LDupdate Jun05

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The Empty Homes Agency is an

independent campaigning charity, which

Low Demand Update

exists to highlight the waste of empty
property in England and works with others
to devise and promote sustainable
solutions to bring empty property back
into use.

Visit From Hong Kong

Everyyear the, Chartered Instituteof Housinghosts sev-

eral delegates fromthe Hong Kong Housing Authority foracou-
pleof weeks, where theycometolearnaboutthe UK housing
market. Theygoto the Annual CIHConference &Exhibition(the
largestof it's kind in Europe) at Harrogateto findoutall
aboutwhatis newin the UK Housing World andthen
theyembark onaseries of plannedand topical sitevisits in Eng-

Naomi Campbell at the CIHin Coventry, will be lookingaftertheir

visits andoneoftheirprojects this year, is tolook atexamples
HongKongHousingAuthority of LowDemandin thenorth of England, as well as homeless-
ness inthehousing market.
TheHong Kongpartywill bevisiting Hull toseeexamples of high
Theobjectiveof thevisitto the UKis: andlowdemand inhousingandalsotosee fine innovativeex-
amples of howKingston-upon-Hull is rapidlybecoming 'the'place
· Tobroadentheparticipants’ horizonin strategicplanningand tolive!
keypolicyissues inhousingmanagement
· Toenhancetheparticipants’understandingof thekeyhous- Thedatefortheirvisitto
ingmarketin the UK Hull will beon Wednesday
· Toprovideanopportunityfor participants to reviewcontem- 29thJune 2005fromabout
poraryissues confrontingpublichousingagencies 14.30onwards andthey
wouldbeaccompanied by
TheroleoftheCIH JohnEarnshaw, The Empty
Homes Agency's LowDe-
TheChartered Instituteof Housingis uniquelyplaced toofferthis mand Project Managerand
programmetodelegates fromthe Authority. Wehaveapres- acolleagueof the CIH.
enceineachof the UK countries as well as aninternational per-
spective. Our members work ineveryarea ofhousing practice
andweprovideservices andsupporttothewhole rangeof hous-
ingorganisations. The Deep


The6delegates areall seniorhousingprofessionals withinthe

Hong Kong Housing AssociationfromHousingManagers, Sur-
veyors and EstateManagers. Theywill all submitaprojectto the
Trainingand DevelopmentCentre of Hong Kong Housing Au-
thorityaftercompleting their timein the UK. Fieldvisits arebeing
organisedaroundsevenprojectthemes whichare:

1. Contemporaryhousing issues andhousingpolicies in

2. Theinstitutions andagencies involved intheprovision
of affordablehousinginthe UK EVENTS
3. Modernisationandqualityassuranceofpublic sector
services LowDemand Housing: Practical Investmentand Imple-
4. Housingfinanceatestatebasedoperation mentationSolutions - 13th&14thSeptember2005 -
5. Trends intheaffordablehousing sectorsince 1980, for Thistle Hotel Manchester
example Right to Buy, stocktransfer, combating social
exclusion, qualityassuranceand bestvalue Register today to network with your peers and exchange
6. Maintaininganddevelopingsocial rentedhousing for original ideas and proposals in creating a sustainable HMR Northern Office:
example maintenance standards, stockcondition, The Empty Homes Agency
development, riskassessment Featuringthe Empty Homes Agency's veryownJ ohn PO Box 3609
Earnshaw! Barnsley
7. Contemporaryservicedeliveryissues forexample S75 1WW
homelessness, allocations andchoice, managinglow Phone/Fax: 01226 390 093
demand, tenant participation, regeneration, housing Formoredetails visit: www.emptyhomes.com Mobile: 07719 798 033
for theelderly, managingmixed tenuredevelopments E: www.emptyhomes.com

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