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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.

Subject code: 2710002 Date: 06-01-2015
Subject Name: Computational Method for Mechanical Engineering
Time: 02:30 pm - 05:00 pm Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Find the steady state oscillation of the mass spring system governed by the 07
3 ′ 2 20 2 .
(b) The model of “sealed container with atomic waste dumped into the ocean” is 07
m  W  B  kv, v(0)  0 where W is the weight of the container, B the buoyancy
force of the water and kv is the drag. Solve the equation to obtain v(t ) and
integrate to get y (t ) such that y(0)  0
′′ ′
Q.2 (a) Using Laplace Transform solve: ; 0 0 1. 07
(b) Find one root of e – 3x = 0, correct to two decimal places using the method of 07
(b) Find out what type of conic section the following quadratic form represents and 07
transform it to principal axes: 17x12 – 30x1x2 + 17x22 = 128
Q.3 (a) 1 4 2 07
Find a matrix P that diagonalizes the matrix A = 3 4 0 and determine
3 1 3
(b) Verify dimension theorem for the linear transformation T: R4→ R3 given by the 07
, , , 4 2 3 ,2 4 ,6 9 9 .
Q.3 (a) Solve the following equation using Gauss-Jordan method. 07
10x + y + z = 12
2x + 10y + z = 13
x + y + 5z = 7
(b) Compute the flux of water through : | | 1, | | 3, | | 2 if the velocity 07
vector is , 0, (As F= and density 1 for water).
Q.4 (a) Lines L1 and L2 are given by following parametric equations respectively. 07
x = 1 + 6t, y = 2 - 4t, z = -1 + 3t;
x = 4 – 3p, y = 2p, z = -5 + 4t,
where parameters p and t takes all real values.
Find point of intersection and angle between two lines.
(b) A periodic motion observed on the oscilloscope is illustrated in figure 1. 07
Represent this motion by harmonic series (Fourier series).

Figure 1

Q.4 (aa) The folllowing tablle gives the marks secuured by studdents. 077
Range of
o marks 30-403 40--50 50-600 60-70 70-80
No. of students
s 32 45
4 54 31 34
Find thhe number of
o students who
w got marrks betweenn 50 and 55.
b) A bodyy executes damped
(b d forcced vibratio
ons given byy the equatioon. 077
d x dx
 2k  b 2 x  e  kt sin t
dt dt
t equationn when   b  k
2 2 2
Solve the
Q.5 (aa) By meethod of leaast squaress, find the curve y = ax + bx2 that best fit f the 077
followiing data:
X 1 2 3 4 5
Y 1.9 5.4 9.3 14.6 18.8
b) 1. Usinng Poisson distributionn, find the probability
(b p t the ace of spades will
that w be 044
drawwn from a packp of weell-shuffled cards at least once inn 104 consecutive
2. If on an averagge one shipp in every fifteen
f is wrecked,
w finnd the probaability 033
that out of seveen ships exppected to arrrive, four att least will aarrive safely
Q.5 (aa) Determ mine the larggest Eigen value
v and co
orrespondinng eigenvecttor of the matrix
m 077
1 1 0
A= 1 2 1
1 1 2
b) A 20kgg mass is resting on a spring
(b s of 47
700 N/m andd dashpot of 147 N-Secc/m in 077
parallell. If a veloccity of 0.100 m/sec is applied
a to thhe mass at the rest position,
what will
w be the displacemen
d nt from the equilibriumm position aat the end of o first


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