Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery.40

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A s a service to our readers, Plastic and Recon-

structive Surgery® reviews books, DVDs, prac-
tice management software, and electronic media
surgeon, one that allows them to let the surgeon
know that the patient needs more local anesthesia,
provides some insight into the view an anesthesi-
items of educational interest to reconstructive and ologist has of surgeons and surgery. It is a re-
aesthetic surgeons. All items are copyrighted and minder that any anesthetic technique that at-
available commercially. The Journal actively solicits tempts to limit intravenous or inhaled agents is
information in digital format (e.g., CD-ROM and dependent on achieving local anesthesia. To this
Internet offerings) for review. end, there are good chapters on lidocaine toxicity
Reviewers are selected on the basis of relevant and nerve block techniques in the head and neck.
interest. Reviews are solely the opinion of the re- Chapters on preanesthetic assessment and psycho-
viewer; they are usually published as submitted, logical aspects of cosmetic surgery should also in-
with only copy editing. Plastic and Reconstructive terest plastic surgeons and are worth reading if you
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3Gamkn0m7hy4JzQU2SDCo95XEqxq/WhWsSUVYWejKCw4= on 10/05/2018

Surgery® does not endorse or recommend any re- find that you have access to this text. Other chap-
view so published. Send books, DVDs, and any ters had little to offer a surgeon other than the
other material for consideration to: Jack A. Fried- issues, viewpoint, and understanding that anes-
land, M.D., Review Editor, Plastic and Reconstructive thesiologists have when providing anesthesia for
Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 outpatient surgery.
Harry Hines Boulevard, HD1.544, Dallas, Texas This book is a worthwhile read for anyone who
75390-8820. has a strong interest in the anesthetic manage-
Jack A. Friedland, M.D. ment of outpatient surgery. The take-home mes-
Review Editor sage is that if you would like your patients to re-
ceive less medication, give them more or better
local anesthetic. You could team up with your
Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery anesthesiologist to provide this if you have a work-
Edited by Barry L. Friedberg. Pp. 263. Cambridge Uni- ing relationship with him or her. If you believe that
versity Press, New York, N.Y., 2007. Price: $95. surgery is surgery and anesthesia is anesthesia, this
book is not for you.
I t is difficult to perform
surgery without anesthe-
sia, so all plastic surgeons
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000307724.98190.ce
Neil A. Fine, M.D.
have some interest in this
topic. Dr. Friedberg has Oral Cancer: Diagnosis, Management,
specifically excluded oral
and intravenous sedation
and Rehabilitation
given or directed by the sur- Edited by John W. Werning, M.D. Pp. 448. Thieme, New
geon; the book deals exclu- York, N.Y., 2007. Price: $129.95.
sively with anesthesia given
and directed by an anesthe-
siologist. The book is writ-
C ancer of the oral cavity
and the treatment re-
quired to cure the disease
ten by and for anesthesiol- can be among the most de-
ogists, with a primary emphasis on Dr. Friedberg’s bilitating problems in med-
approach of “Minimally Invasive Anesthesia.” This icine. Whereas early tumors
technique is a combination of premedication with can be handled by limited
clonidine followed by bispectral index (of EEG) resections without adjunc-
monitoring of a propofol-ketamine intravenous tive therapy, advanced can-
anesthetic. His goal is to give the least amount of cers often require extensive
anesthesia to achieve sedation and amnesia. He surgery, radiation, and/or
believes that this leads to a faster recovery and chemotherapy. All of these
discharge as well as a lower incidence of nausea options frequently result in
and vomiting. An interesting component is the loss of functional swallowing and speech. Dr.
need for the surgeon to provide adequate local Werning and his co-authors have created a com-
anesthesia. His admonition to anesthesiologists prehensive, detailed review of every significant as-
that they will not have success with his technique pect of oral cancer. While most general texts offer
without having a working relationship with their one or two chapters on the oral cavity, this text
deals with complexities and substantial differ-
Copyright ©2008 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons ences in each subsite. 673
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • February 2008

The early chapters deal with the usual stag- The final chapters of the book deal with var-
ing, preoperative evaluations, and epidemio- ious topics related to nonsurgical treatment as well
logic and anatomic reviews quite nicely. They as the consequences of treatment. These chapters,
take a mundane subject and make a strong at- in addition to those on speech therapy, prosthet-
tempt to dig into the details and make them ics, chemoprevention, and newer strategies, tie up
relevant to the reader. every loose end possible in oral cavity cancer treat-
The next natural division deals with cancers of ment. Much more would be needed to cover each
the various sites, options for treatment, and the of these subjects in the same depth as the evalu-
authors’ experiences and recommendations. All ation and surgical sections. For instance, there are
of these chapters are written by Drs. Werning and two chapters dealing with radiation and chemo-
Mendenhall. Although having the same two au- therapy. They furnish adequate general under-
thors for so much of the book has the potential to standing of the topics for the intended reader, but
result in treatment tunnel vision, I felt it was a treatment of head and neck cancer is evolving
positive in this case. The problems are arranged in rapidly and patients treated nonsurgically actually
an organized, consistent format, and the authors comprise an ever-growing proportion of advanced
effectively deal with the discrete issues in each oral cases.
subsite. The strengths of the book lie in the early and
The reconstructive chapters are excellent with middle chapters dealing with evaluation and sur-
regard to indications, details to consider in recon- gical management. The latter sections cover their
struction, and understanding the issues created in bases and are well done, giving a good overall
ablation of the various structures of the oral cavity. picture of how to deal with the problems associ-
These chapters are limited in techniques and ated with cancer treatment. These latter subjects
make no attempt to be a surgical atlas of all details would be difficult to cover completely within the
of all possible reconstructive options. They accom- scope and mission of the book, and a lengthier
plish very well the primary purpose of understand- treatise would not be as effective.
ing the enemy and developing strategies to over- DOI: 10.1097/
come the obstacles created by ablation. John M. Truelson, M.D.


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