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HESTER, Associate Editor

in collaboration with
Farbwerke Hoechst A.G., Hoechst bei
FrankfurtlMain, Germany

Chemicals from Acetaldehyde

L A R G E - S C A L E PROCESSES for making a Chemische Fabrik Griesheim, and the near Cologne. Today this is owned
wide range of solvents and other chem- Consortium fuer Elektrochemische In- by Knapsack-Griesheim, a Hoechst sub-
icals from acetaldehyde were developed dustrie (Waker-chemie a t Burghausen sidiary. Acetaldehyde, acetic acid, and
chiefly for making aliphatic com- a m Inn). acetone factories were also set up in this
pounds from acetylene, derived from plant, and were in operation by 1919.
calcium carbide. Acetylene can be I n 1933 acetaldehyde production was
hydrated to acetaldehyde, which can Steps in Development of discontinued a t Hoechst. Knapsack
then be converted into a long list of Acetaldehyde Process now sends out 3000 tons per month of
derivatives. Although today large quan- its 6000 to 7000 tons per month output
tities of aliphatic compounds are made The large-scale continuous manufac- to Hoechst.
by petrochemical processes in the United ture of acetaldehyde through hydra-
States, and to a growing extent in tion of acetylene
The oxidation of acetaldehyde with The Hoechst Plant
Europe, the acetaldehyde route is still
a n important one and likely to remain oxygen to acetic acid with manganese T h e scheme for manufacturing alde-
so ( 4 ) . acetate, and also a process for the hyde derivatives a t Hoechst is shown in
T h e development of acetaldehyde simultaneous manufacture of acetic Figure 1. T h e processes as operated
chemistry on a large scale started with anhydride during World W a r I have been de-
the need for acetone for explosives The catalytic conversion of acetic scribed (2, 3 ) , most have been improved
manufacture in Germany during the first acid to acetone considerably since then. All these op-
World W a r . T h e first big plant for The continuous manufacture of cro- erations are carried out in one depart-
making acetaldehyde from acetylene tonaldehyde from acetaldol and the ment of the plant. T h e processing
came on stream a t the Hoechst plant catalytic hydration to butanol in the equipment is set u p in three adjacent
near Frankfurt in 1917. This acetal- vapor phase buildings. These are roofed, but have
dehyde was converted to acetic acid, The continuous manufacture of ethyl no sides around most of the equipment.
which in turn went to make acetone. acetate from acetaldehyde via the Towers and stills are supported on the
After the war these processes served as Tischtschenko reaction using aluminum steel framework. Access is by numerous
the basis for a growing solvents and ethylate catalyst catwalks and stairs. About 70 opera-
plastics industry. tors, under the supervision of four
T h e pioneer work which made this I n order to secure its acetylene supply, chemists, operate the department. Con-
possible was done by Hoechst (then Hoechst purchased a n interest in a large trol is almost fully automatic. Control
Farbwerke Meister, Lucius 8; Bruening), calcium carbide factory a t Knapsack panels are in adjacent buildings.


I , . r

Typical plant construction in acetaldehyde chemicals section
of the Farbwerke Hoechst plant. This is one of three build-
ings housing processes described in this article, as well as
other processes. The low one-story section in front is the
control room

