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Exam practice 4: Reading Paper 1 Part 2: gapped text ‘You are going to read an article about mobile phones. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs AG the one which best fits each gap (1-6). There is ‘one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. conquered yi “Inthe early 1990. the mobile phone didn't feature a debates about the so-called ations revolution’. ut singe then it has from obscurity towards ubiquity. Once ° "toy far the dite, today # has erosned ‘socal and grographical hourdaries to find its way into the hats f the young, the ld, tho rich aa the “poor: even int communities largely untouched by cother modern technobigien nce of malmtaining contact with family in “wthich they are the only children, Somali traders on Tn spite of the high ince uf phowe theft this p values the security of knowing that assistance {Hf ome ~ i only a call aay. They were the first to see the potential of text messaging. ‘haa, wo Dillion text-memaages were sent the wrk in 2000 sone, and tis tafe has ‘intensified, with an estimated cight billion pm in 2004, with mach of thi growth coming hers under ihe age of25. In Japan. the teenage ton has become known as oy yu eda amb erihe" om account of the dexterity with ext unaccountable to am older generation. Bat and text messaging are only part of the story ~ 00 hew do we ecotnt for the rst of How the mobile the world ‘Seudie Plant follows the invention that has changed the way societies work "The effets ofthis extend bey these travels ‘even people who go nowhere face new instublities traditional structures. of employment, family. omen etty ool colaralaliagataeeteriel Fy eee eee, = ‘and commodities a | ‘Eren im the Went, where phone ownership ‘once only available to thove with ised alee. real income and a larger amv of ean, alent Gtnyone cam now by a mobile phone off the she. 90 ‘The mobi also ads and anoncesto the more subse fener of mobility which mark to many Contemporary lives: the restr, mon-commital feoting hat all late are contingent and might ‘ehamar at any time: an awareness that life is ‘unpredictable and insecure. a) ‘Docs tha sound ke an exaggeration? Think about sn eared athe person, femal the tine, a eb hone i something ta whieh people rom pein!) tached. Tt alters the esperenee sf slit, 50 Proving «stream of ways to ll dead time and otant reminders tabs seam — hat one Bat tein the developing world thatthe mile phone's impact hey linen the most immediate. 55 ‘oe of weveal esumtren in which jess ‘ore, teed me. pallid $ilige tekpdabe ometimes powered by solar ergy, amd often ‘offering access to the latest digital services. For Exam practice 4: Reading i A Indeed, in Thailand, many students old E-Mobile phones encourage and respond to tne that they could move south to Bangkok this, In China, which i aitneasing vaet, ‘only when their parents were assured th iam af people tothe cities rom the they could keep in touch by mobile phone. side, the mabile bas become Meanveile, inthe West. jar i the ‘erucial part of migrant Lf: a way ta keep park can be abserved conducting their jn tome with families hock home and aloe ‘personal banking on a mile hanes ‘s means of entablishing oneself in a new social environment Bn the light ofthis phenomenal growth in ‘usage, Las commlssioned last year FP Because it connects individuals rather than study the sociological impact af the mobile locations the mobile phen alters people phone through several regione ofthe ‘expectations about such things; about what ‘world. I was amazed to sve how fast how is possible and desirable, and changes the far and with what diversity the mobi parameters of thee socal lives. Ieaffects phone has spreml. Because it extends « their perceptions of themselves, their ‘most basie human quality ~ the ability to ‘boundaries and eapacitie, and becomes communicate ~ there are few aspects of life part of wh that i fails to touch. 9 are © Meanwhile in Wirmingham, lolescent girls convinced me that because © Historian ind sociclgiat ae chacs to thin ina parallel development. The telephone ‘mobile phones ‘make it cool to talk’, even arrived atthe exact period when it wa: their most taviturn male friende are ‘needed for the organisation of great eitios becoming mare commaneative. Indeed, twonngrrs have beeome tae conduits through which mobile phones have Found i their way into the wider society. Fo ‘people are now om the move, whether ax young throughout the war, the sense commuters, nomadie workers, Freedom of movement snd the privacy | Iackpackers,freelaneers exiles or afforded by the mobile aee highly valued migrants 1D Mobiles have changed the parameters of Public space, too. blurring the edges of that private world, Visible anal ante to all, their usage has rewritten many social ‘alos about where, when and what one should communicate Exam practice 4: Use of English Paper 3 Part 3: word formation For questions 1-10. read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the erd of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same lina, Thore is an example at the ‘beginning (9) Example: [5] [oTat ely] TTT TL O11 Can you be addicted to Coffee? Until recently, | was a coffee addict, and coffee was part of my (0). life. Looking back, | can see I was utterly DAY. a ‘on a regular dose to get me through the day. RELY After the first cup at breakfast, 'd fee! (2) and VIGOR ready to face the world; but unless | had another mid- morning, my eneray level would slump and I'd become ®.. . Then one day my boss mentioned that he'd __IRFITATE given up coffee. | nodded (4) but the very POUTE thought of missing just one of my moming coffees made me feel (5) “it suddenly occurred to me that I might EASY. have become (6) . on the stuff, DEPEND ‘The definition of an addiction is ‘taking 2 drug (7)... - EXCESS and being (8) to cease doing so without adverse ABLE effects. if | was looking for evidence of the latter, it wasn’t hard to find. Like many people, | sipped coffee all through ‘the working week, only to find that at weekends when my © dropped, | ended up with a massive headache, CONSUME {tried vainly to give up on several occasions, but within two days was back on it again. (10). discovered that EVENT it takes a full couple of weeks to get the caffeine out of your, system. But it's worth persevering, because providing you break the habit completely, the benefits are enormous.

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