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OPINION Assessment of fluid responsiveness:
recent advances
Xavier Monnet a and Jean-Louis Teboul b

Purpose of review
In the field of prediction of fluid responsiveness, the most recent studies have focused on validating new
tests, on clarifying the limitations of older ones, and better defining their modalities.
Recent findings
The limitations of pulse pressure/stroke volume variations are numerous, but recent efforts have been made to
overcome these limitations, like in case of low tidal volume ventilation. Following pulse pressure/stroke
volume variations, new tests have emerged which assess preload responsiveness by challenging cardiac
preload through heart–lung interactions, like during recruitment manoeuvres and end-expiratory/inspiratory
occlusions. Given the risk of fluid overload that is inherent to the ‘classical’ fluid challenge, a ‘mini’ fluid
challenge, made of 100 ml of fluid only, has been developed and investigated in recent studies. The reliability
of the passive leg raising test is now well established and the newest publications have mainly aimed at
defining several noninvasive estimates of cardiac output that can be monitored to assess its effects.
Research in this field is still very active, such that several indices and tests of fluid responsiveness are now
available. They may contribute to reduce excessive fluid balance by avoiding unnecessary fluid
administration and, also, by ensuring safe fluid removal.
cardiac output, fluids, passive leg raising, preload responsiveness, volume expansion

INTRODUCTION cardiac output to a fluid bolus. Nevertheless, the

As it has become clear that patients with circulatory ‘traditional’ fluid challenge poses two problems.
failure inconstantly respond to volume expansion On the one hand, to judge its effects, it is necessary
by increasing cardiac output [1], a whole vein of to measure or estimate cardiac output directly
intensive care research has been dug to develop tests as changes in blood pressure (BP) during a bolus
that predict ‘fluid responsiveness’ [2]. This gold rush of fluid are partially [5] or totally [6] unable to
has been greatly enhanced by the growing evidence detect the response in terms of cardiac output. On
that fluid overload is deleterious in critically ill the other hand, the method, which involves
patients, especially with acute respiratory distress the irreversible administration of the treatment
syndrome (ARDS) and septic shock [3 ]. The most
itself, intrinsically entails a fluid overload if it
recent recommendations in septic shock suggest is repeated.
managing the fluid strategy by using these To circumvent this latter problem, some authors
‘dynamic’ tests of fluid responsiveness [4]. have developed a ‘mini’ fluid challenge with 100 ml
Research in this field remains very active: develop- of starch only (Table 1). They showed that the
ment of new tests, more precise definition of the lim- response to a subsequent volume expansion
itations of the older ones, invention of means to
circumvent these limitations, better description of the a
Service de réanimation médicale, AP-HP, Hôpital de Bicêtre and
tests methodology. We will review these advances in b
Inserm, UMR S_999, Univ Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France
this review of the most recent literature.
Correspondence to Prof. Xavier Monnet, Service de réanimation méd-
icale, Hôpital de Bicêtre, 78, rue du Général Leclerc, 94 270 Le Kremlin-
FLUID CHALLENGE: LARGE, MEDIUM, OR Bicêtre, France. Tel: +33 1 45 21 35 47; fax: +33 1 45 21 35 51;
SMALL? e-mail: xavier.monnet@
The most intuitive way to test if the heart is sensitive Curr Opin Crit Care 2018, 24:000–000
to preload changes is to observe the response of DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000501

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CE: Tripti; MCC/240310; Total nos of Pages: 6;
MCC 240310