The control room i s almost fully automatic

Storage tanks for raw materials and exceptional in Europe today. I t was of ethylene with oxygen in the liquid-
finished products are located nearby, usrd in Germany during World IYar I1 or wet.gas phase gives acetaldehyde.
next to the river bank. Pipelines but the other synthetic rubber plants in Copper salts can be used as catalysts.
connecting them to the plant are located operation or under construction in Platinum metal salts-for example, pal-
in a covered trench which can be Europe use butadiene derived from ladium chloride-are added to make
uncovered easily for maintenance work. four-carbon petroleum fractions. the process possible on a commercial and
Intermediate storage is in tanks located The acetaldehyde route can also be large scale. Yields are nearly 95%.
in the buildinqs. used with acetaldehyde made from The process was developed jointly by
fermentation ethyl alcohol in parts of Hoechst and Wacker-Chemie in Ger-
Outlook the world where this is economical. For many. Production plants are under con-
example, in South Africa National struction in Hoechst and near Cologne
The development fcr petrochemicals Chemical Products Corp., an affiliate (Wacker). These are expected to come
does not mean that the aldehyde route of Distillers Limited in Great Britain on stream late this year.
to aliphatic compounds need suffer. makes acetic acid and other chemicals This new process makes it easier to fit
I n the first place a petrochemical in this way; Electroqufmica de Flix, a aldehyde chemistry into a system based
process can be used merely to replace Spanish company, uses a similar process on petrochemicals, as ethylene is cheaper
the calcium carbide process for making developed a t Hoechst. Acetaldehyde to make by petrochemical processes
acetylene, which can then be converted from carbide acetylene is also used for than acetylene is.
to acetaldehyde as before. This is chemical production in South Africa- Xew processes for making chemicals
what is being done at the government- by Hollantls Electrochemicals, a sub- from acetaldehyde which were previously
owned Azienda Xazionale Idrogenazione sidiary of a Xetherlands company. made by other methods keep the
Combustibili (ANIC) plant a t Ravenna, Making acetaldehyde directly from aldehyde route important too. For
Italy. Natural gas is converted to acet- petrochemical raw materials has been example, Knapsack-Griesheim, a sub-
ylene, which is hydrated to acetaldehyde made possible through a very recently sidiary of Hoechst in Germany, has
to be used for making butadiene for syn- discovered process for oxidation of built a semiworks plant for making
thetic rubber. This route is, however, lower olefins ( 7, 5 ) . Catalytic oxidation acrylonitrile from acetaldehyde instead

VOL. 51, NO. 12 DECEMBER 1959 1425

c I






(99.6 TO 99.8%)



rr il I

STILL ( 5 5 )



Figure 1 . Flowsheet for the production of ethyl acetate and acetic acid from acetaldehyde, Farbwerke
Hoechtt A.G., Hoechst bei FrankfurtlMain, Germany



of from acetylene. This process is ton-per-month production plant. How- -showed no advantages and required
supposed to have several advantages ever, because of wartime and postwar more cooling water.
over the usual one using acetylene. difficulties, it was not put into operation T h e gas coming off the top of the tower
Among them is the possibility of building until 1952. contains 40 to 50% carbon dioxide,
the acrylonitrile plant a t some other T h e continuous oxidation is carried plus some nitrogen, acetic acid, and
location than a n acetylene plant. Of out in one unit, which has a slightly aldehyde-which is recovered. T h e gas
course, if the process for making aldehyde greater capacity than the several reac- goes first through a brine cooler to
from ethylene is fully developed this tors used in the batch process, and re- remove condensable materials, and then
process would take on added signifi- quires considerably fewer people to to a scrubbing tower where most of the
cance. operate it (see top of Figure 1). acetaldehyde is washed out in water.
T h e reaction mixture is circulated T h e reaction mixture is drawn off
upward through the oxidation tower from the top of the oxidation tower and
Acetaldehyde to Acetic Acid
(Al). Oxygen, diluted with 570 air distilled continuously in three distillation
A process for the oxidation of acetal- to slow down the reaction and to avoid columns. Crude acid is fed into the
dehyde to acetic acid on a laboratory overoxidation enters through dispersing top of the first column (A2). O n the
scale was carried out before the first rings located a t three different levels in way downward through the column, any
World War, and processes had been the tower. T h e main reaction is: acetic anhydride which is still present
patented by Hoechst and Wacker- reacts with the water to give acetic
2CHsCHO f 0 2 + 2CHsCOOH
Chemie. Until 1952 Hoechst carried acid.
out a batchwise oxidation in aluminum- T h e aldehyde is diluted with crude Most of the acetic acid and the volatile
clad steel pressure vessels of 6.5-cubic- acid. I n practice crude acid (90 to components, such as aldehyde, water,
meter capacity under a pressure of 4 94%) is circulated through the tower a t methyl acetate, formaldehyde, etc., are
atm. Oxygen was introduced through a a rate of about 450 cubic meters per taken off overhead. T h e acetic acid
sparger a t the bottom. Manganese hour. Leaving the tower, the mixture residue, containing the manganese ace-
acetate catalyst dissolved in water was passes downward through the tubes of tate, is taken off the bottom.
added to convert the peracetic acid two large coolers in series, one placed I n the second column (A3) the low
formed, which is explosive. above the other. T h e aldehyde is fed boiling forerun is taken off overhead.
Then danger and the higher cost of in between these coolers. Manganese I t is:
the older batch process led to the devel- acetate solution is added as the stream
70 to 80% acetic acid
opment of a continuous process. In leaves the top of the tower. 10 to 2OYc acetaldehyde
1928 a t Knapsack a continuous process T h e circulation pump for crude acetic about 10% water
was installed with an oxidizing tower acid is located a t the top of the coolers. about 1% methyl acetate, etc.
operating with air under a pressure of 6 Impeller and shaft are of stainless steel.
atm. Output was 18 tons per day. I n Reaction temperature can go u p About 2 meters above the reboiler the
1940 Hoechst started a pilot plant for as high as 65' C. without getting over- technically pure acetic acid is taken
continuous oxidation a t atmospheric pres- oxidation and excessive quantities of off. I t is 99.6 to 99.89; pure and can
sure. I t gave very satisfactory results, by-products. Test runs a t very low be used directly for esterification, and
and plans were drawn up for a 1000- temperatures-for example, under 30' C. ketene and vinylacetate production.




