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The Empty Homes Agency is an

independent campaigning charity, which

Low Demand Update

exists to highlight the waste of empty
property in England and works with others
to devise and promote sustainable
solutions to bring empty property back
into use.

Low Demand Update – February 2005 Association in Bedford, whilst simultaneously

obtaining a Post-Experience Diploma in Hous-
My name is Stephanie Beresford and I am the ing Studies at De Montfort University in Leices-
Community Support Project Worker for the Low ter.
Demand Project with the Empty Homes
Agency, based in the northern office. In May 2002 Stephanie moved back to her
home city of Sheffield and in December that
The Low demand Project was established in year, began working as a housing officer for
2004 in response to the need for tackling the Sheffield City Council, within the public sector.
problems of low demand and an increase in the Working in an inner city deprived area, Stepha-
number of empty homes. nie obtained experience of working with people
from a wide section of the community. This
As people living in such areas often see an i n- gave her an insight in to the concerns of people
crease in crime, drug abuse and other types of living in areas of low demand and ideas on how
anti-social behaviour, the purpose of the Low these might positively be addressed.
Demand Project is to encourage the redevelo p-
ment of low demand areas, to create safer envi- After ten months, Stephanie moved to the De-
ronments and long-term sustainable communi- partment of Private Sector Housing within in
ties. Sheffield City Council and became a Housing
Officer within the newly formed Empty Property
As Community Support Project Worker, my aim Team. She helped in creating a procedure for
is to: assessing the impact of empty properties upon
a neighbourhood and liaised with owners of
• Liaise with individuals and community those properties, to encourage them to reco g-
groups, to identify the issues, which relate nise the negative impact of their empty property
specifically to the problems of low demand, upon the environment, and of the potential of
in the area in which they live. bringing their property back into use.

• Offer independent advice and support to Stephanie is pleased to be a part of the Empty
individuals, community groups and other Homes Agency and looks forward to having an
organisations coping with the problems of even bigger impact, in terms of offering her
working or living within areas of low de- support and positive advice to Community
mand. Groups, individuals and organisations involved
in tackling the difficulties of living in areas of low
• Encourage people living in areas of low de- demand.
mand to participate in the consultation pro c-
ess regarding their community, so that they In her free time, Stephanie enjoys playing ten-
may have a say in its future. nis, scuba diving and attending the local gym.
She is also learning to speak Spanish and to
• Encourage partnership working between play the piano (though it is unlikely that these
the Empty Homes Agency, Community will be done at the same time!). She has re-
Groups and other organisation’s whose cently joined the Youth Hostel Association and
shared aim is to regenerate and rebuild is looking forward to taking part in various walk-
communities in areas of low demand. ing and activity holidays throughout England.

If you feel that you, your group or organisation

will benefit from my assistance and are inte r-
ested in discussing ways in which we can work
together, then please do not hesitate to contact EVENTS
me on the telephone number provided.
SUMMI T 2005
ODPM - Delivering Sustainable
Stephanie graduated from De Montfort Unive r-
sity, Bedford in October 2001 with a BA (Hons)
in Business with Sociology. Summit - G-MEX Manchester 31 J anuary Northern Office:
The Empty Homes Agency
to 2 February 2005 PO Box 3609
In August 2001 she began working as a Barnsley
Trainee Housing Officer with Jephson Housing S75 1WW
Phone/Fax: 01226 390 093
Mobile: 07719 798 033

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