Cardiopulmonary monitoring

analysis, which provides a very accurate measure-

KEY POINTS ment of cardiac output [8], is likely more appropri-
 To avoid the fluid overload that may appear in case of ate [9,10].
repeated ‘classical’ fluid challenges, a ‘mini’ fluid It has been suggested that the prediction of the
challenge could be used to assess fluid responsiveness. response to volume expansion was less good when
It likely requires a precise measurement of not 100 but 50 ml was used to practice fluid flush [9].
cardiac output. This suggests that the volume is too small to gener-
 The PLR test, which reliability has been well established, ate sufficient preload changes to test preload respon-
must be performed with a continuous and real-time siveness. The minimum volume of fluid to cause a
cardiac output measurement. The techniques that have significant haemodynamic effect has been demon-
been well established for this purpose include
strated to be 4 ml/kg [11 ]. Finally, not only the
echocardiography, pulse contour analysis, volume of fluid but also the timing of administra-
oesophageal Doppler, and changes in end-tidal carbon tion is important to consider. It has been recently
dioxide in ventilated patients.
shown that the longer the duration of the fluid
 The EEO requires that the patient tolerates a hold of challenge, the lower the proportion of fluid
ventilation of at least 15 s, and that the measurement of responders [12].
cardiac output is precise.
 Observing the decrease in cardiac output during PASSIVE LEG RAISING TEST: NEW WAYS
recruitment manoeuvres is likely an interesting way to
test fluid responsiveness in ventilated patients.
Many studies have shown that the transfer of a
patient from the semirecumbent position to a posi-
tion where the trunk is horizontal and the lower
(500 ml) was predicted by the increase in velocity limbs raised to 458, causes a transfer of venous blood
time integral (VTI) of the left ventricular outflow sufficient to increase the cardiac preload and to test
tract, a reflection of stroke volume measured by preload responsiveness. The reliability of the passive
echocardiography, induced by the infusion of this leg raising (PLR) test has been established today
small amount of fluid [7]. &
[13 ]. The last version of the Surviving Sepsis Cam-
In our opinion, the main limitation of the ‘mini’ paign recommends to use the PLR test as a ‘dynamic’
fluid challenge is that it induces only small changes measure for guiding the fluid strategy during septic
in cardiac output so that the technique used to shock [4]. The advantage of the test is that it can be
measure these changes must be very precise used in many circumstances where pulse pressure
(Table 1). In this regard, echocardiography is proba- variation (PPV)/stroke volume variation (SVV) are
bly not the most appropriate tool. Pulse contour not valid, such as spontaneous breathing, cardiac

Table 1. Summary of methods predicting preload responsiveness with diagnostic threshold and limitations

Method Variable Threshold Main limitations

Pulse pressure/Stroke volume Pulse pressure or 12% Cannot be used in case of spontaneous breathing, cardiac
variations stroke volume arrhythmias, low tidal volume/lung compliance
Inferior vena cava diameter Diameter 12% Cannot be used in case of spontaneous breathing, low tidal
variations volume/lung compliance
Superior vena cava diameter Diameter 36%a  Requires performing transoesophageal Doppler
variations  Cannot be used in case of spontaneous breathing, low tidal
volume/lung compliance
Passive leg raising Cardiac output 10% Requires a direct measurement of cardiac output
End-expiratory occlusion test Cardiac output 5%  Cannot be used in nonintubated patients
 Cannot be used in patients who interrupt a 15-s respiratory
‘Mini’-fluid challenge (100 ml) Cardiac output 6%b Requires a precise technique for measuring cardiac output
‘Conventional’ fluid challenge Cardiac output 15%  Requires a direct measurement of cardiac output
(500 ml)  Induces fluid overload if repeated
Tidal volume fluid challenge Pulse pressure variation 3.5% Requires a precise technique for measuring cardiac output

Thresholds from 12 to 40% have been reported.
10% is more compatible with echography precision. Citations indicate the most important reference regarding the test.

2 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Tripti; MCC/240310; Total nos of Pages: 6;
MCC 240310

