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Hasan : (Ketuk Pintu)

Rossa : (Posisi Berdiri dan mengangguk)

Hasan : (Masuk) Assalamualaikum.

Rossa : Walaikum salam, Sit down please.

Hasan & Rossa : Duduk

Rossa : Good morning.

Hasan : Good morning.

Hasan : (Duduk lalu memberikan CV) This is my application letter and curriculum vitae, Miss.

Rossa : Okay (membuka application letter dan curriculum vitae) So, your name is Hasan?

Hasan : Yes Miss.

Rossa : How are you ?

Hasan : I am fine. Thank you.

Rossa : How was the traffic coming over here?

Hasan: I am so glad that the traffic was light this morning. No traffic jam and no accidents.

Rossa : That is good, let’s start the interview. Are you ready?

Hasan : Yes, I am ready.

Rossa : First of all, let me properly introduce myself. I am Rossa the manager restaurant. So,
how would you think about occupation opportunity in this organization? What's make
you interested to apply as the cheff ?
Hasan : I read on Newspaper The Post, Sunday release. I am intersted to apply as the chef
because I think I have the ability to be in that position. Moreover, cooking is my hobby.

Rosa : Do you have work experience with the same position ?

Hasan : Yes, Miss. I already have 1 years of working experience in king resto.

Rosa: Do you have the ability to operate a computer ? Could you talk different language ?

Hasan : Yes, I have. I can operate Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, Ms.Powerpoint, and Internet. I can speak

Rosa : so interesting. Where did you learn that language?

Hasan : I took a course to learn the language

Rosa: Yeaahh.. Anyway, what is your quality and shortcoming point?

Hasan : My quality is my soul and my obligation in doing something. I additionally like to learn
new things. My shortcoming is afraid of cat.

Rosa: okay you are the best choice to fill that position. I will call you later after our team decides
the choice. Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming.

Hasan : Nice meeting you too. Thank you for seeing me.

Rosa: (Berdiri dan jabat tangan)

Hasan : (Berdiri, ambil tas, jabat tangan, keluar dan menutup pintu kembali)

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