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Company Profile

Business Transactions
Accounting Records
General Journal
General Ledger
Trial Balance
Adjusting Entries
Financial Statements
Closing Entries
Post-closing Trial Balance
Business Transactions

January 2018
January 4 – Bought cylinder tanks (Acetylene, Oxygen, LPG) from D. Libunaw
Gas Manufacturing on account, ₱11,350.
January 12 – Paid the balance from the September 15, 2017 purchase of engine
parts from Auto Supply, ₱13,573.
Paid ₱3,070 for repairs and maintenance incurred.
January 15 – Collected ₱6,500 from Customer BF to settle liability on services
availed last year.
– Customer PM, welding job, ₱6,000, on account.
January 18 – Bought tools from Asumco Hardware, ₱3,200, on account.
January 21 – Collected ₱2,400 from Customer RCSC to settle liability on
services availed last year.
January 22 – Customer WW, fabrication, ₱28,482, paid half in cash.
– Customer 107 paid ₱10,948 to settle liability on services availed
last year.
– Customer C9 paid ₱14,300 to settle liability on services availed
last year.
January 23 – Customer BLC, lathe works, paid ₱10,000 in cash, remaining
balance ₱20,000.
January 25 – Bought 2 Acetylene tanks for cash, ₱950 each.
January 27 – Customer YHJ paid ₱5,671 to settle credit balance from last year.
– Collected ₱7,071 from Customer AEC to settle liability from last
January 28 – Customer GM, engine repair, ₱156,182, on account.
January 30 – Bought engine parts from BM A.S. on account, ₱5,150.
January 31 – Paid utilities amounting to ₱18,400 and salaries of ₱33,177.

February 2018
February 1 – Bought LPG tanks, ₱1,650, paid in cash.
February 2 – Bought Oxygen tanks on account worth ₱900.
February 5 – Customer FO paid ₱60,690 for various services.
February 6 – ₱4,360 paid by Customer NG for lathe works.
February 7 – Various services amounting to ₱80,200 availed by Customer CT.
₱30,200 paid in cash.
February 13 – Customer HL acquired services amounting to ₱137,812. Made a
downpayment of ₱50,000.
February 16 – Paid the account on January 4.
February 19 – Received ₱8,400 from Customer PC for lathe works.
February 26 – Received ₱9,250 from Customer SC for welding job.
February 27 – Paid ₱2,000 for repairs and maintenance incurred.
February 28 – Paid ₱15,947 for utilities expense, ₱12,000 for gas expense, and
₱38,534 for salaries.

March 2018
March 4 – Bought engine parts from Chrissan A.S., ₱3,500, for cash.
March 18 – Paid half of the account on January 18.
March 30 – Customer RCSC paid ₱10,300 to settle remaining balance from
last year.
– Customer HL paid ₱37,812 to lessen his credit balance.
March 31 – Paid the following expenses: utilities expense for ₱17,776,
₱12,000 gas expense, salaries of ₱33,330.

April 2018
April 9 – Customer RP paid ₱11,000 in cash for welding job.
– Customer BR paid ₱19,000 in cash for lathe works.
April 10 – Customer FMT paid ₱6,366 as partial payment for services
acquired totaling to ₱56,366.
April 11 – Customer ICL acquired services amounting to ₱50,750, on
April 12 – Customer FMT settled balance of ₱50,000.
– Customer ICL paid balance of ₱50,750.
– Paid the remaining balance of the account on January 18.
April 13 – Customer PB paid cash for fabrication amounting to ₱32,921.
– Customer HL paid his remaining liability of ₱50,000.
– Bought cylinder tanks, 50% downpayment, balance to be paid on
June 30 of the same year.
April 16 – Customer RD paid ₱22,300 for lathe works.
April 17 – ₱8,916 paid in partial by Customer TW for services amounting to
April 21 – Received ₱20,800 from Customer SC for various services availed.
April 23 – Customer 2C acquired services amounting to ₱19,000 on account.
April 24 – Paid ₱1,800 for repairs and maintenance.
April 25 – Customer 2C paid ₱12,800 to lessen credit balance.
April 28 – Services amounting to ₱58,823 rendered to Customer FC. Whole
amount on account.
April 30 – Paid the oxygen tank bought on February 2.
– Paid the following expenses: utilities expense for ₱21,657,
₱12,000 gas expense, salaries of ₱42,431.
May 2018
May 1 – Bought Acetylene for ₱950, cash.
May 3 – Customer FC settled ₱38,800 of his liability.
May 5 – Customer 2C paid remaining credit balance of ₱6,200.
May 10 – Customer BMP paid ₱18,600 for fabrication.
May 16 – Bought oxygen tank, ₱450, on account.
May 19 – Customer RDP acquired services amounting to ₱15,163 on
– Services amounting to ₱30,152 acquired on cash by Customer
– Customer RDF settled last year’s credit balance totaling to
May 24 – Paid ₱3,300 for repairs and maintenance.
May 30 – Bought LPG tank for ₱1,150 on account.
May 31 – Paid cash for the purchases last year at an amount worth ₱49,250.
– Paid the following expenses: utilities expense for ₱20,704,
₱12,000 gas expense, salaries of ₱36,417.