Fluid responsiveness Monnet and Teboul

arrhythmias, and ventilation with a low tidal vol- mechanical ventilation for 15 s at and expiration
ume or low pulmonary compliance [14–16]. The and observing changes in cardiac output. If this
test must be performed respecting a few simple increases by more than 5%, the test is positive,
but essential rules [17]. and the patient is most likely preload responsive
One of the limitations of the PLR test is that it [28]. The initial findings have been recently con-
cannot be performed in some circumstances like firmed with a 30-s EEO test [29 ].
during surgical interventions or in patients during In fact, the test is based on the premise that
prone positioning (Table 1). In the latter circum- when ventilation is stopped at expiration, the cyclic
stance, replacing PLR by a Trendelenburg manoeuvre impediment in venous return caused by each insuf-
has been interestingly described [18]. The main limi- flation is interrupted. This leads to an increase in
tation of PLR is that it requires a direct measurement right cardiac preload. The duration of interruption
of cardiac output [17]. BP changes are not reliable (15 s) is sufficient to allow the resulting increase in
enough to estimate the stroke volume changes right ventricular stroke volume (in case of preload
induced by PLR [13 ]. In addition, this measurement responsive right ventricle) to cross the pulmonary
of cardiac output must detect changes in cardiac circulation and in turn increase the left cardiac
output in real time to capture the maximum effects preload. This is an effective preload challenge for
of the PLR test, which occur within seconds and both ventricles. The essential limit is that it cannot
vanish after 1 min in some patients [19]. Pulse con- be used in patients whose respiratory activity does
tour analysis, calibrated or not, is suitable. Oesopha- not allow a 15-s hold without interrupting it
geal Doppler was used from the first studies validating (Table 1).
the test [19]. Changes in VTI measured by echocardi- As with the PLR test, the question arises as to
ography have been used in many studies [20]. whether less invasive techniques for measuring car-
Recently, several investigations have explored diac output are reliable enough to perform the EEO
other estimates of cardiac output, especially nonin- test. Recently, our team has shown that changes in
vasive, that can be used. Some of them have sug- VTI measured by echocardiography allow the EEO
gested that the PLR test can be performed by test to be monitored reliably [30 ]. However, the
measuring changes in blood velocity in the femoral diagnostic threshold was an increase in VTI of 4%.
or carotid arteries [21], even if opposite results have As discussed earlier, the precision of echocardiogra-
been reported [22]. The cardiac output estimated phy is insufficient for reliably detecting so small
from pulse contour analysis of a volume clamp- changes. That is why, to the 15-s EEO, we added a
derived BP seems accurate [23]. It was reported a 15-s end-inspiratory occlusion (EIO), which lowered
few years ago that the bioreactance technique cardiac output more in preload-dependent patients
was not reliable to measure the PLR effects [24]. than in others. When the absolute value of the
In fact, this device averaged cardiac output over a changes in VTI induced by the successive EEO
period of 30 s, that is, not in real time. Nevertheless, and EIO were added, they predicted fluid respon-
the most recent version of the Starling-SV system, siveness with a reliability identical to the EEO
which averages cardiac output over only 8 s, makes alone, but with a diagnostic threshold of 15%
it possible to assess the effects of the PLR [30 ]. This is much more consistent with the preci-
quite correctly [25]. Changes in end-tidal carbon sion of echocardiography. It is a likely that in the
dioxide, which are proportional to changes in car- coming years, studies will explore other techniques
diac output, are a completely noninvasive method to measure the effects of the respiratory occlusions
of interest [26,27], even though they can only be tests.
used in intubated patients perfectly adapted to
the ventilator.
Recruitment manoeuvres
It has been quite recently that the hemodynamic
NEW TESTS USING HEART–LUNG effects of these manoeuvres have been studied as a
preload responsiveness test [31,32 ]. In principle,
Following PPV and SVV, newer tests use cardiac the increase in intrathoracic pressure induced by
preload changes induced by mechanical ventilation recruitment manoeuvres is transmitted to the right
to detect preload responsiveness. atrium, decreasing cardiac preload. Preload respon-
siveness of both ventricles is tested by measuring
the resultant changes in cardiac output. However,
Respiratory occlusion tests the haemodynamic effect of these manoeuvres may
The end-expiratory occlusion (EEO) test, developed be ambiguous because the increase in alveolar pres-
a few years ago [28], consists of interrupting sure also increases the transpulmonary pressure, the