Figure 2. Flowsheet of butanol and acetic acid to butyl acetate

VOL. 51, NO. 12 DECEMBER 1959 1427

T h e overhead from the second column, a n increase in pressure and a simul- unreacted acetaldehyde by distillation,
together with the bottoms from the taneous drop in temperature. T h e the working of the crude ester was
first and second columns, goes to the oxidation lasted 9 hours. T h e reaction still rather involved.
third column (A4). Here a greater mixture then contained However, the Consortium fuer Elek-
part of the remaining acetic acid is trochemie in Munich improved the
93 to 94o/a acetic acid
taken off as vapor in highly concentrated process by using a n ethylate catalyst
2 to 3% acetaldehyde
form and co:idensed. T h e water, con- with the addition of chlorine compounds
3 to 570 acetic anhydride
taining aldehyde with a little acetic such as aluminum chloride. The final
1 to 2% water
acid, is taken off overhead. This breakthrough did not come until after
mixture, like the bottoms is processed The acetic acid was then purified by the First World War when a process was
discontinuously. T h e acetic acid from distillation. developed for manufacturing the alumi-
the process is sent to the intermediate num catalyst directly in ethyl acetate
storage tanks. solvent. Further work a t Hoechst
Acetaldehyde to Ethyl Acetate
showed that practically quantitative
Ethyl acetate can be made either by yields were possible with the process, so
The O l d Acetic Acid Process
the esterification of ethyl alcohol with a license was obtained from the Con-
I n the old process 1600 liters of acet- acetic acid or by the Tischtschenko sortium and Wacker-Chemie and in
aldehyde were oxidized in one batch. process. Formerly Hoechst made ethyl 1931 the process was put into opera-
This material was added to 400 liters acetate by direct esterification. R a w tion, T h e process has remained basi-
of crude acetic acid in a reaction vessel. material used was a crude acetic acid cally the same, but now both the con-
T h e manganese acetate solution (con- containing some acetaldehyde. T o this version and the purification distillation
taining 1.6 kg. of salt) was then added 0.5% sulfuric acid was added, and the have been continuous.
and the mixture heated to 40’ C. mixture distilled. T h e aldehyde came Catalyst for the process is made up
T h e mixture of gases found over the off in the overhead. Then the alcohol in a n agitated vessel by mixing 160 k.
liquid in the vessel consisted of nitrogen, was run in, and the crude ester distilled of aluminum powder, 50 k. of aluminum
carbon dioxide, and other gases. After off. Crude ester was washed with chloride, and 20 k. of iron chloride in
warming the pressure reached about sodium bisulfite to remove aldehyde, 5000 liters of ethyl acetate. This is
1.2 atm. Then, very cautiously, the and neutralized with a soda wash. then refluxed (see bottom Figure 1).
operator blew a little oxygen in and After drying with calcium chloride, After a short time the operator starts to
waited for the reaction to “go.” When the ester was purified by distillation. add slowly a mixture of 2000 liters of
this happened there was a slight rise Hoechst produced about 2000 tons per ethyl acetate and 1000 liters of alcohol.
in temperature, a slight drop in pressure, year this way from 1927 on, after first T h e hydrogen developed goes through
and the previously colorless crude acid starting in 1924. a water- and a brine-cooler and passes
turned brown. Then more oxygen was As alcohol became more expensive overhead through the reflux. Most
blown in, and the pressure in the vessel more interest was shown in the Tischt- of the heat developed is carried away.
rose because of the increase in inert schenko process. I n its old form this Overheating is prevented by cooling
gases. process was not too attractive. The cata- the kettle contents, or by slowing down
Temperature was kept down to 60’ C. lyst was dissolved in a high boiling solvent, the flow of alcohol mixture. T h e
by water cooling through coils, which such as naphtha. T h e acetaldehyde ending of the reaction is apparent when
had a cooling surface of 33 square meters. was 95% converted to ethyl acetate. the development of hydrogen stops.
T h e end of the reaction was marked by While it was possible to recover the Heating is continued for about an hour