June 2018
June 1 – Paid the oxygen and LPG tank on May 16 and 30.
June 13 – Customer NCC paid ₱30,000 for engine rebuild service.
– Customer ECO paid ₱7,150 for welding job.
June 16 – Bought engine parts from B.M. A.S. worth ₱5,000, on account.
June 19 – Customer SC paid ₱7,500 for lathe work and fabrication service.
June 25 – Paid ₱20,000 as partial payment for services amounting to
June 27 – Customer PVB settled last year’s credit balance of ₱6,000.
– Bought engine parts from Chrissan A.S., ₱1,600, half on account.
June 28 – Customer WOO paid ₱48,500 for lathe work, fabrication, and
– Paid ₱1,700 for repairs and maintenance.
June 29 – Customer MWF paid ₱4,460 to lessen credit balance from last
June 30 – Customer DM paid ₱9,000 for welding job.
– Paid the balance from April 13 transaction.
– Paid the following expenses: utilities expense for ₱20,234 ,
₱12,000 gas expense, salaries of ₱39,880.
Accounting Records
General Journal

January 2018
January 4 Tools 11,350
Accounts Payable 11,350
January 12 Accounts Payable 13,573
Repairs and Maintenance 3,070
Cash 16,643
January 15 Cash 6,500
Accounts Receivable 500
Service Revenue 6,000
January 18 Tools 3,200
Accounts Payable 3,200
January 21 Cash 2,400
Accounts Receivable 2,400
January 22 Cash 39,489
Accounts Receivable 11,007
Service Revenue 28,482
January 23 Cash 10,000
Accounts Receivable 20,000
Service Revenue 30,000
January 25 Tools 1,900
Cash 1,900
January 27 Cash 12,742
Accounts Receivable 12,742
January 28 Accounts Receivable 156,182
Service Revenue 156,182
January 30 Tools 5,150
Accounts Payable 5,150
January 31 Utilities Expense 18,400
Salaries Expense 33,177
Cash 51,577

February 2018
February 1 Tools 1,650
Cash 1,650
February 2 Tools 900
Accounts Payable 900
February 5 Cash 60,690
Service Revenue 60,690
February 6 Cash 4,360
Service Revenue 4,360
February 7 Cash 30,200
Accounts Receivable 50,000
Service Revenue 80,200
February 13 Cash 50,000
Accounts Receivable 87,812
Service Revenue 137,812
February 16 Accounts Payable 11,350
Cash 11,350
February 19 Cash 8,400
Service Revenue 8,400
February 26 Cash 9,250
Service Revenue 9,250
February 27 Repairs and Maintenance 2,000
Cash 2,000
February 28 Utilities Expense 15,947
Gas Expense 12,000
Salaries Expense 38,534
Cash 66,481

March 2018
March 4 Tools 3,500
Cash 3,500
March 18 Accounts Payable 1,600
Cash 1,600
March 30 Cash 48,112
Accounts Receivable 48,112
March 31 Utilities Expense 17,776
Gas Expense 12,000
Salaries Expense 33,330
Cash 63,106

April 2018
April 9 Cash 30,000
Service Revenue 30,000
April 10 Cash 6,366
Accounts Receivable 50,000
Service Revenue 56,366
April 11 Accounts Receivable 50,750
Service Revenue 50,750
April 12 Cash 99,150
Accounts Payable 1,600
Accounts Receivable 100,750
April 13 Cash 82,921
Service Revenue 82,921
Tools 10,300
Cash 5,150
Accounts Payable 5,150
April 16 Cash 22,300
Accounts Receivable 22,300
April 17 Cash 8,916
Accounts Receivable 150,000
Service Revenue 158,916
April 21 Cash 20,800
Service Revenue 20,800
April 23 Accounts Receivable 19,000
Service Revenue 19,000
April 24 Repairs and Maintenance 1,800
Cash 1,800
April 25 Cash 12,800
Accounts Receivable 12,800
April 28 Accounts Receivable 58,823
Service Revenue 58,823
April 30 Accounts Payable 900
Utilities Expense 21,657
Gas Expense 12,000
Salaries Expense 42,431
Cash 76,988

May 2018
May 1 Tools 950
Cash 950
May 3 Cash 38,800
Accounts Receivable 38,800
May 5 Cash 6,200
Accounts Receivable 6,200
May 10 Cash 18,600
Service Revenue 18,600
May 16 Tools 450
Accounts Payable 450
May 19 Cash 53,242
Accounts Receivable 7,927
Service Revenue 45,315
May 24 Repairs and Maintenance 3,300
Cash 3,300
May 31 Accounts Payable 49,250
Utilities Expense 20,704
Gas Expense 12,000
Salaries Expense 36,417
Cash 118,371