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MCC 240310

Cardiopulmonary monitoring

effect of which is to increase pulmonary vascular Another way to use PPV in circumstances gen-
resistance and right ventricular afterload. erating false positives and false negatives would be
The published studies, for the moment few, are to use it instead of cardiac output to judge the effects
in favour of the reliability of the test [31,32 ]. It is of a preload challenge. One study showed that the
interesting to note that, in preload independent decrease in PPV during a PLR test predicted the
patients, stroke volume also decreased, albeit to a response to volume expansion as well as concurrent
lesser extent than in others [32 ]. This suggests that a changes in cardiac output. Nevertheless, these
mechanism different from the preload decrease, like results are questioned by a recent study showing
the increase in right ventricular afterload, inter- that PPV did not track the changes in cardiac output
venes during recruitment manoeuvres. This suggests during a fluid challenge [39].
at the very least that more studies are needed to
validate the test, which will only be intended for
patients in the operating room or with the most RESPIRATORY VARIATION OF THE VENA
Regarding these indices, recent publications espe-
cially lead us to question reliability. Some of the
PULSE PRESSURE VARIATION AND studies validating the collapsibility of the inferior or
STROKE VOLUME VARIATION: CLEVER superior vena cava diameter found disappointing
WAYS TO CIRCUMVENT THE LIMITATIONS results, so that a meta-analysis reported a prediction
These indices of preload responsiveness, the first that was globally acceptable but far from perfect
that have been developed, are those based on the [40 ].
highest level of evidence [2]. Nevertheless, it is also In addition, a recent large-scale study found a
those with the most restrictive conditions of valid- moderate predictive value of both variabilities of
ity. The circumstances generating false positives and superior and inferior vena cava diameter [41 ], far
false negatives of PPV and SVV are numerous, espe- lower than in previous studies. This casts doubt on
cially in critically ill patients. the reliability of these indices. Nevertheless, it
Among these circumstances, mechanical venti- should be noted that even PPV provided a poor
lation with a low tidal volume is one of the most prediction of preload responsiveness. This suggests
common (Table 1). To circumvent this limit, a ‘tidal that the indices and tests of preload responsiveness
volume challenge’ has been developed [33 ], which were not carried out with sufficient rigor in this
consists in increasing tidal volume from 6 to 8 ml/kg ‘real-life’ study [41 ].
for a few minutes. If PPV increases at least 3.5% (in The respiratory variation of vena cava diameter
absolute value) during the test, preload responsive- shares with PPV and SVV that it cannot be used in
ness is likely [33 ]. The test has the advantage of not case of low tidal volume and spontaneous breath-
requiring a direct measurement of cardiac output ing. Nevertheless, a recent study reported that the
[34]. Sometimes, even during normal tidal volume changes in inferior vena cava diameter induced by a
ventilation, it can be difficult to interpret PPV, deep standardized inspiration in nonintubated
when its value lies in a zone of uncertainty (between patients provided a good prediction of fluid respon-
9 and 13%) described by Cannesson et al. as a [35] siveness [42]. The idea of using the respiratory
‘gray zone’. A recent study showed that in such a variation of the diameter not of vena cava but of
situation, the increase in PPV predicted fluid the internal [43] or subclavian [44] veins, which has
responsiveness when tidal volume was increased very recently emerged, should be more thoroughly
from 8 to 12 ml/kg [36 ]. investigated.
It should be kept in mind that during ARDS,
the false negatives encountered for PPV and SVV
are explained not only by the low tidal volume but NOBODY IS PERFECT!
also by the decreased lung compliance [37,38]. None of the indices of preload responsiveness has
Another way to circumvent the limitation of PPV shown to predict fluid responsiveness with absolute
in case of low tidal volume that has been investi- sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, the interpreta-
gated consisted in indexing it with the changes tion of these tests has an intrinsic limit. For the
in pleural pressure, assessed by an oesophageal purpose of statistical analysis, the status of fluid
catheter [38]. The method performs much responsiveness has been dichotomously described:
better than indexation by tidal volume. Neverthe- present or absent. In fact, the response to fluid
less, this method requires an oesophageal pressure administration is conventionally defined by an
catheter in place, what is still uncommon at the increase in cardiac output of more than 15%,
bedside. whereas it is a continuous variable. Is a patient with

4 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Tripti; MCC/240310; Total nos of Pages: 6;
MCC 240310

Fluid responsiveness Monnet and Teboul

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This is another study testing the ‘tidal volume challenge’, which in this one invasive monitoring: the way forward for guiding septic shock resuscitation?
consisted in augmenting tidal volume from 8 to 12 ml/kg. J Intensive Care 2017; 5:36.

6 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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