n I





f i

I t


Figure 3. Flowsheet of methoxybutylaldehyde to 3-methoxybutanol


or more, and then the mixture is allowed catalyst by distillation to get a very salts and Al(0H)a (aluminum hy-
to cool. T h e catalyst mixture then pure ester fraction. This is a semi- droxide) goes to the dump.
contains about 2% aluminum in the continuous process. Crude ester is evap- Capacity of the Hoechst plant is
form of a supposed ethylate complex. orated in a still (B2) and the vapor 1000 tons per month.
T h e reaction for conversion of alde- fed into a forerun column (B3). A
hyde to ethyl acetate is carried out in a small amount of acetaldehyde, water, Butyl Acetate
special reactor (BI). This is, roughly, and alcohol goes overhead. The bot-
a vertical rectangular circuit of pipe with toms are pumped into the second column Unlike ethyl acetate, butyl acetate
a circulating propeller, and with the (B4). Pure ester goes overhead where is prepared a t Hoechst by direct esteri-
two vertical coolers. Acetaldehyde and it is condensed and sent to storage. fication. Butanol and acetic acid are
catalyst solution, in the ratio of about T h e bottoms-a mixture of diethylacetal heated in the presence of a catalyst,
10 to 1, are continuously fed into the (about 70%) and ethyl acetate-are sulfuric acid. The process is contin-
circulating reaction mixture. T h e reac- taken off a t intervals and processed. uous (Figure 2).
tion temperature is kept between 12' This catalyst sludge, contained in 50 T h e three substances are mixed in a
to 14' C. by cooling with brine. to 60 tons of crude ester, is distilled reaction kettle and partially esterified
A contact time of 2 hours gives a in a special agitated vessel (B5). The by heating to about 60' C. T h e
95% conversion of aldehyde. By con- agitation has to be very powerful, mixture is then fed into the upper third
tinuous overflow of the crude ester because of the sludge being so thick. of the first esterification column ((21).
through a large (20 cubic meters) The remaining liquids are distilled off, I n this column the ternary mixture of
brine-cooled kettle the reaction goes then water is added and the rest of the water, butyl acetate, and butanol is
99.570 to completion-that is until only aluminum ethylate is decomposed, the continually distilled off, the water
0.5% aldehyde is left. organic substances are distilled off. removed, and the organic phase re-
This crude ester is cleaned of the T h e remaining sludge consisting of turned to the column. As a result the