June 2018
June 1 Accounts Payable 1,600
Cash 1,600
June 13 Cash 37,150
Service Revenue 37,150
June 16 Tools 5,000
Accounts Payable 5,000
June 19 Cash 7,500
Service Revenue 7,500
June 25 Cash 20,000
Accounts Receivable 46,090
Service Revenue 66,090
June 27 Cash 6,000
Tools 800
Accounts Receivable 6,000
Accounts Payable 800
June 28 Cash 46,800
Repairs and Maintenance 1,700
Service Revenue 48,500
June 29 Cash 4,460
Accounts Receivable 4,460
June 30 Accounts Payable 5,150
Utilities Expense 20,234
Gas Expense 12,000
Salaries Expense 39,880
Cash 68,264
Accounts Receivable 9,000

General Ledger

Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 92,910 92,910
1/12/18 16,643
1/15/18 6,500
1/21/18 2,400
1/22/18 39,489
1/23/18 10,000
1/25/18 1,900
1/27/18 12,742
1/31/18 51,577
2/1/18 1,650
2/5/18 60,690
2/6/18 4,360
2/7/18 30,200
2/13/18 50,000
2/16/18 11,350
2/19/18 8,400
2/26/18 9,250
2/27/18 2,000
2/28/18 66,481
3/4/18 3,500
3/18/18 1,600
3/30/18 48,112
3/31/18 63,106
4/9/18 30,000
4/10/18 6,366
4/12/18 99,150
4/13/18 82,921
4/13/18 5,150
4/16/18 22,300
4/17/18 8,916
4/21/18 20,800
4/24/18 1,800
4/25/18 12,800
4/30/18 76,988
5/1/18 950
5/3/18 38,800
5/5/18 6,200
5/10/18 18,600
5/19/18 53,242
5/24/18 3,300
5/31/18 118,371
6/1/18 1,600
6/13/18 37,150
6/19/18 7,500
6/25/18 20,000
6/27/18 6,000
6/28/18 46,800
6/29/18 4,460
6/30/18 68,264
Ending 400,828
Accounts Receivables
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 97,800 97,800
1/15/18 500
1/21/18 2,400
1/22/18 11,007
1/23/18 20,000
1/27/18 12,742
1/28/18 156,182
2/7/18 50,000
2/13/18 87,812
3/30/18 48,112
4/10/18 50,000
4/11/18 50,750
4/12/18 100,750
4/16/18 22,300
4/17/18 150,000
4/23/18 19,000
4/25/18 12,800
4/28/18 58,823
5/3/18 38,800
5/19/18 7,927
6/25/18 46,090
6/27/18 6,000
6/29/18 4,460
6/30/18 9,000
Ending 523,119
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 156,000 156,000
1/4/18 11,350
1/18/18 3,200
1/25/18 1,900
1/30/18 5,150
2/1/18 1,650
2/2/18 900
3/4/18 3,500
4/13/18 10,300
5/1/18 950
5/16/18 450
6/16/18 5,000
6/27/18 800
Ending 201,150
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 4,890 4,890
Accounts Payable
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 151,763 151,763
1/4/18 11,350
1/12/18 13,573
1/18/18 3,200
1/30/18 5,150
2/2/18 900
2/16/18 11,350
3/18/18 1,600
4/12/18 1,600
4/13/18 5,150
4/30/18 900
5/16/18 450
5/31/18 49,250
6/1/18 1,600
6/16/18 5,000
6/27/18 800
6/30/18 5,150
Equipment 1
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 450,000 450,000
Equipment 2
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 300,000 300,000
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 1
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 396,000 396,000
Accumulated Depreciation – Equipment 2
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 204,000 204,000
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 500,000 500,000
Accumulated Depreciation - Building
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 450,000 450,000
Recoverable Deposit
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 10,000 10,000
Utilities Expense
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
1/31/18 18400
2/28/18 15,947
3/31/18 17,776
4/30/18 21,657
5/31/18 20,704
6/30/18 20,234
Ending 114,718
Gas Expense
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0

Doubtful Accounts Expense

Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
Depreciation Expense – Equipment 1
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
Depreciation Expense – Equipment 2
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
Depreciation Expense - Building
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
Repairs and Maintenance
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
1/12/18 3,070
2/27/18 2,000
4/24/18 1,800
5/24/18 3,300
6/28/18 1,700
Ending 11,870
Salaries and Wages
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
1/31/18 33,177
2/28/18 38,534
3/31/18 33,330
4/30/18 42,431
5/31/18 36,417
6/30/18 39,880
Ending 223,769
Tools Used
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0 0
Service Revenue
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 0
1/15/18 6,000
1/22/18 28,482
1/23/18 30,000
1/28/18 156,182
2/5/18 60,690
2/6/18 4,360
2/7/18 80,200
2/13/18 137,812
2/19/18 8,400
2/26/18 9,250
4/9/18 30,000
4/10/18 56,366
4/11/18 50,750
4/13/18 82,921
4/17/18 158,916
4/21/18 20,800
4/23/18 19,000
4/28/18 58,823
5/10/18 18,600
5/19/18 45,315
6/13/18 37,150
6/19/18 7,500
6/25/18 66,090
6/28/18 48,500
Ending 1,222,107
MBK, Capital
Date Description Debit Credit Balance
Beg. 205,137 205,137
Date Description Debit Credit Balance

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