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19th February 2009

Embargoed: not for publication before 12.00 hrs Thursday 19 February 2009

Empty Homes Agency welcomes Lib Dem empty homes proposals

The Empty Homes Agency welcomes new Liberal Democrat proposals for
tackling Britain’s empty homes crisis.

Henry Oliver, Policy Advisor to the Empty Homes Agency, said:

“This is an excellent set of ideas that together comprises a comprehensive

approach to addressing the mounting scandal of almost a million empty
homes across the UK”.

We’ve just seen the biggest annual jump in the number of empty homes for
seventeen years. In England alone there are now at least 300,000 long-term
empty properties. At the same time we have 1.8 million households on
housing waiting lists. We need to take urgent action to address this before it
gets even worse”.

In a briefing at Westminster today (Thursday), Liberal Democrat MPs Sarah

Teather and Vincent Cable argued that it is now time to:

• equalise VAT on renovation and new-build;

• amend commercial property rate relief rules to allow owners of empty
commercial property used temporarily as housing to continue to claim
rate relief;
• introduce a Repair and Renewal loan scheme for owners of empty
properties if they agree to lease them for at least five years to housing
associations as social housing;
• allow housing associations and local authorities to use funding from the
Homes and Communities Agency to refurbish newly purchased private
empty homes; and
• make £40m available in Homes and Communities Agency grant for
short-life (‘property guardian’) housing.

Henry Oliver continued:

“What’s really encouraging about the Lib Dems’ proposals is the commitment
to equalising VAT on refurbishment and new build, as well as the focus on
putting the growing stock of empty commercial buildings into good use now as
short-life housing”.

Coming hot on the heels of proposals from the Conservatives, this shows
there is a growing consensus across the main opposition parties over the
need to take urgent action on empty homes. The question now is whether the
Government will join that consensus or continue to neglect the problem”.


The Empty Homes Agency estimates that empty homes across the whole of the UK stood at
943,000 in 2008.
The HSSA data for April 2008 showed 309,000 privately owned long-term empty homes
(DCLG, January 2009).

For more details or to arrange an interview please contact:

Henry Oliver, Policy Advisor

020 7022 1869 (o)
020 7231 3128 (h)

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