VOL. 51, NO. 12 DECEMBER 1959 1429

esterification proceeds until the bottoms
contain less than 1% acetic acid, and Table 1. Production of Some Chemicals Derived from Acetaldehyde
the butyl acetate content reaches 90 Metric Tons
to 95%. 1952 1954 1956 195;
The ester is neutralized in a small
tank with dilute sodium hydroxide. West Germany 9,921 9,391 ... ...
The stream flows through a holding France 6,192 18,756 23,832 28,500
tank and then into the distillation column Italy 2,659 2,423 4,445 ...
(C2). Butyl acetate, 98 to 100% pure,
Great Britain ...
ca 40,000
is taken off under the middle of the U.S.A. 199,387 216,610 275,167 295,189
column. Overhead is a wet mixture East Zone 3,350 ... ... ...
of butanol and butyl acetate. After Acetic acid (lOOOjo)
separating out the water, the mixture West Germany 59,254 83,033 81,194 90,589
of alcohol and ester is returned to the France 7,476 10,224 11,196 13,104
Italy 12,199 16,608 13,221 27,902
initial reaction kettle. Great Britain ca 10,000 ... ... ...
Butanol and butyl acetate entrained
in the water from the esterification and
ca 1,400
distillation column condensers and from Spain ... 800 ... 2,664
Poland ... 980 3,200 ...
the neutralizing tank, are distilled in the
recovery column (C3). T h e organic
Finland ... 522 548 ...
Japan (99%) 21,780 26,076 38,016 44,532
phase from the overhead condensate is U.S.A. 173,690 200,490 249,392 237,874
returned to the initial reaction kettle. Butyl acetate
The solvent-free water from the bottom West Germany 11,306 15,780 20,862 18,020
of the column goes to waste. France 575 1,317 1,781 ...
Italy 2,213 3,360 3,623 3,742
Sweden 1,427 1,948 4,382 ...
Methoxybutylucetate Japan 2,608 2,310 3,089 ...
U.S.A. 24,408 35,496 37,091 32,763
Methoxybutylacetate, which Hoechst Spain ...
...158 ...
sells under the name Butoxyl, is an
Ethyl acetate
important solvent for the paint industry West Germany 20,694 27,511 33,453 35,742
in Europe. T h e methoxybutanol, which France 3,290 3,840 5,008 ...
is used to prepare acetic ester, is made Italy 1,408 2,604 4,303 5,556
from methoxybutyraldehyde. This is Sweden 807 1,368 1,711 ...
Spain ... ... ... 517
made from crotonaldehyde, which is
made from acetaldehyde via aldol ac-
Finland ...
cording to the following reaction : U.S.A. 32,787 32,863 41,193 41,591
Methyl acetate
0 West Germany 7,002 9,409 20,862 18,020
+ France 556 607 726 ...
Italy 286 432 433 197
I Japan 42 ... ...
U.S.A. 1,552 1,218 5,552 3,728
OCHi Butanol
I O West Germany ... 37,186 48,389 50,372
NaOH ' / / France 2,195 3,320 3,845
C H 3 0 H + CHJCHCH2C Italy 2,379 3,096 3.678 ...
Great Britain ... ... ca 11;300 ...
Japan 4,200 9,036 11,179
Sweden 1,466 4,244 7,977
An equilibrium is formed in a methanol U.S.A. 138,473 184,851 233 311 220,644
solution. About 95% of the crotonalde-
hyde is converted into methoxybutyralde-
hyde, while about 570 remains un-
changed. I n practice the amount of cro- the mixture goes through a series of batch process, using toluene sulfonic
tonaldehyde added is just sufficient to high pressure vessels. These are jacketed acid as a catalyst.
give a 50% solution of methoxybutyralde- for water cooling. Reaction tempera- The same equipment used for making
hyde. A4fter the reaction which takes ture is 100' to 130' C. methoxybutanol can also be used for
place about 0' C. is finished, the mixture An excess of hydrogen prevents the making butyraldehyde from crotonal-
is slightly acidified with acetic acid to depo-ition of nickel. dehyde. Hoechst has developed a new
stabilize the aldehyde for higher temper- After the reaction is finished in the process for doing this in the gas phase.
atures. last hydrogenation column, the stream A semiworks plant for this has been
By continuous high pressure hydro- flows into a vessel where the liquid built.
genation with a nickel catalyst a t and gas are separated. Hydrogen goes
100' to 130' C. and 250 atm. methoxy- into a separator to remove entrained
Literature Cited
butanol is formed. This is then esteri- liquid and the gas then to a recycling
fied with acetic acid to methoxybutyl- pump for re-use in the process. (1) Belg. Patent 569,036 (Farbwerke
acetate (Butoxyl). The liquid, containing the catalyst, Hoechst).
(2) BIOS Final Report No. 843, 1604
The aldehyde mixture is mixed with a goes to a decanting vessel and then to a (Ethyl acetate), 755 (Butanol, methoxy
water slurry of nickel catalyst in a filter press. Part of the catalyst can butanol).
mixing tank and sent through the be re-used. The crude methoxybutanol (3) FI.4T Final Rept. No. 857 (acetic
high pressure proportioning pump and is then purified by continuous distilla- acid).
(4'1 Horn. 0 . .IND.ENG.CHEM.51, 655-8
then through the mixing nozzle, where tion. (1959).
it is mixed with the high pressure The esterification of methoxybutanol ( 5 ) Smidt, F.. Angew. Chem. 71, 176 (1959)
hydrogen stream (Figure 3). Then with acetic acid is carried out by a (Wacker).


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