effect of salt stress on growth (Fresh weight) of Azolla
grown in nitrogen free nutrient solution.

Fresh weight a(g)

Treatment Days 1 4
2 3

Control (No salts) 7.3 ±o.ih 7.3 ±0.1 8.3 ±0.2 5.9±0.1

0.2 % (35 mol m~) 7.1 ± 0.1 6.7 ± 0.1 6.5 ± 0.03 4.0 ± 0.02
0.4% (70 mol mj 5.8 ± 0.1 4.6 ± 0.1 3.6 ± 0.2 2.7 ± 0.1
0.6% (100 mol n13) 4.7 ± 0.1 3.3 ± 0.4 2.9 ± 0.07 1.6 ± 0.1

0.8 % (120 mol m3) 4.6 ± 0.3 3.1 ± 0.04 2.8 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.3
LSD at 5% 0.50 0.96 0.59 0.74
LSD at 1% 0.71 1.37 0.85 1.05

[1] Initial fresh weight was about 7 grains

[2] Mean ± Standard error

Table 5: Effect of salt stress on nitrogenase activity (acetylene
reduction) and protein content of Azolla anahaena symbiosis grown in
nitrogen-free nutrient solution for 5 days.

Salt stress (%NaC1) L. S.D. at

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 5%1%

Acetylene reduction

(nmoles C2H4 g fresh Weight-1 hr-1

Young Plants 790+87a 50 ±7.9 35+11.4 24+3.3 00 144 21.4

Mature Plants 253+9.9 16+2.3 13+4.5 00 00 209 32.5

ProteinContent(%)b 32+2.6 27+0.95 20+1.3 16+0.3 nd 10 15.4

[1] Mean+Standard error.

[2] Protein content determined aftr 7 days of salt treatment nd) Not

Table 6 : Effect of combined nitrogen (ammonium sulphate and
urea) on growth (gm fresh weight) and nitrogenase activity (acetylene
reduction, n moles C2 H4 / g fresh weight / hr) of Azolla after one week of
treatment in nitrogen - free culture medium.

Treatment Combined nitrogen (ppm) LS

Control 100 200 300 At5% at l%

Growth (gram fresh weight)
Ammonium Sulphate 1.9±0.11a 1.7+0.05 1.4±0.05 1.3 ±0.26 none none
Urea 19±011b 1.6±0.15 1.3±0.11 1.1±0.05 0.37 0.54

Nitrogenase activity
Ammonium sulphateC 463 ± 3.59 220 ± 083 ± none 26.65 40.40
10.2 7.8
Urea 463 ±3.59 150 ± 066 ± none 9.79 4.84
6.27 2.04

[1] Mean ± standard error.

[2] Initial fresh weight was two grams.

[3] Molar concentrations of ammonium are: 0.8. 1.6 and 2.4 molm 3, and
of urea: 1.7, 3.4 and 1 molni -3, which correspond to 100, 200, and
300 ppm, respectively.

Figure Legends

Fig. Ia: Scanning electronmicroscopy micrographs (X 350) of the

external morphology of Awl/a fronds showing hairs (trichomes) and
stomata with annular guard cell and central pore.

Fig. Ib: Light microscopy micrograph (X 1200) of the dorsal lobe

of Azo/la fronds showing the cavity that harbouring the cyanobacterium
Anabaena azollae.

Fig. 2: Light microscopy micrographs (X 200) showing the

reproductive structures of Azolla, a) intact microsporangium containing
four massula, b) four massula released from the microsporangium, c)
glochidia covered the whole surface of the massula, d) well-developed
anchor-like shaped multiseptate glochidia (X 1200).


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